H5N1 avian bird-flu 'pandemic' (using 'over-cycled' PCR 'process' again) is a FRAUD, lie, just like H1N1 (2009) & COVID (NONE will be/were pandemics); weaponizing PCR with 95% 'false-positives'
non-pandemics (there is NO 'H5N1' pandemic; NEVER had a natural 'pandemic', 'made-up'); Wet-market, lab-leak, Gain-of-function (GoF), Disease X, all frauds; what do we do? I don't support Tamiflu
As I have shared before and not a topic of this substack yet applicable are my views that i) wet market origin of the respiratory entity e.g. ‘COVID’, is a misdirection, lie ii) lab-leak origin is a misdirection, lie iii) congressional hearings are a misdirection, lie, to confuse you iv) Disease X, again, a lie and v) gain-of-function (GoF) research is a misdirection, lie as it applies to what we experienced February/March 2020 with some respiratory ILI entity (even poison, toxin provoking respiratory like symptoms in high-risk persons); IMO, GoF is a science and tool used to manipulate pathogen in the lab, it is real, yet not integral to the fraud COVID Op or even H5N1 Op. IMO.
All I write next are my views, Only my views. I write for no one, no company.
Now they are prepping us for H5N1 avian bird flu ‘pandemic’ and I am stating it too, is a lie in terms of pandemic. They are literally creating, MANUFACTURING a fake H5N1 Disease X ‘pandemic’ in front of you. We have never had a natural pandemic; a man-made event is another question. ‘PANDEMIC’ is a made-up term. It is a term made-up for money industry purposes. Not real.
A respiratory (often RNA) virus CANNOT pandemic. It lacks the RNA genetic material copying mechanism stability to do so and lacks the replication competent fidelity especially for the rapid process. Cannot! Those involved with H1N1, H5N1, and COVID know and knew this. As they know that a non-sterilizing (could not stop infection or transmission) vaccine cannot tame a pandemic as cannot cut the chain of transmission; importantly, they knew, as did Malone and Bourla, that a vaccine that induces and results in vaccinal antibodies ‘systemically’ cannot arrive at the respiratory mucosal lining and respiratory epithelial cells where the immune response is needed. It thus could NOT work from day one! The mRNA vaccine not only was inefficacious (lab), ineffective (real work), it just could not work and was harmful and deadly. Malone and Bourla knew this yet brought it and were silent at the wrong times. Many died due to their silence!
So, what do we do with this coming H5N1 avian bird flu FRAUD? This ‘PRETEND’ made-up fake bird flu pandemic that cannot be a pandemic?
Risch, Nick Hudson, Ramin Oskoui, JJ Couey, Yeadon, Atlas, McCullough, Ioannidis, Martin Kulldorff, Gupta etc.…these are giants…I stand with them. Complete, day one.
The powers at be, the malevolent people are pushing hard to NOW bring the fraud fake H5N1 avian bird flu non-pandemic just like how they brought the fake H1N1 swine flu pandemic under Obama in 2009 (that he Obama, shut down CDC and FDA and all involved, unlike what was done by CDC to Trump in COVID), and COVID non-pandemic (2020). And they are going to use the fake OVER-CYCLED false-positive RT-PCR ‘process’ AGAIN to do it. Just like they did for H1N1 2009, COVID 2020, and now H5N1.
PCR is the culprit and the lie of ASYMPTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. Put a pin in that for a moment.
The key is that this time, we have to not be fooled, not fall to hysteria and panic, not succumb to the lies and deceit by our governments, our medical doctors, media, health agency officials from CDC, NIH, FDA, SAGE UK, Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada etc. and trust ourselves, trust our own critical thinking. Above all, we must think proactively and be prepared.
This is the fraud, they are now using the term ‘inevitable’, training us to the think it WILL happen, the NEXT pandemic and it seems NOW, yet it is them who are doing it deliberately, they are CREATING, manufacturing fake pandemics out of NOTHING using the fraud PCR process, over-cycling it and telling you that you are POSITIVE for anything they say you are positive for. It is pure criminality and insanity.
I must remind you that there is to be no lockdowns, no mRNA vaccine for any H5N1 fraud bird flu. I am not saying H5N1 virus does not exist, or other pathogen, in birds or swine, waterfowl etc., of course not, rather I am saying do not fall for the fraud that it is a ‘pandemic’ and will kill you. This was done to you with the 0.03 to 0.05% IFR fraud fake COVID non-pandemic.
