Gupta called Ivermectin horse paste when he knew damn well it wasn't, he's nothing but a paid shill for the government, Trump better not give that fucktard a job.

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boom...they running scared now...this puke, this Gupta puke is a brain specialist as far as I know...he sat silent as we watched Joe and knew something was terribly wrong...

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boom, he is a sordid individual.

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he lied, people died

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he knows it...trying to cup balls and clean up

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Anyone serving the criminal democartel deserves prison or worse!

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these people killed thousands with their madness, we need to find out how much Gupta pocketed

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Yeah, exactly right, Dr. Paul. Go to hell, Gupta. Or just get lost, you useless POS. Your lack of moral standards is disgusting.

Keep bringing the heat, Dr. Paul!

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boom, please share

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Sanjay appeared on Sesame Street pushing vax.

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you got it right

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sure did

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Sanjay Gupta is nothing but a self-promoter. Anything to get his own face on TV screens.

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IF if not’s over late next week-the democrat party will lose both houses

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correct and I think by folk talking to me quietly, he is gone end of next week

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The videoed interview by Stephonopolis was the last straw-it ended “ A career Criminal’s reign” over The American Empire-- We now will turn it back to the Republic

“If our citizens have the guts for a real fight"

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so right Milton, as you saw, that video more damage than good

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That Video was the end of Joeie’s political career, Stephanopolis had orders

to “rough him up) Biden was surprised it was no longer “ softball”--They want him “ to exit stage left”-Period-

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I think that would be fair to say, i think Moochelle is being set up to step into the breach

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hhhmmm, really interesting...but my sense is the public don't much like Big Mike...as much as they don't like the shia one...

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Just met with engineer at Nasa’s Boeing Stardship-- There is a freeze on any information with regards to the status and the crew-The starship was way behind schedule - so Boeing sent the

bloody piece of crap up knowing their was a helium problem amongst other issues as boeing got

4.2 billion -for Starship and Musk got 2.4 billion-( should have been the other way around but The FAA and the USDOD is intervening and trying to rescue Boeing at the taxpayor’s expense AGAIN-Boeing is facing 2 huge lawsuits as a result of 2 former 777 crashes due to Boeing;s malfeasance- “ when you try to put aircraft together with”Ductape\” - And Dawn liquid soap

“ it just doesn’t wash”--I though more of Bill Nelson but, being a product of a crooked Democratic Cartel- You get what you ask for- Looks like Musk is gonna have send his X ship

up to save the the crew- we have to get rid of these people in the FAA that gave cover to Boeing

or their will be a cataclysmal event that will take hundred of lives in the air and tragedy on land

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when I travel now, if its Boeing plane, I reschedule

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Isn't it enough that he was already deemed too mentally incompetent to be prosecuted? Shouldn't that have been the nail in the coffin a long time ago?

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These cretins kept his medical deficiencies under wrap Walter Reed Hospital sent Parkinson’s specialists over at least 18 times in recent history- Does not Parkinson’s have a connection with mental infirmity?-It is a disease that afflicts the motor control of one’s

limbs? No ?-

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Relatedly— without comment:

"Sesame Street's Rosita gets her first Covid-19 vaccine dose"


DESCRIPTION ON CNN PAGE: "Characters from Sesame Street talk to CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill about the children's Covid-19 vaccine. For more tune into The ABC's of Covid Vaccines: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Families hosted by CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill along with Sesame Street's Big Bird, Elmo and Friends. Saturday, November 6 [2021] at 8:30am ET on CNN."


MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: Oh, does Rosita have a boo boo?

ROSITA [green furry puppet]: Oh oh, no I [inaudible] this is from my covid vaccine. My mami and my papi took me to get it this morning. Hmm hmmm.

MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: [laughs and nods delightedly]

ERICA HILL: Rosita, that's great! Getting the covid vaccine is a great way to stay healthy.

ROSITA: Sí, my mami and my papi said that it will help keep me, my friends, my neighbors, my abuela, all healthy.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA: Your parents are absolutely right. You know, covid vaccines are now available for children 5 years and older. And the more people who get them, the better we're going to be able to help stop the spread of covid and keep everyone healthy.



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OMG what do these people think? Honestly? What? Push and Push, safe and effective and push some more, than oops dead and maimed, dead and dead and dead and maimed again! Got it? How can anyone prescribe to this madness?

Fraud? Yes Dr Alexander, fraud isn’t clearly defined. Ask NPR’s new CEO Katherine Maher, she’s a perfect example of “don’t poop where you eat”! It’s stinks the kitchen! Same for Sanjay Gupta!

It’s absolutely amazing how people like these two idiots believe, “They’re better than everyone”! Their own poop doesn’t stink! I decry, please ignore these idiots!

