to understand how much the deepstate, democrats, RINOs, alphabet health agencies etc. were aligned against Trump; & I never supported the validity or safety of the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine BUT the
While it may have been perceived as a victory at the time, having the EUA for the COVID vaccines given under Trump's presidency would have gone down in history as a failure on Trump's part, similar to his operation warp speed. Trump got lucky that they didn't allow the EUA to be given under his presidency.
As it turned out...yes, TPTB would have used this strategically against Trump, yet somehow it doesn't count against Biden -- even now -- that the EUA and the vaccine bioweapon were rolled out on a timeine planned specifically for Biden's benefit.
All that mattered was that the Deep State succeeded in denying Trump the PERCEPTION of having guided an heroic solution to a (manipulated) pandemic with a dramatic EUA approval in time to boost his (winning) vote count in the 2020 election.
Many of us at the time thought it appeared obvious that the Deep State covid conspirators were working against Trump to stall approval of the covid vax until after the 2020 election.
Well, the EUA should never have been granted in the first place regardless of which POTUS was in charge. In late 2019, it was known Molnuoiravir could treat SARS CoV2.
So, how did the FDA determine there were no alternatives to a vaccine?
Well, the lied... the FDA has gone rogue and is under the full control of the Department of Defense who is at was with the population until we are all culled.
Well we are still under Biden’s presidency and fda authorizing adding the poison on regular schedule for our babies as well as advertising on multiple TV channels for c19 plus flu vaxxxx..enuff to conviction the whole lot of them
On Sunday night I saw a new TV commercial for both the covid AND flu shots depicting a pregnant woman(!) taking her little boy(!) to the pharmacy where they BOTH got the covid AND the flu shot at the sme time.
The voiceover encouraged this, stressing the new updated shots were now available.
Knowing the truth, it was distressing to watch pregnant mothers being lied to. (I believe the misleading ad was for CVS pharmacy.)
The Emergency Use Authorization for COVD clot shot was illegal there was no emergency. So the mandate unlawful along with the stupid rules saying a face mask would stop this or that then kept flopping which type. This is similar to a child being forced to take chemo therapy even though there wasn't cancer or if there was cancer the chemo did more damage than the cancer itself. If the parent refuses the state can come in and say your an unfit parent good luck getting your kid back. The children that survive they can be auctioned off thru adoption or the sex trade or body parts yep they doing it here too or even a sex reassignment. I wish this wasn't the truth yet it is. People got to align and form community we out number them remember!!! They are freaking out over that one.
Fauci said publicly in 2017 that there would be a pandemic. Dr. David E. Martinson revealed thru patents that both the Sars CoV2 and the vaxxes were already to go well in advance of the so called release. The former Phyzer Exec, Dr. Michael Yeadon, is flatly stating that the whole thing was staged, and there was no Pandemic.
I do believe Trump received some kind of support from Big Pharma, but I can't believe he knew the extent of what was going on. But if he didn't drain the swamp in this first term, how is he going to be able to do that in his 2nd ? I will have to leave that up to him, if he gets that far.
Dr. Paul A., I wish I could say I am surprised by this. But after seeing what the FDA, CDC, and the medical establishment did to quash early treatments such as ivermectin, antibiotics, etc., it no longer surprises me at all. It was very hard for me to believe or understand at the time, but I eventually had no choice but to realize that they really didn't care how many people suffered or died. Or else they wanted to maximize the suffering and death. It was so obvious, and I just didn't want to believe it, but it is true. Either way, whether they wanted it that way or just didn't care, it is just pure evil.
When “rogue goes rogue” there ain’t no stopping them!
One after another, these “rogue’s” have blamed everyone else except themselves!
Trump was responsible for the “rogue’s” Afghanistan” withdrawal! AYKM? Tomorrow Night will be one giant “propaganda stunt” and the media will be the ones carrying the lies forward!
The same way “Humpty Dumpty” fell off the wall!
(Is Humpty Dumpty real)? Not for nothing but, I think he is and nobody agrees with me. I do know, Humpty Dumpty could not put himself back together again!
And so today I’m saying
“Humpty lives”!
Yes, in the same way
“men are becoming women”because, as you know,
“when E.F. Hutton talks, people listen”!
Well we must stop listening to anything these “leftist-lunatics” purport as truth! Their lives are based on lies, all lies and until the masses start understanding this, the truth will continue to be suppressed!
Lies and more lies. Why do less than 13% of the population commit over half of ALL VIOLENT CRIME? Imagine this. Wolves kill domestic livestock. The farmer goes out and sees wolf tracks but is told he cannot target wolves because it is unfair to them even though they are the worst killers of livestock.
Farmers are told this is wrong and wolves should not be targeted even if the sheep kill sites have wolf tracks alone in the snow.
