Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Fentanyl deaths, abortion, same sex marriage, transgender etc. all add up to their dream goal of fewer bodies on the face of this earth.

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Thank you. Keep fighting, my good doctor.

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It's their plan: 4IR.

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yes, good statement

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Without question. In the works for a long time, now. I have always thought that everything which leads one to question (9/11; Boston Marathon bombing, etc.) are but rungs on the ladder to where we currently find ourselves.

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You could go back to Gordon Kahl / and soo many others

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Pardon me as I am not familiar with that name.

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Look up that story if you want to see a horror the whole family endured! Memory is important more than one can know

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A good point to start with in Educating those you love ‘ Our children come to mind

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we need some US BI-B bombers to go to China and bomb all the precursor chemical sites for fentanyl...its that simple.

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They are mindless business not clever cartels

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Who is going to hold them accountable for those deaths? Who? I can think of no person, agency or organization that is going to bring Lady Justice against the responsible criminals. Can you?

It certainly won't be people who say "lock her up" thousands of times and then do *NOTHING*.

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I agree and this is why we need Trump, let us give him the chance to fix this...for too many people are dying and no one is doing anything

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excellent sharing, content

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It is Us’ All of Us for Not “Having That Talk” which Includes the Whole Damned Shooting Match for Our Children in time that they will Not Unwittingly fall to the Snares of the devils in this whirled !!

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Look at the map at the link. Although the US is low ranked by international standards for IQ and, compared with other developed countries, for life expectancy, the US leads the world in Drug Use Disorder. The pattern is the same for Alcohol Use Disorder. More Americans are continuously stoned out of their minds or drunk than are people in other countries Neighboring Canada and Mexico do not come close. Allowing fentanyl to come in across the southern border is just asking for trouble.


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very excellent sharing again, thank you, we need this deep input.

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Well let's see...100k fenty deaths, 300k medical error deaths, a few million mRNA causes deaths, another million deaths likely caused by "legal" drug use over many years...hey, the modern stone age medical mafia has your back and if they don't give you a knife in yours, big pharma will gladly do the deed.

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Fentanyl is all but one part, of a much more diabolical determined plan, to collapse and then control America!

With the help and the blessings, whether they’re compromised or threatened, I will call them“We the People’s”


And now I’ll tell you why it’s much worse than fentanyl alone Dr Alexander, much worse! The CCP owns / and controls the Mexican port of entry, 2 ports I believe, where the raw materials for fentanyl enter.

Of course from china and then distributed to the cartels for transport to America! For that matter China provided the pill making machines at cost to the cartels! How generous of China, yes?

No kidding? The same thing happened with the opium trade way back when. This time

though, America is the target and they’re hitting their targets well one could say!

So well, little kids are dying as well! Sick? Yes? NO, not when you’re at war and China has been waging war against America!Anything goes in war and this is one of those “anything goes” attacks!

Oh and yes, Biden, Harris Obama are directly involved! As well as many others!

Look Doctor, not Trump and not an army of Trumps can change what’s happening to America! Oh and if the “POWERS” decide to place Trump in the Presidency, we’ll see a USSS type of small bone here or there, a resignation here or there, but that’s all we’ll see! Nobody is going to “STOP” what has been “STARTED”! NOBODY DR!

Certainly not one election cycle could begin to undo the damage so far and the elements of future damaging effects already in place! Not even ten consecutive elections will be able to IMO!

“We the People” have seen the best of America’s days gone by! Our future is bleak,very uncertain and so demoralizing, most people will go wherever they’re told to go, without a single fight!

Some will rise up, some will die but most will go wherever they’re told to go! This is why Covid was introduced, as a test for “Compliance” and man oh man did Americans ever pass the Covid test! Perfectly I’d say! Perfectly!

The same way the

“Bioweapon Injections” played out! People lined up in droves! I watched mile long lines, with “blue mask humanoids” driving what looked to me like a Chevy or a Ford!

Yes Dr everyday Americans, sadly drove up, got “PCR’rd and drove away with a bandaid covering their injection site! “Bioweapon injection” site that is!

Which is why I keep saying

“America is FUZKED”! Unless an all out civil war happens, which I doubt, the “yesteryears” of today we will no longer have tomorrow!

