Can we know, as is our right to know who the government officials, which senators, congresspeople, Prime Ministers, Presidents, who? Which upper-crust high-society rich folk? Flight logs? Black book?
The same reason that Alex Acosta wasn’t able to prosecute Epstein any further because “he belonged to intelligence”
The same intelligence that went after Trump for going after child trafficking!
The same intelligence that signed a document stating that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo to get pedo Joe in.. so he could place a pedo-protecting Supreme Court judge
While I agree there is major imbalance in prosecution let's be real. The classism, sexism and while male privilege is core to what this country is about. Sex trafficking is also always assumed to be wealthy white males being predators of young girls. It ignores that many young males are also victims. The ruling elite are always seeking greater thrills and part of it is loving to thwart laws and human rights. They have no respect for the general public--ever. And they have no compunction at using people for objects of titillation for their abusive predation. Of course one needs to remember that these people really do not share the same human values that many of us hold dear. But until there is a serious change in structural power in this country nothing will really ever change which is why all political arguments concerning the public are always only bandaid issues and never address real power relationships
But that is the point--they are not 'regular' people but elites who count on the power vested in that high sense of entitlement which is based on white male elitism and the power of their money and political contacts to cover their sorry butts.
While you correctly note the prejudice that exists, even among people supposedly of the same group or position, you incorrectly describe the problem of women imitating white men. It is the nature of a power structure that others most often try to be like the ruling elite in order to try and get into their club. And since most people who come from a bottom position work in isolation as they try to move up the economic/political/social ladder they are in an isolated and weak position to try and be different. We, in the feminist movement of the 1960's called this internalized sexism; ie, women trying to be like the very males that historically oppressed women. It is also a divisive process often resulting in women abusing other women in order to show they are not like them but like the men they are trying to impress. The solution seems to be that all must rise together. It is well known that only when there are enough people who were historically repressed and abused that come together that it is even possible to work on changing that abusive structure. It is also why white males work very hard to prevent those historically disadvantaged from uniting and gaining strength. They know there is strength in numbers which is why divide and conquer is always used to maintain the power structure. So please stop focusing on Democrat women as if they are different from the GOP women and the Catholic women who go out of their way to be more white male than the white men themselves.
You don't understand this system. It is based on white male supremacy and it does not matter that many white men have no real power. They identify with it and act our of that identity in their daily lives. And sexism forces women to subordinate themselves to that white male standard of power often pandering to it in the hopes they will be allowed to join the club. It is delusional but women do that often treating other women in abusive and demeaning ways imitating their white male leaders. It is sick but understandable: it still needs to be called out and requires change.
I’ll also add this since I’m unable to edit. The Russians did this during the Vietnam war, they fanned the flames on college campuses. I look at everyone who peddles racism, sexism and any and all ism, as an agent, knowingly or unknowingly, you’re peddling division and hate.
Sorry but you've been well indoctrinated. There are always elements of 'truth' embedded in propaganda, so it's a matter of proportion, what is left out, and orientation. You've come to a conclusion that is highly limited and charged with an agenda to keep divisions going. It does not serve you or anyone else.
I'd be careful about just blaming "Jews". While the Deep State is full of them, they are not real Jews. Much has been written about how the Rothchilds and their ilk co-opted "Jewish" heritage many years ago. The true Jewish People are "the apple of God's eye", and God will not be mocked.
Something to keep in mind is that people often embody multiple identities. One's religion is only one of them and often it is NOT the leading motivation. When you talk about the oligarchy and its sub cohorts money and power are more the driving factor in a capitalist society such as ours. Further, if one focuses on religion then we can make similar claims t those in all religions as everyone of them has a nefarious history of promoting bigotry and abuse. As such perhaps we can argue that all religions should be banned. Actually this has been promoted in the past as Marx called religion the opiate of the masses and Russia attempted to ban religions after the revolution as it was seen to be counterproductive to creating a new State with a different mindset. Something to think about. Personally, what I would say is that there is a very big difference between real spirituality and religion.
Your bigotry is sick and totally off base. It is their white male privilege that drives them as it always has in this country from the very early days. Learn real history and deal with your hate based belief system.
