It seems to be an unstoppable train, however nonsensical it it.

It’s heading towards civil unrest in my view.

I fear that what the elite want.

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I doubt the elite want unrest unless it is people fighting one another and not them. They definitely want us fighting one another because that means we aren't going after them, but too much unrest and they will find it affects them as well. In the end they believe that we do not have the memory and ability to recognize who it is we should really be after.

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Personally I want all these revolting parasites dead. The sooner the better.

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The COVID boosters are a good depopulation plan for the G20 leadership if only we can confirm they actually get the injections using vials with 100% mRNA potency. Moderna, I’d say. I propose the House hire Scott Ritter, experienced weapons inspector, to head up a committee and plan to assure this happens, with physical oversight for every one of them, delivering the certified vials and dedicated personnel to give the shots on a schedule. This can be expanded to every political leader who advocates coerced procedures of any kind.

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Contact Congressman Jim Jordan and voice your statements.

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Regrettably I'm in Canada and given Justin's investment in the crapcines he's not going to listen... 🙄

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Can you move to the United States? The WEF'er Castro Trudeau will never change.

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How about they get 250ml of the crapcine each? Think that's the largest syringe in normal use... 🤔

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I fear they may be right.

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They very well could be. I've recently read a Dr. Malone post where he includes an interview with Mattias Desmet on mass formation. I imagine during different totalitarian periods in history, it has felt this hopeless, like then, we have to keep speaking out against it, and it is a great thing to do a kind thing to do, because if not, we see where this is going.

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They force injected the developmentally disabled in Los Angeles, coming to their Assisted Living facilities and homes. They held down geriatric residents and injected them without consent. They went CCP in biohazmat suits in Shanghai and all over China, spraying them in the faces with disinfectant and the CCP paid for and voted in our elections, so believe me when I tell you, this $#!t is just starting.

Get training in Krav Maga, or other self defense and arm up, in case they come to your door. You have rights. You may have to defend them. Watch the law videos by David Straight on YouBoob. Before they're taken down. (parts 1-5). The "vaccine" passport will leave you broke and destitute because if you aren't Nano-injected, they will see that you have no light under your skin under a black light (Luciferase is bioluminescent, and the nano technology emits light) You WILL be shipped off to "COVID camps" No banking for you. The body bags and coffins have been purchased. They are only in phase two. Get your food planted and get cages inside for rabbits or other indoor space saving quiet food source animals, because you are about to see NO WATER, NO FOOD. NO S#!T.

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I would rather be dead.

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I'm afraid you're right. Totally. From start to finish, you've explained it well.

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I don't think they care what response we bring, at this point. They do not fear us.

Runaway train. Exactly.

We either learn to speak as ONE - and VERY soon - or our voices will be unheard.

If we destroy each other ?

That is only less work for them, eh ?

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We don't need to speak as one. It doesn't even have to be many of us, just enough of us. Think about it. How many elites are there? How many want to control the rest of us? It isn't many. And so, it doesn't take many to push back.It may not even take as many as it once did.

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Perhaps you are correct, Jimmy. We DO just need to start somewhere, right?

You may be right about the QUANTITY of 'elites' playing the game - it's their power and resources that makes for such a formidable. But, David slew Goliath. So.....

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And from what I have read on different substacks, we aren't alone, and from what I see in Twitter, we are not alone either. I am not super optimistic though, I think there are a great many people that still live under the auspices that the masks, social distancing, vaccines, lockdowns all worked.

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LOTS of people need to awaken, shake the sand out of their hair. And soon.

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YES....That's what I say, too. Just look at the list that Fraudster JOE and his Commies are doing to the American People. They have caused all things WRONG with our Country. Then our soon to be controlled Republican US Congress just talks about hearings. Who cares, because nothing will happen again. This will be more wasting time. Are the meetings going to fix our interest rate that Leftist Powell is inflicting on us? We have to pay for what JOE and his Commies have created on purpose. My husband makes decent money, but the interest rate hikes, food, gas, bills, etc. are eating up his paycheck. Then taxpayers money goes to Ukraine to circle back to US and who knows where else it ends up. What a joke our Country has turned into at taxpayers expense.

