I lived through “Remolding the minds” & brainwashing!
It was the chief instrument of Romanian communism under Ceausescu, another notorious dictator.
At same levels, I now “see it” practiced by my corporate employer, the government officials and all those people that are no longer my ‘friends’ because I chose not buy into the narrative and ‘smell’ trouble from miles away.
I lived through “Remolding the minds” & brainwashing!
It was the chief instrument of Romanian communism under Ceausescu, another notorious dictator.
At same levels, I now “see it” practiced by my corporate employer, the government officials and all those people that are no longer my ‘friends’ because I chose not buy into the narrative and ‘smell’ trouble from miles away.
I lived through “Remolding the minds” & brainwashing!
It was the chief instrument of Romanian communism under Ceausescu, another notorious dictator.
At same levels, I now “see it” practiced by my corporate employer, the government officials and all those people that are no longer my ‘friends’ because I chose not buy into the narrative and ‘smell’ trouble from miles away.