
The PCR process was used to accomplish the fraud of H1N1 IN 2009, AND BEFORE AND COVID 20202 and SARS 1 2003 and now coming H5N1 avian flu

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We need to keep getting the word out there to people and make sure they don't go along with this new depopulation- election stealing protocol and prevent people from taking the gene/dna altering toxic jab. These people need to be taken out. God is moving and the more people praying, will pin point this evil nuisance to God so He can stop them.

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yes, God can, and our faith and Trump...and us, you, us...thank you

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it appears that a Ct value threshold of between ~25 to 30 is more reflective of high SARS-CoV-2 viral load and as discussed in the literature, a likely indication of greater infectivity. On balance, a Ct value of 25 (as a surrogate for viral load) appears optimal when all of the reported evidence is considered, and beyond a Ct value of 30, we propose that infectivity drops off dramatically, as per the reported evidence. This is in line with the contention by Bullard et al.9 who stipulated that COVID-19 patients with a Ct value > 25 are not infectious given the virus cannot be detected in culture beyond a Ct of 25. We also propose at least 10 days eviction that is in line with what has been reported by Jaafar et al.13 Note, Rhee et al.14 reported no virus being isolated from samples after day 8.

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yet we cycled to 45...once we past 24 it was viral dust etc.

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wrote this review on PCR cycle count amplification and this was with held from us as it would have told us even if said we were positive, what was key was are we infectious or harboring lethal loads etc.

i) There exists no absolute or constant Ct value cut point (it is non-standardized), and Ct cut points or thresholds can vary based on the diagnostic reagent and even for the same gene;

ii) Errors emerge of approximately 1-2 cycles based on a host of factors, including the skill of the assessor/technician; such uncertainty for example, is present if a Ct cut point was 35 and the result is 34-36, then interpretation could be false positive or false negative (either direction);

iii) The Ct value is inversely proportional to the amount of the target gene, and as such there is a problem of incorrect interpretation e.g. as false negative when in the early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection, there is less viral multiplication, or the swabbing methods may not be accurate;

iv) There should be standard operating procedures adopted with a central decision-making potentially emerging from the lead government agency (s). Such leadership should urgently move to make the Ct value uniform (standardized) relative to the reagent used and the viral concentration;

v) A call has been made to secure two or more swabs from at least two sites e.g. nasopharyngeal and throat swabs, and from each patient and perform consecutive tests (keeping the patient in isolation) so as to resolve a false-negative result, given the possibility of early stage of viral replication or suboptimal swabbing;

vi) Elevated false-negatives or false-positives that plague the RT-PCR test are typically due to a) suboptimal and inconsistent Ct cut points, b) gene selection, c) storage temperature, d) the swabbing method (specimen collection quality is impacted by irregularities in swab taking) accuracy, e) reaction conditions, f) reagents that were not assessed for accuracy, g) location of the smear (upper versus lower respiratory tract), h) whether taken too early in infection, i) the gap between collection and then processing (transport duration), j) the primers used in the amplification or k) being tested at an early stage of viral replication (infection). As an example, if two samples are taken from the same patient at the same time, yet transported at different temperatures, then this can distort the Ct values. The conditions may be materially different and as such, we have to be weary that these factors may each introduce variation.

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see Chang:

Chang MC, Hur J, Park D. Interpreting the COVID-19 Test Results: A Guide for Physiatrists. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2020;99(7):583-585. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001471. PMID: 32427600; PMCID: PMC7268832.

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H5N1 Plandemic is so predictable. 1) Trump must be stopped at any cost. 2) Billions more experimental mRNA jabs and delivery systems must forced on humanity. 3) Governments need an excuse to implement Technocratic Tyranny. Blue States (Globalist Territories), will try to make all 3 goals a reality. But, the Great Awakening is happening. Red States will fight back. Blue States will meet resistance.

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Anyone who believes in the PCR test need a brain test, I don't believe they have any brain cells left.

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Thank you so much, Paul! You're so prolific disseminating your medical knowledge (& other info)!

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as an academic scientist I am trying to explain some of the methods pitfalls

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It's exhausting knowing that our own government is trying to kill us. Sorry for being so blunt.

A long time ago, I went with a friend to a huge religious event that was unlike any that I was accustomed to in my church. The speaker was a Pentecostal lady with a strong, sure voice & persuasive manner. She shouted, "DON'T LET THE DEVIL STEAL YOUR JOY!"

That replays in my head at times like these. I wish we could put those on a billboard.

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thank you for being here...thank you for all you do.,

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Guinea Pig 2.0

This is a great stack Paul.

I have to admit it addresses so much in the way that it's written where is so thick and it's so important for the readers to not only read the words but to read the subtext in between the lines.

When you read the lines that are clearly visible in black and white it's to help everyone to understand that what we been subjected to has been a massive and ongoing fraud of fraud perpetrated to continue the pressure of fear.

Implementing fear and the effects of fear is the ultimate goal of every single one of these projected pandemics.

I love how Paul has addressed fear by talking about how fraudulent all of this PCR testing has been all of the fake virus running rampant in our world. Viruses ultimately that if they even existed have absolutely no consequential effect on our biology on our health or our wellness.

Dr. Paul's constant repetition that everything was manufactured fear manufactured pandemics and manufactured false positives.

Here in Niagara multiple life labs and testing facilities were canvassed by somebody posing as a doctor from the Niagara region and every single one of the labs came back with a cycle count between 38 and 48.

