Ever since the slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” rollout, data has been truly beyond horrifying…From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality' Ethical Skeptic
Sharon, evil is in it worst form of darkness, which has been fully illuminated today!
This is how dangerous and downright evil this “illegitimate administration”, from the top down work! They’ve come out into the light with all their arrogance and determined disregard for outright “goodness”! The devil hates anyone or anything true and good, just and fair, God believing! This is why we’re seeing the transgender BS and their attack and mutilation of young children, the raping and disturbing attacks on woman, from sports to a simple walk in the park!
Veterans IMO, need to be on top of the list and deserve all Americans respect! The list of attacks is endless! This is all by design and until more and more people “STAND UP” to these bullies, “We The People” are doomed!
Thank you Carla for your input, I’m well aware of mRNA in our food, etc. I’ve amassed over 4,509 videos / articles since this scam started and prior too.
Sadly, millions of people worldwide haven’t any idea how dangerous these people are!
IMO, this is beyond overwhelming and most certainly the biggest attack on humanity in my lifetime.
I appreciate you pointing out the food part and as you probably may know, lettuce and tomato’s have been grown with mRNA. Or is it, mRNA is growing “lettuce heads”? Either way this is 100% deliberate and as I said above, the biggest attack on humanity, ever!
What an abomination! An absolute travesty! This is downright “MURDER” and still those responsible continue to “carry the water” when they say, “safe & effective”!
When will this madness end?
When will “RICH-MAN Fauci” be locked up and confiscate all his assets, (I mean take) take his “BLOOD-MONEY” for reparations to all he “MURDERED”? Certainly a start, IMO!
We need to start using their own words and actions against them!
Reparations: the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged!
I can’t believe more than 4 years now and not a single person has been compensated! (Aside from the movie ticket $$ and you still have to buy your own popcorn, insultingly minute $$ payment made to a handful of victims! Gee Wally thanks! Freaking murderers!
Do I sound upset? Do you think I’m still ticked off? Do you believe anyone should stop and forget this fight? NO, absolutely NOT! That’s exactly what they’re counting on. We can’t, Not ever!
With all the corruption and outright / downright thievery within the Washington “CESSPOOL” where these pieces of human garbage STEAL, I ask, HOW? How and WHY are these animals and yes, I mean starting with the president, right on down the line, still partying on? How? with the “blood/money” they received? And what about the additional dirtbags who were “rewarded” within the 15 additional complicit government agencies, who knew since 2018? And were 100% complicit, or better still, acted as an accessory to commit murder! Why are they still partying on?
“This insanity happens when there isn’t any counter balance”
Pardon my French, FUZK THEM ALL! Lock them up and lose the keys! Until there’s enough public pressure to “NAIL” these murderers, NOT A DAMN THING WILL HAPPEN!
This is incredibly disgusting behavior! Their continued disregard for the truth while calling these “BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS”, “safe and effective” is an outrage and outright disgrace!
Lack of “PUBLIC PRESSURE is the reason these “dysfunctional government dirtbags” are getting away with murder! And yes, non-government as well.
Thank you Dr Alexander for your continued diligence! Your 24X7 non-stop persistent work, exposing the
“CRIMES ON HUMANITY perpetuated against HUMANITY”!
These people knew exactly what the outcome would be and there’s only one solution, charge them with “PREMEDITATED MURDER”! Which is what has happened! What else can we call this?
The World Health Organisation & the UN were both set up for population control. That’s their main job. And they want full control over our lives & bodies. What will we do if they pass their “Treaty”? They will not be jabbing me with anything. And I am growing a lot of my own produce, as well as, medicinal plants. Forcing medical jabs will be the hill I die on. And poisoning our air, water, & food is not okay. These psychopaths have got to go!
Bill Blocking WHO, UN, and WEF from Imposing 'Rule, Regulation, Fee, Tax, Policy, or Mandate of Any Kind' Passes Louisiana Senate
"The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana."
