I keep hoping that something will break loose, and turn this ship around. I wished for lawsuits. Some have occurred, but that has not stopped anything. The smear campaigns continue on afterwards, like Nick Sandman, Trump after everything proved to be lies (Russiagate, Ukraine call, ridiculous pee tape), vaccines don't work, the lies ab…
I keep hoping that something will break loose, and turn this ship around. I wished for lawsuits. Some have occurred, but that has not stopped anything. The smear campaigns continue on afterwards, like Nick Sandman, Trump after everything proved to be lies (Russiagate, Ukraine call, ridiculous pee tape), vaccines don't work, the lies about J6 (5 police were murdered, lie- Biden recently repeated that lie. That never happened; one cop died of a stroke after he went home. However two J6 protesters were hit with flash bangs and died, woman was beaten by cops and died, Ashli Babbitt wash shot and killed).
Some one as smart as Dr. Malone said he donated to Biden and I assumed he voted for him. I admire his admitting he was wrong. If he can be taken in anyone can. How he didn't see the intensive smears and nasty journalists as abnormal behavior is baffling. All the red flags were there, but some people did not and some still do not see through the BS.
From his substack article, "I thought that CNN, the Washington Post, The New York Times and Atlantic Monthly were balanced, professional sources of news and opinion, and Fox News was primarily preying on old people who were angry about how fast the world was changing. ......"Russian” disinformation operations were the major threat to social media, and internet trollery was an annoying fact of life that just had to be dealt with in a free society. I thought that the World Economic Forum was a group of trendy rich people who met annually in the mountains of Davos, Switzerland to hang out, see and be seen, drink expensive wine and watch TED talks."
I like that he has awakened, instead of going woke. I can relate, however, I came to the conclusion way before during Trump's reign that something is terribly wrong. Once you realize that, you begin to see and find out everything you ever believed good about the Govt is wrong. Trump was right, the Gov is full of swamp rats. Wars are fought for money, lobbyists really do control everything. Obama whom I never trusted, and he proved through his Presidency he is evil. I read parts of a book he wrote before his first term. It was lent to me by a friend on my commute to work on the train. It was dripping with arrogance, self-inflated ego, and prejudice. My friend saw something different in the book. I never told him how I felt. Obama put in place a lot of what is happening; Obamacare, firing Officers and replacing them in the military, assigning John Brennan head of CIA, start of BLM, etc.
How do you stop the world's richest people, how do you retake control? Trump had 4 years and had an uphill battle against the swamp. Despite all he did good, they smeared and did the "wrap up smear" with the Media's help. He who controls the media controls the minds of the public ~ Noam Chomsky. In a Democracy, public opinion is crucial to politics and formulating policy. Public opinion no longer matters in Communist/Totalitarian state. Those who resist have been crushed by the "Red Guard, Stasi, Gestapo, Fidel Castro's Red Gestapo," whatever their name, the intent is the same. Biden's last speech was threatening and he made threats to US Citizens during the speech, totally unheard of ever happening before in US.
I keep hoping that something will break loose, and turn this ship around. I wished for lawsuits. Some have occurred, but that has not stopped anything. The smear campaigns continue on afterwards, like Nick Sandman, Trump after everything proved to be lies (Russiagate, Ukraine call, ridiculous pee tape), vaccines don't work, the lies about J6 (5 police were murdered, lie- Biden recently repeated that lie. That never happened; one cop died of a stroke after he went home. However two J6 protesters were hit with flash bangs and died, woman was beaten by cops and died, Ashli Babbitt wash shot and killed).
Some one as smart as Dr. Malone said he donated to Biden and I assumed he voted for him. I admire his admitting he was wrong. If he can be taken in anyone can. How he didn't see the intensive smears and nasty journalists as abnormal behavior is baffling. All the red flags were there, but some people did not and some still do not see through the BS.
Dr. Malone's Article, "The Way we were" https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-way-we-were?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
From his substack article, "I thought that CNN, the Washington Post, The New York Times and Atlantic Monthly were balanced, professional sources of news and opinion, and Fox News was primarily preying on old people who were angry about how fast the world was changing. ......"Russian” disinformation operations were the major threat to social media, and internet trollery was an annoying fact of life that just had to be dealt with in a free society. I thought that the World Economic Forum was a group of trendy rich people who met annually in the mountains of Davos, Switzerland to hang out, see and be seen, drink expensive wine and watch TED talks."
I like that he has awakened, instead of going woke. I can relate, however, I came to the conclusion way before during Trump's reign that something is terribly wrong. Once you realize that, you begin to see and find out everything you ever believed good about the Govt is wrong. Trump was right, the Gov is full of swamp rats. Wars are fought for money, lobbyists really do control everything. Obama whom I never trusted, and he proved through his Presidency he is evil. I read parts of a book he wrote before his first term. It was lent to me by a friend on my commute to work on the train. It was dripping with arrogance, self-inflated ego, and prejudice. My friend saw something different in the book. I never told him how I felt. Obama put in place a lot of what is happening; Obamacare, firing Officers and replacing them in the military, assigning John Brennan head of CIA, start of BLM, etc.
How do you stop the world's richest people, how do you retake control? Trump had 4 years and had an uphill battle against the swamp. Despite all he did good, they smeared and did the "wrap up smear" with the Media's help. He who controls the media controls the minds of the public ~ Noam Chomsky. In a Democracy, public opinion is crucial to politics and formulating policy. Public opinion no longer matters in Communist/Totalitarian state. Those who resist have been crushed by the "Red Guard, Stasi, Gestapo, Fidel Castro's Red Gestapo," whatever their name, the intent is the same. Biden's last speech was threatening and he made threats to US Citizens during the speech, totally unheard of ever happening before in US.
100% agree and we’ll said, Donna. I grew up under the communist regime and it was horrible :(.
I see it now everywhere in the USA which I have been calling “home sweet home” for the last 20 years.
Sorry Claire you had to grow up under communism. Where are you from? It is so frightening the prospect for the future generations.
Romania- no longer under the communist regime and most likely will never happen again.