I read where Ukrainian Government officials (if that's what you call them) are using US taxpayers money to buy homes in other Countries. Then Title 42 is about to expire this week and the

Illegal Aliens will flood the US even more. People are concerned about all the diseases that these illegals will bring into US. JOE and his Commies answer: Oh, we have a plan to handle this situation. There should be NO plan, because they are Illegal Aliens and have NO business in our Country. It's plain as day that JOE and his regime want to push us to a Revolution. He will never give up the Emergency Use Authorization either, because Big Pharma wouldn't be able to keep pushing out the Lethal JABS. I'm sure by now JOE is getting 20%. You know...INFLATION :-(

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This is why I feel it is imperitive, that the vax scandal gets out to all of the population, once the soldiers and police realise that both them and their children or grandchildren have been put at risk, in order to further their agenda, there will be no support in protecting them.

I just hope for their sakes they are trained well in martial arts

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Have to respectfully disagree.

There will never be a day when we can count on military or police for help. Never.

They are all part of the system saving their own asses and their bosses asses...not yours.

Need some evidence?

How about every day in China and N. Korea?

Want some western evidence?

Show me one western country where either the police or military stood up for the citizens the past 3 years?

You cannot name one. Either can I.

These enforcers are not our saviors...they are our nemesis.

I can provide endless videos of police beating the crap out of covid protesters...not a single one of them hauling the ass of some corrupt covid official off to jail.

If you have recent examples of that nature...please share. I could use some encouragement on that front.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022

I agree 100% with you about the civil unrest. How can there not be unrest over this control on our lives? I believe the unrest will also take place when people realize what they did to themselves and their kids over these Covid shots/bioweapons.

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It does seem some are now waking up but a staggering number remain gullible or at least not prepared to admit they have been duped

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I keep hearing that a lot of people are now waking up but I don't know about that. Maybe some but I don't think a large percentage. I don't see how this tyranny can accelerate if the majority of the masses are not complying.

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In my circles...spanning multiple countries and Cdn provinces...I cannot name one person I know who has woken up.

Sad...but true.

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That's how I feel. Most of my team members at work are sick and when they are out of the office, they are really out and do not come back for days. Still, you hear them talking about getting the flu shot which is nothing but the mRNA Covid shot. It's not normal. How can these grown people not associate their constant illness with these jabs?

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

Covid Taliban? More like reborn Nazis on steroids. Roos is a hero.

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Yes, it's the Fourth Reich.

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Mr. Roos is indeed a hero. There ARE others, of course - but we need many who CAN be heard, to speak out.

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Never ever ever ever. How dare they.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

Not just no but hell no

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These evil tyrants still haven't faced the reality their handling of covid is going to bring them consequences they never dreamed of. God bless the legal and medical practitioners who're leading the great pushback. We all stand together to support these great men and women.

As an aside, I just received a Probit survey that asked questions about covid. They wanted to know where I sourced my information on covid and whether I believed that covid vaccine was dangerous.

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Checked ng out who to censor/ eliminate next

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That is where the sun don’t shine !!

They are all guilty of malfeasance!!

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It’s already happening, I can talk about what’s going on in Australia. We have AHPRA the Australian health regulator which was reorganisation sec 2 years ago the amendments mean that even though they they are responsible for registering or de- registering medical practitioners they are not a legal institution under our constitution despite having a gov.au address. Recent amendments to legislation governing this body means that it erases the Hippocratic oath and makes medical practitioners allegiance to “public interest” rather than their patients. They have also created a national cabinet - also not legal under our constitution and basically creates a shadow government. Essentially it doesn’t matter how we vote- they are all on board with Schwab. Around 1990 there was a referendum here on a national Australia card ID card which was resoundingly rejected. However our current govt is insisting on compelling everyone to have a national digital id. This involves collecting you licence number, passport number, and every form of id including facial recognition or fingerprints. If you want to access the tax department start a new business access welfare or health records you are expected to join this id system Given that 95% of at least First vaccination most people already have COVID passport id. Australia was one of the first 40 countries to sign up to the WHO pandemic amendments in March. In 2014 they created a system called My Health record. This system collects and collates all of your medical history no matter where or by whom you were treated. All this information is under the control of a US based company called Iron Mountain.( isn’t privatisation wonderful). If you are up with the 13 amendments recommended to the WHO by the Biden administration, and likely to be adopted. All nations signed up to WHO will be obliged to hand all this information of to WHO - they will then have the power to declare pandemics whenever and wherever they feel like. It also will concentrate all bio weapons and the powers to coordinate plandemics. Trudeau had already organised all this in Canada, and proposals in UK parliament are organising a similar programme of health records as Australia. Just think handing all that power to Tedros a known terrorist with outstanding charges for genocide and crimes against humanity in The Hague and Bill Gates. More information on the WHO can be found on James Rozuski’s page on Substack. Be afraid these psychopaths are much better organised than people understand. Australia had released a 5 year pandemic plan - be afraid. I have no doubt this plandemic was highly organised and deliberately created.

