I'm disappointed in McCullough for his failure to state the obvious, which is that fluoride should be removed from the water supply.

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I guess there is a difference between removal (so removing natural levels) and NOT adding fluoride.

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Thanks, yes I meant it should not be added.

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Slow down getting poison out of our water? How about take it out and then do some studies if they don't believe the ones already done by the Nazis in WW2 and replicated many times since. "Out of an abundance of caution," as they love to say, take it out and study if it's safe before thinking about putting it back. They won't be putting it back if they study it.

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We know pure water is safe. We know sodium fluoride is poison. This is the labeling required for transport and storage of NaF per https://inchem.org/documents/icsc/icsc/eics0951.htm


Personal protection: particulate filter respirator adapted to the airborne concentration of the substance. Sweep spilled substance into covered containers. Carefully collect remainder. Then store and dispose of according to local regulations.

According to UN GHS Criteria


UN Classification

UN Hazard Class: 6.1; UN Pack Group: III


Separated from acids and food and feedstuffs.


Do not transport with food and feedstuffs. !!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!

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The I.G. Farben Company found it was too expensive to properly dispose of aluminum waste, so they decided to dump it in the water supply and make up the story it prevented cavities. Fluoride was added to the water in Nazi, Germany to keep the prisoners docile and stupid.

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I agree. The burden of proof of safety should be COMPLETELY lie on the persons doing the intervention.

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Slow down??? FULL SPEED AHEAD. Get that poison out of the water. Evidence for harm done by floride is solid. I have big respect for Dr. McCullough, but I don't agree with his opinion about this.

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"Convene Stakeholders, Build Consensus" Wow, sounds like someone from the wef wrote that.

Fluoride is a neurotoxin and does not belong in the water supply.

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I was thinking that too!!! If he is not WEF, then what a strange choice of words!

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BINGO! Everything that WEF wants to do "for" the people (that's us) is for the benefit of the stakeholders, so "consensus" is built in.

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I say, No! Hell NO! It is well established that fluoride should NEVER have been added to our water supply. The stake holders are the American people! It can’t be removed soon enough!

Fluoride has done enough damage. Terrible damage!

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There is no need to Fluoridate water. The supposed benefits of fluoridation relate to topical application, and this can be achieved with flouride toothpastes, salts, etc. No need to ingest it. Flouride is also known to make teeth brittle. People should be given a choice. I also suspect that reducing sugar consumption would result in a similar decrease in cavities.

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Not only no need, but it is a proven neurotoxin which lowers children's IQ. Same boat as lead. Just a convenient way for the aluminum industry to dispose of their hazardous waste.

Also, how about dentists? When is the ADA going to wake up? Oh, that's right, they're not! Between promoting fluoridation of toothpaste (which has no benefit) and amalgam fillings, it's just one more association co-opted by the commies to take down America.

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Why does it say on fluoride toothpaste not to swallow it? Little kids don't know any better.

I Never touch the stuff. It calcfies the pineal gland so one is not able to be bright as they should be. Why is it we have so many kids with learning disabilities?

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Nov 14Edited

My question is...what makes McCullough think that showing the "studies" is going to. change anything?? Have studies changed anything else so far with these people who don't follow any guidelines or the law? They just make up the rules as they go along!

When are people going to realize...these people in charge don't care about our health. The fluoride is doing exactly what they intended for it to do.

Sorry to be so cynical but what else would you call it after all of this time?

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Fluoride is banned in some countries because it is toxic. How does drinking water with fluoride prevent cavities? The water goes into your bloodstream and can cause cognitive issues, heart issues. All by design to poison us. Lost respect for McCullough for this. He has to know how toxic fluoride is, that other countries ban it for that reason.

On the international front, most of the west European countries have rejected water fluoridation including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Links proving how bad fluoride is:


Fluoride exposure is ubiquitous; fluoride is naturally found in most water sources in low amounts [4]. The addition of supplemental fluoride in water systems could have developmental detriments to regular consumers or the offspring of those who have been exposed. A review of the current literature was necessary to aggregate information related to cognition/mental health, mitochondrial function, and toxicity issues to increase accessibility and to prompt further work. In animals, fluoride has been implicated in altered cognitive functions, behavioral changes, and mitochondrial damage. Sex differences have also been noted in some studies addressing fluoride exposure in animals. Likewise, researchers continue to investigate cognitive, mental health, and mitochondrial abnormalities as they relate to chronic fluoride exposure. Chronic exposure may be linked to decreased intelligence, memory deficits, learning difficulties, and ADHD. There is little work on the effect of fluoride on internalizing disorders such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, we know very little about the impact of fluoride exposure during childhood and adolescence; current works primarily identify developmental deficits, only referencing prenatal and perinatal exposure.