The reality in humans is the Truth of the matter. Police of course will target blacks because they are the prime culprits in rape, armed robbery and murder. So what is this BS about racism? Need Jesse and Al to tell their people that they need to behave and stop killing people, raping and robbing.
“So what is this BS about racism? Need Jesse and Al to tell their people that they need to behave and stop killing people, raping and robbing.”?
Edward you’ve been “targeted”and IMO, you are so exactly correct!
I simply used your word “targeted” as a reference to your point. Which is why I am, as you are and millions around the world, “SICK OF THIS BS”!
What’s happening in America is happening in Canada is happening in U.K. is happening in Australia is happening is happening, is happening! Yes Edward, throughout the western world nations, this same thing’ obvious divisiveness, “Is Happening” yes to divide us!
Something tells me the masses have reached their
“point of boil”! Across all the Western Nations. We must resist these blatant attempts to divide us! This is what they want, so see it for what it is and
“consider the source”.
Whether it’s the ultimate
Al- “Race-Baiting Champion” Sharpton or Jesse Jackson,
if this is who you’re referring to, I agree, when wolves kill livestock, kill the damn wolves! Unfortunately, anything which makes sense to you and me Edward, becomes the
“lunatic-leftists” targeted item! They haven’t an original idea or any kind whatsoever! And they “live to blame” someone else!
It’s become so obvious today. Primarily because, as a school child “crying wolf” might get out of going to school once or twice, eventually “Normal” parents figure them out. These people are worse than children, much worse!
This “cry-wolf” scheme children use, the “lunatic-lefties” do as well. We can add to this, the childlike behavior of said people for any given situation they’re trying to undermine or use to divide us with.
They’re grown-up children who never grew up! Which is why I say they deserve to be “slapped” big time up side the head, often! I don’t condone any violence, metaphorically speaking. Unless I’m physically assaulted!
Believe me you Edward, I’ve become hardened and wiser because of such ignorant, childish behavior,of such ideologues, who repeatedly tell me or any adult to “sit down and shut up”!
And I am not referring too
“Lefty Grove the “Hall of Fame”
American baseball pitcher”!
What’s happening within all western nations is deliberate and by design. You can literally watch on simultaneous news outlets, within each nation, report identical stories of news narratives, nearly word for word. The same example of news, going off like clockwork!
We can’t give up Edward. Which is what drives these people insane! The same way they learned to kick and holler while screaming and yelling as a child, they’re still doing this as an irrelevant, grown and unglued, “hingeless-hollow-core” door of a being!
Spineless too! As long as they have a crowd behind them, which is exactly why I’ve always said,
“bullies are cowards” so to are these “lunatic-lefty’s”!
While “cowering” like scared children, they run away kicking and screaming, crying foul, of coarse!
Thank you Edward for sharing your story. You’re encouraging, for we all, must stand together, stand against such moronic, nonsensical propaganda and blatant bias against common sense “good & decent”
AJR, one wonders why it is written, "the strongest steel comes from the hottest fire" and "steel sharpeneth steel." Adversity does not weaken, it but strengthens. Can we read of the horrid deaths of every disciple save John the beloved and not grasp the reality that the "servant is not above the Master?"
I do not expect anything but adversity, and as Paul the Apostle stated, he reached the time and place where he yearned to leave this vile Earth and embrace death to be with His master. That is an example for us that the same can and will happen to others who catch a glimpse of beyond the sunset. It is also written the enemy shall be those of our own households. How and why? I see it in my own existence and the cause? Love of money. It is the root of all evil. It was manifested by the jab. Evil lovers of money (idolators) traded money they got for the deaths of innocent people. It is always money and power which is money as well. That has been a constant even now proving scriptures true. Mr Gates, Mr Schwab, Mr. Aga Khan, can you tell my why turdo first after being elected went to visit the head of the moslem religion world wide? Come now, is it not apparent to all?
Mr. Schwab, will your wealth not hinder you in the end, when darkness fills your unseeing eyes? As it is delineated, it is a lie to say we cannot take with us what we own. But we do take with us what we have given away. But dig deeper to note that if one has given sorrow, pain, suffering and misery, as you have, that it is what you will "reap" to your eternal damnation. Hang on to that dollar, as it drags you to a place where you will find your just due. Stay stubborn, for your destiny in opposing Right is written on your soul that will be judged as will we all a split second after God removes His hand of protection to let death take us one by one.
It is so simple to see and know and learn. But your money has blinded you. Fool.
