I was forced to take flu shots every year for work starting around 2005 I think and hadn’t had the flu at all since I was a teenager! In April 2010 or 11 I got a weird sinus infection & cough flu which didn’t seem like the flu exactly as I remembered from 25+ years when I last had the flu. No tests at the doctor and I was diagnosed with …
I was forced to take flu shots every year for work starting around 2005 I think and hadn’t had the flu at all since I was a teenager! In April 2010 or 11 I got a weird sinus infection & cough flu which didn’t seem like the flu exactly as I remembered from 25+ years when I last had the flu. No tests at the doctor and I was diagnosed with “(Obama 2009) swine flu”.. and was told another patient around my age died in the hospital from it… good thing I got my flu shot or it could have been much worse. Yeah right.
flu shots do not work...effectiveness is in single digits and I think it is actually zero. statistically impossible for it to work...cannot make an effective vaccine for a RNA respiratory virus...cannot.
Agree.. I retired early in Feb 2020 and never took another Vax of any kind. I also developed a severe gluten intolerance around the time I started taking flu shots and didn’t figure it out until 2015 when I totally crashed… I figured it out on my own.. Dr tried to give me GERD meds & prescription D pills at every meal. I said NOPE NO WAY to both… and are only rice , plain chicken, and applesauce for a few days and it was like a miracle! I heard Bret Weinstein say he thinks it was the flu shot that triggered his gluten issue but of course it’s hard to prove.
I wouldn't doubt it. I have a friend who is teacher. She has to get the flue shot every year. She developed ulcerative colitis later in life. I mentioned the flue shot as as a possible cause, and that Dr Wakefield has some interesting info on the connection between gastrointestinal disorders and vaccines. She got angry because she loves her flue shots...🤷
Very interesting! I do feel like those flu shots really might have triggered my digestive//gluten and other woes that all went away once I completely eliminated gluten and healed. Messing with immune system is a really bad thing in my opinion! And with no upside it’s a no-brainer!!
True, they don't work. See article in The Atlantic, Does The Vaccine Matter? (they wouldn't publish that today). Woman doctor wondered, and NEVER BEEN STUDIED! (Everyone knows they work). Did study, it showed apparent benefit due to HEALTHY PATIENT EFFECT! Healthy people more likely to get the shot, and they don't get the flu so much anyway. ZERO BENEFIT.
Dah dah!!!!! Here is not a liar, but a real man who tells the truth!!!! Turdo, biDUMB, ovomit with a grommet for a piehole, note what a real man does. The lot of you peckerheads have not enough skin to make a toe warmer for this man.
I was forced to take flu shots every year for work starting around 2005 I think and hadn’t had the flu at all since I was a teenager! In April 2010 or 11 I got a weird sinus infection & cough flu which didn’t seem like the flu exactly as I remembered from 25+ years when I last had the flu. No tests at the doctor and I was diagnosed with “(Obama 2009) swine flu”.. and was told another patient around my age died in the hospital from it… good thing I got my flu shot or it could have been much worse. Yeah right.
flu shots do not work...effectiveness is in single digits and I think it is actually zero. statistically impossible for it to work...cannot make an effective vaccine for a RNA respiratory virus...cannot.
Agree.. I retired early in Feb 2020 and never took another Vax of any kind. I also developed a severe gluten intolerance around the time I started taking flu shots and didn’t figure it out until 2015 when I totally crashed… I figured it out on my own.. Dr tried to give me GERD meds & prescription D pills at every meal. I said NOPE NO WAY to both… and are only rice , plain chicken, and applesauce for a few days and it was like a miracle! I heard Bret Weinstein say he thinks it was the flu shot that triggered his gluten issue but of course it’s hard to prove.
I wouldn't doubt it. I have a friend who is teacher. She has to get the flue shot every year. She developed ulcerative colitis later in life. I mentioned the flue shot as as a possible cause, and that Dr Wakefield has some interesting info on the connection between gastrointestinal disorders and vaccines. She got angry because she loves her flue shots...🤷
Very interesting! I do feel like those flu shots really might have triggered my digestive//gluten and other woes that all went away once I completely eliminated gluten and healed. Messing with immune system is a really bad thing in my opinion! And with no upside it’s a no-brainer!!
True, they don't work. See article in The Atlantic, Does The Vaccine Matter? (they wouldn't publish that today). Woman doctor wondered, and NEVER BEEN STUDIED! (Everyone knows they work). Did study, it showed apparent benefit due to HEALTHY PATIENT EFFECT! Healthy people more likely to get the shot, and they don't get the flu so much anyway. ZERO BENEFIT.
Dah dah!!!!! Here is not a liar, but a real man who tells the truth!!!! Turdo, biDUMB, ovomit with a grommet for a piehole, note what a real man does. The lot of you peckerheads have not enough skin to make a toe warmer for this man.