Your "blame white males for every evil" mentality reeks of "Progressiveism". There have been billions of us throughout history, and we've also been instrumental in founding the greatest country on Earth, abolishing slavery and numerous other accomplishments. That being said, we're happy to acknowledge the many accomplishments of women and non-whites. Why do you and your ilk love to cherry-pick everything we've done that isn't perfect?
It is not about blame Leslie but about understanding what is really happening and how we got here. It is about learning the underside of this country in order to see how it has affected us all and disempowered us. It is about learning so we can make meaningful decisions about creating the change we all want and need and deserve for real improvement in our lives and our ability to make real decisions about that.
First of all, being Progressive is something to be proud of. It promotes understanding of the structural basis of power and how to change that when the power is unequally owned. Second, when you do study the nature of power relationships in this country and how they developed and continue to be enacted you learn that racism and sexism and classism have formed the structures of power. So it matters not that some accomplishments were made by white males. It matters more that the ability to create such accomplishments was/is not equally shared. Even worse when such accomplishments are made by historically disadvantaged people they do not get easy credit. Just look at the histeria about teaching CRT on college levels. White people are beside themselves that their children might learn something about this country and its roots; that they might learn that all those wealthy white men did really horrendous and rotten things to people of color and to women. And even working people took a lot of assault when they tried to unionize for better work and wage conditions. Actually those goon squads hired by mine owners were the beginnings of Hoover's FBI. But white workers, allowing themselves to be divided from their class alliance by race chose to attack Black workers and weakened their own real political power. And that divisiveness was used to turn the South from Dem to GOP solely based on playing the race card. So yes, white supremacy is critical in this country and needs to be understood if any real progress towards equality is to ever be achieved. So when you attack Progressiveness you are really saying your prefer reactionary politics that takes us back to a time when even white males cannot even be assured of a minimum wage much less any of the other benefits for which hard battles were fought--and they include Blacks, Latinos and Women.
Progressives in this country are socialists. They are tearing this country apart with hatred. CRT is taking race relations back 50 years. It’s bringing back segregation. It’s making transgenderism a fad, destroying the lives of children & their families. Breaking up the family unit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with masculine men & feminine women & the roles they play in a sane world.
Sorry Leslie, your are citing right wing narrative that is based solely on bigotry and fear. it certainly has nothing to do with truth or reality. Like Russia, socialism has been used as a boogeyman to scare uninformed people into submission to a system that is based on syphoning wealth to the few at the expense of the general public. No one attack sex gender roles but they are not the only base for human relationships and you seem not to understand that. And these gender relationships are not what makes a sane world--they only make you feel comfortable. It is your responsibility to deal with your discomfort at the idea of other forms of family relationships. It may be your sanity that is at question and that is your problem, not mine.
... when you do study the nature of power relationships in this country and how they developed and continue to be enacted you learn that racism and sexism and classism have formed the structures of power." This tells me all I need to know about why you are so delusional... I'm sorry.
If Jew is not a race, then why a DNA test for Jewish birthright citizenship?
What “race” isn’t a race, but literally tries to trace their genealogy back to 12 original tribes. LOL…Your last name is literally from the tribe of Benjamin….
“It’s not a race… it’s not a religion… it’s nothing. You can’t even mention it!!!… LMAO
It’s a religion & a nation. You can trace genetics because up until recently there was very little intermarriage outside the religion. It has nothing to do with race. There are Jews of every color from black to white & in between. More ignorance.
Pointing out facts isn’t hate. I was neutral in my statement. I never said that was bad. How do you know? Maybe I like pedophile islands in the ocean and I was bragging.
Oh I forgot. I should’ve clarified. The Jews in name only (sorry, old habits and typing fast).
I’m just pointing out that the power structure isn’t white males. I mean, if it’s okay for her to call out white males, and THATS not bigoted, then honk honk.
