reporting); "So I went to each of the 50 states, which had provided the lab test results to CDC,...The results were shocking. Almost none of the “swine flu” patients had swine flu"
I was forced to take flu shots every year for work starting around 2005 I think and hadn’t had the flu at all since I was a teenager! In April 2010 or 11 I got a weird sinus infection & cough flu which didn’t seem like the flu exactly as I remembered from 25+ years when I last had the flu. No tests at the doctor and I was diagnosed with “(Obama 2009) swine flu”.. and was told another patient around my age died in the hospital from it… good thing I got my flu shot or it could have been much worse. Yeah right.
flu shots do not work...effectiveness is in single digits and I think it is actually zero. statistically impossible for it to work...cannot make an effective vaccine for a RNA respiratory virus...cannot.
Agree.. I retired early in Feb 2020 and never took another Vax of any kind. I also developed a severe gluten intolerance around the time I started taking flu shots and didn’t figure it out until 2015 when I totally crashed… I figured it out on my own.. Dr tried to give me GERD meds & prescription D pills at every meal. I said NOPE NO WAY to both… and are only rice , plain chicken, and applesauce for a few days and it was like a miracle! I heard Bret Weinstein say he thinks it was the flu shot that triggered his gluten issue but of course it’s hard to prove.
I wouldn't doubt it. I have a friend who is teacher. She has to get the flue shot every year. She developed ulcerative colitis later in life. I mentioned the flue shot as as a possible cause, and that Dr Wakefield has some interesting info on the connection between gastrointestinal disorders and vaccines. She got angry because she loves her flue shots...🤷
Very interesting! I do feel like those flu shots really might have triggered my digestive//gluten and other woes that all went away once I completely eliminated gluten and healed. Messing with immune system is a really bad thing in my opinion! And with no upside it’s a no-brainer!!
True, they don't work. See article in The Atlantic, Does The Vaccine Matter? (they wouldn't publish that today). Woman doctor wondered, and NEVER BEEN STUDIED! (Everyone knows they work). Did study, it showed apparent benefit due to HEALTHY PATIENT EFFECT! Healthy people more likely to get the shot, and they don't get the flu so much anyway. ZERO BENEFIT.
Dah dah!!!!! Here is not a liar, but a real man who tells the truth!!!! Turdo, biDUMB, ovomit with a grommet for a piehole, note what a real man does. The lot of you peckerheads have not enough skin to make a toe warmer for this man.
In retrospect, it was another vaccine experiment on the public. The vaccine they used had SQUALENE adjuvant, not normally allowed, fat based, causes autoimmune illness because fat becomes bad, nerves, joints etc can be attacked. Now used in over 65 flu shot. Blame it on old age now. $$$$. Read all about it in book Vaccine A, about the anthrax vaccine used in gulf war. They found squalene was quietly added to that vaccine and was probable cause of gulf war syndrome. Four discrete levels in the experiment. Doctors told to NOT KEEP RECORDS but they did. CDC got involved. Military, drug pushers good friends.
Thank you….i lived through the last so called swine flu but never thought anything of it….i think my never taking a flu vaccine and getting the flu every year for decades was part of my perspective….yes the flu is a vicious virus no matter which one it is, Asian flu, London flu blah blah, going back decades….anyway i am a frail individual but i still won’t give into a government controlling my life …. They want an excuse to vaccinate and weaken us from depopulation and now they use the untested mRNA for all new vaccines ….vaccines are poison….they are unclean …. Thank you for this…..
I was forced to take flu shots every year for work starting around 2005 I think and hadn’t had the flu at all since I was a teenager! In April 2010 or 11 I got a weird sinus infection & cough flu which didn’t seem like the flu exactly as I remembered from 25+ years when I last had the flu. No tests at the doctor and I was diagnosed with “(Obama 2009) swine flu”.. and was told another patient around my age died in the hospital from it… good thing I got my flu shot or it could have been much worse. Yeah right.
flu shots do not work...effectiveness is in single digits and I think it is actually zero. statistically impossible for it to work...cannot make an effective vaccine for a RNA respiratory virus...cannot.
