He was a hero, to his family and to America. He will have a place in Trump's Garden of Heroes next year.

And the head of the USSS Cheatle has HIS blood on HER evil hands!

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Yes, but it doesn't look like she messed up. As Cory Mills explains, it looks like Trump was set up:. The actual shooter was quite likely below the roof in the building the patsy was on. Interesting that Biden asked Trump what caused Trump to move his head at the last millisecond.


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"The autistic patsy was acting for "Iranians," apparently. That's the latest news. "Iranians" are responsible for shooting Trump and Corey Comperatore. The Secret Service were aware of an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump and had beefed up security for him prior to the rally. This neocon propaganda story is appearing now because Haley and the Dems obviously figure Americans are dumb enough to believe it.

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Stunned to have read earlier today this new imaginative "interpretation" of events concocted to entrap the gullible. Deflection and distraction.

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Nothing much surprises me anymore Kathleen. We are expected to believe that the multiple security failures were "beefed up" security and that the Iranians, rather than Haley, stood to gain from installing Haley? Apparently yes.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Yeah. It’s terrible.

I unsubscribed to a few sketchy stacks that are pushing a government distraction/misinformation campaign. I cannot believe this narrative.

I am also blocking all the people commenting and pushing the narrative also.

This just proved what I thought about substack the last few months …. Government trolls everywhere here too!!!! It’s terrible.

It got worse here months ago when you make a comment and then someone replies with nonsensical garbage. It was ilike it was AI/chat replies or someone typing intentional garbage to deter conversation. Facebook started it many years ago with bots.

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I hope someone invents a better substack site that has less censorship, does something with bots…. And has a “ block” function that actually works!!!!!

I’m tired of trying to read useless comments of fakers that I blocked. It wastes time and space in the comment section. I’m barely here anymore because of it.

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I’m not sure why substack authors are not demanding changes. I’m not reading their posts nor subscribing if the comments are not filtered better with the blocking function.

I don’t have time reading garbage. lol.

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All code words…. Biden?? Democrat party? Iran? All code words for all roads lead to China!!!!

Funny how after failed assassination China ramped up activity in south China seas. They got boots on the ground now close to Europe. Watch out people. This won’t end.

What next? Attack on Trump with a neuro weapon?

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Now they gonna try this crude. To make sure they don't miss. Truck bombs driving in via vehicle. Who cares how many die in the process. That's how 'they' think. Trump needs to stop doing rallies. It's unsafe for him AND OTHETS NOW! WE SHOULD not be scared but we need to be smarter meaning Trump staying alive is the most important issue now. He got the votes already!

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They would have been terrified that Trump was going to pick General Flynn for veep. If he had chosen General Flynn they would have abandoned their efforts unless they could get them both. Now that Trump has chosen JD Vance he is again in mortal danger. Vance has investments in mRNA technology development and would be far more acceptable to MAGA haters as POTUS than Trump is.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Yeah. He’s a Peter Thiel /Palantir puppet.

Intel community would love Vance as president vs trump. Trump is now a target again for impeachment or whatever.

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Correct. Thiel, who has said he is "proud to be gay," and who is being given credit for getting Vance chosen, was a Young Global Leader in the World Economic Forum. Getting rid of Trump and getting him replaced by Vance will be globalists' top priority.

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All China wants is a green agenda president. They want to supply/control our energy needs and sell us their Mexico manufactured EVs!!! They are using anything to get their way. Xi has his reputation staked on this.

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Trump needs to stop doing rallies. His job is now to stay unharmed and no other maga etc. get harmed ok. Continuing now is sorta stupid. Fearless is good but this is now stupid. They will not stop!

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Really sobering.

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We all have to die. We do not know when it will happen, how it will, but we do in may cases know why.

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Prayers for all, God is with us

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But Trump set this up because he wanted his ear slashed and wanted to kill a supporter 🙄🙄🙄

Libtards are 😂🤣😂🤣

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Another sad part of the story is that no one will be held accountable. No real answers. Just conspiracy theories and guesses

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Let's place the blame where it belongs... on the unhinged leftist haters of America (ULHA). Add them to the list of illegals and deport them too.

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🙏💜 Yes a hero.

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This was brought to my attention.

Sorry if off topic but important to know.

Even though cvd allegedly over with the bounty to incentivize the 20% bonus by CMS is still valid and on the table any patient could be experimented on, classified with the alleged infection put on defective vents, or given drugs to speed organ system failure.

He was and is a hero giving his life up to protect family loved ones and possibly others. He fought to the end. Take away a father, volunteer fire fighter, husband, community.

The young kid shooter didn't look like he had a soul something in the eyes. Angry he couldn't join the schools shooting team they deemed him a lousy shot that was dangerous couldn't hit anything. Wanting to try out again the ones in charge of the school told him not to try again a menace to all other humans around. He did functions donate to the rat's side and trump side. Lost in where he fit in and the purpose in life. Dietary aid at the nursing home for a short period of time even that didn't go well.

I hope the Director of Secret Service is tried on failure to perform the job, loss of confidence, loss of morale, lack of proper training, lack in the number of people required to perform the job. The stranglehold of performance of duty was impeded can only fire if fire was given. Balonie my opinion anything within the perimeter of miles or feet should be secure not wide open and naked. Even other secret service agents retired in their opinion was lousy execution and would not have happened during their time.

Karma will return infinitive fold for actions done or not. Intentions unbecoming of the office of president. I no longer hold any respect to the offices and departments of office due to their coward lies, theft, and any other thing can think of.

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Any word if trump is going to funeral? Helping families affected?

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Of course he will.

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A gofundme was set up almost immediately for the families affected.

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He's my hero for sure.

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