I’m pointing out that the Jews in name only run google
The Jews in name only run YouTube
The Jews in name only run all major media corporations
The Jews in name only run the IVY league schools
The Jews in name only run Duck Duck go
The Jews in name only run private sector DNA collection
The Jews in name only run the federal reserve
The Jews in name only run the CIA
The Jews in name only run DHS
the Jews in name only run the FBI
The Jews in name only run the state department
The Jews in name only run Ukraine
The Jews in name only are pushing for a world war over Ukraine
The Jews in name only run Disney
The Jews in name only run the largest financial sectors in the USA
The Jews in name only run the banks
The Jews in name only run Hollywood
The Jews in name only closed all of Kanye Wests accounts for saying naughty things… “white males” have all the power structure. Which is why it’s okay to openly insult the, and blame them at every turn…
WOW I had no idea that ‘we’ had so much power. So how come all the leaders of all the countries in the world except Israel are not Jewish, not counting Zelensky, because he’s a rotten POS. How is it that the UN & the Human Rights Council spend all their time passing condemnations of Israel? Jew hatred is all over the place because of people like you. You really don’t know the difference between a real Jew & a JINO.
I literally typed “Jew in name only” in front of each of those names, and your so blinded by nepotism and ingroup preferences, that you reply that I didn’t just literally type the word “Jew in name only” like 500 times.
Furthermore, you deflect. The original claim was. THE ORIGINAL CLAIM WAS…. That WHITE MALES hold all institutional power in this country, I corrected the false, racist, anti white bigoted statement, by pointing out that all major institutions (where institutional power is held) are actually run by people who call themselves Jews.
Your “deflection” by pointing that the UN says hurry words to Israel doesn’t change anything.
Yes, I see that but he still needs to be confronted. He really represents THE problem with promoting real democratic ideals in our pluralistic society.
And perhaps you need to stop your blaming others and insulting them because you don't know how to disagree in a real conversation. And if you want to talk about JC, I can note he would not be on your side.
And for someone so concerned about “ignorance” and “bigotry”, you humanitarian, you. You were awfully quiet when the white men were being bashed and blamed for all of societies ills…..
How often do you speak out against anti-white statements and anti-Christian statements from people with institutional power, like John Stewart, Seth Rogan, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, amongst many others?
When John Stewart says “blacks and Jews should, “get whitey” do you get upset. Or is it only “verbal slaughter” when someone points out the institutional power Jews have in this country, with zero anger or vitriol attached to the statement. Kind of telling the visceral reaction one gets from merely stating facts…
Perhaps we will after the midterms. John Durham is just getting started. I do believe he is starting at the bottom and is working his way up to the big fish. And I believe the big fish know it. They seem desperate.
One Nation Under Blackmail is a damning indictment of the consequences resulting from the nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate. This book specifically explores how that nexus between intelligence and organized crime directly developed the sexual blackmail tactics and networks that would later enable the sexual blackmail operation and other crimes of deceased pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth, and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals the extent to which Epstein’s activities were state-sponsored through an exploration of his intelligence connections.
More than just being the favorite child of her father, Ghislaine Maxwell was at the center of the influence operation and the web of businesses linked to organized crime and intelligence that Robert Maxwell set up in New York City before his 1991 death.
Nothing so delectable as a fresh, pretty, 16 or 17-year-old girl... 🤢
And the power and money to get away with the unspeakable... 😳😱
Trouble is Leslie, most of these clowns have never learned the lesson most sensible men of modest means learn by 25, because they never had to: It's usually a much better idea to keep the damned thing in your pants...
I’m kind of enjoying the ambiguity of her client list. Yes, I want to see every offender hanged, but in the meantime, I can blame every politician and every celebrity I want of being a client.
Maxwell will not speak up because if she did so she would be suicided.
The people ultimately running this show have all the perpetrators under total control, it is not in their interest for them to be exposed. Hence they won't. be.
It's really quite simple. Epstein and Maxwell ran an operation which catered to the rich and powerful. Their clients were Congressmen, Senators and Judges. Everything was videotaped and held for blackmail purposes. These people are now beholden to do whatever is demanded of them. All this with the full cooperation of the corrupt -letter agencies. A famous insider said that if every guilty party was exposed, we'd lose 90 percent of DC.
However, they worked for somebody over them, you can’t tell me that it started with them. And don’t start with it was the Mossad. ( I know Johnny Truthseeker is going to go right for that.)
I think it like everything else and apathy is to blame. No one is pushing for answers. If those running for office knew it was a front and center election determiner, we would know.
And some retired. We all know Bill Clinton was on the Lolita Express 20 something times. And what about the painting of him in the blue dress on Epstein’s wall.