Let me put it another way, during COVID, in every 1,000 persons locked down or taken out of school or business closed etc. based on ‘testing’ POSITIVE, 95% (950 persons of every 1000 persons) NEVER were positive. We locked society down and closed schools for a lie. For nothing, and people died due to the lockdowns and school closures! And business closures.
Cui bono?
They had you waiting for a COVID vaccine (injection) that failed and could have never worked. Ever. Just like any vaccine they would bring for the fraud H5N1 bird flu. The mRNA COVID injections were never shown to be safe. Should have never been brought and those who shilled and promoted them should be held accountable for the harms done and lives lost. Must sit in a legal court room for we seek justice.
Any H5N1 avian flu vaccine WILL fail as did the fraud mRNA technology COVID gene injection by Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman et al. This is because they are telling us that H5N1 is the coming pandemic and that will mean massive avian flu virus in the environment. In such a high-prevalence setting, if you mass vaccinate humans (so you are loading your gun as the enemy is on the battlefield), thus into elevated virus pressure, there will be Darwinian natural selection pressure on the target antigens leading to selection of sub-variants with a competitive advantage or ‘fitter’ or ‘hardier’ in terms of survival.
There will be consequential viral immune escape where vaccinated would become infected (re-infected), original antigenic sin (immune imprinting, immune priming, immune prejudice, immune fixation and all mean the same thing), antibody recall to the initial prime or exposure), and antibody dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) or ADED (disease). Moreover, they can never ever bring a safe vaccine as we saw for COVID when they are not studying the impact as to safety over long duration of study. So, vaccine safety issues will again predominate.
You can never ever get ahead of a respiratory RNA virus pathogen that has animal reservoirs, with open borders, and with non-sterilizing non-neutralizing vaccines. Ever.
Immunology and vaccinology 101.
It was all a 100% lie, every single aspect of COVID, under Trump and Biden administration. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for COVID was 0.03 to 0.05% in persons up to 75 years old (seasonal flu it is about 0.1% and so half of flu), think about that and for persons 0-19 years, it was 0.0003%; after 4 years, across the fraud of COVID, we can find not one (1) healthy American child 0-19 years old who got supposedly exposed to whatever this respiratory entity was, got severely ill or died, not ONE!
People died because of the fraud COVID lockdown lunatic policies and COVID mRNA vaccine and will die due to H5N1 fraud if we let them subject us to this again. Most people died due to the medical management, the isolation and sedation and ventilator policies that killed them in hospital.
Are our human rights and freedoms going to be eviscerated again by our governments for this fake fraud H5N1? Will a US election be once again stolen? Manipulated? Is BIG pharma Pfizer, MODERNA etc. already working on the mRNA technology vaccine platform for H5N1 bird flu (using the Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman, Kariko et al. unsafe and deadly technology and vaccine)?
We are indeed facing dark dangerous times as tremendous POWER is on the line and it looks like POTUS Trump will be back in the White House. It looks like efforts are being made to stop him, maybe even assassinate him. The left is well capable. The cabal. Is H5N1 avian bird flu (DISEASE X?) one such effort? Is this really a DEPOPULATION Op?
Look, if I or others like Risch, McCullough, Yeadon, Couey, Thorp, Hudson, Hodkinson etc. tell you that we have a problem, then we have a problem. Until then, this is all FRAUD. This H5N1 bird flu fake pandemic is being MANUFACTURED right in front of our eyes.
It is time to trust your own instincts again, your own thinking as to these so called ‘pandemics’. Exercise your own risk management decision-making. Do not trust ANY fascist bio-medical, bio-pharmaceutical military industrial complex and I have to tie the military industrial complex to what we faced in COVID for COVID was a 100% military operation. I know, I was there as a Scientific advisor in HHS in the Trump administration. COVID was military led. FDA, NIH etc. were simply fronts for the public. There are things I just cannot speak about, but you must read my white spaces. I am telling you lots there.
Start by closing your pockets to the COVID grifters who today are still shilling fear; you gave enough and have nothing to show. Better find people harmed by the lockdowns and vaccines and help them. The COVID grift must end and you must end it by saying NO.
