You see queers for Palestine but you don’t see Muslims for Queers.

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That is strange. I bet lots of the gays that are pro Palistine ,are actually paid crisis actors. There being paid to make the genocide in Palistine look ridiculous.

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How many muslims are not LGBTQ+P? Transgenderism and sodomy are so rife in some muslim countries you'd think you were in America.

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That is unfortunately the rule of Muslim law. How stupid are these uneducated LGBTQ supporters of HAMAS!

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Too stupid for me to deal with

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Smarter of us like me know that and fight and expose Islam and its sexist and homophobic nature a lot, but brainwashed Woketards just ignore all the facts which contradict their fake narrative, and blame only white people and Jews for everything...

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How much work are you doing to fight the sexist and homophobic nature of the GOP and Trump?

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Strong TDS is detected. Trump is not homophobic for fuck sake, he hosts gay weddings at Mar a Lago regularly.

Islam literally murders gay people, in the contrary.

If you fail to realize that palpable difference, you're brainless, heartless and hopeless.

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I suspect "Tanya" is a DoD or DHS troll. She shows up from time to time to spew nonsense.

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Sure he does--he charges them oodles of money as that is his agenda. But his comments against gays, Black and Latino people and claims he can do anything to women and get away with it is his mantra. His NY trial is finally holding him accountable for his abuse of any but white, monied males. In fact, if you are not a wealthy donor this fascist bigot would sell you down the tubes for whatever he could make off you. TDS may be more your problem

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Never heard Trump say anything negative about gays, blacks, latinos, etc. What a load of crap.

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Again, for those who are in the bunker - Muslims literally KILL gay people.

Trump HOSTS gay weddings.

If you fight Trump but welcome Islam, you're not just ignorant idiot, but actual homophobic fascist and mortal enemy of all gay people.

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If we look at Gay being a lifestyle choice, I agree with you ,Alex.

The mistakes came when everything suddenly started to be cool. This is the mentality unhealthy stance of the ultra weird.

As for Muslims, I've no need to trust anyone based on faith.

It's the heart that counts in my book.

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Oh I disagree - I believe being gay is my nature and I certainly didn't choose it. I mean why would I choose to be hated by many people and to not have my own kids? Weird to choose that, eh?

It's who I am, and I believe it's no one's business whom I love and whose dick I suck because it harms no one and concerns no one... You got me.

I have problems with Pride parades and Woke queer Marxist cult hijacking gay community, and Islam is just genocidal pedo cult and destructive political ideology, if you read Quran and Hadith and Shariah 'law', not just faith.

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Wrong, Tanya.

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Sometimes I think Tanya just likes to fight,Kathleen. I've suggested she try posts she may enjoy more.

But some folks like to scrap.

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I am guessing Tanya is Trans. Pumped full of massive amounts of the wrong hormones is not good for one’s mental health.

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Good idea, Darkstar.

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I don’t care who is sexist or who is homophobic. Look at how many people hate Christians. I am one. I don’t care. But whatever you think is one thing. Think it. Don’t invite me to your parties. KILLING PEOPLE is not the same thing. I am a white male hetero Christian real estate developer. You probably hate me! I really don’t care. And I will fight for your right to say ‘I can’t stand that guy. He’s a moron’. However…re Trump? Not a hater. Of anyone. He just wants people to follow the rules.

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You are such a drama queen.

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Nothing .

This is a pro Zionist platform, Tanya. Trump is a better Goyum than Biden. So it's also pro Trump

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What does zionism mean to you?

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The concept of Jewish supremacy, as in God's chosen people. Birthright stolen from Essaw. . The Talmud stating that we Goyim and our Sheskas are beneath the Jews and subservient to them.

The silly believe that gentiles are dogs to the jews.

That's Zionism to me Willam. Thank for asking 😌

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Zionism means people who believe in a Jewish homeland. As far as ‘The Chosen People’ idea goes, travel a bit. Hindu Brahmins? They are the best! Chinese? They the best. Everywhere you go the people inexplicably think they’re best. Germans? You know they think they are the best. Americans. Japanese? I know Israelis and local Jews. No one really thinks they are The Chosen Ones. Not really. Probably less so than Chinese. And way less than Brahmins. DCites? Upper class NYers. You want self satisfied completely undeservedly smug? Come to Canada.

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The lbgtqmaps are a cult/mafia..... go back and listen to Michael Savage pre 2010... you'll start to realize why the now accept Maps .... sick stuff

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Alphabet mafia.

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"Gays for Palestine" are my favorite.

Those people are so stupid.

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I agree. Just like Goyim for Isreal. Why support those that hate you?

