People like him have killed half my family... now he says everyone still breathing need not bother... aww isn’t he nice?

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Half my family died too

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Sorry that happened to you too... I was the only one not to get the vaccine.

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Me too. I’m so sorry for your loss. I still have some left but so frightened for them

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We may all in the end be saying the same thing.

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Me too. Some keep getting sick-

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My 65 yo SIL has been in and out of the hospital and rehab for the past year since her booster last summer; seizures & kidney failure. My next door neighbor died 4 weeks after her booster from cancer, was otherwise healthy prior. My friends healthy 52 yo husband got colon cancer after his booster and had to have surgery, chemo and radiation. I could go on and on. There are no words for all this evilness.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. If all of us here could count the number of family & friends lost or injured to the poison shots, I believe that number world be staggering. And it’s still going.

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A healthy 75+ year old does not need this either. Furthermore it was not tested on people in this age range. No one needs this.

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Just like. I one needs a bullet to the head for a lead deficiency.

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Yeah. This whole thing is the OPPOSITE of what has always happened in medicine in the past. The only purpose that I could see from the moment they advised the elderly to take this shot is that they want to kill the older people.

1. Your risk for disease is a function of your state of health NOT your age necessarily. An obese 25 year old with diabetes, hypertension and renal deficiency and or smoking and or drug use is at a far higher risk for any infectious disease than a 75 year old life long non smoker at ideal body weight.

2. The trial only tested young healthy people up to age 65. In the past we NEVER advised an omitted demographic to use whatever drug was tested. That is called malpractice.

3. Life expectancy for anyone entering a nursing home is <1 year! 45% die within 6 months and another 50% by 12 months. That alone is the reason that heretofore nursing home residents were NOT vaccinated for anything. The risk of speeding up death was greater than any possible benefit.

4. There are 2 classes of elderly: robust and frail. Robust are unimpaired, living independently and participating in society. Frail are those who qualify to enter a nursing home - NOT assisted living but Nursing Home. Criteria for entry to a NH is lack of independence in 2 out the 6 essential activities of daily living (walking, transferring from sitting to standing; toileting; dressing oneself; finding food; feeding oneself). If you cannot do 2 or more of these you will die - and that is why you qualify for a NH, which has attendant care 24/7.

These are the people who are at risk from dying from the common cold - not the robust elderly. But these are the LAST people who have, in the past and by all medical guidelines, been given traditional vaccines. Why have they been PRIORITIZED to get an experimental v@((*ne - unless someone figures that because they are going to die anyway we won't be liable for lost wages and other stuff if we can get sued.

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No one

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Thanks, I am flattered. I too am an MD and tried to tell everyone I know not to take this shot when I realized that it was not a traditional vaccine. When I realized what it was the first thing that I thought was that we would see autoimmune diseases and cancers. I then realized that I did not know what the LNP was so looked that up and then really could not believe what was going on. I have tried to tell everyone I know that this was dangerous but many of my friends and relatives who had ALWAYS trusted and consulted me before making medical decisions now all of a sudden laughed at me and went a took those shots anyway - including my own children. Now one of my daughters, who is in good health, cannot get pregnant.

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Fuck that. No amnesty; no forgiveness; only pain.

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No way should this scum get a pardon!

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Too little, too late.

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No deal. They should be tried for crimes against humanity and every cowardly psychopath that went along with this should be hunted down, just as the Nazis and those complicit with them were after WW2.

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The worst (best) of the Nazi scientists weren't tried at Nuremberg. They were shipped to US. Jim Marrs wrote about this.in "The New Fourth Reich". US was deluded into thinking Nazi's were punished. Some were tried, but Jap & German scientists came to US & US picked up where They left off. Who runs US? DARPA.

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From Wikipedia / Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.

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The Nazi filmmakers filmed the moon landing…on a Hollywood soundstage.

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Sounds like he is changing his tune to avoid backlash for going along with things in the beginning.

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So he can live another day and do more damage another day?

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Don’t take Offit off the list.

This man has caused inestimable damage with his influence on vaccination policy, which has impacted throughout the world.

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He needs to stay on the list, and will go down in the history books as being on the wrong, sick side of history.

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He’s just sniffing the changing political wind. Give him no mercy.

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Offit has been posting on social media for years under a pseudonym being hateful, obnoxious, spewing lies, making money off vaccines given to chdren. He is now talking out off another side of his mouth. SCREW HIM .Patricia Tursi, PhD.

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Adriana, hi, read the article. I'm not good at math (no sarcasm here!) but I don't get his calculation (not ashamed to feel stupid). So how many DO they get over there in the US? How many jabs/times? Tx for replying.

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I have no idea. I came pretty recently in the US. It is mind blowing to see this cult for vaccines in this country, pictures with doctors and syringes, the medical pro profit propaganda, ads at TV for drugs and medical devices, pharmacies all over. Why they are pushing so heavily costly medical insurances, drugs and vaccines on people? Why was made a Medicare part D ( drugs ) mandatory? This is a dangerous, aggressive, ugly industry but no public health care at all.

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Read about the nightmare this nurse went through with her young baby.

And I can assure you that the majority of sudden infant death syndrome’s are caused by the vaccines.

Plus America has the world record of one day old death totaling more than all the other industrial countries !!! Thanks for the hepB vaccine.

Look for Aaron Siri, aconstitutionalist lawyer, who auditioned Stanley Plotkin, the pope of the vaccine calendar, and you will forever doubt the pertinence of vaccines in the future. We are simply poisoning our children.!


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Round them all up & put them behind razor wire. No pardons for any who pushed the shots. Ever.

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No! Nobody needs these shots! All should be confiscated and studied and investigations need to start and if he recommended them in the past he needs to be charged. Especially with the studies coming out now about all the deaths of seniors and of course all others

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Leave him on the list.. This is not a mulligan event or a give me a second chance event or even forgiveness.. These EVIL people knew exactly what they were doing, they pre planned and planned it ahead of time.. They have had numerous false events practices prior to cv-19 in prior years until they finally were able to pay off the MSM, and all the other cowards doctors.. This is a permanent list, no deletions only additions.. People have died and been injured into the millions, ask them to take you off the list.. Oh that's right, they cannot because they are dead you POS.. Your day will come Dr. UNFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Heck no, Offit! You has your chance to be a leader and blew it.

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