Child sex trafficking at the highest levels of our government. You know, the ones who are above the law. The ones who raid President Trumps private residence on a witch hunt most likely looking for documents that would incriminate those at the highest levels of government. The ones who persecuted J6 peaceful protestors, indefinitely holding and torturing these individuals without regard to due process and turned them into political prisoners on our own soil. The ones involved in Russiagate, Clinton emails, the dossier. I could keep going. All the way up to the top.
The same reason that Alex Acosta wasn’t able to prosecute Epstein any further because “he belonged to intelligence”
The same intelligence that went after Trump for going after child trafficking!
The same intelligence that signed a document stating that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo to get pedo Joe in.. so he could place a pedo-protecting Supreme Court judge
Yep! Our wonderful intelligence agencies..
That need to be shut down!
While I agree there is major imbalance in prosecution let's be real. The classism, sexism and while male privilege is core to what this country is about. Sex trafficking is also always assumed to be wealthy white males being predators of young girls. It ignores that many young males are also victims. The ruling elite are always seeking greater thrills and part of it is loving to thwart laws and human rights. They have no respect for the general public--ever. And they have no compunction at using people for objects of titillation for their abusive predation. Of course one needs to remember that these people really do not share the same human values that many of us hold dear. But until there is a serious change in structural power in this country nothing will really ever change which is why all political arguments concerning the public are always only bandaid issues and never address real power relationships
I beg to differ... If they were just "regular" people, they'd be locked up. The clients are people in government and the courts.
But that is the point--they are not 'regular' people but elites who count on the power vested in that high sense of entitlement which is based on white male elitism and the power of their money and political contacts to cover their sorry butts.
While you correctly note the prejudice that exists, even among people supposedly of the same group or position, you incorrectly describe the problem of women imitating white men. It is the nature of a power structure that others most often try to be like the ruling elite in order to try and get into their club. And since most people who come from a bottom position work in isolation as they try to move up the economic/political/social ladder they are in an isolated and weak position to try and be different. We, in the feminist movement of the 1960's called this internalized sexism; ie, women trying to be like the very males that historically oppressed women. It is also a divisive process often resulting in women abusing other women in order to show they are not like them but like the men they are trying to impress. The solution seems to be that all must rise together. It is well known that only when there are enough people who were historically repressed and abused that come together that it is even possible to work on changing that abusive structure. It is also why white males work very hard to prevent those historically disadvantaged from uniting and gaining strength. They know there is strength in numbers which is why divide and conquer is always used to maintain the power structure. So please stop focusing on Democrat women as if they are different from the GOP women and the Catholic women who go out of their way to be more white male than the white men themselves.
You don't understand this system. It is based on white male supremacy and it does not matter that many white men have no real power. They identify with it and act our of that identity in their daily lives. And sexism forces women to subordinate themselves to that white male standard of power often pandering to it in the hopes they will be allowed to join the club. It is delusional but women do that often treating other women in abusive and demeaning ways imitating their white male leaders. It is sick but understandable: it still needs to be called out and requires change.
WTF are you talking about? Seriously? My are part of the brainwashed problem...which is a pile of nonsense!
I’ll also add this since I’m unable to edit. The Russians did this during the Vietnam war, they fanned the flames on college campuses. I look at everyone who peddles racism, sexism and any and all ism, as an agent, knowingly or unknowingly, you’re peddling division and hate.
Sorry but you've been well indoctrinated. There are always elements of 'truth' embedded in propaganda, so it's a matter of proportion, what is left out, and orientation. You've come to a conclusion that is highly limited and charged with an agenda to keep divisions going. It does not serve you or anyone else.
You need to read Nation of a Victims. Your post embodies everything I despise about Americans today.
Extremely well said. Thank you.
They’re not white males, they’re Jews.
I'd be careful about just blaming "Jews". While the Deep State is full of them, they are not real Jews. Much has been written about how the Rothchilds and their ilk co-opted "Jewish" heritage many years ago. The true Jewish People are "the apple of God's eye", and God will not be mocked.