Look, they’ve been, “The Globalist Elites” that is, have sent their minions to ruin and tear down our nations history, deface our history, change definitions, add bullshit curriculums to government run propaganda workshops, these aren’t schools of education and higher learning, they’re propaganda factories controlled by Washington!

And they have already started to and have bigger plans of rebuilding America into the “SHIT-HOLE” they’ve allowed to enter illegally!

You see Dr Alexander, when any government allows “THERE TO COME HERE, HERE BECOMES THERE”! Plain and simple! That’s what’s happening to America! We can thank all of congress for not a single congressional individual has done a damn thing about this, “NOBODY HAS TAKEN A STAND AGAINST THIS FROM HAPPENING”! Yesterday was too late, tomorrow we’ll forget it! And they all know this!

As this has all become some unknown at the moment BS story! BS MSM narrative driving propaganda! All of the DEI, ESG, LBGTQ nonsense, child trafficking, child affirming bullshit! YES Bullshit! Leave the kids alone you sick twisted evil pedophiles! But no, not at all!

They’ve doubled down and now the Olympics have been desecrated! Yes our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has been and continues to be desecrated! The evilness is so evil! These are “Satanic Worshipers” “evil as evil” could ever be! So I ask you one question, WHO CAN STOP ALL THIS? WHO?

Thank you Dr and please understand, I call things as I see them!

America and the American people are in a very bad position! I’ll leave it at that!

Thank you Dr Alexander and please understand, I speak with the utmost respect for you Sir! Your work is immeasurably valuable and critically important!

Thank you Dr Alexander! Thank you Kindly Sir!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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"As this has all become some unknown at the moment BS story! BS MSM narrative driving propaganda! All of the DEI, ESG, LBGTQ nonsense, child trafficking, child affirming bullshit! YES Bullshit! Leave the kids alone you sick twisted evil pedophiles! But no, not at all!"


Education, media, political leftists are the primary drivers of this sh*t. LPC is the worst.

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You are so spot on keg! Yes the once named “democrats” now IMO, “communists” at varying levels, seek total control and power over all of US!

Thank you keg for adding that, it’s so important, most important to “name names”!


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Thank you AJR but I look on you as not only better than I but as one who has an essentially correct grasp of why and what is happening all around us today.

I have a gift for you. Watch this. It tears the lies and BS of DIEverSHITty and multicultism all to pieces.


Call me racist but everyone is. Tell me blacks are not racist, Or that moslems are not religions bigots whose solution to different religions as counselled in the Koran is to kill any infidel. Tell me that DIEverSHITty is our strength when over half of all violent crimes (rape, robbery and murder) are committed by 13% of the population. Just search Toronto's Most Wanted to see almost all of the murderers are black or Arabic.

Cassius Clay said he wanted his children and grandchildren to look like him. MalcolmX did not care for intermarriage. A black leader once said "de sistas be at home cryin cuz de brothers be out chasin white women."

More? The minority activists scream about racism but are pleased to see affirmative action which is in reality racist as it discriminates against whites and the affirmative action hire is usually less qualified. Do you not want an expert doctor with the highest ability to cut you open and excise the cancer? Do you not want the best qualified police officer to pull his gun and be able to shut down a mass murderer in a gun fight he has tracked? Do you not want a master mechanic working on your car so you know he will fix any problems for once and for all? We are not equal!

How many Orientals do you see in the NFL? Why do we not have affirmative action apply there for pygmies and midgets?

All this BS wokist wankerism, politically correct fly crap and blaming whites for every corn on their big toes or for slavery when both blacks and whites were enslaved for over 1400 years. Why do we not hear about blacks demanding reparations from moslems then?