There comes a time when one becomes desensitized and angry about and towards injustice to the point one is not only desensitized to corruption and evil but in fact embraces the reality of being all in to the point he/she has no fear of anyone or anything. It came to me when I communicated to the damned CYSTem I am "all in" which means come hell or high water I am going to walk a straight course and engage the "enemy" no matter the cost, to the end. At that point one becomes a fighter to the end in the knowledge Right will and does ultimately conquer wrong. One cannot lose even if one loses because one soul has dedicated Itself to fighting the good fight in the knowledge the ultimate end will see Right as the victor. One will face things and people with no fear and do things one never before could imagine. That is the Power that compels one to fight the good fight with the assurance Right is on one's side. That is where we are today, and I can look back at fight after fight which I did not win but which the Truth won merely by me having the temerity and God given strength to face the enemy embodied by evil that I knew could not triumph. Even a temporary set back did not discourage me, or lies, or defamations, or most importantly what others thought right or wrong. The dedication to Truth and Justice can and will have a cost and one price I paid cost me a position and good life but would have required me to sell out for the thirty pieces of silver many settle for. So what happened? I started a business and that was over three decades ago and had a happier more prosperous existence.
It may not always turn out that way but we must step out and dedicate ourself to doing what is right. Opposition may come and go but keep your eye on the prize. Hard to do, and easy to surrender but in capitulating will come misery and pain. It is our choice alone. Look around here at Dr, P, Dr. J, and many others in the fight. While Dr. J is easy to look at, and Dr. P does not compare, you have two people, a woman and man of excellence of character and those of us following their examples in their shadows of fighting the good fight. And all are people to cherish/love doing what is required of them.
An old man of the "Plymouth Brethren" I befriended who called in to a radio talk show where I was defending the "Faith" connected with me and applauded my grit in taking the right position. I visited him often until he died but learned much from him of the Holy Bible. He had been a war orphan coming to Canada to make his way and defend right against evil. Geoffrey Radcliffe was his name, and there were/are other men of the Faith...Ernest Lindsay, Ken Watchorn, Ken Campbell, Ron Marr, Ray Abrams, Ken Sigsworth, Reynolds James, etc all good men I admired, the generation before me, who I can never even in small part approach unto who influenced me in a big way.
Some of these warned that turdo senior Pee ERRor in legalizing homosexuality and abortion did so to change the demographics of the nation. They were correct and not fooled. They saw judgment coming, and in asking a question, make a point. What "strange and foreign peoples" have flooded western nations who have an average per couple of 6.3 children while most of us have only an average of less than one third that? Who will the future?
We have embraced abortion, homosexuality, and other abominations God hates and as He used in earlier times also, "strange and foreign people," so He is today. Wake up sheeple, your survival is threatened. Ignore this all, but ignoring the coming hurricane will only result in a greater destruction. Fools! You are embracing your own destruction, pain and sorrow. You have elected workers of iniquity and evil people and thus created the means of your own demise. Fools with your woke BS, custom created from political correctness, DIEverSHITty, and at the root of it all, socialism and communism. You have forged your own chains and will wear them. Your children and daughters and sisters and wives are ravaged while you smoke your weed, guzzle your alcohol, and vape your damned brains out. Soy boys I call them, weak, wimpy white males too cowardly to defend your women. Corrupt law enforcement, sucking the dirty rear teat of DIEverSHITty drive the streets of cities already made dangerous by fake migrants.
Educators teach lies and apostate ministers teach apostasy leading billions to hell. When will they ever learn? History reveals what lies ahead. It is not pretty and we know who are responsible.
Death to the enemy should be the battle cry. Who is the enemy? One and the same who Jesus threw out of the temple. Get a life fools. Or get the recompense of your errors.
I didn’t think you could write anything more perfect than your last reply edward, you did! You certainly have and as you’ve said,
“At that point one becomes a fighter to the end in the knowledge Right will and does ultimately conquer wrong”!
This one statement echoes my exact sentiments! We must all become “fighters to the end”! Life has never been about “I’m right and you’re wrong” life in my mind has always been about “ doing right not wrong”! Sometimes mistakes are made, that’s different than a “deliberate act / choice”.
Today as you pointed out, there’s a reason why the “leftist” continues to push
“abortion murders”! I see them as “evil” and they will pay a steep price, IMO.
So many people have become fearful of, fearful from and simply fearful because of; Good God the only fear I have is “am I doing everything I can” to please my lord and savior Jesus Christ?
My guide is not of this world but rather a belief in 10 truly amazing commandments, which by, anyone can live, if they so choose to.
I certainly appreciate your wisdom expressing yourself and your faith in “right vs wrong”edward.
More importantly, everything you’ve written is true and simply put, “sincerely spoken” from the words you’ve written.
A most perfect description of who, what and why Edward! I’m not sure what’s happened to millions of people?
I do believe there’s a direct correlation to these
“bioweapon Injections” and a complete loss of
“rational thinking”. When I talk with customers, some break out in rage, as if to shout me out of their offices, disgusted with me because I say something like, a man is a man and a woman is a woman!
It’s as though any one topic sets them into action. I can’t pinpoint why except they didn’t act this way before lockdowns.
Something definitely has changed within some people’s mindsets, when they were once upon a time normal
Evilness’s, as you’ve described edward, has permeated and infected, average people across all walks of life, unlike any time before IMO. Some of these people always had open minds about everything. Not so much anymore.