Agree.. I retired early in Feb 2020 and never took another Vax of any kind. I also developed a severe gluten intolerance around the time I started taking flu shots and didn’t figure it out until 2015 when I totally crashed… I figured it out on my own.. Dr tried to give me GERD meds & prescription D pills at every meal. I said NOPE NO WAY to both… and are only rice , plain chicken, and applesauce for a few days and it was like a miracle! I heard Bret Weinstein say he thinks it was the flu shot that triggered his gluten issue but of course it’s hard to prove.
I wouldn't doubt it. I have a friend who is teacher. She has to get the flue shot every year. She developed ulcerative colitis later in life. I mentioned the flue shot as as a possible cause, and that Dr Wakefield has some interesting info on the connection between gastrointestinal disorders and vaccines. She got angry because she loves her flue shots...🤷
Very interesting! I do feel like those flu shots really might have triggered my digestive//gluten and other woes that all went away once I completely eliminated gluten and healed. Messing with immune system is a really bad thing in my opinion! And with no upside it’s a no-brainer!!
True, they don't work. See article in The Atlantic, Does The Vaccine Matter? (they wouldn't publish that today). Woman doctor wondered, and NEVER BEEN STUDIED! (Everyone knows they work). Did study, it showed apparent benefit due to HEALTHY PATIENT EFFECT! Healthy people more likely to get the shot, and they don't get the flu so much anyway. ZERO BENEFIT.
Dah dah!!!!! Here is not a liar, but a real man who tells the truth!!!! Turdo, biDUMB, ovomit with a grommet for a piehole, note what a real man does. The lot of you peckerheads have not enough skin to make a toe warmer for this man.
There Was Covid.
I Saw It On TV.
In retrospect, it was another vaccine experiment on the public. The vaccine they used had SQUALENE adjuvant, not normally allowed, fat based, causes autoimmune illness because fat becomes bad, nerves, joints etc can be attacked. Now used in over 65 flu shot. Blame it on old age now. $$$$. Read all about it in book Vaccine A, about the anthrax vaccine used in gulf war. They found squalene was quietly added to that vaccine and was probable cause of gulf war syndrome. Four discrete levels in the experiment. Doctors told to NOT KEEP RECORDS but they did. CDC got involved. Military, drug pushers good friends.
These epidemics are cover for people getting sick and or dying from the newest radio wave release, or 4G in this case.
Thank you….i lived through the last so called swine flu but never thought anything of it….i think my never taking a flu vaccine and getting the flu every year for decades was part of my perspective….yes the flu is a vicious virus no matter which one it is, Asian flu, London flu blah blah, going back decades….anyway i am a frail individual but i still won’t give into a government controlling my life …. They want an excuse to vaccinate and weaken us from depopulation and now they use the untested mRNA for all new vaccines ….vaccines are poison….they are unclean …. Thank you for this…..
Dr. Alexander: Check out Michael Yon's Substack. He is against Trump? WHY?
is my understanding true that at minimum that podcast no longer exist at that url?
or is it just me?
note: "art19" claims to be an Amazon company....
I've been posting about this for years: April 27, 2009 the swine flu is declared a pandemic.
October 2009 obama declares the swine flu a national emergency after 6 months and 1,000 Americans had already died. In total 60.8 million Americans were infected
with the swine flu and an estimated 12,469 died.
In late July, 2009 the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases.
The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing
for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?
Some public health officials privately disagreed with the decision to stop testing and counting, telling CBS News that
continued tracking of this new and possibly changing virus was important because H1N1 has a different epidemiology,
affects younger people more than seasonal flu and has been shown to have a higher case fatality rate than other flu virus
CBS News learned that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren't given the
opportunity to provide input.
Ron Klain "I wasn't involved directly in the H1N1 response but I lived through it as a White House staffer and what I would say
about it is a bunch of really talented, really great people were working on it and we did every possible thing wrong.
Sixty million Americans got H1N1 during that period of time. It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great
mass casualty events in American history. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It was just luck.
And Again, in late July the cdc stopped keeping track of individual cases. We may never know the full effect of H1N1.