So, where are we as we wrestle with this coming H5N1 fraud? If they realize we are on to them, would they shut down H5N1 and bring another pathogen? Well capable.
America is unravelling.
We now do not understand and underestimate the enemy at the gate and I mean the illegals pouring into our nation (s) where many are feral banal medieval, law breakers coming to rape, stab, bomb, and murder innocent people & let us not forget, the threat is as great from the enemy WITHIN.
Cicero warned us about the likes of Obama, Bush, Bidens, the cabal deepstate etc. of this world…
Obama and Biden INC, and former Bush Jr. et al. have taken us to the edge now & America is now spiraling the drain.
It is time to ring the alarm bells.
Back to H5N1 and COVID.
COVID was MANUFACTURED out of NOTHING, using the over-amplified PCR and lie of asymptomatic transmission, as they are now doing with the fake fraud H5N1 avian bird flu…like what they did for H1N1 swine flu in 2009…the pandemic that ‘never was’…
H5N1 avian bird flu and coming pandemic is a fraud, a hoax, 100% and I wish to warn you! Something is telling me that it is the same COVID Op.
As such, I wanted to upfront be clear as to H5N1 avian bird flu in terms of:
1)no lockdowns are needed for H5N1, will not work, just as no lockdown anywhere in the entire world worked for COVID fake pandemic
2)no school closures are needed, will not work, just as no lockdown anywhere in the entire world worked for COVID fake pandemic
3)no mask mandates are needed, will not work, just as no lockdown anywhere in the entire world worked for COVID fake pandemic
4)no business closures are needed, will not work, just as no lockdown anywhere in the entire world worked for COVID fake pandemic
5)no mRNA vaccine or no vaccines are needed for H5N1 bird flu, will not work
6)As of this writing, there is no indication, medical basis, clinical basis, scientific basis for any H5N1 bird flu lockdowns or vaccine. None!
Nothing about COVID across the last 4 years was real, it was 100% a lie, fraud. Completely manufactured to achieve deadly aims, three being toppling a sitting POTUS, amassing power and wealth, and depopulation. IMO based on all I know.
It is the same for H5N1 avian flu. Yet, could evil persons be actually making the H5N1 more lethal? Using some GoF technique? To scare us into submission? To deliberately do that in a lab is a crime against humanity punishable by death. I do not know, but I think sick evil people among us are well capable and for their own malevolent agendas, and so I am putting it on the table, so you understand, the stakes. Possible? Anything is possible by people who need to hold onto power and have dark aims.
PCR ‘over-cycled process’ (PCR cycling or amplifying beyond 24 cycles up to 40 and 45 in USA, Canada, UK etc. when we knew over 24 cycles in the PCR process of amplifying DNA (genetic material) was actually detecting viral dust, old common colds, fragments, non-infectious, non-lethal, non-consequential pathogen, the lie of asymptomatic spread and the lie of equal risk of severe outcomes if infected or exposed (low risk healthy 10 year old Johnny was at equal risk as 85 year old immune compromised granny with medical conditions) despite differences in baseline risk and age (no risk stratification) were 3 key FRAUDS used to accomplish the GREAT Deceit of COVID and they are trying to do it again with fake H5N1 avian bird flu. They did it with the H1N1 swine flu in 2009 under Obama. Do not fall for it!!! Use your critical thinking again!!!
But is this short RAMBO clip really how these people think, these sick evil malevolent dark people?
Is the OPERATION really not over? Is COVID or was COVID a continuation of 911? Was 911 a continuation of Operation Northwoods and Gulf of Tonkin?
‘Nothing is over, you don’t just turn it off’, the OPERATION is continuing from Operation Northwoods and 911 and now we have the Operation H5N1:
Did our government and DoD really plan to remote control fly civilian planes into civilian buildings and targets in 1962? Did John Kennedy as POTUS save us? Was 911 a variation of Operation Northwoods (ON)? If you read about ON 60 years ago it chills you for it appears the same Op happened on 911:
see my prior stacks on this:
Let me begin about the fraud of H5N1:
Misdirection AGAIN (see Travolta in this epic scene from SWORDFISH on Houdini), misdirection for COVID continues and now doing it again (same malevolent players) for H5N1 fraud hoax avian bird flu influenza:
So, Disease X is the new MISDIRECTION buzzword, the fear-porn word, and seems that H5N1 avian bird flu is that Disease X they have MANUFACTURED out of nothing…or do they have another trick up the sleeve? Let us wait and see. The wet-market origin of COVID, that spillover zoonoses proposition was a fake misdirection, it never was; the lab-leak was also misdirection, to deceive, yet they are going all out holding these fake congressional select subcommittee HEARINGS…pure garbage bullshit misdirection, lying to you…all involved know it and I am not saying researchers (and maybe malevolent parties) do not use GoF techniques in the lab, but my argument is that it is/was not used in the way you think for COVID nor H5N1. It is more a ‘claim-of-function’ or claim-of-fiction’ or ‘gain-of-fiction’ (JJ Couey must be taken very seriously).