Thank you edward for a perfect example of what we’re facing and why.
We choose who and what we are in many ways. There are many bondages. Porn, alcohol, weed, illicit drugs, promiscuity, sexual sins, pedophilia, etc
We choose what we eat.
We choose who we interact with.
We choose our words and actions.
Most choose who our political reps are.
We choose the church we go to.
Some things we have no choice in but we always have a choice to fight wrong and embrace right. Most people sheeple go along to get along and refuse to oppose evil. "He who knoweth to do right and doeth it not to him it is sin.
My big concern is girls and women who were under attack since 1969. I have 9 women of all ages unrelated to me who are friends. Most have been abused and hurt. The closest one to me has been my best friend for almost three decades. All are intelligent, discerning and inner beautiful. Some need my help, others need beneficience.
I have others in my client list I am close to as well. The closeness I speak of is not romantic, it consists of respect, trust, and cherishment.
To say my emotional needs are met is a huge understatement. Yes in my real life I am who and what you see here. What is one dynamic they all love? It is my intolerance of disordered fools and yes, there are some here but not many.
“Intolerance”? For almost three years during lockdown, I learned rather quickly how “intolerance” can be an asset.
Most of my customers became unhinged if the “forced mask” I was ordered to wear wasn’t over my nose. Still, certain people I’ve serviced for 6 years or more weren’t happy.
They wanted, rather they believed they could instruct their will over me, some to the point I walked out, without explanation.
I became very tolerant, almost to a fault for idiotic behavior by people I would have never known to be so controlling.
Yes edward “my intolerance towards disorders fools” became a chess match. Thankfully, the owner of the company I worked understood.
I can’t imagine being forced to line up for a shot, of unknown, untested, experimental product.
Still my intolerance grew inside, I spoke quietly to myself and went about my business. Many customers today haven’t said a word or acknowledged their “dictatorial actions” at my expense.
So, we learn hopefully or become better able to detect small behaviors people have. For more than 35 years working with customers, repairing their networks, I learned more in 3 years, than my entire career.
Never once had a customer complaint or problem occur. I pride myself, learned early on how “service excellence” was paramount.
Today, many people I once talked with monthly before lockdowns, are no longer employed. Some unfortunately, forced into covid compliancy / bioweapon injections, had horrible outcomes. They died!
I’m thankful for my ability to question everything, not follow but lead. Thanks to many of my
“God Given” instincts, I’ve moved on.
IMO, Covid was a deliberately imposed, mental Psyop.
Nothing ever has happened, certainly in my lifetime, like this, with such profound impact, with such deadly consequences knowingly! This disregard as so many are responsible for IMO is
“crimes against humanity”!
I believe those who attacked me mentally for doing my job have been shocked to learn how wrong they were, but they still have a “chip on their shoulder”.
Yes edward intolerance disregard and those who displayed full expression during, have much to learn from people such as yourself. Most likely they’ll see you as a threat, not an advocate, which is why, I believe our country has become so divided.
Thank you again edward for sharing your experiences and certainly your perspective’s and wisdom’s. I’m most thankful.
I remember that they, Pfizer, FDA, CDC, ALL of them wanted Biden/harris to have the win! They told them before the election that vaccine(?) was ready not TRUMP! That is how realized something was very wrong!
This information is even documented, and it was obviously an open secret in Eureope as well. This can be seen in the protocols from the German Robert-Koch-Institut RKI which were made public this year.
In the protocol from 28.09.2020 you can read: „FDA authorization before US election is undesirable, also not with the European authority, i.e. first results will not appear before November.“ (Zulassung bei FDA vor US Wahlen ist nicht gewünscht, auch nicht bei europäischer Behörde, d.h. es wird erste Ergebnisse nicht vor November geben.)
So the folks who claim that the „vaccine“ is our lifesaver prolonged its release so „vaccination“ started later to rig the election. It’s a crime whichever way you put it.
Hopefully we'll get past this pandemic issue and go to more current issues. Like Tren De Arugua steeling gasoline from oil refineries In Texas and the build up of paramilitary troops in Colorado.
Hopefully we'll get past this pandemic issue and go to more current issues. Like Tren De Arugua steeling gasoline from oil refineries In Texas and the build up of paramilitary troops in Colorado.
Hopefully we'll get past this pandemic issue and go to more current issues. Like Tren De Arugua steeling gasoline from oil refineries In Texas and the build up of paramilitary troops in Colorado
While it may have been perceived as a victory at the time, having the EUA for the COVID vaccines given under Trump's presidency would have gone down in history as a failure on Trump's part, similar to his operation warp speed. Trump got lucky that they didn't allow the EUA to be given under his presidency.
