Both he and Mittens suck. Here’s the thing…we live in a world with a uniparty controlled by a cabal of banksters. They let us vote every now and then for illusion that we have a say/choice. George Carlin was wayyyy ahead of his time. Pax

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boom, on the money

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lol 😂 perfect

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Canuckistan has USA beat in the area of suckers. Turdo has a refined and defined way to suck farts out of dead seagulls while straining the maggots out with his teeth, an art "extraordinaire." He is bested by Singh's ability to lip lock turdo's ample ass but needs a dental surgeon to weekly remove the hairs from between his two buck front teeth. My nickname for Singh is the "supersucker." It fits. And he did not get those swollen lips from sucking prunes, dontcha just know it y'all?

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Alas, a knock on the door. Must be the OPP (Ontario Provincial Pooooleeeece) on orders from turdo or another stupid bureauCRAP trying to intimidate me. Already tried that shit and all it is doing is causing the exposure public to the truth. Must have found another corrupt lying defective detective, a corrupt woke bigot from the injustice CYSTem and a corrupt bureauCRAP in the jaded CYSTem.

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Romney sucked. McCain sucked. Obama sucked. The Uniparty still sucks.

2008 - Obama or McCain - since at least one or BOTH were possibly born on foreign soil, NEITHER side wanted to bring up whether either one of these guys met the requirement of "Natural Born Citizen" necessary to be elected President.

2012 - Obama or "Mittens" Romney - since BOTH Romney (as Massachusetts governor he signed "Romneycare" into law there) and Obama (in his first term as Prez signed the Affordable Care Act / "Obamacare" into law for the entire country) passed laws requiring people to buy health care insurance -- whether they wanted to buy it or not! -- NEITHER side wanted to debate the issue in the campaign.

See how that works?

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He always struck me as a self-serving nasty, nasty man. His grand plans for himself foiled and revenge was what he had. Too many on this planet feel like they can act without thought of consequence because they don't believe in cause & effect. Well... sorry... in this life or the next - the universe does not allow people to behave anyway they want.

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yes, a deceitful person...did all against 45

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You are so right KP…. many act with extreme selfishness and could care less. Ryan was willing to destroy the country and its future because he thinks he has power and money. Karma is a bitch! When Trump gets in karma will come a calling!!

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Your lips to Gods ears

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No argument. They're all worthless anti American turds that need to be flushed.

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No!!!! Must not soil and contaminate the sewers.

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Never held a private sector job. Feeds at the trough.

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I was fooled by him in the very beginning! It didn’t take me long though. What a rat! No wait, a Wiesel!

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boom...and today he cant get over 45...

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Ryan is tricky, I wonder who funds him or who his real family is, a bloodline elite?

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Well weak people don’t survive long that’s why we get stronger people for tough jobs!

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Testicles and Masons just don’t go together

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But ovomit and excrement are ideal companions.

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Love the characterization of Johnson, Mr Zero Testicles. If he's not a trans woman under that suit and pasty face, I've never seen a poorer excuse for a man in my life. His deceptive vibe radiates like an alarm clock in the AM. The HOUSE is so sick, how in the hell could they have elected such a uncharismatic person as Johnson? Are they all on drugs?

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Ode to demoCRAPS

Ovomit lies while biDUMB cries

His diaper needeth changing

His wife I see well knows the rote

The wipes she is arranging.

Moochelle is tending to

Her garden make believe

Is she a he, I do not know

I doubt she can conceive.

While Schumer shoots his mouth off more

And fatter grows his ass

He waddles every Saturday

With ample biomass.

With swollen tongue and dirty undies

What a sight to see

He squats to pee, anomaly,

A trannie he must be.

An ugly face, a damn disgrace

To good old USA

But down the road, he well knows there

Will soon be hell to pay.

And now piglosi, liar too

She knows the die is cast

For her as well, the way to hell

Approaches way too fast.

The bell doth toll, and heads will roll

Mad Maxine knows it well.

She is another, heading home

To take her place in hell.

These demoCRAPS with lying yaps

Have made their presence known

But soon they pay for what they done

Their evil they must own.

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Here is another fool who is a danger to American patriots. Slime minister turdo tried the same BS before he tried to ban firearms here in Canuckistan. On my USA trips I can identify the stereo typical man or woman concealed carriers and I choose a place to sit based on that ability...women carriers are pretty, intelligent, focused and dynamically feminine. I try to sit close to them. Male carriers are intelligent, self assured and handsome but I tend to prefer to sit close to the gals. Either group would fire away at any criminal seeking to steal, rob, etc.

Actually the American conservative woman is very feminine and sublime, and especially rural gals. That has been and is the result of my observations and interactions. I encourage especially women to conceal carry for self protection.

As a non citizen, I failed to purchase a firearm there. At a Cabela's store in west Nebraska a gal named JC who was an employee there tried to facilitate a purchase for me with the BATF rep there who explained I could not as a non citizen but who advised me how to buy a gun there I wanted, simply by mail and through a licenced entity in Canuckistan.

The US surgeon general is a buffoon.


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Politics is such a soap, it's sad to be hearing people really believe it. And defend the little twerps. He's a billionaire, why feel sorry for him? He hob nobs with the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and Netanyahu's alter boy, his son-in-law. It's all bread and circus. So sad that you and many are still thinking it's real. It's ok, you'll find out soon enough. Seems like you just want to put your faces out there so they can slap them for you.

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But in the end the devil gets his dues.

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This the reason why George Carlin nailed it.

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They'll wake up in due time,Denise.

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It's murder living with people who are half-awake as those who are fully asleep!

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I just heard that Biden refused to be tested for drugs. Yet Trump still agreed to debate him.

It's far too late to wake people up.

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You need to wake up my friend. Politics is all theater. Bread and circus. Our time, energy and thoughts need to stop focusing on the daytime soap of politics. Anyone who mentions politics is demonstrating they are still sleeping. We all have more to learn about everything. A huge awakening is going on...

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Yes,that true.

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Yes it is Denise. Maybe they don't want to wake up.

Let them sleep. When Russia hits us with nuclear war, at least they'll die comfortably

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The dilemma is if they continue to stay asleep we continue to get dragged through this sh!thole.

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we can't be dragged down by folks that refuse to see how bad this mess is ,Denise.

We have to plan for a long period fo war coming to our homeland.

Whom ever gets elected will be save in a bomb proof bunker while we deal with food shortages, roits and gang wars.

Trump will not be riding out to save us,nor will any Democrat.

We will be on our own.

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What you are doing is seeing their story and you're being used to bring it about. That's how happenings come about. It's a trick even in the bible when they called them "prophesies". It was to lay the belief in your mind that something can be prophesized when it absolutely can't. If it did, let's test it for something factual - did the bible ever mention algorithms or robots? Gene therapy or directed energy weapons?

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He is, but he wont go down in history as that.

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Ryan along with PENSE are traitors. They wanted to kill Trump so PENSE was president and Ryan would be VP. I HEARD THAT AFTER 2020 election. I believe it.

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