GoF is actually ‘claim of fiction’, more fiction than function, also made up as to COVID and now H5N1…the mRNA technology and vaccine was always non-neutralizing, non-sterilizing (never stopped infection, replication, or transmission even making any vaccine mandate MOOT, DOA, not valid) and thus never worked and has been deadly (Malone, Bourla, Weissman, Sahin, Bancel et al. must answer to this, their inventions and vaccines under oath at some point, they must not be allowed to get away with what they did and benefitted from)…Couey actually is on the ball and Yeadon on this…
Yeadon, JJ Couey, Nick Hudson, Risch, Sasha, McCullough, Oskoui, Tenenbaum, Merritt…these are the people I listen too, when they speak, I want to listen, I do not agree with all yet want to listen, and these are among the smartest I have found…Nick Hudson IMO remains one of the smartest most balanced people in this entire COVID madness. Couey, Yeadon, Risch…I mean these are giants in their own rights.
Is H5N1 bird flu ‘pandemic’ that is in the media now a FRAUD?
No question, fear-porn!
and I am giving you my opinion now that this H5N1 is a 100% MANUFACTURED fraud, made up out of NOTHING, fear-porn and I will do this by giving a brief overview of COVID across the last 4 years and what these evil beasts did with this non-COVID pandemic and how it mirrors what they are trying to do now with this fake H5N1 bird flu. I see nothing to tell me otherwise.
COVID was a PCR-manufactured ‘false-positive’ fake non-pandemic created out of NOTHING, and based on the lie of ASYMPTOMATIC transmission, the lie of recurrent infection pre-Omicron, and equal risk of severe outcome and death if exposed, despite differentials in baseline risk and age and the need for risk stratification in any response measure. COVID was NEVER ever a pandemic and all that was needed in public health and societal response was NOTHING and if any, targeted, tailored responses based on baseline risk.
As with COVID non-pandemic, if we do NOTHING for H5N1, just properly always protect granny (making sensible common-sense life decisions based on risk), and live life freely, unfettered, no constraints, no lockdowns, no school closures, no business closures, no mask mandates, NOTHING, we will be just fine.
COVID showed us that had we done nothing, NOTHING, we would have lost far fewer lives. It is the response, the NPIs, the medical treatment, the deadly abusive toxic management that killed MOST. The isolation of already vulnerable people.
No lockdown, no school closure, no mask mandate, no business closures, no shielding, no mRNA vaccine (or DNA viral vector), nothing, nothing worked or was needed in the COVID lie as it is not needed in the coming unfolding ‘DEVELOPING’ H5N1 lie and every piece of evidence we have show us that all COVID lockdown lunatic polices and vaccine FAILED! In fact, everything that was done to us by our government and health officials and medical doctors harmed us. Not one instance where anything worked! Nowhere.
I issue a challenge to any expert, any doctor, any scientist, any PhD, anywhere in the world, in CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, HHS, SAGE UK, Health Canada, PHAC etc. anywhere, to challenge me on this statement. Bring your data and evidence and debate me, anyplace and anytime. Come with a group even!
No vaccine is needed, nothing, no new drugs…nothing. For H5N1. As mentioned, we did however kill 95% (95% of deaths) due to the deadly medical management of people, the deadly COVID ‘protocol in USA, Canada, UK etc. with a false positive COVID process telling people they were ‘POSITIVE’ when they were NOT, isolation that drove death, fear, granny pumped with toxic poly-drugs that began her death spiral, do not resuscitate (DNR) orders against family wishes, denial of needed antibiotics for bacterial pulmonary pneumonia secondary to any respiratory pulmonary ILI, sedation using a 5-drug deadly cocktail of sedatives and paralytics i)propofol, ii)lorazepam, iii)midazolam, iv)diamorphine, and v)fentanyl, pumping granny with deadly kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir (failed EBOLA drug that showed it was deadly), intubation, and then ended granny’s life with the ventilator that blew massive holes in granny’s lungs and caused ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), barotrauma, massively caused trauma to her lungs. The ventilator killed her if the Remdesivir, isolation, and 5-drug cocktail did not.