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Those people couldn't even find Gaza on a map.

Or Ukraine.

Seems like Ukraine has been kicked to the curb and been replaced by Gaza.

Gonna be a crazy summer for sure.

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I hear you Kathleen.

While discussing our philosophical differences is actually useful.(it takes adults to agree to disagree)

We should focus on larger issues, like Forbes saying today that Biden will be replaced by Newsom.

GAAAAAA!!!And you're right. These folks that are LTBG+QP

don't know squat about world events. They are so messed up mentally, that they can't think anything 😕

It will be a crazy summer.

I hope you've got supplies set aside, bullets bandages, beans and water.

I always enjoy talking with you. Be safe.

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I swear, people have lost their minds.

But...it all ties into the military and government psyops of the covid plandemic.

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Newsom is not popular. But he will be pushed by the media like crazy.

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No way they can run Biden.

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Unbelievable! I have yet to understand the LGBT agenda. Their agenda deserves a close look on how it impacts normal people's rights, or the loss thereof.



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It has no impact on your rights. The agenda is for equal rights and acceptance as full humans and citizens of this country. What is so hard to understand. Your beliefs are based on emotionality and ignorance that you were trained to think was real.

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No, I think it impedes on the rights of straight people and parents when their children are exposed to drag queens in primary schools, or, for that matter, nude gay parades that go against Western social norms. And I would suggest that you be respectful when criticizing anyone on any subject. For instance, I'm a highly educated social scientist, and I find your stance on this subject disrespectful.

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Wrong again, Tanya.

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No one is even attempting to tell people what they can wear or how they can present themselves to the world. This has been going on forever. NO ONE CARES! But I don’t want a month celebrating it. I want schools to not be social incubators for leftist ideas. Teach the kids reading writing and arithmetic. Leave Drag Queens out of schools. This is not about rights. Everyone has the same rights. This is about privileges given to a certain group.

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Tanya,you're missing the point,. Dr Paul refers the LBTG+QP folks to Muslims.

You're shouting at the wind ,girl.

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Exactly they don’t know what they voted for 😂😂😂

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(***(&(^&_)(*&*)() How damned stupid are these wokist wankers FFs's!!!! Their brothers are being thrown off rooftops in moslem majority nations. Freaking sh*t for brains, must be tired of living.

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So true! They need to go to Palestine to March in the Gay Pride.

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"In 2007 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then the president of Iran, told a crowd of incredulous students at Columbia University in New York that 'in Iran we don’t have homosexuals'." That's because they hang them.


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I call Paul and his ilk bigoted as he singles out people of color, no matter who they are. My take is that if he supports death to them, then throw all the white males in there, too as most deaths and rapes and abuse of women and gay people are by white men. And that includes those wealthy (like him) privilege males that believe, like Trump, they are exempt from the same laws they want applied to people they hate.

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Wrong, Tanya.

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We call out idiot lefties, of any colour. White liberal women probably get more scorn than any group.

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Nah,it's the JAPs .... ...White libatard chicks are somewhere hanging with the ghost of Snoop Dog.

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Tanya,do you ever respond to someone, are do you just rant?

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I reply to people all the time when they are respectful. I see no reason to honor anyone who uses name calling and character assassination, ad hominems, etc as a means of communication. So change your attitude towards me as a human being deserving respect and then we can have communication. People ganging up on someone who disagrees with your group is not going to work with me.

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Okay Tanya, I do have a lot in common with Dr Paul's page,

But I've been known to throw rocks at ideals that seem prevalent on this page.

Ideals don't have feelings, people do.

I've seldom got really negative reactions to my stance against Zionism here.

But your stance seems so different to the majority here.

You seem very intelligent,

Can you tell me whom you support for president?


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Intelligent? More like a font of nonsense.

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I see she didn't reply,Kathleen.

Sometimes being nice gets me nowhere 🙃

Silly me.😁

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And sometimes it gets you appreciation : )

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I see you don't respond to those that write back. That's no way to drum up fans for your substak,girl.

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The first gay and lesbian movement was the German SA its leaders were gay. Expample Mr Roehm.

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The first gay and lesbian movement was the German SA its leaders were gay. Expample Mr Roehm.

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The first gay and lesbian movement was the German SA its leaders were gay. Expample Mr Roehm.

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Gosh Dr Paul, this post was tons more fun than I would have thought. I even got to meet some really interesting folks today.

Thanks for hosting this chat.

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On a personal note I do not worry where Wullie sling his WILLIE or where Betty swings her BOOBS but when weirdo creeps force it on people they can F--K RIGHT OFF!

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