He’s broke and needs the $$$

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He feels the devil's riding crop.

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Agree Dr. Paul.

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He is an expert at lying about them!

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Hummer, if used inappropriately, can destroy and murder. Yet, you don’t attack the inventor of hummers too. Why?

What about guns? What about cars? What about nuke energy stations?

Your argument is deeply flawed, Dr. Alexander. You do yourself a disfavour.

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That’s a false analogy, really. mRNA technology has NO use except it was designed as a biowepon to KILL. Malone still has contracts with DOD etc and he KNEW the damage thus technology could do, administered for a false pandemic.

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Nuke technology was designed to kill too. And look what came out of it: the cleanest and safest energy tech to date.

Thinking helps, you know?

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Try thinking properly. mRNA technology has killed around 17 million worldwide and maimed countless others with strokes, myocarditis, blood clots etc. There is no updpside.

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🤣 Let me follow your advice and think properly: mRNA technology killed as many people worldwide as hummers, cars, guns etc. killed: NO ONE!! ZERO. ZELCH. NADA.

(Evil? Corrupt) People on the other hand …

It looks like you use words which meaning you don’t understand. “Thinking” does not mean what you “think” it means 🤷‍♂️

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I think you either a troll or a fucking idiot. Millions have died from this mRNA jab.

Go away little man. Piss off.

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You joined my response/thread and you tell me to leave?? 😂


I am not the one arguing anti-science here.

You joined my response and you tell me to leave?? 😂

Go back to high school GIANT man 😂 learn some logic

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Come on, Dr. Alexander, did you REALLY think he would follow through? No way...and a no brainer. He wasn't going to do it. I wish I could have bet money on that.

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😂 word “troll” does not mean what GIANT idiot “thinks” it means, neither is the word “think.”

Word “think” is foreign to trolls like you in a language that you don’t even know exist. 😂🤣🤡

What part of STFU and disappear don’t you understand? 🤯🤣🤡

Now, get the hell OFfF MY thread 🫶🏻🕊

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🤣 Let me follow your advice and think properly. mRNA technology killed as many people as hummers, cars, guns etc. have: NO ONE!! ZERO. ZELCH. NADA.

(Evil? Corrupt?) People on the other hand …

It looks like you use words which meanings you don’t understand. “Thinking” does not mean what you “think” it means

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You go Dr.Paul! Shed some light on the dark path. These speakers are all such ego-maniacs, inauthentic and feeding into a negative. Whether we like them or not, they are surely all keeping secrets and hiding the truth. We all need to focus our authentic positive energy for positive outcomes.

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