In short, our medical doctors who we trusted, hospitals, CEOs of hospitals, our governments, health agency and officials, they killed us, killed our parents, our loved ones. With the COVID protocol, the deadly medical management. Not any ‘virus’.
So, what do we do with this coming fraud H5N1 avian flu that they say jumped from birds to cattle to now humans? Do we have evidence of spill-over? zoonotic jump? Do we have evidence of lethality? Do we have evidence of human-to-human transmission?
What do we do?
I say NOTHING. Most if not all of it is a lie. This is COVID 2.0 or their DISEASE X. This is fear-porn. Do nothing.
IMO, all that is needed is:
1)common-sense, reasonable precautions and risk management decisions (manage your risk, consider the upsides and downsides of alternative courses of action) as always, when there is an unknown, and no lockdowns, nothing. Live life as usual while you ALWAYS strongly protect granny. In your homes, in the nursing home, in any congregated setting.
2)Turn off FOX, CNN, MSNBC, all of it…its junk. Misinformation. Shills. FOX helped shill and sell mRNA vaccine that killed people. FOX is on the COVID Apocalypse Horsemen list.
3)Of course, seek expert medical care if needed
4)Keep supplemental oxygen at home or in nursing homes for high-risk elderly persons always, even outside of this H5N1 fraud. Elderly persons will always be well served with access to oxygen.
5)if you feel sick, do not go around people. Common-sense. Stay home and keep your sick children home. You know the drill, lots of liquids, soups, water to mitigate dehydration and even apply your own home-made drips (IV) if there are loose bowels and vomiting and fever e.g. sugar, salt, water mixed and drink. Get lots of rest. Use pain relievers as needed, not overdoing it with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Ensure caution when providing aspirin to children or teenagers. Children and teens who are recovering from flu-like symptoms should never take aspirin due to risk of Reye syndrome (potentially dangerous). Always use any drug, medical device etc. very carefully, well informed and never give anything or take anything without proper expert input if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or on blood thinners etc.
6)Use of nasal-oral washes (significant virucidal capacity and activity using povidone-iodine or hydrogen peroxide diluted, or even salt and water (saline)), the highest viral loads of respiratory pathogen (colds, flu, any respiratory pathogen) are often detectable in the oral and nasal cavity (nasopharyngeal passages) and thus a potential reduction of potential infectious virus by nasal and oral washes and mists, sprays etc. could reduce viral load (viral titres), infection, and thus transmission potential. Evidence has accumulated to show that nasal-oral washes, sprays etc. do have significant inactivation capacity. The reality is that ‘if’ we are dealing with a potential infectious respiratory pathogen e.g. virus, then reduction of virus within the nasopharynx and oropharynx would work to reduce viral load, shedding and, as a result, transmission by those infected.
See where we have placed nasal-oral washes now in the early treatment algorithm, very high up (see white box up top of the algorithm):
10% Povidone Iodine is available OTC (Over the Counter) without a prescription at any drug store for a few dollars. Here is the link: Povidone 10% Iodine on Amazon
Note: This 10% Povidone Iodine must be diluted by one tenth, to 1% strength before use as a mouth wash, otherwise it is too strong and irritating. Dilute by adding 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of the 10% Povidone Iodine into a full glass of water (250-300 ml). This will make the product diluted enough to use as a mouth rinse, or gargle, (approximately 1.0 %). If it stings, then you made it too strong so dilute it more. The key is that any amount really is effective, any amount will kill this COVID virus or pathogen. Same model with hydrogen peroxide (HP) (and there is the oral HP you can get OTC).
We recommend routine use of this mouthwash approach on a daily basis, and especially after contact with large indoor groups. As many times as you like, but maybe 4 times a day is good, I personally use 3 times, for sure when I come from outside and was in contact with people.