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Looks like Iron Mountain is part of the giant vampire squid https://fintel.io/news/blackrock-inc-increases-ownership-in-irm-iron-mountain-incorporated-reit-0.8817943209300279 We've got the evil WEF and the vampire squid here in Detroit, making it their headquarters for their green cities agenda. It is as delusional as The Great Leap Forward in China. This place has no sidewalks, drugs and illegal guns, poverty, rats and no heat in the schools, massive air pollution that harms young kids' lungs, food deserts, lots of slimey creepy liquor stores that sell lottery tickets to the desperate, but our lovely governor who approves corporate hospital mergers that destroy patient care and our disgusting mayor and city council are all salivating as the WEF through Bedrock is bringing bike lanes. No one rides bikes here, it is too dangerous mostly, and the ozone wrecks your lungs, and there are 7 months of winter. The deceptive BS about vaccines is pushed incessantly, terrorizing people who are already traumatized from living through a hot zone. The green agenda, aka the greenback agenda will radiate from here. Sorry that is happening to you. I think we are all in for it if we don't find a way to stop it.

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Until all of America, the world and all towns and cities crumbling to the ground. These fascist elites have no plans at all to stop. Genocide and maximum instability is their aim.

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You bet they want this! Why do you think they continue to greet with open arms these THOUSANDS of illegal big strong men? They are a militia! They are not here to pick crops. Pick crops? I thought we are having a food shortage which includes home grown poisoned food!

Well, maybe they’ll like bugs to eat.

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ExAcTly. MS-13, all lined up. They were issuing different colored bracelets and issuing government cell phones and handing them off to gang members for trafficking and drug dealing. The famales and kids they flew over were NOT related. Another covert 3 letter org BS plan to FORK AMERICANS OVER. I hope we get to see them get caught and punished. Child traffickers and pedos. Hell sent and hell bent.

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They remind me of Wyle E. Coyote. They won't stop until they are stopped.

We need to update Nuremberg code and address A.I.

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The Nuremberg Code was 100% instituted and controlled by the criminal cabal. It has no value in real terms. It was and is a complete fraud used to placate the masses...which it has largely accomplished.

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I think we should have vaccine passports -- but only for the politicians, WEF members, and drug company criminals. Let's give ourselves the ability to track and trace their every move. It's the only way we can get the dirt on these criminals and get them safely behind bars.

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This had better never come to fruition. Medical tyranny at it's finest.

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Sorry already happening

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And we need to keep saying NO!

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They just opened up my moms care center to taking temperatures only. Lots of tears being kept away-refuse to be tested with a dna test like I’m a murder suspect or a quax. Moms 99 tomorrow went to see her get moved to skilled care. I hate Gavin’s Laws.

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The primary issue is that there is no attenuated pathogen in the Covid INJECTION so this is not a vaccine. Also, it is not gene therapy, it is a GMO Modification which carries the synthetic code that instructs DNA to produce the spike protein which is why they told you you needed the injection to protect you from and why the injection was pushed in the first place. I call thus insanity. Also, due to the 1986 vaccine law, if the injection harms or kills you with bots, graphene and other goodies, you cannot sue the pharmaceuticals or their billionaires who got rich selling you the idea that your God-given immune system won't protect you if you take care of it.

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I read that if fraud was involved, you could sue them. We know the trials were hiding fraudulent claims, as were the PCR tests.

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Go read Sasha Latypova and Bailiwick news.

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Thales Digital ID Wallet. What does it mention in the first minute?


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Mandatory vaccine! I noticed 400 "likes" also. There is no doubt that some things would improve by being more convenient for us but not to be tracked everywhere you go, and what you do. No mention of CBDC or carbon allowance or social credit score.....yet!

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That whole Digital ID Wallet is CBDC and social credit score based. Yes, mandatory vaccination was the big takeaway.

Fk'n disturbing.

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I can't believe how many are still buying into this plandemic and trotting off for boosters and flu jabs, even by those laid up after getting first two plus one suffering lung clot, followed by illness with positive test then heart op! No one is interested in having a conversation about what is really going on in the world. So disheartening.

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Ultimately, it's self rectifying. Harsh? Yes, but, I can't be doing with it anymore.