As it turned out...yes, TPTB would have used this strategically against Trump, yet somehow it doesn't count against Biden -- even now -- that the EUA and the vaccine bioweapon were rolled out on a timeine planned specifically for Biden's benefit.
All that mattered was that the Deep State succeeded in denying Trump the PERCEPTION of having guided an heroic solution to a (manipulated) pandemic with a dramatic EUA approval in time to boost his (winning) vote count in the 2020 election.
Many of us at the time thought it appeared obvious that the Deep State covid conspirators were working against Trump to stall approval of the covid vax until after the 2020 election.
Well, the EUA should never have been granted in the first place regardless of which POTUS was in charge. In late 2019, it was known Molnuoiravir could treat SARS CoV2.
In early 2020 Baric himself published showing the effectiveness of Molnupiravir: agains SARS CoV2. THere should have been no EUA.
But let's go back to 2010, when Baric published: Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture
So, how did the FDA determine there were no alternatives to a vaccine?
Well, the lied... the FDA has gone rogue and is under the full control of the Department of Defense who is at was with the population until we are all culled.
Well we are still under Biden’s presidency and fda authorizing adding the poison on regular schedule for our babies as well as advertising on multiple TV channels for c19 plus flu vaxxxx..enuff to conviction the whole lot of them
On Sunday night I saw a new TV commercial for both the covid AND flu shots depicting a pregnant woman(!) taking her little boy(!) to the pharmacy where they BOTH got the covid AND the flu shot at the sme time.
The voiceover encouraged this, stressing the new updated shots were now available.
Knowing the truth, it was distressing to watch pregnant mothers being lied to. (I believe the misleading ad was for CVS pharmacy.)
Yes CVS and Walgreens
The Emergency Use Authorization for COVD clot shot was illegal there was no emergency. So the mandate unlawful along with the stupid rules saying a face mask would stop this or that then kept flopping which type. This is similar to a child being forced to take chemo therapy even though there wasn't cancer or if there was cancer the chemo did more damage than the cancer itself. If the parent refuses the state can come in and say your an unfit parent good luck getting your kid back. The children that survive they can be auctioned off thru adoption or the sex trade or body parts yep they doing it here too or even a sex reassignment. I wish this wasn't the truth yet it is. People got to align and form community we out number them remember!!! They are freaking out over that one.
POTUS Trump declared his own victory getting the clot shot to market so fast. He is sa proud, he still brags about it.
Fauci said publicly in 2017 that there would be a pandemic. Dr. David E. Martinson revealed thru patents that both the Sars CoV2 and the vaxxes were already to go well in advance of the so called release. The former Phyzer Exec, Dr. Michael Yeadon, is flatly stating that the whole thing was staged, and there was no Pandemic.
I do believe Trump received some kind of support from Big Pharma, but I can't believe he knew the extent of what was going on. But if he didn't drain the swamp in this first term, how is he going to be able to do that in his 2nd ? I will have to leave that up to him, if he gets that far.
Dr. Paul A., I wish I could say I am surprised by this. But after seeing what the FDA, CDC, and the medical establishment did to quash early treatments such as ivermectin, antibiotics, etc., it no longer surprises me at all. It was very hard for me to believe or understand at the time, but I eventually had no choice but to realize that they really didn't care how many people suffered or died. Or else they wanted to maximize the suffering and death. It was so obvious, and I just didn't want to believe it, but it is true. Either way, whether they wanted it that way or just didn't care, it is just pure evil.
When “rogue goes rogue” there ain’t no stopping them!
One after another, these “rogue’s” have blamed everyone else except themselves!
Trump was responsible for the “rogue’s” Afghanistan” withdrawal! AYKM? Tomorrow Night will be one giant “propaganda stunt” and the media will be the ones carrying the lies forward!
The same way “Humpty Dumpty” fell off the wall!
(Is Humpty Dumpty real)? Not for nothing but, I think he is and nobody agrees with me. I do know, Humpty Dumpty could not put himself back together again!
And so today I’m saying
“Humpty lives”!
Yes, in the same way
“men are becoming women”because, as you know,
“when E.F. Hutton talks, people listen”!
Well we must stop listening to anything these “leftist-lunatics” purport as truth! Their lives are based on lies, all lies and until the masses start understanding this, the truth will continue to be suppressed!
Here is another problem.
Lies and more lies. Why do less than 13% of the population commit over half of ALL VIOLENT CRIME? Imagine this. Wolves kill domestic livestock. The farmer goes out and sees wolf tracks but is told he cannot target wolves because it is unfair to them even though they are the worst killers of livestock.
Farmers are told this is wrong and wolves should not be targeted even if the sheep kill sites have wolf tracks alone in the snow.
The reality in humans is the Truth of the matter. Police of course will target blacks because they are the prime culprits in rape, armed robbery and murder. So what is this BS about racism? Need Jesse and Al to tell their people that they need to behave and stop killing people, raping and robbing.
