Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

believe nothing you are told by CDC, Fauci, by any health agency or official in any nation about H5N1 or H5N2 or H5N8 bird flu...all a fraud...not real, no pandemic...no vaccine needed

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Bird flu lies are spreading, nothing else

Dr. Mike Yeadon: You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza

The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it’s precisely the same cast of characters as last time.


Dr. Mike Yeadon: “At Its Heart, the Pandemic Lie Is No More Than a PsyOp”


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boom, excellent sharing again! by LIONESS; Yeadon is a giant, a true intellect and one of the Freedom Fighters in COVID who really care about humanity...he is not a money whore like most

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Was Bill Gates seen in the neighborhood?

Fauci maybe?

Wherever those two go, death and destruction are sure to follow.

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ha, you are correct, deep death follows.

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Several decades ago, the Finnish were deemed to be the most serially depressed population in the entire world. That is the goal of the One-worlders, get everyone depressed, dependent upon nanny, addicted to drugs, afraid of their wives, and then kill them. Finland will be ground zero for the self-spreading "vaccine" (the real disease), and like the gullible fools they appear to be, will unwittingly be responsible for helping in the killing millions of people worldwide. Their leaders/decision makers must work for the WEF, NOT THE FOLKS. #TREASON/GENOCIDE.

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they still are the most depressed....yet tell us they are the most happy...ha ha ha

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Fraudchi said something similar. Get people so down and depressed that they will gladly get the JAB.

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David, there's a reason the Fins are known as "mushroom people." Oh, and they're real good at hockey too :)

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nice piece

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Oh, because they're kept in the datk and fed a bunch of bullshit?

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Hey Steve C, that is quite funny. It's kinda depressing even being part Finlander...did you know that Custer was thought to be a Finlander with bad feet? Yeah, based upon the famous line..."Tees soos are keeling me!"....and my budding hockey career only lasted till I outgrew my skates...and I had to take up knife-making and moose hunting, both on cross country skis. They need to stop drinking the sima (fermented orange peels) over there, and everyone should forget about the "vaccines" and stick to fish head soup at least once per week. And moral decay in the Scandi's...stop thinking the grass is greener in Davos...it's not...(that is where the rotten fish heads are coming from)....The Finns should pay heed to their own proverbs..."Tat Rain ees vaashin mine vertilisser ofer to mine neighbourees site." But no, Steve C, will they listen? Nope..."juu can take it tat horses to vatter, putt eef tat horses ees just tinken 'tat son a ma pitts ain't maken me trinken'...juu better go'in home....Happy Independence Day...(for Biden it is Happy Depends Day). We need to pray for the country.

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Oh my god! I've been laughing for the past 5 minute. Hilarious !!!

Happy 4th David!

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All too help reinforce the reasoning behind why the pandemic enslavement treaty should be passed. W.H.O strategy by the criminal Tedros

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yes, well stated...Tedros is a criminal...a dangerous fool. never listen to that fool ever

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But he's not a white male.

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Tedros.....The Devil Man. He's isn't even qualified for the job.

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Looks like they are trying to kill all the Finland people. I hope someone speedily warns them of this fraud. Thank you Dr. Alexander, you are doing the world a great service. Hope this message spreads far and wide and people are saved and spared from death brought on by the big pharma and bioweapon g.o.f. labs created by big pharma to depopulate innocent victims.

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thank you for kind words...yes, yes spread this

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Thank you Dr Alexander, deep respect for you.

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Perhaps... this will initiate the new scam... just like the covjab initiated mass damage to people, prolonging the last scam.

Start getting people sick [from a new jab] and call that a new global pandemic.

They keep trying the scam...

Who's afraid of the big bad WHO [Gates funded] scam this time?

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They want to cull the food source as well as us!

You shall eat ze bugs!

The Great Reset.

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Last time I checked, I don't have feathers. I don't need a rooster shot.

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The simple answer is; because they can. My brother lives in Finland. They do Socialism pretty well, so the people accept it. If you do it badly, the people will rebel.

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Finland is the poster child of national suicide!

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yes. thank you for sharing, this is critical.

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I saw this info

On a “ news” station last week. I do not recall exactly how many doses they had purchased…they showed them stored…13, 000…. Or perhaps more. “They said it was going to be mandatory for those who work with animals.” Another SAD day in our world to me. What is it? Stupidity, money, control, increase demise?? I do not understand. I did not take the vax that was recently given in the US. I just do not see myself doing any other “safe and effective” injections during my lifetime. This “Bird Flu” there is no rational, scientific or other to give another EUA jab.

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they are morons...they are vaccinating with a vaccine NOT safety tested for something that has not occurred...we have zero data, none, to show that any avian flu has spread to humans, no H5N1 has spread to humans and no evidence, none that there is human to human transmission....you need human to human to declare a crisis or epidemic...never will be a pandemic...whatever, there is no human to human spread. none. this is all a PCR fake created out of nothing fraud...this is to sell vaccine

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TY……. I guess I should never underestimate what some will do for MONEY. I am an old retired medical person. I cannot imagine allowing myself to be taken to a hospital for care. Who can you trust? Your caregivers? I hope I have time to make a decision on care plan. I feel We The People of the World, having been taken for the CV19 ride, cannot trust anything nor anybody. Very frightening place in Time.

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The only way to stop this mass genocide is to get rid of the people creating bioweapon g.o.f. injections and those pushing this on people. Their time is UP! 4EVA!

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It’s not going to be bird flu, this is just a distraction to “pre-nervous” us for their next scam which will be antibiotic resistant tuberculosis. Search up “Australian woman 24 dies on flight from Melbourne”

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Another experiment. This vaccine uses squalene adjuvant, fat based, linked to autoimmune illnesses. Was also used in military Anthrax experimental vaccine, linked to Gulf War Syndrome. See book Vaccine A. They tried to hide the experiment but some doctors got wise to it. CDC even involved. But was brushed off, insufficient evidence etc. Military said was safe- based on SKIN CARE references. Is used in flu shot now for over 65. (any issues blamed on old age). Was used in H1N1 vaccine also. Being fat based, body can confuse joints, nerves as enemy. More business for drug companies.

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And what about Bonnie Henry from British Columbia. She needs to be mainstream.. fckin liar and murderer.


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She still has mandates in the health care system in BC. You can't work in health care without 2 shots. Where else is this happening? 4 or 5 thousand people lost their jobs... BC's health care is crumbling. How many have died with the lack of health care?

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