MAR 27, 2024
In a landmark move on Tuesday for State sovereignty and local governance, the Louisiana Senate passed Senate Bill No. 133, a piece of legislation aimed at significantly limiting the influence and jurisdiction of certain international organizations within the state.
Follow Jon Fleetwood on Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood
The bill passed unanimously with 37 ‘yes’ votes.
Not one senator voted against it.
Sponsored by Republicans, Senators Pressly and Valarie Hodges, along with Representative Edmonston, the bill explicitly targets the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and the World Economic Forum (WEF), restricting their power and the enforcement of their policies in Louisiana.
The bill, set to take effect on August 1, 2024, mandates that “the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana.”
The legislation marks a decisive stance against undue influence from these international bodies.
Further detailing its scope, the bill asserts, “No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity.”
The move addresses state sovereignty and the role of international organizations in local governance.
Proponents argue that this bill is a necessary step to safeguard Louisiana’s autonomy and prevent the imposition of external policies that may not align with the state’s interests or values.
The bill’s passage reflects a broader trend of skepticism toward global institutions and a preference for localized control over public affairs.
As the legislation prepares to be voted on in the House, all eyes will be on Louisiana to see the practical implications of this bold legislative move should it pass.
The bill is a clear declaration of Louisiana’s intent to chart its own course, free from the influence of selected international organizations.
With its enactment, the state legislature underscores its commitment to preserving state rights and governance free from what it views as unwarranted external interference.
The mRNA food supply is proven to be a delivery method for extremely aggressive synthetic pathogens (viruses) that can penetrate the cell wall and nucleus of our cells causing disease.
APR 11, 2024
April 11, 2024: Two weeks ago, the Tennessee House of Representatives passed bill HB1894, known as the “House Lettuce” bill. The bill defines any food that "contains a vaccine or vaccine material" as a drug under Tennessee law and the “food” would have to be labeled as a “vaccine”
I totally agree with you! Had no idea they snuck in that 2007 bill. Congress (not all, but the likes of AOC and that ilk) has been bought off by the cabal
It's Amazing! I love it! I contacted my Senator twice already, haven't heard a word back yet. I think Marjorie Taylor Greene would be a good person to contact. She's got gumption and she knows how to move.
Sadly Sharon, so many people believe the “Bioweapon Injection” isn’t the problem! I use the word “sadly” because Americans are in a sad state of denial! Especially those who took the JAB!
So many people, including my sons mother-in-law, has had 4 veins in her brain tied off with “titanium threads” due to having a stroke. A month later, she went back into surgery, this time the doctors couldn’t go through her carotid artery and had to remove part of her skull to wrap 3 more veins!
To this day she continues to say, “It’s NOT the Covid shot”! So STOP SAYING IT IS! She was in near perfect health before she took the first shot mind you! Talk about unbelievable denial?
Similar stories are happening every day and in record numbers! Governmental agencies have lost all credibility, doctors have lost all credibility, IMO and the same “safe and effective” narrative is being pushed.
I do believe there’s a myriad of health issues not discovered and in time we may learn about them.
So sad. How old is she? It seems when a person is older, it becomes more difficult to ascertain especially since there is a big coverup of the facts. Also, ego plays heavily like you mention and a person who took the vaccine can’t admit a poor, but sometimes forced, really brainwashed into taking it. 24-7 fear porn was very effective, What a grand evil plan.
Thank you Sharon, yes it is quite sad, but more importantly is this denial factor. She’s 57, had recently retired and started a part time job and suddenly was rushed to the hospital.
She isn’t the same person whatsoever anymore. Obviously she’s lucky to be alive and her husband is completely demented due to 5 shots he’s lined up for! Why? I have know idea. My son has shown or I should say, tried to show them both what’s happening to people, primarily the “injected” ones. Not all and I meant to clarify that in my first post. Not all have been injured, at this time, though I am convinced part of the mechanism causing injury takes time. Time because healthy people obviously have stronger immune response.
