DEI = Fake Racism used by the evil WEF tyrants to control, enrage & keep distracted the low IQ crowd.

99% of what our WEF controlled governments, schools, MSM, etc... they are spreading as much hate & fear porn as they can to cause another civil war.

They will do anything to stop us from uniting & spreading peace & love!

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DEI, in Aerospace, Design and Construction, along with Medical Fields can kill.

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Did you see that IT Space Force nut. Talking about their stupid pronouns. IT looked

creepy as hell....

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Absolutely true. Hiring and promoting on the basis of Clown box checking instead of proven competency leads to absolute disaster. I sure dont want a quota hire as my pilot, or airline mechanic, my surgeon or police officer.

I don't get why this is so hard for even commonsense defectives to understand....

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DEI is a weapon of Marxists & Communist being used against Western Christian nations. Anyone pushing DEI is either a useful idiot or a Marxist / Communist. Call them out. Treat them accordingly.

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50 thumbs up.

The true post-racial, post-gender society in which individuals were judged on their own actions and merit, promoted genuine achievement and therefore didn’t suit the needs of the totalitarians. So they divided and conquered by reinstating racism and gender inequality, this time in the opposite direction. And it worked. The hypnotized sheeple swallowed the hypocrisy of racial and gender judgement in the name of “fairness” and “righting past wrongs”. Anybody who noticed the blatant contradiction was quickly shouted down by the crowds, who found this new grievance to be excellent fodder to nourish their addictive sense of self-righteousness.

Mighty glad to see some adults beating back the cultism. Most people will always need some sort of god to worship, but let’s choose something more sane and productive than genitals and skin color, please.

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Mar 3Edited

The keenly observant can notice ESG creeping into products and services everywhere. Whenever companies use words like, ethical, sustainable, or responsible, rest assured they are attempting to win points so they don’t get dinged by government regulators or money lenders for not toeing the line. There isn’t a CEO on the planet that doesn’t feel backed into a corner by this new age bureaucracy. Compliance to the state is slated to trickle down to all of us eventually. If you think because they’re saying nobody’s buying electric cars that electrification will reverse course? Think again. Favorable bank loans and regulations to Corporations are contingent upon their submission to Environmental, Social, and Governance edicts spelled out by our global masters. We, their lowly customer’s needs and wants are irrelevant.

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Pray for our once stable Nation, now being administered, and run by Clowns.

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I know....isn't it PRICELESS :-)

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In Florida, by Gov DeSantis orders, all DEI related departments, budgets, and related activities were fired recently.

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thanks for posting this, Paul, if you like I can send you similar items from time to time...

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