Many now have sh*t for brains as they have fed on the three day old road kill politically correct beast even sucking down maggots. How and why did this BS ever get into the school curriculum? Why did I have to yank my two grand daughters from a public school where anal sex was being taught in GRADE 2? What has the three r'S GOT TO DO WITH ANAL SEX? Ever heard of NAMBLA? It is a homo organization that actively for decades has lobbied in USA and Canuckistan for the removal of the age law to allow sex between a man a male and a boy aged 6...OR YOUNGER!!! Why do we hear the BS that abortion has no detrimental effect on girls and women when it is in fact a mental, spiritual and physical desecration of a woman? Search WEBA for proof!!! (Women Exploited BY Abortion)

I could go on and on. I have been keeping files since age 18 on social issues and am filing an OIPRD against five OPP for serious CCC violations, Charter Rights violations, and perjury for not honoring their OPP Promise. I found out why the OPP are now so corrupt and f*cked up. When I got the forms, and looked up the OPP Promise, every second word was diversity. They are more focused on the DIEverSHITty crap than on fighting crime. I wonder if they overlook a black criminal committing a crime because of their DIEverSHITty BS.

I could go on and on but will stop and have not even mentioned the illicit drug and homeless people problem that came out of nowhere.

All is corrupt. Religions are over 90% corrupt. Public schools are stuffed with the maggot riddled roast of wokist wankerism fed to children from kidnergarten to the end of univerSHITty which has become a bastion of leftist lunacy.

There is NOTHING that has not been contaminated by dirty political hacks, apostate religions and their leaders, the "injustice CYSTem that is prejudicially biased, whacked public school teachers, etc etc etc

That should get me in enough trouble to last several lifetimes because now Justie Hitler has imposed the Harms Act that applied to me would draw a $20,000. fine paid to the wokist complainant, a $50,000. fine to the damned CYSTem, and even LIFE IN PRISON for daring to exercise my freedom of expression. Do not believe me, just look it up.

And the stupid CYSTem bastards wonder why people are angry and ready to riot? No wonder turdo is trying to ban guns, the ugly spawn of a hippie witch and a commie fake father. He has setr up a DICKtatorship and he is the prick. Come and get me you lying fat assed pos. Your goons have tried for two decades to silence me and I am ready to face again your corrupt CYSTem.

In the end as I have always found, the Truth will out and all I have to do once more is to set Truth free and stand back, and it will take care of the mess.

For the record, I am all in and not backing down. I never have or never will. I was asked 24 years ago when I was on a radio program why I though the world was going to hell in a handbasket. I said just watch. I doubt the host is alive but I wonder if he ever thought of me when he saw things slide.

Truth is always worth fighting for and often dying for. But there are very few who will honor it anymore let alone defend it. I am not of those who slink away and feel safe in their silence. I would rather be able to look in the mirror without puking.

Nuff said.

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Something I missed which I believe is like the saying “on the tip of your tongue” is this keg, with all of the attacks on children and that’s exactly what’s happening, Hitler said “control the youth and you’ll control the world”!

This is exactly what they’re doing all across the Western World Nations. It’s another “bullet” in the arsenal of the

“Globalists Agenda” to further divide and conquer a much larger populace, than they could ever control!

The “Bioweapon Injections” the puberty blocking, life forever altered and destroyed, the illegal overrunning within each nation, deliberate non-assimilation of the millions, and the degeneration of all natively born citizens within each nation!

Combine this multiple in ways we’ve never imagined before and what will happen is chaos! Deliberate intentional chaos! Eventually the natives citizens, especially those older will be begging for government help! The younger local natively born citizens may rise up to some degree especially in America where there’s milk of weapons. The implications of these

“Most evil & barbarically” motivated individuals is designed to create this sort of situation! They know it and they live in their gated fenced spaces protected from the “MadMax” mentality of survival instincts most will have to resort too!

This is so well organized, including those speakers questioning Douglas Murray’s well explained video message’s.

I’m not sure how “We the People” of the United World, as I now understand it to be! Forget about one nation under God, and I don’t mean that sarcastically whatever.

What I believe the world must start to do, start to come together, the you’s and me’s keg of the world “We the People’s of the United World” must do and must become united against this “GLOBALIST MONSTER OF UTTER MADNESS”!

Why? Because they’re banking on “We the People of the United Worlds” to tear each other apart! Fighting against each other instead of targeting the “GLOBALIST MONSTERS” responsible for such devastation!

Hopefully I’m making sense? I believe you’ll understand what I’m trying to say.

Thank you again keg.


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My goodness keg, I saw the link and immediately clicked it, rightfully so I might add.

But when I came back to copy and save it, I realized something, I missed your entire comment / post. Which hits the “nail on the center of the head”!