America is in “denial”! Although I read articles on Substack regarding injuries, I can’t speak for other social media platforms.
In general and within my circle of family and friends, 6 people have passed! I’m one person and I know of 6 people who otherwise were healthy individuals. Right after Thanksgiving in 2021, a close friend whom I enjoyed dinner with on thanksgiving day, left for South Carolina to run in a marathon.
He competed for 25 years and 2021 was his last marathon! After the marathon he was out for dinner and “died suddenly” of a heart attack! He and his wife never made it to Florida for vacation! His wife is still in denial about the shot.
I could go on about the others friends becoming so sick and suddenly died, but now it’s so much more important to help people learn and or understand what has happened. Some people respond and others don’t want to hear it. I can’t understand why people aren’t screaming from the rooftops with what’s happened to them? It’s perplexing to me.
People shouldn’t be afraid to admit they were duped or scammed and purposely injured or worse, murdered. This I can’t understand. Nobody is responsible for entrusting their doctors, nobody! This is why I can’t understand it.
The silver lining if any and at what cost is, more people have been woken up and will most likely do their homework and not trust so easily, their doctors.
Thanks for your thoughts Sharon and we all need to continue keeping a “SPOTLIGHT” on this entire “SCAM” perpetrated on humanity, with malice and cruelty, IMO, because those people responsible, knew damn well what would happen! Especially Fauci!
Just in the last week or so I got dumped for just wanting to talk about it to someone I was dating. An seemingly astute and successful man but whose main news source is Yahoo, jabbed twice (just so he could travel) called me a govt conspiracist like his former BIL who has lots of weapons…. I was shocked with that comparison and attempted to tell him and show him to no avail. He has tested positive for covid at least 5x to which he seems perplexed. He is 2x jabbed, has occasional bothersome chest issues with congestion, wears a pap machine, talks wildly in his sleep (wondered if that is related to shots via brain injury). One reason I think he has no patience or concern to consider how bad it is, he did extremely well during lockdowns bc he was in a protected business and even fought the govt which made his business even more productive because ppl ran to him. He still is doing well and so he has no reason to FRET. Me keeping silent to ppl when sometimes I just want to talk about it, exchange info etc. like what used to occur in previous years is frustrating. On the one hand he says everything is about money, and govt is very corrupt, but won’t admit all the other is possible. He said he is very healthy too so that makes him a non-believer. I have other friends too but most I know were not jabbed. I see some questionable things with others but since they are older, its hard to say and they give limited info. Medical issues have become normalized it seems. I think ppl have changed overall. Their energy or something is different. Maybe its they are more complacent, lacking that extra enthusiasm or vibrance? Subtle but telling perhaps. I am reading that book “Brain Indoctrination” by Michael Nehls. He describes in detail all the methods used to push us towards acceptance of Totalitarianism which is the end goal of all this🥲.
The best part is Sharon, being dumped for talking a about a murdering and debilitating, God knows what’s inside these Bioweapons, although we know more today, should give you pause and honesty asses was this person worth it?
I’m certainly not a doctor nor am I relationship expert, I am however, pretty confident with myself and my life’s experiences. IMO, you’re better off without someone, than to be in a relationship with someone who “shuts down or shuts you down”especially when it involves your health and or your partners health. Basic human decency IMO, but heck we all have one and one of those too.
Anyway, thank you Sharon for sharing your thoughts and your concerned post earlier today. I appreciate your input.
I saw a video where bill gates stood before a group of cia and told them that they had a vax caĺled funvax that clipped the Vmat2 gene out of people who are fanatics. Might find it on duckduckgo since they don't use AI. They still have Fake checkers listed on there, but you should be able to find it.
Our unlovely government and specifically the VA has allowed 25 to 30 vets kill themselves everyday and this has been going on for over a decade. Why?
Do you know how much money they save allowing this?
Sharon, evil is in it worst form of darkness, which has been fully illuminated today!
