"publicly announced" information is very different from what the data shows.

This stuck out for me because I just returned from a walk with a dear old friend who is scared to death (her words) of "catching long COVID." She says she knows several people in her circle who have this, and it is all manifesting differently with each one.

- one person is exhausted all the time

- another person's autonomic nervous system is affected, and runs intermittent fevers

- still another had a sudden pulmonary embolism and is lucky to be alive -- she apparently got her 3rd booster, promptly caught Omicron, recovered and then silently developed blood clots as a result of the Omicron, and now has "long COVID" which can be deadly.

- and another one has new cardiac issues, previously healthy young person.

There are a few others. My friend is worried about these boosted friends (some of whom are immunocompromised) and also about catching it herself.

I am puzzled about what "long COVID" is. I guess it really is a thing. Is it true that the symptoms of long COVID are similar to the symptoms of adverse events from the shots, and if so, how can you tell the difference/the cause?

How does this relate to the topic? my friend and I are taking in very different sets of information. Her information is mainstream and mine comes from all over. We each believe that we are correct. Where she sees long COVID, I see vaccine adverse events.

Because she has her data, she is fearful and wants to take more shots to protect herself. Because I have my data, I am fearful of adverse events and I will never take one of these shots because I want to protect my innate immune system.

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Yes, I’m seeing this on Twitter as well. It’s side effects. The fact that people don’t realize this is from the shots is unreal. First they weren’t supposed to get Covid at all, they got it, and now think they have long covid. And then they line up for more shots. The Elites must be laughing.

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Have you noticed in mainstream media there is a lot of chatter about long covid. I wonder why. A few possibilities come to mind but I'm sure the media and all aren't going there.

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I agree with you! I do think long Covid is real, but that the shots increase one's chances of getting it. And as I wrote in an above comment, no one credible is even saying the shots prevent long Covid because the evidence is the opposite.

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I really enjoyed reading your comment. I have been having the same thoughts as you regarding long covid. I have been wondering if the vaccinated people who get covid are suffering with " long covid" or is it just the unvaccinated who end up with long covid. I don't know if anyone has teased this information out. I am beginning to think it is most likely adverse effects from the shots and perhaps long covid is a potential cover up. Since covid 19 was declared over two years ago the only people I know who got covid are the vaccinated, Omicron for all. I'm probably a lot older than you but have also chosen not to take any of these shots. I do everything I can to keep my immune system up and running. Biologically we are so complex and our immune systems are amazing.

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A question I have been wondering about is the affects of lockdowns. Long before the vaccines were ready and before long covid a “thing”, brain fog and all the other symptoms now associated with long covid were being reported upon as caused by various aspects of lockdowns. If, as I believe, the vaccinated, the unvaccinated who got covid, the vaccinated who still got covid and those that have had neither the shot nor the disease are all suffering from the same symptoms then more needs to be done to separate out the causes for each of these groups. I am inclined to think that lockdown is more likely the cause for all these groups, at least a significant number of each, as it the only situation that all have in common.

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Or ongoing poisoning through maybe city water?

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Apr 17, 2022·edited Apr 17, 2022

I and my family are unvaxxed and never got covid. Only unvaxxed who got covid i know are people in very close contact with vaxxed people who got covid. BTW I am on well water just to bring in another point... hmm. Since Dr. Ardis said 9 out of 10 who never got covid are on well water anecdotal but still ...maybe long covid is constant poisoning maybe through water ??? Its possible ...

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An interesting thought regarding well water. It could be anything at this point. I just found out yesterday that in British Columbia, Canada, where I live that they don't have to notify the population when they spray areas with glysophate to remove unwanted trees etc. I avoid food that has glosphate on it.

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They are very similar. My son and my boyfriend both took the jab to keep their jobs. They both started having daily headaches, brain fog, fatigue, higher blood pressure, breathing issues after the 2nd jab. They are on a weekly dose of ivermectin now ever since. They also take some vitamins that help too. So far they have been ok and have not caught omicron. They both regret taking the shots too. Here's some good info on it





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The FLCCC has said that taking Ivermectin (with other complementary early treatment) prevents long Covid).

The only person I know with long Covid symptoms was vaccinated. I suspect she had just gotten her booster when she then came down with Omicron. Would she have fared better if she had not had all those shots? I think so. If she had skiipped all the shots AND used Ivermectin and early treatment, I know so.

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Also, I should add, there is no claim that vaccines do anything to prevent long Covid. I remember studies were showing that a ways back. So it's a moot point for your friend.

The only thing that would work to protect her (FLCCC early treatments protocol) if she gets Covid is the one thing she probably would not use.

It is very sad for people to be trapped like this. They are afraid of something for which there is no cause to fear (ie, the dreaded horse dewormer that is incredibly safe) and they are not afraid of the very thing setting them up for immune damage, repeated bouts of Covid and long Covid: the shots.

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Dani, this question has been bothering me too.

Very small uninjected control group and no one is interested in looking at the "unvaxxed" anyway.

Then there's the question of how the clotshots react with Covid.

Yes, is it long Clotshots or long Covid.