Well if you want to get all biblical about it, then you need to re-read
Romans 2:28-29
Phillipians 3:3
Galatians 3:16
Romans 9:7-8
Galatians 3:28-29
Matthew 3:8-9
John 8:37-47
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
John 8:24
1 John 2:22
John 8:18-19
John 3:36
Acts 22: 17-21
2 Peter 2
2 John 9-11
Revelation 2:9
Revelation 3:9
You know..l. If we’re going to be citing the Bible and all….
Thanks for sharing!
Something to keep in mind is that people often embody multiple identities. One's religion is only one of them and often it is NOT the leading motivation. When you talk about the oligarchy and its sub cohorts money and power are more the driving factor in a capitalist society such as ours. Further, if one focuses on religion then we can make similar claims t those in all religions as everyone of them has a nefarious history of promoting bigotry and abuse. As such perhaps we can argue that all religions should be banned. Actually this has been promoted in the past as Marx called religion the opiate of the masses and Russia attempted to ban religions after the revolution as it was seen to be counterproductive to creating a new State with a different mindset. Something to think about. Personally, what I would say is that there is a very big difference between real spirituality and religion.
Lol. She pointed to karl Marx…oh the irony… irony in name only, of course..,
Your bigotry is sick and totally off base. It is their white male privilege that drives them as it always has in this country from the very early days. Learn real history and deal with your hate based belief system.
Your "blame white males for every evil" mentality reeks of "Progressiveism". There have been billions of us throughout history, and we've also been instrumental in founding the greatest country on Earth, abolishing slavery and numerous other accomplishments. That being said, we're happy to acknowledge the many accomplishments of women and non-whites. Why do you and your ilk love to cherry-pick everything we've done that isn't perfect?
We as a civilization are going right into oblivion playing the blame game.
It is not about blame Leslie but about understanding what is really happening and how we got here. It is about learning the underside of this country in order to see how it has affected us all and disempowered us. It is about learning so we can make meaningful decisions about creating the change we all want and need and deserve for real improvement in our lives and our ability to make real decisions about that.
First of all, being Progressive is something to be proud of. It promotes understanding of the structural basis of power and how to change that when the power is unequally owned. Second, when you do study the nature of power relationships in this country and how they developed and continue to be enacted you learn that racism and sexism and classism have formed the structures of power. So it matters not that some accomplishments were made by white males. It matters more that the ability to create such accomplishments was/is not equally shared. Even worse when such accomplishments are made by historically disadvantaged people they do not get easy credit. Just look at the histeria about teaching CRT on college levels. White people are beside themselves that their children might learn something about this country and its roots; that they might learn that all those wealthy white men did really horrendous and rotten things to people of color and to women. And even working people took a lot of assault when they tried to unionize for better work and wage conditions. Actually those goon squads hired by mine owners were the beginnings of Hoover's FBI. But white workers, allowing themselves to be divided from their class alliance by race chose to attack Black workers and weakened their own real political power. And that divisiveness was used to turn the South from Dem to GOP solely based on playing the race card. So yes, white supremacy is critical in this country and needs to be understood if any real progress towards equality is to ever be achieved. So when you attack Progressiveness you are really saying your prefer reactionary politics that takes us back to a time when even white males cannot even be assured of a minimum wage much less any of the other benefits for which hard battles were fought--and they include Blacks, Latinos and Women.
Progressives in this country are socialists. They are tearing this country apart with hatred. CRT is taking race relations back 50 years. It’s bringing back segregation. It’s making transgenderism a fad, destroying the lives of children & their families. Breaking up the family unit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with masculine men & feminine women & the roles they play in a sane world.
Sorry Leslie, your are citing right wing narrative that is based solely on bigotry and fear. it certainly has nothing to do with truth or reality. Like Russia, socialism has been used as a boogeyman to scare uninformed people into submission to a system that is based on syphoning wealth to the few at the expense of the general public. No one attack sex gender roles but they are not the only base for human relationships and you seem not to understand that. And these gender relationships are not what makes a sane world--they only make you feel comfortable. It is your responsibility to deal with your discomfort at the idea of other forms of family relationships. It may be your sanity that is at question and that is your problem, not mine.
... when you do study the nature of power relationships in this country and how they developed and continue to be enacted you learn that racism and sexism and classism have formed the structures of power." This tells me all I need to know about why you are so delusional... I'm sorry.