This is how dangerous and downright evil this “illegitimate administration”, from the top down work! They’ve come out into the light with all their arrogance and determined disregard for outright “goodness”! The devil hates anyone or anything true and good, just and fair, God believing! This is why we’re seeing the transgender BS and their attack and mutilation of young children, the raping and disturbing attacks on woman, from sports to a simple walk in the park!
Veterans IMO, need to be on top of the list and deserve all Americans respect! The list of attacks is endless! This is all by design and until more and more people “STAND UP” to these bullies, “We The People” are doomed!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Thank you Carla for your input, I’m well aware of mRNA in our food, etc. I’ve amassed over 4,509 videos / articles since this scam started and prior too.
Sadly, millions of people worldwide haven’t any idea how dangerous these people are!
IMO, this is beyond overwhelming and most certainly the biggest attack on humanity in my lifetime.
I appreciate you pointing out the food part and as you probably may know, lettuce and tomato’s have been grown with mRNA. Or is it, mRNA is growing “lettuce heads”? Either way this is 100% deliberate and as I said above, the biggest attack on humanity, ever!
What an abomination! An absolute travesty! This is downright “MURDER” and still those responsible continue to “carry the water” when they say, “safe & effective”!
When will this madness end?
When will “RICH-MAN Fauci” be locked up and confiscate all his assets, (I mean take) take his “BLOOD-MONEY” for reparations to all he “MURDERED”? Certainly a start, IMO!
We need to start using their own words and actions against them!
Reparations: the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged!
I can’t believe more than 4 years now and not a single person has been compensated! (Aside from the movie ticket $$ and you still have to buy your own popcorn, insultingly minute $$ payment made to a handful of victims! Gee Wally thanks! Freaking murderers!
Do I sound upset? Do you think I’m still ticked off? Do you believe anyone should stop and forget this fight? NO, absolutely NOT! That’s exactly what they’re counting on. We can’t, Not ever!
With all the corruption and outright / downright thievery within the Washington “CESSPOOL” where these pieces of human garbage STEAL, I ask, HOW? How and WHY are these animals and yes, I mean starting with the president, right on down the line, still partying on? How? with the “blood/money” they received? And what about the additional dirtbags who were “rewarded” within the 15 additional complicit government agencies, who knew since 2018? And were 100% complicit, or better still, acted as an accessory to commit murder! Why are they still partying on?
“This insanity happens when there isn’t any counter balance”
Pardon my French, FUZK THEM ALL! Lock them up and lose the keys! Until there’s enough public pressure to “NAIL” these murderers, NOT A DAMN THING WILL HAPPEN!
This is incredibly disgusting behavior! Their continued disregard for the truth while calling these “BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS”, “safe and effective” is an outrage and outright disgrace!
Lack of “PUBLIC PRESSURE is the reason these “dysfunctional government dirtbags” are getting away with murder! And yes, non-government as well.
Thank you Dr Alexander for your continued diligence! Your 24X7 non-stop persistent work, exposing the
“CRIMES ON HUMANITY perpetuated against HUMANITY”!
These people knew exactly what the outcome would be and there’s only one solution, charge them with “PREMEDITATED MURDER”! Which is what has happened! What else can we call this?
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
The World Health Organisation & the UN were both set up for population control. That’s their main job. And they want full control over our lives & bodies. What will we do if they pass their “Treaty”? They will not be jabbing me with anything. And I am growing a lot of my own produce, as well as, medicinal plants. Forcing medical jabs will be the hill I die on. And poisoning our air, water, & food is not okay. These psychopaths have got to go!
Bill Blocking WHO, UN, and WEF from Imposing 'Rule, Regulation, Fee, Tax, Policy, or Mandate of Any Kind' Passes Louisiana Senate
"The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana."
MAR 27, 2024
In a landmark move on Tuesday for State sovereignty and local governance, the Louisiana Senate passed Senate Bill No. 133, a piece of legislation aimed at significantly limiting the influence and jurisdiction of certain international organizations within the state.
Follow Jon Fleetwood on Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood
The bill passed unanimously with 37 ‘yes’ votes.
