Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract


Why would the US Army purchase and supply Covid vaccines for a "WHO Medical emergency", if it were not a "WHO US Army, Military Operation," instead,for $1,950,097,500.00

What was the sum paid, translated into words, as my educational ability does not stretch that far - but the US Army apparently, supplied the World, as well as "just America".

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down

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DJT as a legally mandated participant in the National Security Council, IMO, had to know that he was authorizing the Defense Department to declare martial law over the health care industry by "Requiring Activity: Joint mission between the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense to combat COVID-19." See: https://bit.ly/3OperationWarpSpeed

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What is the matter with you - are you as stupid as the wood in this table?

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From your link:

"On March 13, 2020 the President of the United States declared the COVID-19 outbreak a national emergency. [martial law]

The Government has identified COVID-19 vaccine candidates that are progressing rapidly through advanced research and development activities. " [Operation Warp Speed (bypassing what had previously been necessary animal testing for malignant side effects)]

Biden might have made some unofficial announcement that the Covid 19 pandemic was over. But DoD's Operation Warp Speed (through HHS) still orders development of bioweapons and countermeasures by Pfizer and the other major pharmaceuticals. As a military operation in a state of emergency (under martial law) critics may be considered enemy combatants.

See: bit.ly/3TrumpAwardsWarpSpeed

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The 6 foot rule is based on how far the nano bio sensors need to work at their most optimal level … it was about science… just not the kind you think

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They only made a fool of themselves not Trump

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boom, and he has the off ramp, he can now punish them, go after them

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It will be interesting to see how long Trump continues to not course correct on the gene-therapy non vaccine bioweapon that he promoted.

He delays his mia culpa at his own risk.

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Agreed - but the truth will out eventually - the purpose of the disinformation Laws from February 2020 to June 2023 was to phase out any negative views of the vaccines being published, while telling those of the gullible you, that they were safe and effective, as they have proven not to be - all part of Gates/ Trump/ Biden's extermination program. If that makes me an enemy, then enemy I am, for telling the hidden truth.

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I was born, raised Dem. Learned at age 16 that damnrepublican was 2 words. Became a nurse and began to cover and hide "mistakes" for MDs. Tried various specialties and found they were all corrupt and money grubbing; some more than others. My daughter had fertility issues and after a long and expensive struggle we were welcoming boy, girl TWINS.. My grandson regressed into non verbal autism. I spent long hours searching for answers and treatment. He is now 16 and traveling to Europe with a high school band thriving like we never imagined. . I retired 3 times and am finally dun with main stream medicine, news, and just about everything else I once believed in and fought for. I could and should write a book about the crap that is called the "best health care system" in the world.. Dem/Rep system is also deeply flawed and needs to be reinvented. Peace be with you

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It is scary to see how a handful of people can do so much harm to humanity.

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