You’re the one calling out white males like that’s acceptable.
Epstein was a Jew, Maxwell was a Jew, the judge who sealed the records was a Jew. FBI, CIA, DHS…Jews.
If we’re going to discuss race, which you brought up, then let’s do it. Let’s discuss race.
You better start with the Jewish role in the trans Atlantic slave trade, and their role in the confederacy.
If Jew is not a race, then why a DNA test for Jewish birthright citizenship?
What “race” isn’t a race, but literally tries to trace their genealogy back to 12 original tribes. LOL…Your last name is literally from the tribe of Benjamin….
“It’s not a race… it’s not a religion… it’s nothing. You can’t even mention it!!!… LMAO
It’s a religion & a nation. You can trace genetics because up until recently there was very little intermarriage outside the religion. It has nothing to do with race. There are Jews of every color from black to white & in between. More ignorance.
Pointing out facts isn’t hate. I was neutral in my statement. I never said that was bad. How do you know? Maybe I like pedophile islands in the ocean and I was bragging.
You can’t dig yourself out of this hole by making a joke.
I’m not in a hole.
Johnny ‘Truthseeker’ has shown his ignorance and bigotry on other substacks. He never misses a chance to bash Jews.
Oh I forgot. I should’ve clarified. The Jews in name only (sorry, old habits and typing fast).
I’m just pointing out that the power structure isn’t white males. I mean, if it’s okay for her to call out white males, and THATS not bigoted, then honk honk.
I’m pointing out that the Jews in name only run google
The Jews in name only run YouTube
The Jews in name only run all major media corporations
The Jews in name only run the IVY league schools
The Jews in name only run Duck Duck go
The Jews in name only run private sector DNA collection
The Jews in name only run the federal reserve
The Jews in name only run the CIA
The Jews in name only run DHS
the Jews in name only run the FBI
The Jews in name only run the state department
The Jews in name only run Ukraine
The Jews in name only are pushing for a world war over Ukraine
The Jews in name only run Disney
The Jews in name only run the largest financial sectors in the USA
The Jews in name only run the banks
The Jews in name only run Hollywood
The Jews in name only closed all of Kanye Wests accounts for saying naughty things… “white males” have all the power structure. Which is why it’s okay to openly insult the, and blame them at every turn…
But God forbid you insult the Jews in name only.
That’s just bigoted….
WOW I had no idea that ‘we’ had so much power. So how come all the leaders of all the countries in the world except Israel are not Jewish, not counting Zelensky, because he’s a rotten POS. How is it that the UN & the Human Rights Council spend all their time passing condemnations of Israel? Jew hatred is all over the place because of people like you. You really don’t know the difference between a real Jew & a JINO.
I literally typed “Jew in name only” in front of each of those names, and your so blinded by nepotism and ingroup preferences, that you reply that I didn’t just literally type the word “Jew in name only” like 500 times.
Furthermore, you deflect. The original claim was. THE ORIGINAL CLAIM WAS…. That WHITE MALES hold all institutional power in this country, I corrected the false, racist, anti white bigoted statement, by pointing out that all major institutions (where institutional power is held) are actually run by people who call themselves Jews.
Your “deflection” by pointing that the UN says hurry words to Israel doesn’t change anything.
Yes, I see that but he still needs to be confronted. He really represents THE problem with promoting real democratic ideals in our pluralistic society.
I confront him constantly, I’m getting bored with him. He’s a moron.
You need is some Jesus Christ. You’re angry and want to blame others for your insecurities. You wear it QUITE well. Grow up!
And perhaps you need to stop your blaming others and insulting them because you don't know how to disagree in a real conversation. And if you want to talk about JC, I can note he would not be on your side.
And for someone so concerned about “ignorance” and “bigotry”, you humanitarian, you. You were awfully quiet when the white men were being bashed and blamed for all of societies ills…..
Hmmmmmmmmmm…. Interesting, that.
People like you take up a lot of my time. Am I supposed to fight your battles while you are unmercifully verbally slaughtering my people.
“Verbally slaughtering” wow that’s a new one.
How often do you speak out against anti-white statements and anti-Christian statements from people with institutional power, like John Stewart, Seth Rogan, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, amongst many others?