Not one senator voted against it.
Sponsored by Republicans, Senators Pressly and Valarie Hodges, along with Representative Edmonston, the bill explicitly targets the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and the World Economic Forum (WEF), restricting their power and the enforcement of their policies in Louisiana.
The bill, set to take effect on August 1, 2024, mandates that “the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana.”
The legislation marks a decisive stance against undue influence from these international bodies.
Further detailing its scope, the bill asserts, “No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity.”
The move addresses state sovereignty and the role of international organizations in local governance.
Proponents argue that this bill is a necessary step to safeguard Louisiana’s autonomy and prevent the imposition of external policies that may not align with the state’s interests or values.
The bill’s passage reflects a broader trend of skepticism toward global institutions and a preference for localized control over public affairs.
As the legislation prepares to be voted on in the House, all eyes will be on Louisiana to see the practical implications of this bold legislative move should it pass.
The bill is a clear declaration of Louisiana’s intent to chart its own course, free from the influence of selected international organizations.
With its enactment, the state legislature underscores its commitment to preserving state rights and governance free from what it views as unwarranted external interference.
And yet, they're still giving out the mRNA shots. And yet, the CDC and FDA has to know the deaths and injuries they cause.
They All need to be hung.
Only way to stop thr problem.
mRNA Lettuces Are NOT Vaccines
The mRNA food supply is proven to be a delivery method for extremely aggressive synthetic pathogens (viruses) that can penetrate the cell wall and nucleus of our cells causing disease.
APR 11, 2024
April 11, 2024: Two weeks ago, the Tennessee House of Representatives passed bill HB1894, known as the “House Lettuce” bill. The bill defines any food that "contains a vaccine or vaccine material" as a drug under Tennessee law and the “food” would have to be labeled as a “vaccine”
I also read that in 2007 Congress passed a law allowing vaxxines to be in food. Evil.
This is beyond outrageous!!
Sorry Phyllis, I answered without going back to the thread. I thought you were talking about this one - https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/bill-blocking-who-un-and-wef-from?utm_source=%2Fbrowse%2Fnews&utm_medium=reader2
I totally agree with you! Had no idea they snuck in that 2007 bill. Congress (not all, but the likes of AOC and that ilk) has been bought off by the cabal
It's Amazing! I love it! I contacted my Senator twice already, haven't heard a word back yet. I think Marjorie Taylor Greene would be a good person to contact. She's got gumption and she knows how to move.
I just read something (this publication is bad for refuting vaccine injuries & this sort of thing).
Sadly Sharon, so many people believe the “Bioweapon Injection” isn’t the problem! I use the word “sadly” because Americans are in a sad state of denial! Especially those who took the JAB!
So many people, including my sons mother-in-law, has had 4 veins in her brain tied off with “titanium threads” due to having a stroke. A month later, she went back into surgery, this time the doctors couldn’t go through her carotid artery and had to remove part of her skull to wrap 3 more veins!
To this day she continues to say, “It’s NOT the Covid shot”! So STOP SAYING IT IS! She was in near perfect health before she took the first shot mind you! Talk about unbelievable denial?
Similar stories are happening every day and in record numbers! Governmental agencies have lost all credibility, doctors have lost all credibility, IMO and the same “safe and effective” narrative is being pushed.
I do believe there’s a myriad of health issues not discovered and in time we may learn about them.
So sad. How old is she? It seems when a person is older, it becomes more difficult to ascertain especially since there is a big coverup of the facts. Also, ego plays heavily like you mention and a person who took the vaccine can’t admit a poor, but sometimes forced, really brainwashed into taking it. 24-7 fear porn was very effective, What a grand evil plan.
Thank you Sharon, yes it is quite sad, but more importantly is this denial factor. She’s 57, had recently retired and started a part time job and suddenly was rushed to the hospital.