To these Covidian types, I now just say, "Get.your boosters!" and I go back to looking at strong buy signals for Co-op Funeral Care stock.

No one apart from my brother and an old expat friend in Thailand listened, even after a Herculean effort on my part to lay out the facts for all to see.

I ran out of tinfoil by around October 2020, having made all the hats I was instructed to.

Clocked the operation by March 2020, confirmed to me by an old friend, a senior NHS paramedic instructor in Major Incidents in the UK. He was the one who set me on the path of discovery, starting with the "You will own nothing" video by the World Economic Forum.

I was rabid for it, day and night. Didn't stop. Until January 2022 when I dumped Facebook and Twitter and the rest and now only talk to a few people on Telegram and Substack. It was fruitless.

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Lol! Yes, funerals are very much the business to be in today. I am extremely sad as my two adult kids would not even look at anything I sent them. Knowing they are likely ticking time bombs is not a nice feeling and for them now to know this would not be good unless they accepted the truth and got blood tests and tried detoxing. No idea if any work. Interesting facts about NHS man. I used to work in a clinical trials office at local hospital. On local BBC news in summer of 2020 one of the senior nurses I knew was shown to be one of the first to participate in AZ trial, getting jabbed on TV as they all did to encourage others. Don't know how she is today. Most hospital staff were taken in by this too.

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Old friend of mine emigrated to Aus and then on to New Zealand some 15 years ago.

I contacted him in early 2021 to say all is not what it seems (you have to take baby steps with most people). He exploded. Started banging on about not having enough ambulances, ventilators, mass graves even!

I sent him RFK's Fauci book in pdf. Exploded again. "I'm not reading that shit!"

Anyway, six months later I get an email. "Give me your synopsis. I haven't seen one case worse than flu. Don't understand why we're vaccinating children and low risk groups. My life has gone badly south."

I sent him my 20,000 word synopsis of the entire agenda. It lays it all out, the agenda, the methods and so on. You'll know. You'd have written the same.

See, he's a doctor, a GP.

His life had gone "badly south" because he "suddenly and unexpectedly" went psychotic and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, a speciality of mine. He'd never shown any symptoms before of this typically hereditary, progressive disease which usually manifests one way or the other by late teens to early twenties.

He'd been prescribed Lamotrigine, the anti-convulsant used off-label as a mood stabiliser and the anti-psychotic, Abilify. So it was likely Bipolar II Disorder with psychotic features.

Now. I had a quick look around for Coof injection injuries, specifically mental health conditions like Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and psychosis. Lot of reports, like four hundred thousand springs to mind. This was way back when.

Being a CoVIDian GP in New Zealand, I have no doubt he received these injections, probably multiple times, although I didn't ask, I was more concerned with his welfare at that point.

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Don’t believe likes or pro comments. Bots.

There are literally armies of bots that are always pro government. Here we have 77th Brigade, Cabinet office, Security services all with their own slew of SM accounts. Dept of Health SECURITY.

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I'd never heard of 77th brigade until 2 years ago or controlled opposition and false flag ops. Since lockdowns I mainly read articles and books of which some are just propaganda too and it takes time to discover who is genuine and not many of them either.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

Did you see that Tory idiot, that Tobias Elwood MP, proudly announcing he was back serving the British military in the 77th Brigade? Idiot put it on Twitter. Everyone took screenshots. Then he took it down.

For one thing, our enemy isn't that smart.

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No I didn't. Not very smart!

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It’s very hard to know who is controlled opposition in the pay/blackmail of TPTB.

I would suggest caution be exercised with the assumption that all are unless proven otherwise.

Even on our substack ghetto there are many who’ve moved from MS SM to here. Beware Oliver Cromwell.

One thing they often use to discredit us is blatant ‘blame the J*ws’. This allows them to declare the author of the original article is a far right extremist.

As for Malone, I get mixed signals. As for Alexander, Yeadon, Vliet, Breggin, Wolfe any a fair number of others… I don’t.

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Easy to spot. They have normal sounding names like "Christopher Robinson" or "John Durham". Two I found on John Campbell's YouTube video comments. Go after them and they never respond.

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Deep in me I know your right, I just hope your wrong, however, I hope that so much of our so called democracy has not been destroyed yet, that there is still hope.

You would not see people, for example, like Desantis and Ron Johnson taking on Pharma and Government in China.

The UK, which is where I am from, appear to have slipped much further down the China route, as all our main parties, all speak the same script.

Anyway, I can at least dream

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