Punch drunk covidians are impervious to common sense, logic, reason, facts, data, etc....Psychologically, they wish to be slaves.

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Once people let the dominators impregnate them it was no different than being a rape victim. They don’t want to talk about it and if pressured will make excuses for their victimhood. In China they literally took it up the ass with anal swabs. The Scamdemic was all about achieving mind control via the rape of humanity.

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Unfortunately, here in Italy, they're still clinging on to it with dear life. It's so utterly predictable and tiresome. I wish they too, would admit that the circus has left town 🤨

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The Italian government sold its soul to China when pre-scamdemic they signed up for their “One Belt One Road” program. Italy is infiltrated. It is no wonder Italy’s statistics were ground zero for all the overblown death predictions and “solutions” (mandates) that followed.

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The modern definition of a Pandemic is:

A theft device.

An effective tool for political and business scumbags to pocket innocent citizen’s money, rights, and peace of mind. Murder and pillage disguised as helping while making slaves out of the survivors who remain confused, divided and lacking focus as to how it happened and whom to blame.

The best we can hope for is people growing weary and losing interest while the scumbags revel in their plunder.

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I haven't looked at 2023 data, but during 2022, the mortality rate for hospitalized patients decreased by a factor of 5 after March 2022. For one reason or another the virus became substantially less lethal, even for the people who were checked into hospitals.

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1

My niece said she recently had the flu. Wanted Tamiflu. The Rx was denied because she tested positive for Covid. “What should I do now?” She asked the doctor. “Get some rest, drink fluids and take a pain reliever if necessary.” So that’s the Covid protocol now. Exactly like the flu. Except no flu treatment allowed.

During the height of hysteria how many people hospitalized with Pneumonia, Bronchitis or Influenza were denied treatment for those conditions because they tested positive for Covid?

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Watch Dr Mike Yeadons latest video warning on rumble and see how they scammed and killed us and continue to do so :(

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Dr. Yeadon has “liked” some of my comments. He and I are pretty much eye-to-eye.

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Dr. Zelenko theorized that his protocol, based on the zinc/zinc ionophore concept should work on the flus. In practical terms, not a bad idea to have some of his zstack around along with some additional D3+K2 for an extra kick.

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I agree with that protocol.

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