2 tablespoons = 30ml povidone iodine
1 glass water = 300 ml
You can add saltwater to the iodine or hydrogen peroxide (ideally seek to purchase the oral version, it is already packaged for oral use). Use these oral-nasal washes soon after handling farm animals or if you are exposed to some respiratory pathogen. My view is not to be done as part of day to day living as would impact the commensal bacteria (inhabits your mucosal and epidermal surfaces and has an important role in defense against various microbes especially respiratory pathogen etc. and wash out your microflora. So, use commonsense and thus use when exposed or in a high-risk situation.
Pregnancy Warning (always for any drug, medical device, vaccine etc.):
From Betadine Drug Facts - If pregnant, ask a health professional before use.
Editor's Note - Use should be limited for a short periods e.g. 3 to 4 days at a time; remember also the possible impact of iodine on thyroid. Caution is urged.
Povidone iodine (PVP-I) is an antiseptic that has been used for over 150 years. The antiseptic has immediate virucidal effects against COVID-19 virus. What is the evidence that povidone iodine is effective against COVID-19?
There are more than 15 published studies supporting povidone-iodine. See c19pvpi.com.
7)Medical Emergency Preparation BLUE Kit (TWC):
I am very open in support of the EMERGENCY Preparation BLUE kit for 2 main reasons:
i)if you encounter an infection on weekends or on travel or cannot reach your doctor or get there or get to hospital, then it is optimal to have access to antibiotics in the interim; you can begin antibiotics especially broad spectrum, in the interim until proper expert care is sought, then this is a suitable option if you have these in your medicine chest (optimally with guidance)
ii)the vast majority of persons who died with severe respiratory distress etc. during COVID (or whatever it is/was that caused the severe pulmonary breathing ILI etc.) had advanced pneumonia (bacterial) that led to sepsis and organ failure etc. These people needed antibiotics and were denied by criminal doctors who knew better.
Our medical doctors helped kill our loved ones during COVID due to denial of antibiotics.
iii)but critically and this is why I support this particular kit, is that during the fraud of COVID (and now the coming fraud of H5N1), our governments and medical doctors etc. ensured no pharmacist or clinic or anywhere would prescribe antibiotics for anything. You could not just order it online or walk into a pharmacy to get it. This thus gives the public a peace of mind (makes you feel prepared for the unexpected crisis moments) and allows them to regain their own decision-making, taking steps they wish to take for their own health and well-being. That our medical doctors, governments, health agencies etc. stripped and ripped from us across COVID and will do again for H5N1 avian bird flu. This gives us, the people, control, once again.
Do you remember that no pharmacist we went to, would fill out legitimate prescriptions for conditions other than COVID. And people suffered and many died as a result or worsening infections. Our doctors would not prescribe or let you have it, and as mentioned, often you needed it for issues other than COVID. Antibiotics are critical for bacterial pneumonia etc. often the most severe illness in severe COVID (or whatever we were afflicted with that caused pulmonary illness etc.). Pneumonia sets in quickly in elderly especially if they are sedentary. Even in young healthy persons, bacterial pneumonia can set in. So, access to antibiotics is critical. But they were denied.
Also, you may have STIs, skin infections, gum, teeth infections, abscesses, other types of infections that needed antibiotics and over 2 years you were denied access for the government and medical doctors argued that it was part of the early treatment model, so no access. They ex cathedra, were the gate-keepers and shut us out to our detriment. They conspired to deny our free access to early treatment (of utility early in a viral infection and not late) because it, early treatment paradigm also had antibiotics doxycycline, azithromycin etc. as a core part of the algorithm. IMO it was the antibiotics that was a critical early treatment drug. And it was denied for early treatment which was a crime by itself, and for everything else as the government and medical doctors and big pharma decided you must not have access if it were being used as ‘early COVID treatment’, cutting you off access for other critical medical needs.
This blue emergency preparation kit (by medical telephone consultation for the prescription) for your medicine chest is to ensure that even if they bring the fraud H5N1 avian flu now and we enter a stage of lockdown lunacy again, and denial of drugs like antibiotics, at the least you have access to antibiotics and other potential life-saving drugs (in your medicine chest) that would be denied again. You would have it and can even help others who need and cannot get. And so I support the TWC and Foster Coulson and provision of this blue emergency preparation kit and our constituents have asked for it and TWC leadership and medical board decided it was important to respond to the need, based on a prescription model.
