She scares me to death.

Dear Lord save us from these ambitious strivers.

And on your other note, I'm afraid it's just a pipe dream hoping that any of the perpetrators of our present situation will face any justice of any sort, however I do enjoy reading your unrelenting plea for their day in Court and the possible outcome therein.

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Reparations for the injured and the fired! Most of the fired can not afford attorneys fees and its hard to find attorneys who have the knowledge and will to fight the system - colleges - military - city/county/state and so on...it's a catch 22 and there is little justice at this point.

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The judges are bar-attorneys, no lawyer is going up against the bar;

The attorney if he doesn't get rich ambulance chasing, his only hope of a comfy retirement is become a judge

To become a judge you must brown nose judges and make deals in the back-room, all cases in USA are quid-pro-quo, always

No lawyer pisses off a judge ever, or the 'bar'

It's just a big game of brown nosing, ass fucking, and ass kissing;

Long ago sheriff was elected by county citizens they elected their 'judge' who didn't even have to have a fucking 'law degree', today in all of america you must be a 'bar attorney' to be a 'judge' that is a UK london bonded bitch to their system of ZOG gov;


The bar is not unlike the FED-RES bank its a private club of grifters;

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I agree… “It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.”

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The reason they do everything they do


They need you all dead, read this post and understand their point of view

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The reason they do everything they do


They need you all dead, read this post and understand their point of view

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Very deluded female.

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Evil incarnate. Lindsey Graham in a different dress. NeverTrumpers think they can put lipstick on a pig ...

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I get the feeling she is still in the race, because she knows something we don’t. The WEF organization she belongs to is certainly pulling some strings.

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Yes. After all Haley has only 'suspended' her campaign, has refused to endorse Donald Trump, and vowed in today's brief speech to continue to speak out as a "private citizen" on behalf of her rino "AND Democrat supporters" (her own words today).

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I don’t understand how she thinks we will vote for her after all that she has done and said if something happened to put Trump out of the race.

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This has crossed my mind also. She's their plan B when (?) something happens to Trump and he's out? She'll be #2 in delegate votes to advocate that she earned it?

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The democrats and RINOs hate Trump.

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Ok, lets spell it out;

1.) They did try to kill trump with remesdivir and advised him to try some ventilator as well, his personal doctor Dr. Zelenko advised against all of them and told him to do HCQ & IVERMectin

2.) Because they failed in killing Trump they felt that Zelenko had to die

3.) They killed Zelenko, and blamed it on an outstanding 'cancer' that he is said to have had

None of this makes Trump into any kind of 'hero' they had a plan make Pence their POTUS, they fucked up, should have killed Zelenko before he arrived at whitehouse.

Interesting that zelenko had connections back to Netanyahu, and Kushner and other old-time Kohser-Nostra pals of Trump, they were covering their 'investments' especially Adelson; Who had invested $120M USD in Trump 2016 election;

The US-GOV in wash-dc is a rat's nest; Whether Trump is the lessor of an evil is irrelevant if all within DC 100KM radius are satanic assholes;


ACT LOCAL, Think National & Global, we can't do fucking shit about DC, or London, but we can sure as shit tar&feather the local COVID enablers where-ever you live;

Besides tar&feathers all assholes who locally pushed covid-bullshit,

No voting can fix DC, only a nuke can fix DC, lets hope that they keep pushing Putin with US-MIL CIA boots on the ground in Ukraine and Putin nukes DC, he's our only hope;

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Can someone please explain to me what a Neocon really is?

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The Judges ...

The judges are bar-attorneys, no lawyer is going up against the bar;

The attorney if he doesn't get rich ambulance chasing, his only hope of a comfy retirement is become a judge

To become a judge you must brown nose judges and make deals in the back-room, all cases in USA are quid-pro-quo, always

No lawyer pisses off a judge ever, or the 'bar'

It's just a big game of brown nosing, ass fucking, and ass kissing;

Long ago sheriff was elected by country citizens they elected their 'judge' who didn't even have to have a fucking 'law degree', today in all of america you must be a 'bar attorney' that is a UK london bonded bitch to their system of ZOG gov;

The 'bar' is a private UK owned club of satanic men, just like the FED-RES bank;

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Throw on everyone who works at DARPA, O’Vomit, Gates, ZuckerPig, the owners of every lamestream news outlet, that Clinton pair and all the heads of labs and Chinese nationals working in the US to develop the virus and the jab, and I’m with ‘ya.

But don’t just hang them. Vivisect them in place of the lab animals they would otherwise torture to death. Hanging is too easy and lets them go without paying restitution by providing species-appropriate biological data for future use.

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And Vivek?

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Thank you! Not sure how I forgot that POS, but, yes! He wants credit for his biotech company bringing us the scourge of nano lipids. Let him therefore be used to demonstrate their “safety and effectiveness” for all the world to see.

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Mar 5, 2024
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RINOS and Dems think they're doing a great PR job with her after her Washington swamp win. In reality RINOS and Dems are polishing a turd.

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