“So what is this BS about racism? Need Jesse and Al to tell their people that they need to behave and stop killing people, raping and robbing.”?
Edward you’ve been “targeted”and IMO, you are so exactly correct!
I simply used your word “targeted” as a reference to your point. Which is why I am, as you are and millions around the world, “SICK OF THIS BS”!
What’s happening in America is happening in Canada is happening in U.K. is happening in Australia is happening is happening, is happening! Yes Edward, throughout the western world nations, this same thing’ obvious divisiveness, “Is Happening” yes to divide us!
Something tells me the masses have reached their
“point of boil”! Across all the Western Nations. We must resist these blatant attempts to divide us! This is what they want, so see it for what it is and
“consider the source”.
Whether it’s the ultimate
Al- “Race-Baiting Champion” Sharpton or Jesse Jackson,
if this is who you’re referring to, I agree, when wolves kill livestock, kill the damn wolves! Unfortunately, anything which makes sense to you and me Edward, becomes the
“lunatic-leftists” targeted item! They haven’t an original idea or any kind whatsoever! And they “live to blame” someone else!
It’s become so obvious today. Primarily because, as a school child “crying wolf” might get out of going to school once or twice, eventually “Normal” parents figure them out. These people are worse than children, much worse!
This “cry-wolf” scheme children use, the “lunatic-lefties” do as well. We can add to this, the childlike behavior of said people for any given situation they’re trying to undermine or use to divide us with.
They’re grown-up children who never grew up! Which is why I say they deserve to be “slapped” big time up side the head, often! I don’t condone any violence, metaphorically speaking. Unless I’m physically assaulted!
Believe me you Edward, I’ve become hardened and wiser because of such ignorant, childish behavior,of such ideologues, who repeatedly tell me or any adult to “sit down and shut up”!
And I am not referring too
“Lefty Grove the “Hall of Fame”
American baseball pitcher”!
What’s happening within all western nations is deliberate and by design. You can literally watch on simultaneous news outlets, within each nation, report identical stories of news narratives, nearly word for word. The same example of news, going off like clockwork!
We can’t give up Edward. Which is what drives these people insane! The same way they learned to kick and holler while screaming and yelling as a child, they’re still doing this as an irrelevant, grown and unglued, “hingeless-hollow-core” door of a being!
Spineless too! As long as they have a crowd behind them, which is exactly why I’ve always said,
“bullies are cowards” so to are these “lunatic-lefty’s”!
While “cowering” like scared children, they run away kicking and screaming, crying foul, of coarse!
Thank you Edward for sharing your story. You’re encouraging, for we all, must stand together, stand against such moronic, nonsensical propaganda and blatant bias against common sense “good & decent”
people, of all walks of life around the world!
AJR, one wonders why it is written, "the strongest steel comes from the hottest fire" and "steel sharpeneth steel." Adversity does not weaken, it but strengthens. Can we read of the horrid deaths of every disciple save John the beloved and not grasp the reality that the "servant is not above the Master?"
I do not expect anything but adversity, and as Paul the Apostle stated, he reached the time and place where he yearned to leave this vile Earth and embrace death to be with His master. That is an example for us that the same can and will happen to others who catch a glimpse of beyond the sunset. It is also written the enemy shall be those of our own households. How and why? I see it in my own existence and the cause? Love of money. It is the root of all evil. It was manifested by the jab. Evil lovers of money (idolators) traded money they got for the deaths of innocent people. It is always money and power which is money as well. That has been a constant even now proving scriptures true. Mr Gates, Mr Schwab, Mr. Aga Khan, can you tell my why turdo first after being elected went to visit the head of the moslem religion world wide? Come now, is it not apparent to all?
Mr. Schwab, will your wealth not hinder you in the end, when darkness fills your unseeing eyes? As it is delineated, it is a lie to say we cannot take with us what we own. But we do take with us what we have given away. But dig deeper to note that if one has given sorrow, pain, suffering and misery, as you have, that it is what you will "reap" to your eternal damnation. Hang on to that dollar, as it drags you to a place where you will find your just due. Stay stubborn, for your destiny in opposing Right is written on your soul that will be judged as will we all a split second after God removes His hand of protection to let death take us one by one.
It is so simple to see and know and learn. But your money has blinded you. Fool.
There comes a time when one becomes desensitized and angry about and towards injustice to the point one is not only desensitized to corruption and evil but in fact embraces the reality of being all in to the point he/she has no fear of anyone or anything. It came to me when I communicated to the damned CYSTem I am "all in" which means come hell or high water I am going to walk a straight course and engage the "enemy" no matter the cost, to the end. At that point one becomes a fighter to the end in the knowledge Right will and does ultimately conquer wrong. One cannot lose even if one loses because one soul has dedicated Itself to fighting the good fight in the knowledge the ultimate end will see Right as the victor. One will face things and people with no fear and do things one never before could imagine. That is the Power that compels one to fight the good fight with the assurance Right is on one's side. That is where we are today, and I can look back at fight after fight which I did not win but which the Truth won merely by me having the temerity and God given strength to face the enemy embodied by evil that I knew could not triumph. Even a temporary set back did not discourage me, or lies, or defamations, or most importantly what others thought right or wrong. The dedication to Truth and Justice can and will have a cost and one price I paid cost me a position and good life but would have required me to sell out for the thirty pieces of silver many settle for. So what happened? I started a business and that was over three decades ago and had a happier more prosperous existence.