Medical Emergency Preparation Kit:
Don't get caught unprepared - keep a Medical Emergency Kit in your medicine cabinet!
The prescription-only Medical Emergency Kit provides you with a strategic assortment of life-saving medications for ultimate peace of mind.
The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kit provides broad-spectrum treatment options for a wide range of medical complications.
Face health emergencies with confidence and clarity, using our included Medical Emergency Guidebook.
· Anthrax
· Babesiosis
· Bacterial Vaginosis
· Bartonella
· Bite Wounds (human & animal)
· Bronchitis
· Chlamydia
· Clostridioides difficile
· Colitis
· COVID-19
· Diabetic foot infection
· Giardiasis
· Hookworm
· Lice
· Lyme Disease
· Nausea & Vomiting
· Pertussis
· Q-fever
· Pharyngitis
· Pinworms
· Plague (bioterror)
· Pneumonia
· Rickettsial Infections
· Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
· Scabies
· Sexually transmitted infections
· Shigellosis
· Sinusitis
· Skin & soft tissue Infection
· Strepthroat
· Tetanus
· Tonsillitis
· Traveler's Diarrhea
· Trichomoniasis
· Tularemia (bioterror)
· Typhus
· Urinary Tract Infection
· UVaginal Candidiasis (yeast infection)
· Viral Upper Respiratory Infection
8)Contagion Emergency Black Kit (TWC):
CONTAGION KIT with Tamiflu
Absolutely we want you to be prepared for any sort of fraud event where pathogen is unleashed onto the population to achieve dark evil agendas, to turn elections etc. We have the black contagion control kit by TWC and I am putting it here given it is strongly backed by Dr. Peter McCullough, and in it you get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak™), Oseltamivir (generic Tamiflu™) and Budesonide along with a nebulizer. The kit also comes with the Contagion Emergency Kit Guidebook as an educational resource for safe emergency use.
Yet I want to make my views clear on Tamiflu (Oseltamivir).
TWC’s constituents, subscribers, members etc. are crying out for something IN CASE this H5N1 fraud is brought and/or some illicit manipulations in the lab are done on pathogen. Look, ginning up pathogen to make it more infectious with GoF etc. is one thing, but to make it more pathological is a crime against humanity and one would need to be executed if this is shown. Without question I would execute (firing squad) anyone who brings anything that causes death, and it is shown in legal forums.
At the same time now TWC is seeking to respond to the concerns of constituents, and they are asking for options. My view on inclusion of Tamiflu in this strong Black contagion control kit is as follows and I thus present it and you make your own conclusions. I strongly support the blue emergency prep kit above for it ensures no criminal medical doctors or governments (faceless bureaucrats) can deny you access to life-saving antibiotics again, where the decision-making becomes yours again as to what you can acquire and use for your own body:
Tamiflu (oseltamivir), my views on its use
i)I informed the leadership at TWC and medical board that I would not want Tamiflu in the black kit and if offering it in response to the demands of constituents, offer it stand alone; the decision is that it will be offered based on demands by the public, to ensure people are able to have access if this goes in short supply and that further decisions will be made based on the coming H5N1 fraud pandemic and what is done in terms of GoF research or any reports of success or failure or no harms versus harms. In other words, the decision to have Tamiflu in the black contagion control kit is subject to reversal or retention, as the available evidentiary landscape matures. Tamiflu is FDA regulatory approved.
ii)I informed the leadership of TWC that they are to review the Tamiflu science near day to day to assess any updates, any unfolding data and evidence; TWC committed to this and with McCullough on tap I am confident it will be.
iii)When I looked at the research evidence on Tamiflu, it was apparent that ROCHE played around with making the data available, maybe have even monkied around with the evidence, and heavily sponsored most of the studies. This is a severe conflict of interest and a red flag for a high risk of biased estimates of effect
iv)Most of the studies and evidence used Tamiflu beyond 2 days post symptoms and in this case the drug is not effective. We were told that this drug is most effective when used right on symptom onset, soon as exposure happens and not beyond 2, 3 days etc. after symptoms. This is akin to the ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine studies DESINGED TO FAIL where they gave the study drugs too late in the disease sequelae and thus of course the outcome will be poor. They also gave toxic doses and of course people would get sick. Same here with Tamiflu and so the overall research methods and studies are poorly done and IMO we are yet to get properly done studies where we can tease out effect. So, I have serious concerns about the estimates of effect for Tamiflu that have been reported.
