Gotta say this….my husband has family in MI, all of them, and they all WERE Democrat’s, until Trump came along. The state is RED and they all know it. Without their cheating machine, the Dem’s there would never win. The Republican Party was started in my husband’s hometown (way before he was born).

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It was just last week that the US press secretary called the videos showing him on the world stage (mumbling and bumbling, looking off in the distance, tripping up stairs and messing his pants on the world stage) as “cheap fakes”. The mockingbird’s are all acting like this is something new, like the man wasn’t in mental decline, and they all propped him up like a Weekend at Bernie’s movie. There is something more sinister going on here. Keep your eyes open. Look beyond what you see on the surface. Why are they all in at once?

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You are missing the most serious ELECTION INTEGRITY news just out!

A group of 130 legal Michigan voters calling themselves "A COALITION OF LEGAL MICHIGAN VOTERS" have taken up the lead position on the critical matter of Election Integrity, which may not only impact elections in Michigan, but in all swing states and maybe all 50 states...critical to saving America!

It's entirely fitting that Michigan voters take the lead on the matter of Election Integrity, as Michigan Governor Whitmer and Secretary of State Benson have led the way in undermining election integrity since 2019.

This group of legal Michigan voters introduced a case to the Michigan Supreme Court last Friday seeking ‘emergency’ declaratory action by the court.

Everyone must help spread the word about this critical Michigan ELECTION INTEGRITY case!

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The WEF piece of work is actually saying Michigan is needed for a democrat victory and I can deliver if I become the nominee to replace mushmouth diaperpants.

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ha ha ha, actually this is the best rendition so far

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LOL. Good and evil is truly the difference between selflessness and selfishness.

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Isn't this the evil witch that mandated experimental injections, demanded face mask wearing, locked men, women and children inside of their homes, refused to let people buy children any new toys, refused to let people buy seeds to plant in their own gardens, and caused more deaths and suffering because of untreated illnesses than any fraudulenty reported covid ever did? That evil witch?

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She's angling hard to be his replacement

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yes...wont fly...hated as much as VP Giggles and Cackles

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I think it was “Cankles”. Lol!

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Our commie gov has her sights set upon greater agendas...like replacing The Dummy in the DC Swamp. You thought hillary was a monster, you just wait. This just means the leftists will use more tactics to steal the elections...state by state exactly as they did in 2020.

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No one in Michigan voted for that trash.

She's literally called "The Wicked Witch of the North" by her constituents after she banned seed sales during COVID.

Oh, and the Secretary of State should be in a prison somewhere for what she did in the 2020 election.

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What kind of "Wicked Witch of the North" ban seed sales especially COVID should be shot in every joint knees shoulders

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She won reelection in 2022 with 54.5% of the votes


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That's because Michigan didn't fix the cheating apparatus from 2020.

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Have they done anything to fix it for 2024?

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How many of those votes were from dead people?

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No idea

Probably a lot

Is there a reason to think those same dead people wouldn't vote for her again?

I hope there is.

Please let that be the case.

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It has no meaning what this witch says…..in fact very little has meaning in the entire picture which we know nothing about…….there are beings invisible to most of us who are working to help us raise our consciousness …. This is a spiritual war and the only way to win is to raise one’s consciousness and get as pure as possible in our thoughts and actions….in fact everyone who has a moral compass should sharpen it and put out the right kind of energy and we will have a better earth….according to all scriptures we are going into a Golden Age….love is the most powerful force…….so the best we all can do is purify and not curse and not use our energies to emote and dump on others,

but use our energies to love….that will bring us closer and closer to the Golden Age….i suggest one read scriptures from many religions well sadly except Islam….

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ok, I like this...thank you for this exceptional sharing. I would even include islam...its not the text as much as it is the interpretation....IMO

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God formed man to be imperishable, the image of his own nature he made him. But by the envy of the devil death and destruction entered the world.

Reading from the book of Wisdom. WORLD NEEDS MORE




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This is Whitmer's way of trying to push her way in to the VP slot after they toss Kacklin' Kamala. Just another power-hungry grifter who thinks the law doesn't apply to her and her husband. Think poorer version of the Pelosi's. They both have something creepy going on with their faces.

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Every Moment Of Their Lives

Is An Existential Crisis.

One True Word

And It’s All Over For Them.

Like A Hollywood Cocktail Party.

Or Any Conversation With A Liberal.


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Paul listen to this


Bird flu and the ?deadly bird flu vaccines, the changing narrative, the strange culling

It's COVID all over again, kinda.


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