It may not always turn out that way but we must step out and dedicate ourself to doing what is right. Opposition may come and go but keep your eye on the prize. Hard to do, and easy to surrender but in capitulating will come misery and pain. It is our choice alone. Look around here at Dr, P, Dr. J, and many others in the fight. While Dr. J is easy to look at, and Dr. P does not compare, you have two people, a woman and man of excellence of character and those of us following their examples in their shadows of fighting the good fight. And all are people to cherish/love doing what is required of them.
An old man of the "Plymouth Brethren" I befriended who called in to a radio talk show where I was defending the "Faith" connected with me and applauded my grit in taking the right position. I visited him often until he died but learned much from him of the Holy Bible. He had been a war orphan coming to Canada to make his way and defend right against evil. Geoffrey Radcliffe was his name, and there were/are other men of the Faith...Ernest Lindsay, Ken Watchorn, Ken Campbell, Ron Marr, Ray Abrams, Ken Sigsworth, Reynolds James, etc all good men I admired, the generation before me, who I can never even in small part approach unto who influenced me in a big way.
Some of these warned that turdo senior Pee ERRor in legalizing homosexuality and abortion did so to change the demographics of the nation. They were correct and not fooled. They saw judgment coming, and in asking a question, make a point. What "strange and foreign peoples" have flooded western nations who have an average per couple of 6.3 children while most of us have only an average of less than one third that? Who will the future?
We have embraced abortion, homosexuality, and other abominations God hates and as He used in earlier times also, "strange and foreign people," so He is today. Wake up sheeple, your survival is threatened. Ignore this all, but ignoring the coming hurricane will only result in a greater destruction. Fools! You are embracing your own destruction, pain and sorrow. You have elected workers of iniquity and evil people and thus created the means of your own demise. Fools with your woke BS, custom created from political correctness, DIEverSHITty, and at the root of it all, socialism and communism. You have forged your own chains and will wear them. Your children and daughters and sisters and wives are ravaged while you smoke your weed, guzzle your alcohol, and vape your damned brains out. Soy boys I call them, weak, wimpy white males too cowardly to defend your women. Corrupt law enforcement, sucking the dirty rear teat of DIEverSHITty drive the streets of cities already made dangerous by fake migrants.
Educators teach lies and apostate ministers teach apostasy leading billions to hell. When will they ever learn? History reveals what lies ahead. It is not pretty and we know who are responsible.
Death to the enemy should be the battle cry. Who is the enemy? One and the same who Jesus threw out of the temple. Get a life fools. Or get the recompense of your errors.
I didn’t think you could write anything more perfect than your last reply edward, you did! You certainly have and as you’ve said,
“At that point one becomes a fighter to the end in the knowledge Right will and does ultimately conquer wrong”!
This one statement echoes my exact sentiments! We must all become “fighters to the end”! Life has never been about “I’m right and you’re wrong” life in my mind has always been about “ doing right not wrong”! Sometimes mistakes are made, that’s different than a “deliberate act / choice”.
Today as you pointed out, there’s a reason why the “leftist” continues to push
“abortion murders”! I see them as “evil” and they will pay a steep price, IMO.
So many people have become fearful of, fearful from and simply fearful because of; Good God the only fear I have is “am I doing everything I can” to please my lord and savior Jesus Christ?
My guide is not of this world but rather a belief in 10 truly amazing commandments, which by, anyone can live, if they so choose to.
I certainly appreciate your wisdom expressing yourself and your faith in “right vs wrong”edward.
More importantly, everything you’ve written is true and simply put, “sincerely spoken” from the words you’ve written.
Thank you.
A most perfect description of who, what and why Edward! I’m not sure what’s happened to millions of people?
I do believe there’s a direct correlation to these
“bioweapon Injections” and a complete loss of
“rational thinking”. When I talk with customers, some break out in rage, as if to shout me out of their offices, disgusted with me because I say something like, a man is a man and a woman is a woman!
It’s as though any one topic sets them into action. I can’t pinpoint why except they didn’t act this way before lockdowns.
Something definitely has changed within some people’s mindsets, when they were once upon a time normal
Evilness’s, as you’ve described edward, has permeated and infected, average people across all walks of life, unlike any time before IMO. Some of these people always had open minds about everything. Not so much anymore.
Thank you edward for a perfect example of what we’re facing and why.
