German Insurer Warns: “More Vaccine Side Effects Than Previously Known”; INSURANCE COMPANIES WON’T BE ABLE TO WORK AFTER THIS IS DONE
I told you this near one year now, when the money men come knocking, when the insurance companies start reporting losses, then be warned, something huge is happening; DEATHS!
A board member of German insurer BKK ProVita recently had analyzed the data of millions of insured individuals of the BKK group. The results conclude that the number of COVID-19 “vaccine” side effects is much higher than is being reported by the German federal agency and medical regulatory body, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI).
“According to BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck, the new data is an “alarm signal.” He highlighted on Wednesday that “the figures determined are significant and urgently need to be checked for plausibility.” Noting the importance of the potential findings, he added:
“The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be ethically wrong not to talk about it.”
"publicly announced" information is very different from what the data shows.
This stuck out for me because I just returned from a walk with a dear old friend who is scared to death (her words) of "catching long COVID." She says she knows several people in her circle who have this, and it is all manifesting differently with each one.
- one person is exhausted all the time
- another person's autonomic nervous system is affected, and runs intermittent fevers
- still another had a sudden pulmonary embolism and is lucky to be alive -- she apparently got her 3rd booster, promptly caught Omicron, recovered and then silently developed blood clots as a result of the Omicron, and now has "long COVID" which can be deadly.
- and another one has new cardiac issues, previously healthy young person.
There are a few others. My friend is worried about these boosted friends (some of whom are immunocompromised) and also about catching it herself.
I am puzzled about what "long COVID" is. I guess it really is a thing. Is it true that the symptoms of long COVID are similar to the symptoms of adverse events from the shots, and if so, how can you tell the difference/the cause?
How does this relate to the topic? my friend and I are taking in very different sets of information. Her information is mainstream and mine comes from all over. We each believe that we are correct. Where she sees long COVID, I see vaccine adverse events.
Because she has her data, she is fearful and wants to take more shots to protect herself. Because I have my data, I am fearful of adverse events and I will never take one of these shots because I want to protect my innate immune system.
Bear in mind this was released two months ago and the whistleblower was immediately dismissed.