ITS PAST TIME FOR GALLOWS POLE AND ROPE FOR THESE MURDERERS. OUR DUTY PATRIOTS -That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall…
ITS PAST TIME FOR GALLOWS POLE AND ROPE FOR THESE MURDERERS. OUR DUTY PATRIOTS -That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. UNITE WITH GOD AND IN NUMBERS With Like Minded Patriot People WE Still OUT NUMBER These satatanic evils
"It will ne better if they have a millstone tied around their necks and then thrown into the depths of the sea than to offend one of His little ones." - Jesus
Which will not happen. Do you not get it YET that the evil demons control everything? Have you seen the republicans actually DO anththjng? No. They are all on the same side against us. There will be no trials or any other punishments this side of heaven except for patriots. Those in jail from January 6th are an object lesson for us all. Anything happening with them since their entire incarceration is unconstitutional. Anything happening there? Not much.
They will face punishment when they come before God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
The christian slaves contiue to worship their jewish masters, even with them throwing their negro army against us in every major city in the once white, and productive USA. And, the jews have our borders open. Still, on any given Sunday, some megachurch billionaire preacher tells his poor congregation, we are a judeo-Christian nation. A nation without borders, is not even a nation.
One solution, remove the limitation of the House members to fit a GD room in the Capitol. Build a new House of Representatives in the SandHills of Nebraska the size of an arena in a NO ADMITTANCE ZONE with housing for quarterly sessions. Return to the original number they represent .. meaning 10-12,000 or more House members who live at home when not in session. Only authorized entry as an employee or a House member.
ITS PAST TIME FOR GALLOWS POLE AND ROPE FOR THESE MURDERERS. OUR DUTY PATRIOTS -That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. UNITE WITH GOD AND IN NUMBERS With Like Minded Patriot People WE Still OUT NUMBER These satatanic evils
Rope takes too long.
.45 ACP quicker.
these satanic atheist impedohs NEED TO SUFFER
"It will ne better if they have a millstone tied around their necks and then thrown into the depths of the sea than to offend one of His little ones." - Jesus
Their's is coming, Praise God!
Which will not happen. Do you not get it YET that the evil demons control everything? Have you seen the republicans actually DO anththjng? No. They are all on the same side against us. There will be no trials or any other punishments this side of heaven except for patriots. Those in jail from January 6th are an object lesson for us all. Anything happening with them since their entire incarceration is unconstitutional. Anything happening there? Not much.
They will face punishment when they come before God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
The christian slaves contiue to worship their jewish masters, even with them throwing their negro army against us in every major city in the once white, and productive USA. And, the jews have our borders open. Still, on any given Sunday, some megachurch billionaire preacher tells his poor congregation, we are a judeo-Christian nation. A nation without borders, is not even a nation.
Go take your anti-semitism back into the gutter with you. You are a vile demon that we don’t need.
Criticism and research, is not hate. Refute my findings, not me. Otherwise, you admit I am correct.
Start building them Chief. Typing is not masculine.
One solution, remove the limitation of the House members to fit a GD room in the Capitol. Build a new House of Representatives in the SandHills of Nebraska the size of an arena in a NO ADMITTANCE ZONE with housing for quarterly sessions. Return to the original number they represent .. meaning 10-12,000 or more House members who live at home when not in session. Only authorized entry as an employee or a House member.