Fluoride-induced mitochondrial damage may include structural changes, damage resulting in neuroinflammation, altered neurotransmitter levels, and disruptions to key signaling pathways. Furthermore, the pathogenesis of fluoride exposure on mitochondrial function must be further evaluated. More work is needed to gain a comprehensive picture as to the impact and timing of fluoride exposure on mental health outcomes and the role of mitochondrial function as a biological mechanism.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/ijerph182412884/s1, Table S1, Sources related to developmental fluoride neurotoxicity. Table S2, Sources related to fluoride toxicity and mitochondrial function.


Tulane: Excess fluoride linked to cognitive impairment in children

October 26, 2023 3:15 PM


Andrew J. Yawn ayawn@tulane.edu


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Nov 14Edited

I also learned that fluoride, whether in the water or as in fluoride "treatments" at the dentist, actually makes a person more prone to dental decay (i.e. cavities). Go figure!

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Dental decay makes the dentists rich.

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"On the international front, most of the west European countries have rejected water fluoridation including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland."

I agree.

If you add something, you have to be sure of total safety.

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"The addition of supplemental fluoride in water systems could have developmental detriments to regular consumers or the offspring of those who have been exposed. "

Yes, there exists a distinction between ACTIONS and INACTIONS. So if you act, and do something to ten or hundreds of millions of people, like with vaccines, experimental synthetic mRNA gene products, fluoridization (but I guess the municipalities decide here) climate control, etc. , to the PUBLIC, you should be COMPLETELY sure that you dont harm your citizens. One could say you shouldnt act as government AT ALL, if you could, somehow, harm your citizens. Incomplete data, guesses, believes, corrupted data etc should constitute no basis whatsoever to such interventions and actions by the government. Else your citizens become mere objects to government actions. First do no harm. Passive. Let the people decide for themselves at local level. Federal level is always risk by design because if you are wrong with your assessment and intervention you just harmed millios of your own people (of course with no liability to the politicians or manufacturers). So 100% sure of safety. IF you want to act in the PUBLIC HEALTH realm you MUST be 100% sure to not harm (all, babies, childrens, vulernable elderly) your citizens, which is impossible by design. Interventions (actions) should always be COMPLETELY sucritinized (I dont refer here to helping peope in case of a hurricane or flood because would people would be worse of if you dont help them (there is immediate and large harms if you dont help),

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The evidence is overwhelming about fluoridation in drinking water. Can't even guess how much $$ I've spent in buying bottled water over the past forty years because our town, like most, adds this toxic compound to the water supply. While McCullough is generally spot-on on most things, he is FLAT WRONG on this one. I am waiting for him to issue an apology on his substack once he decides to read the avalanche of evidence (which I am certain his readers have sent him) but, so far, no.

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I lost a kidney to cancer 18 years ago. My surgeon told me to never drink CIT water. He told me to buy the best filter I could and filter all water or drink distilled water. He said to never trust city water due to all the metals and possible other contaminants like atrazine. I've followed his instruction. I bought a distiller and distill my own water. I make my own colloidal silver too. We updated our filter system to one that eliminates so much plus 98% of fluoride. We've paid the extra for years for fluoride free toothpaste as well.

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Christopher Exley is the go to guy on fluoride and aluminium and it’s interplay.



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Fluoridation is not safe. Cease immediately.

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CDC as reliable source ?

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We’ve known for decades that the fluoride placed in our water supplies is toxic.

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Fluoride is already a proven poison. Stop adding it to the water supply ASAP. RFK knows it. No point in wasting time.

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Let me be clear. Anyone who thinks that fluoride should be added to everyone else's drinking water either has not studied this issue or wants to damage people's health.

Note that once it is put into our drinking water, fluoride is highly resistant to filtration. Even if its supposed benefits in preventing cavities outweighed its deleterious neurotoxic effects, there would still be far more justification for adding literally hundreds of vitamins, antioxidants, far less toxic and more nutritious minerals, and health supplements to our drinking water. I mean, if you actually think supposedly preventing a dental problem is a justification for adding something to our drinking water, why not add Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and fish oil as well? Why not add naloxone while you are at it? Just think of all of the lives you could save!!!

And if any "stakeholders" actually want fluoride in their drinking water, why don't they just add it in themselves? Fluoride drops are readily available for anyone who is dumb enough to buy them. And at least that fluoride is pharmaceutical grade instead of the industrial waste that they pollute our drinking water with.

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