We choose who and what we are in many ways. There are many bondages. Porn, alcohol, weed, illicit drugs, promiscuity, sexual sins, pedophilia, etc
We choose what we eat.
We choose who we interact with.
We choose our words and actions.
Most choose who our political reps are.
We choose the church we go to.
Some things we have no choice in but we always have a choice to fight wrong and embrace right. Most people sheeple go along to get along and refuse to oppose evil. "He who knoweth to do right and doeth it not to him it is sin.
My big concern is girls and women who were under attack since 1969. I have 9 women of all ages unrelated to me who are friends. Most have been abused and hurt. The closest one to me has been my best friend for almost three decades. All are intelligent, discerning and inner beautiful. Some need my help, others need beneficience.
I have others in my client list I am close to as well. The closeness I speak of is not romantic, it consists of respect, trust, and cherishment.
To say my emotional needs are met is a huge understatement. Yes in my real life I am who and what you see here. What is one dynamic they all love? It is my intolerance of disordered fools and yes, there are some here but not many.
“It is my intolerance of disordered fools”…
“Intolerance”? For almost three years during lockdown, I learned rather quickly how “intolerance” can be an asset.
Most of my customers became unhinged if the “forced mask” I was ordered to wear wasn’t over my nose. Still, certain people I’ve serviced for 6 years or more weren’t happy.
They wanted, rather they believed they could instruct their will over me, some to the point I walked out, without explanation.
I became very tolerant, almost to a fault for idiotic behavior by people I would have never known to be so controlling.
Yes edward “my intolerance towards disorders fools” became a chess match. Thankfully, the owner of the company I worked understood.
I can’t imagine being forced to line up for a shot, of unknown, untested, experimental product.
Still my intolerance grew inside, I spoke quietly to myself and went about my business. Many customers today haven’t said a word or acknowledged their “dictatorial actions” at my expense.
So, we learn hopefully or become better able to detect small behaviors people have. For more than 35 years working with customers, repairing their networks, I learned more in 3 years, than my entire career.
Never once had a customer complaint or problem occur. I pride myself, learned early on how “service excellence” was paramount.
Today, many people I once talked with monthly before lockdowns, are no longer employed. Some unfortunately, forced into covid compliancy / bioweapon injections, had horrible outcomes. They died!
I’m thankful for my ability to question everything, not follow but lead. Thanks to many of my
“God Given” instincts, I’ve moved on.
IMO, Covid was a deliberately imposed, mental Psyop.
Nothing ever has happened, certainly in my lifetime, like this, with such profound impact, with such deadly consequences knowingly! This disregard as so many are responsible for IMO is
“crimes against humanity”!
I believe those who attacked me mentally for doing my job have been shocked to learn how wrong they were, but they still have a “chip on their shoulder”.
Yes edward intolerance disregard and those who displayed full expression during, have much to learn from people such as yourself. Most likely they’ll see you as a threat, not an advocate, which is why, I believe our country has become so divided.
Thank you again edward for sharing your experiences and certainly your perspective’s and wisdom’s. I’m most thankful.
I remember that they, Pfizer, FDA, CDC, ALL of them wanted Biden/harris to have the win! They told them before the election that vaccine(?) was ready not TRUMP! That is how realized something was very wrong!
This information is even documented, and it was obviously an open secret in Eureope as well. This can be seen in the protocols from the German Robert-Koch-Institut RKI which were made public this year.
In the protocol from 28.09.2020 you can read: „FDA authorization before US election is undesirable, also not with the European authority, i.e. first results will not appear before November.“ (Zulassung bei FDA vor US Wahlen ist nicht gewünscht, auch nicht bei europäischer Behörde, d.h. es wird erste Ergebnisse nicht vor November geben.)
So the folks who claim that the „vaccine“ is our lifesaver prolonged its release so „vaccination“ started later to rig the election. It’s a crime whichever way you put it.
More information can be found here and here from the journalist Paul Schreyer and Prof. Stefan Homburg who were instrumental in releasing and publishing this enormous relevant material.
Did you read today that William Makis, MD posted: vivid 19 vaccine clinics across Canada have been ordered to destroy all Moderna and Pfizer vaccines!
Dr Makis said his message is not return or destroy any vaccine vials, hide them they're priceless!
So are they trying to destroy evidence? Seems like it!
Hopefully we'll get past this pandemic issue and go to more current issues. Like Tren De Arugua steeling gasoline from oil refineries In Texas and the build up of paramilitary troops in Colorado.
Hopefully we'll get past this pandemic issue and go to more current issues. Like Tren De Arugua steeling gasoline from oil refineries In Texas and the build up of paramilitary troops in Colorado.
Hopefully we'll get past this pandemic issue and go to more current issues. Like Tren De Arugua steeling gasoline from oil refineries In Texas and the build up of paramilitary troops in Colorado