This meant that every single lab that was doing testing was generating fraudulent data for the likes of the Ontario science table 1 of the most fraudulent groups of so-called experts that took modeling and pretended it was real-world information and data and even introverted data to fit the fear that they wanted to generate in the general public.

From the masking to the distancing the lockdowns to the isolation all of these doctors especially those in psychiatry and psychotherapists all new that to isolate people would create the greatest mental health harms ever to have been perpetrated intentionally on the general public. Even people with a good mental constitution began to waver because the isolation the lack of communication the lack of being held the lack of being able to express your love was completely forbidden.

The most important times of families were the periods when they came together for birthdays and Thanksgiving Christmas all of the celebrations that are the underpinnings of a healthy family and a healthy society.

All of these human experiences were destroyed were cut off children were masked so they could no longer see their parents expressions and the parents could not see their expressions because masking cut off the ability to communicate in the nonverbal but oh so important way of human expression.

It is a travesty that the medical field doctors in all fields of science and human health each and every one of them knew the devastation of separation knew the devastation of zero communication and knew the devastation when the elderly were sick and needed comfort that it did not happen or if it happened it came through texts through an iPad or through a glass window behind the barrier with no human contact the most devastating isolation that you could ever subject a human being to.

These last years were nothing but a sadistic human torture torture of the mind a torture of the spirit a torture of faith and just plain sick torture.

The one thing that was accomplished no with incredible success was the injection of gene therapy drugs DNA altering drugs in a huge experiment and turned 80% or more of our Canadian population into living breathing guinea pigs of a massive experiment that is still under examination under review under analysis and everything that is happening right now with these new pandemics is for the next phase of the human guinea pig experiment to determine how much they can change the human to a subhuman as those that believe that they are the gods that have the power to change our nature at will.

As we look back in history and we look back to the Nazi era the Dr. Mengele era are we not a part of the experimentation that at that time they classed as torture yet Mengele was free to live out his life until 1979?

Were the Nuremberg trials nothing more than a whitewash of the crimes against humanity the crimes against our DNA the crimes against God to satisfy the world that something was actually done against these criminals that day who were classed as torturers at the time?

Were the Nuremberg trials a huge cover-up of the attempt to create the super race the attempt to get rid of the undesirables the ultimate in eugenics?

Dr. Paul in this sub stack are powerful tool to allow everyone to feel empowered that you know that what was perpetrated was a pure fraud and you now have the tools at the ready to solve any infection you may get to solve in your own mind that you are empowered to not have fear to not succumb to fear to not succumb to their wishes and to no longer participate in this massive experiment in eugenics to create a master race to step out of being a guinea pig any longer to become the human, the person, the being, in the spirit that you really are.

Paul is empowering you to be the best you can be, the spirit that you are and to never waver from your belief and never have fear ever again of standing strong and free and to never ever allow to be manipulated by these sorcerers by these freaks that think they are God's or think they are God.

From JJ Couey to Nick Hudson and to many of the people that Dr. Paul highlighted in this stack are, the ones that are suppressed, the ones that are held back, from getting the bullhorn and being able to loudly proclaim to the whole world as Dr. Mike Yeadon has been trying so hard to do, that this is the death and destruction of humanity, by sick eugenicists, bent on living forever because they are faithless and they have no God.

In closing draw on the information in this sub stack to help you empower yourself to never ever have fear again and not only to push back against any mandates but to unequivocally never accept your freedom being stripped from you which was given to you by God and not by these sick freak eugenicists. They have no power when you recognize yours.

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this is nice Jim, very nice...I am just giving my opinion.

All we need to handle this, the thinking, is already in us...bubbling...we are potent critical thinkers.

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This is an excellent Substack, one of the best Paul has written. I am preparing a lengthy comment in response to this excellent work.

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thanks Jim...its my view

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Yes it is sad but they are trying to find numbers of cases in animals in Canada, same usual players Teresa Tam and Bonnie Henry and they have agricultural experts testing animals and might expand to goats, wanting to drive the numbers up. (There is a YouTube video of a big zoom meeting they had and accidentally invited the wrong doctor with the same name who is actually on actual truth in health side) (there’s a diff dr who is kinda anti-virus shared her take on it and pointed out the highlights in a funny way). But ya it was kinda obvious that they want to turn this into something.

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Tam, Njoo, Henry are psychos IMO, inept

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I watched that video front to back. It is a justification for their positions as well as looking to see where they can control the population even further. It is power lust and authority gone bad and left unchecked by 338 Members of Parliament. Useless politicians or worse, complicit actors .

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Yes but I hope that people will be smarter this time, after all how can you have 2 ”once in a century pandemics “ back to back… plus people are so broke they can’t afford to go through all this bs again.

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we are smarter

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Virology is a fraud. Perpetrated by fraudsters using fraudulent methods to produce fraudulent results. Unfortunately society has been brainwashed to believe in it.

Do so at your own risk.

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If you don’t get the pcr test it won’t come back over cycled false negative! Boom problem solved. If only everyone understood the fraud . Can’t let happen again!

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May 28·edited May 28

I bought a whole chicken pre-cooked from the grocery store and then took it to the hospital for birdy-flew testing. After they were done with the testing, the darn thing came back to life, flapped its wings and flew away. I guess it wasn't very sick.

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I have heard JJ say that rna viruses cannot pandemic and I will take his word for that. It seems however, that greed and fraud and evil can pandemic effortlessly.

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I am in Florida….it amazes me how many people are wearing masks…..well more than 2 is a lot to me….i want to go up and ask why but people who wear masks are so full of brainwashing and fear i just don’t think it is a good idea for me to do that…and Dr. Paul I am not surprised about the PCR…..

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