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I too have had this question with the added fact that those who have had neither the shot nor the disease have the same symptoms. Being confined for months or now years certain has this effect, especially when it came on suddenly.

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Might also be from shedding from the clotshot takers.

No purebloods anymore?

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Except that these symptoms and their cause, lock down, were being reported long before the vaccines.

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It's because long Covid is real and can happen unvaxxed after getting Covid. It's why use of Ivermectin is so important as it prevents it. However, I believe the shots make chances of getting long Covid higher with each additional shot.

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And yet, for many, the same symptoms predate both vaccines and covid infections.

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Bear in mind this was released two months ago and the whistleblower was immediately dismissed.

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I wonder if long Covid is the label being put on adverse side effects from the jab. It is deeply sad that we can’t get straight answers.

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It looks like pretty much all of us on this substack article have the same questions about long covid. This totally reaffirms one of the reasons I am glad I started using substack last fall. It's nice to know there are a lot of like minded people out there who question and research and share views and opinions in an open forum.

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You say The entire global economy has gotten whacked in the last 2 yrs.. and quite possibly a few million most probably have been murdered and maimed.. and continue to be TODAY.. by Big Pharma ? well you are sure going to love our next line of vaccines then.. OH Boy! they are already in the pipeline! We are formulating a vaccine for every conceivable human ailment.. absolutely.. ! Yahoo! useless dangerously poisonous formulations into Infinite... Us Big Pharma execs are really sorry for those Millions.. but we are shooting for a Trillion in profits each year now.. and of course the Government, Big Tech, Legacy media, and Big Finance are going to help us because they are on our payroll..

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At the end of the article it says: "Therefore, a copy of this letter is also sent to the German Medical Association and the Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds also receives a copy of this letter with the request to obtain appropriate data analyzes from all health insurance companies.

Since danger to human life cannot be ruled out, we would ask you to respond to the measures taken by Feb. 22, 2022, 6:00 p.m.”

That was quite a while ago - wonder if they were ignored or did they receive a reply?

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I'm waiting for govt's to jump in (behind closed doors, of course) and offer to 'reimburse' the insurance companies for their 'excessive' losses ... as long as the insurance companies keep their collective mouths shut.

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How long before this guy is canned? The last German insurance guy that spoke out didn’t last.

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Is this a different one.

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I just got some confusing news yesterday. Xmas week I was sick with cold symptoms and wondered if it was covid. Im unjabbed & never tested positive for covid (tested 3x in 2020-2021 for covid & antibodies, and have no reason to believe I ever had covid prior to this time. I began taking my stash of IVM as soon as I started feeling sick. About 1.5 days after symptoms began, I went to ER clinic and got tested for Flu A & B and covid. All came back negative. Someone told me I probably had covid but had gone too early to get tested (even though I was having full blown cold symptoms). So, for another annual medical Several days ago, I asked to test me for covid antibodies. To my surprise, it came back positive for covid antibodies!!! Now, I am perplexed as to whether I actually had covid Xmas week but had tested too soon OR if intimacy with someone recently who was jabbed 3x could have transferred it to me after Xmas week??? I realize Omicron was very transmittable.

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I'm guessing on it, but I would say that you had it when you were having symptoms Xmas & either you tested too early, or their test was incorrect.. That's just my guess though. I've listened to Dr McCullough so much and he keeps repeating that symptoms are key. People have gotten tested over and over with no symptoms and then test positive and say they have covid. I don't think the tests are very accurate. Only way to know for sure is blood test like you had

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Maybe the exomes (sp?) hadn't generated yet to show positive at only 1.5 days into being sick.

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The following read on the Expose, really helped me to pull together in my mind (even though I am quite familiar with all or most all of the issues) as to how & why this all exists and continues. Technology has allowed the mass manipulation of minds to brainwash ppl like never before. Most of us on these sites already recognize the MASSIVE MANIPULATION of the world!!! Particularly, western societies, and understand how we can believe very little of what we are told.

“In the future, it’s possible that transhumanism will use technologies that are physically embedded in the human body or brain to offer superhuman cognition or forms of mind control. However, at this time transhumanism is already occurring, not from an implantable device but through mass formation psychosis and the manipulation of information.

A key example is the term “mass formation psychosis,” which Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,3 mentioned on an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” December 31, 2021. The episode was viewed by more than 50 million people.4

January 2, 2022, mass formation psychosis reached a value of 100 on Google Trends,5 which means it had reached peak popularity, after previously being practically unheard of.

The technocrats quickly took action, manipulating search results and populating Google with propaganda to discredit Malone and the mass formation psychosis theory — even though Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium, who has 126 publications to his name,6 has been studying it for many years, and the phenomenon actually dates back over 100 years.

Those under the spell of mass formation psychosis obsessively focus on a failure of the normal world or a particular event or person — in this case COVID-19 — which becomes the focus of the attention and can effectively control the masses. The phenomenon leads to totalitarian thinking and, eventually, to totalitarian states — and it’s clear that Google didn’t want you to know about it.”

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MRNA vaccines have a mortality rates so what are they?

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Weren’t a few German medics murdered when they attempted to speak the truth about covid vaxxes?

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