Problem is, in their minds and in their world, they actually believe their own poop doesn’t stink! Which makes them all the more dangerous and obviously delusional! Quite frankly, they “stink to high heaven”! Shhh, please don’t tell them.

Because our MSM is absolutely, the “Enemy of the People” idiots such as these two, are provided additional cover. The MSM falls in line as told to do, like good little “boys and girls” and will provide excuse after excuse, explaining away, how “Brilliant and Responsible” both these idiots are!

So here we go again. Let me explain. After I’m finished with my pasta, later on it’s exits my body the traditional way, out my arsshole! When these two idiots are done with their pasta, they simply “regurgitate” and eat again! Disgusting? Absolutely yes!. Which is why I chose to explain in such a disgusting way.

All these so called “journalists” are all “regurgitating-liars”! Eat chew, swallow, regurgitate and swallow again and repeat! This is the world they believe they own. In some ways they do. Until most Americans wake up and realize, they’re be lied to, this will continue regardless how low their ratings tank! Eat, chew swallow and repeat. Yes the repetitive rhetoric repeated daily! Same liars swallowing and regurgitating the same lies every single day!

What’s happening in the brains of people like this? Each would make a perfect case studies for

“delirium syndrome” or better defined as:

“Serious disturbance in mental abilities that results in confused thinking and reduced awareness of surroundings”.

Reduced awareness of surroundings is key. They seemingly are unaware of any surroundings, never mind reduced. The essence of stupidity is well stupidity! They hope nobody catches them at their “disturbance in mental abilities”. Unlike others who are streamlined, critical thinking individuals, as yourself Dr Alexander.

I do believe the “day of reckoning” will come for those who have continually failed, beyond any failure point, in order to present a story based on what they are told to say. Not what they have learned about.

Or report with a “fair and equitable” standard, for each prescribed situation. Have they no clue? Or have they fallen so far off the “standard journalistic cliff” they’ve “banged their heads” one too many times on the way down?

Thank you “Dr Rationale, for your own “journalistic integrity” above and beyond, over and under, every “journalistic galactic journey” your article’s take us on.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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excellent excellent piece again, thank you for helping us...

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You’re quite welcome Dr Alexander.

Thank you as well. Your “insightfulness” triggers a world of “creative thinking” reply’s with each article you post.

Brilliantly executed.


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Throw this Pharma Nigger in the trash

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well, this is ridiculous! i try to post this on my facebook page and in several facebook groups of which i am a member. i immediately get a message that the post has been taken down because they don't allow you to post something just to get "likes." how do they know what my motivation is? i post stuff all the time- covid stuff, anti-vaxx stuff. and this is what they take down? i don't understand algorithms

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For these past four years I thought his name was Sanjay Dupa. Another one that needs a beating every day for the rest of his miserable life.

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just for fun, go back and listen to the JRE when gupta was the guest. it was the first JRE i ever listened to- i had heard clips of some of them- fully and it was 3 hours long. i actually listened to it 3 times (ok, i had a sewing project with a lot of handwork).

it was mesmerizing and i learned real quick why joe rogan is such a great interviewer. he never treated gupta with anything but the utmost respect but at the same time, he didn't take any shit from him! believe me, gupta was shoveling some shit and rogan was tossing it right back at him, but so politely.

i called everyone i was still speaking to at the time- not many, having lost lots of friends to covid fanaticism- and made them listen.

gupta is like a lot of cowards, controlled by the golden handcuffs of a prestigious job with a high salary. he won't say anything that will jeopardize his position until it's safe, like colin powell coming clean about the WMD after he had comfortably retired. these people have no spine.

surely he's known for some time

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Oh my, this is very likely planned. For there was the possibility of him explaining why he had the found documents in boxes in his garage! Now excuse can be too senile to accurately remember so can’t charge him with anything. They really could tell( his handlers ) that if they play that card it could go their way- use another one of their puppet in place.

They already have that planned and in place.

This shit on tv is nothing new. The actors are in their places all playing their parts.

They are given the narratives that the elite want everyone to narrate.

No one really says out loud what is really going on.

They all know that they must play their little parts.

For they can not be that stupid.

They believe they are important and that they are protected.

Once they realize that they too will take the medicine and they are controlled more than they ever imagined- well , it would be too late.

Sadly the elites will not want the hem either. And they can only go so far to protect their precious family and friends. It will be out of their control.

Money does crazy things for o pile’s thinking!

Greed kept all mouths shut. Just to stay where they were.

Certainly they can not read patterns!

It’s all there.

Just to stupid to look.

The plans for Biden were hatched long ago and the narratives were given out to all the puppet actors to make it all appear like this was all organic.

It’s fixed.

They knew something had to be done to look organic and get the right puppets into place.

Who are they wanting to slip in???

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