v)The outcomes reported to show benefit are ‘soft’ non-patient important outcomes, such as time to symptom resolution or duration of symptoms ?? etc. para so what is the big deal if your sniffles do not last for 4 days but last for 3.8 days, so what if a soft unimportant outcome is lessened by a few hours? No one cares about that. I do not care about sniffles or runny eyes etc. We need data and studies to be powered by patient-important ‘hard’ outcomes such as death, ICU, hospitalization, infection etc. Outcomes that MATTER to people and their informed decision-making. So, I have reservations on the BODY OF EVIDENCE for Tamiflu.
vi)The harms aspect of the research is sub-optimal. I need more information.
vii)Most of the more in-depth analysis can only be done on unpublished trial level data (may be line listed), prior held by ROCHE. ROCHE made data available after a long battle. One had to launch an INTERPOL Scotland Yard type investigation and request to have gotten ROCHE in the past to comply with Cochrane. To give up any data. I recall. para.
viii)All Tamiflu studies we are basing decisions on sub-optimal research, and especially research methodology wise and we cannot clearly ascertain methods. I cannot. I find that the reporting is patchy, with glaring omissions, sub-optimal, and leaving the reader to guess about what was actually done.
ix)ROCHE was the main sponsor so clearly conflicts of interest.
x)To date, all we really have is a report of benefit based on reduced symptoms by 0.4 to 0.5 days. So what? This not patient-important, and as a person, I do not care about that outcome measure. Does it stop death? Does it stop or reduce hospitalization? Does it stop severe outcomes? No study has found this.
xi)Well conducted Cochrane Reviews have called the drug into question as to benefit.
So, when I look at the entire available BODY of EVIDENCE on Tamiflu, I find that it is sub-optimal, very shady shoddy sub-optimal research methods, and I do not support it as a therapeutic. Will I have it in my medicine chest JUST IN CASE? If not cost prohibitive, I just may. For I am constantly looking at the science and methods.
This is my opinion. You have to make yours.
xii)Yet TWC seeks to respond to its constituents and is evolving as the science evolves and refines and matures as to Tamiflu and other therapeutics. As more is learnt and what FDA puts out to the medical and research community. The hope is that research groups rapidly study Tamiflu. TWC will adjust its decision to include Tamiflu in the black contagion kit but for now is offering something that may be modestly effective (or not effective) yet regulatory approved by FDA etc. and available. At a reasonable cost and especially if the public and doctors decide to hoard it and stockpile it. At least you would have used the precautionary principle and have some in your medicine chest. Do not use any drug, medical device etc. unless you have to and are under guidance. Do not ever give or self-medicate if pregnant, or a child.
Also, if H5N1 is manipulated in lab somewhere, it may be that Tamiflu that was not effective for H1N1, would be of more utility for H5N1. We just do not know.
Today, I do NOT support Tamiflu, never did as a drug for influenza etc. as per 2009 H1N1 swine flu fraud. I was involved in response Canada etc. and it was sub-optimal. H1N1 swine flu was never a pandemic. I strongly support the blue emergency preparation kit (availability of antibiotics) and will continue to do so and stand by TWC’s decision to offer the black contagion kit and Tamiflu yet with an ongoing proviso to re-assess data and evidence on Tamiflu routinely. Especially any reported harms, again, if used as part of H5N1. Remember, we do not use drugs if we do not need to. This black contagion kit is a prep ‘anticipatory’ kit, JUST IN CASE. In case these malfeasants bring H5N1 bird flu fake pandemic and go about bringing something virulent. You would have something that could be of help, even modestly. Maybe it may not work. We do not know. Again, as the science evolves and we learn more, TWC will adjust decisions as to what will comprise its preparation kits. I have been assured this.
The PCR process was used to accomplish the fraud of H1N1 IN 2009, AND BEFORE AND COVID 20202 and SARS 1 2003 and now coming H5N1 avian flu
We need to keep getting the word out there to people and make sure they don't go along with this new depopulation- election stealing protocol and prevent people from taking the gene/dna altering toxic jab. These people need to be taken out. God is moving and the more people praying, will pin point this evil nuisance to God so He can stop them.