You know keg, people such as yourself, is who we need in charge! In charge of solving the world’s problems! Manmade problems can only exist because of “manmade evilness”!

This is what’s happening today in the world! “While they Pee all over the world” then say oh, that’s not Pee that’s acid rain! BS I say!

Thank you so very much keg! I have very little expertise in anything literally, excepting understanding when I’m being “peed on”! Yes I know the difference as you do keg! This is where the “ lines of Truth”, must be drawn!

The world has been and is continuing to be divided for one reason, “divide and conquer”! Yes by these sick “Globalists Elites” unelected in life, never mind political venues. We must as individual nations fight this global attack! There’s no other way to stop the smaller battles happening nationwide within each country if we don’t!

Thank you again keg! Your intuition instincts are as in line as mine and therefore “we both” share the exact same love for humanity! Equally speaking and logically speaking!


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There are people low key who support me from all walks of life. They counsel me and give direction to enable me to defeat opponents. Some could buy and sell me a dozen times. Multi millionaires.

The battle is good guys against bad guys. We need to be bold.

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I can see why so many people, low key and from all walls of life, because when people seek the truth, they find it from those who speak it! That’s why keg and is more honorable than all the “evils” combined!

If there’s one part of life I learned early on, it was to always “speak truthfully”! If you’re not sure of something, even more so! Find the answer, the truth and continue moving forward.

There’s one common denominator between people who speak truthfully which is simply the truth! I run from the evils of society keeping them in my rear view mirror at all times.

As I can see, you do the same keg, it’s the only way I can ever see into “right and wrong” or “good and evil”.

My learning today, thanks to you keg, was all the more of an important part of my continued “voyage” far beyond the “harbor” I left long ago!

So I thank you again for providing me insightful insights as my “voyage” advances far past the point of departure!


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keg, thank you immensely for sharing this video! I can’t imagine being able to watch everything of value in a world turned on its head, without having help from people such as yourself!

I am very grateful for your help sharing this video as I will forward along! Everyone needs to “hear” the TRUTH!

Douglas speaks from the heart with conviction! A man after my own beliefs in a very factual and positive manner! Could anyone ask for anymore? I think not keg! I think not!

Thank you again keg, thank you so very kindly yes!


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Learning is a voyage not a harbor. What I have learned in the last three years is scary.

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You took the words out of my mouth. As I try and piece together what all of humanity is facing, it’s becoming increasingly clear, the global attacks are overwhelming! Yes in the past few years, I’ve learned more than my entire lifetime!

I appreciate your input and sharing of information I would not have otherwise learned about or watched keg.


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I have contact with many people. Knowledge is power.

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I work in the cemetery business for two years and I've buried about 5 OD's.

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thank you for sharing

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This situation is beyond awful; it's downright terrible.

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I agree but the US has no one to blame but itself. No one puts a gun to American heads and forces Americans to let this shit in through the southern border. No one forces Americans to be low ranked internationally for IQ but Number One for Drug Use Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder. It's the same with homosexuality and transgenderism. No one forced the US to include a "right to sodomy" (see Supreme Court of the US, Lawrence v. Texas) in the US constitution. No one forces the US to transgender its kids. No one forces the US to invade other countries to try to force these values down the throats of other peoples. It's terrible what the US is doing in allowing traffickers to bring fentanyl in through the southern border but no one is forcing the US to do this.

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The term "depraved indifference" refers to a state of mind where an individual's actions are so reckless and lacking in concern for the lives of others that they are as criminally liable as if they had the intent to commit a crime.

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The late great Canadian poet and singer Leonard Cohen predicted in 1992 that Democracy would eventually come to the US, which he called "the cradle of the best and the worst." As he noted, "It's here the family's broken and it's here the lonely say that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way." 32 years later and it hasn't happened yet,but one does not give up hope.



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Thank you for sharing this link. I recall the wonderful song that I repeatedly listened to upon its release. The fellow Canadian, the late Leonard Cohen, was indeed spot on.

Truly, we are living in extraordinary times:

The day after Julian Assange's release, Unbekoming contacted me to allow me to tell my story, which is part of the terrible censorship that we all suffer at all levels of Western society. [https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy?] Courage and have a good Sunday too!

