
As a veteran (with a relevant background) I FULLY AFREE with Gen Flynn. ! (with emphasis)

Get ready - there are many more of these events coming UNLESS WE THE people rise up, stop talking and GET ANGRY ENOUGH TO FIGHT until we take the bastards down.

And in case you wish to know WHO are the TOP HORSEMAN that delivered this Apocalypse, they are

Obama, Clinton (both) , Biden, Both BUSH, Reagan but the worst was BUSH SR . AND of course many more Gates, Rockefeller etc

Here is a good link. You decidr


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We are 4 years into WW3 and The USA is still under attack with ZERO response by our Military. This leads me to believe we are under attack from within. When China released C19 on the world we should have levelled the CCP within a couple of weeks. Instead our trade deficit continued to rise through 2020. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that any of the attacks on our food supply or infrastructure are done from within even when they use foreign assets to get the job done. democRATs hate The American people and there are plenty of democRATs on both sides of the PURE BILLSHIY POLITICSL AISLE. If you voted for traitor joe, FUCK YOU. If you still support traitor joe, FUCK YOU.

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Hal Turner just said on his radio show. Ukraine did It and there’s proof.?

How about that stab in our back after billions of hour tax dollars sent to help them?

And he also said the bridge could be rebuilt in 2 months not ten years. Send him some $ and you can listen to the archived show!

Hal Turner radio show.com

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I am usually on board with "the government did it" on many a conspiracy theory. I can't get there on this one. This looks like a straight up accident to me. I don't subscribe to throwing conspiracies where they don't fit, it dilutes the brand.

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Not with an unpowered vessel it wasn’t.

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I said the same thing, I posted about it that morning!

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You say, just begun, but really has it? What about all the accidents over the last years with regard to food and oil?

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This fits the Globalists plan, annihilation of the country called AMERICA...

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Accident or not the people should be emailing/writing letters/out on the street and demanding facts and truths now and not years from now!?

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I have put together about 6 total articles, this one sums them up, and it looks like there is no other conclusion that this was a totally planned attack, practiced.

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By the way Paul, you know you are over the target when trolls like this Hudson E Baldwin III start spouting epithets in your comments, lol.

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Paul, I tend to agree. Just too implausible to be a random accident. Since it is certain that the Russian attack, ISIS or not, was run and paid for by the CIA Ukrainian folks, I suspect the bridge was also.

Patriots like Flynn do have better knowledge of these things. I expect Flynn to be Trump's VP pick.

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I hear a lotta ppl saying there's no way this could be due to a cyber attack

I beg to differ... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/was-the-baltimore-bridge-collapse?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true

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Your fucking existence is an embarrassment to humanity stop with your fucking obvious bullshit gibberish.

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Emboldened by Biden's gift of the easy defeat of the US militarily in Afghanistan by the superior forces of the backward, illiterate and goat-herding third world Taliban, ISIS-K have become a terrorist threat worldwide. Even if they did not carry out the Baltimore attack directly they would have inspired it. And they in turn were inspired by Biden.

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