She isn’t the same person whatsoever anymore. Obviously she’s lucky to be alive and her husband is completely demented due to 5 shots he’s lined up for! Why? I have know idea. My son has shown or I should say, tried to show them both what’s happening to people, primarily the “injected” ones. Not all and I meant to clarify that in my first post. Not all have been injured, at this time, though I am convinced part of the mechanism causing injury takes time. Time because healthy people obviously have stronger immune response.
America is in “denial”! Although I read articles on Substack regarding injuries, I can’t speak for other social media platforms.
In general and within my circle of family and friends, 6 people have passed! I’m one person and I know of 6 people who otherwise were healthy individuals. Right after Thanksgiving in 2021, a close friend whom I enjoyed dinner with on thanksgiving day, left for South Carolina to run in a marathon.
He competed for 25 years and 2021 was his last marathon! After the marathon he was out for dinner and “died suddenly” of a heart attack! He and his wife never made it to Florida for vacation! His wife is still in denial about the shot.
I could go on about the others friends becoming so sick and suddenly died, but now it’s so much more important to help people learn and or understand what has happened. Some people respond and others don’t want to hear it. I can’t understand why people aren’t screaming from the rooftops with what’s happened to them? It’s perplexing to me.
People shouldn’t be afraid to admit they were duped or scammed and purposely injured or worse, murdered. This I can’t understand. Nobody is responsible for entrusting their doctors, nobody! This is why I can’t understand it.
The silver lining if any and at what cost is, more people have been woken up and will most likely do their homework and not trust so easily, their doctors.
Thanks for your thoughts Sharon and we all need to continue keeping a “SPOTLIGHT” on this entire “SCAM” perpetrated on humanity, with malice and cruelty, IMO, because those people responsible, knew damn well what would happen! Especially Fauci!
Just in the last week or so I got dumped for just wanting to talk about it to someone I was dating. An seemingly astute and successful man but whose main news source is Yahoo, jabbed twice (just so he could travel) called me a govt conspiracist like his former BIL who has lots of weapons…. I was shocked with that comparison and attempted to tell him and show him to no avail. He has tested positive for covid at least 5x to which he seems perplexed. He is 2x jabbed, has occasional bothersome chest issues with congestion, wears a pap machine, talks wildly in his sleep (wondered if that is related to shots via brain injury). One reason I think he has no patience or concern to consider how bad it is, he did extremely well during lockdowns bc he was in a protected business and even fought the govt which made his business even more productive because ppl ran to him. He still is doing well and so he has no reason to FRET. Me keeping silent to ppl when sometimes I just want to talk about it, exchange info etc. like what used to occur in previous years is frustrating. On the one hand he says everything is about money, and govt is very corrupt, but won’t admit all the other is possible. He said he is very healthy too so that makes him a non-believer. I have other friends too but most I know were not jabbed. I see some questionable things with others but since they are older, its hard to say and they give limited info. Medical issues have become normalized it seems. I think ppl have changed overall. Their energy or something is different. Maybe its they are more complacent, lacking that extra enthusiasm or vibrance? Subtle but telling perhaps. I am reading that book “Brain Indoctrination” by Michael Nehls. He describes in detail all the methods used to push us towards acceptance of Totalitarianism which is the end goal of all this🥲.
The best part is Sharon, being dumped for talking a about a murdering and debilitating, God knows what’s inside these Bioweapons, although we know more today, should give you pause and honesty asses was this person worth it?
I’m certainly not a doctor nor am I relationship expert, I am however, pretty confident with myself and my life’s experiences. IMO, you’re better off without someone, than to be in a relationship with someone who “shuts down or shuts you down”especially when it involves your health and or your partners health. Basic human decency IMO, but heck we all have one and one of those too.
Anyway, thank you Sharon for sharing your thoughts and your concerned post earlier today. I appreciate your input.
I saw a video where bill gates stood before a group of cia and told them that they had a vax caĺled funvax that clipped the Vmat2 gene out of people who are fanatics. Might find it on duckduckgo since they don't use AI. They still have Fake checkers listed on there, but you should be able to find it.