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Turdo in his zeal has/is doing anything DICKtator would do. Arrest for treason, try and hang the lying pos.

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Indeed, Conservative MP Larry Brock has called for the indictment and prosecution of Trudeau.

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Same in Canuckistan. Think about it. Who is pushing/enabling these agendas? LPC. NDP. Greens Bloc. Catch and release? Ditto.

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Actually between the media and federal government, yes,we are being left with no choice. If we decide to kill a pedophile that’s preying on young kids,we go to jail. If we try to protect our own, with the only available weapons, we go to jail. That’s federal government control of everything, right there. Until we all stand up and say no more by force of arms, it will continue to get worse.

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About 600,000 children killed by abortions. About 100,000 from OD. So what do leftards concentrate on?? Gun deaths which are under 5,000 per year.

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Guns enable self protection. LPC and NDP do not want their rapists, thieves, murderers, illegal aliens killed because they need their votes.

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So sad...🙏🙏💜💜

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I ponder once again how did we get to this place so quickly? Things were fine under Harper. All of a sudden turdo the ASSistant grade 5 drama teacher gets elected and tells us the budget will balance itself. We were in trouble right away. Take a look at the damned fools in his changing ASSministration. They all look corked and f*cked in the head.

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Brought to you by APEC or The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation treaty which pitted $0.018 per hour chinese labor against every country that joined Free Trade deals with Communist china including the USA. NAFTA, now USMCA ($2.00 per hour labor) benefits from open border policies as they transport chinese made Fentynl and move it into The USA. As a direct result The USA now has over 100,000 Fentynl deaths per year but no training in Manufacturing Trades Apprenticeship Programs so The USA can resume INDEPENDENCE. #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist #CrushCartels

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It seems the Portuguese model was successful with regards the ‘reeling in’ of the more casual user and giving the needful more hard required user the pass for fixing themselves than reliance upon illicit trafficking markets till we hear now they have a lesser crime influence all around and use is somewhat waned. This tells me there is at root in this country a focus more on criminal revenue than a concern for (adventurous children) in their often uneducated choices and the dangers inherent in ‘Substitution’ !! When the new Synth.smack made the scene it made it in an invidious stealthy slide rolling young eyes up in syncope never to return to those who loved them. Totally unfamiliar with this new (deadly effective) PainDismisser yet still seeking for that familiar (“rush”) of the genuine article ! It’ just is Not the same thing that most ‘hooked for life’ users were Exposed to by hardcore! You’d have a valve in your Vein when you are born if you were suppose to use substances That way. Pain relief is just that and using the body as a launch pad is the dealers roulette to death. Radically cutting persons from their use /need and or reasonable maintenance with a narcotic drug is dangerous and must be addressed in an honest and personal way with each recalcitrant user . The synth. (Fentanyl ) is at right dosage very effective for elderly who tend to suffer in their latter years pain as result of a host of conditions. Truthfully Educating the young about the things they will Undoubtedly be exposed to is Absolutely Necessary ! And who can you trust ? You’d best Find out fast because the age of reason is Coming back around to just what We were told it Is ! and younger than you think• God help Us All in Our Choices . . dont rely on gov’t&Enforcement ,talk with your loved ones and Educate yourselves..

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That's their job...it's what they do. Wrap your head around that.

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Everywhere you look are weed stores, Vape joints, alcohol outlets, beer stores etc. Do you know in canuckistan during the illegal mandates that alcohol outlets were declared essential services? WTF! Is Canuckistan a nation of alcoholics and weed smokers?

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That number probably gonna go up, once we revolt. En masse. With guns.

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Alan, we keep it peaceful, civil all the time and we go by the law...always....if the law tells us act, we act...our constitution governs us...we are with you but we are a good governance society...let us see how this plays out.

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Not so much in USA but here in Canuckistan, law enforcement are corrupt...Ottawa Police, Calgary Police, Toronto Police and especially the OPP.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Did anyone see the demented screwed up look of guilbeault? And freeland? And Mark Holland. And pissheads lamenti, and singh? Singh has grossly swollen lips and he did not get them from sucking the slime minister's ass alone?

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