When John Stewart says “blacks and Jews should, “get whitey” do you get upset. Or is it only “verbal slaughter” when someone points out the institutional power Jews have in this country, with zero anger or vitriol attached to the statement. Kind of telling the visceral reaction one gets from merely stating facts…
because Bill Clinton.
And Bill Gates of Hell.
Perhaps we will after the midterms. John Durham is just getting started. I do believe he is starting at the bottom and is working his way up to the big fish. And I believe the big fish know it. They seem desperate.
Whitney Webb
One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, VOL.1
One Nation Under Blackmail is a damning indictment of the consequences resulting from the nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate. This book specifically explores how that nexus between intelligence and organized crime directly developed the sexual blackmail tactics and networks that would later enable the sexual blackmail operation and other crimes of deceased pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth, and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals the extent to which Epstein’s activities were state-sponsored through an exploration of his intelligence connections.
Whitney's publisher is:
With the bundle you get both volumes #1and #2. You can also just get volume #1 if you want for $14.00 less.
I got the bundle as a Christmas present.
I refuse to buy through the mega retailer.
Meet Ghislaine: Heiress to an Espionage Empire
More than just being the favorite child of her father, Ghislaine Maxwell was at the center of the influence operation and the web of businesses linked to organized crime and intelligence that Robert Maxwell set up in New York City before his 1991 death.
MARCH 17, 2022
Keep asking this question!
Nobody forced these guys to go to Epstein Island, if they got blackmailed, it was wrong, but if they didn’t go none of it would have happened.
Nothing so delectable as a fresh, pretty, 16 or 17-year-old girl... 🤢
And the power and money to get away with the unspeakable... 😳😱
Trouble is Leslie, most of these clowns have never learned the lesson most sensible men of modest means learn by 25, because they never had to: It's usually a much better idea to keep the damned thing in your pants...
I’m kind of enjoying the ambiguity of her client list. Yes, I want to see every offender hanged, but in the meantime, I can blame every politician and every celebrity I want of being a client.
The 'victims' were all volunteers.
Maxwell will not speak up because if she did so she would be suicided.
The people ultimately running this show have all the perpetrators under total control, it is not in their interest for them to be exposed. Hence they won't. be.
It's really quite simple. Epstein and Maxwell ran an operation which catered to the rich and powerful. Their clients were Congressmen, Senators and Judges. Everything was videotaped and held for blackmail purposes. These people are now beholden to do whatever is demanded of them. All this with the full cooperation of the corrupt -letter agencies. A famous insider said that if every guilty party was exposed, we'd lose 90 percent of DC.
However, they worked for somebody over them, you can’t tell me that it started with them. And don’t start with it was the Mossad. ( I know Johnny Truthseeker is going to go right for that.)
I think it like everything else and apathy is to blame. No one is pushing for answers. If those running for office knew it was a front and center election determiner, we would know.
IMO, many of "those running for office" are some of the ones that used his service.
And some retired. We all know Bill Clinton was on the Lolita Express 20 something times. And what about the painting of him in the blue dress on Epstein’s wall.
Ohh! .... It makes him look so washed out! 🤔
I guess blue isn’t his color! 😂
Something in a nice rich brown possibly... Or black...
I hadn't noticed that painting! I bet Killery just LOVES that! 😂🤣😂🤣
You would think she would be beyond embarrassed but all she cares about is money & power. I think it’s a marriage of convenience for MANY years.
You're probably correct. It's convenient, for her, that ANYONE would marry sombody that U.G.L.Y.!
Ugly inside & out.
Couldn’t agree more !
Child sex trafficking at the highest levels of our government. You know, the ones who are above the law. The ones who raid President Trumps private residence on a witch hunt most likely looking for documents that would incriminate those at the highest levels of government. The ones who persecuted J6 peaceful protestors, indefinitely holding and torturing these individuals without regard to due process and turned them into political prisoners on our own soil. The ones involved in Russiagate, Clinton emails, the dossier. I could keep going. All the way up to the top.
First time in history a person was convicted and sentenced for child trafficking to nobody. 🤔
I remember talk about her having videos that would be uploaded to the Internet if she was convicted, but it might have been if she was sentenced...