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Be careful; no doubt there were atrocities but the Propaganda is thick!

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100% agree!

Dr. Alexander and everyone else (To echo and build on Greg’s point) I just want to let everyone know that in time of warfare, images of “babies and women” are the first tools of the wartime propaganda efforts.

Here are a couple of Substacks I read today discussing this:

“You’re being manipulated by atrocity propaganda”


“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government”


Here’s an article I wrote on how “wars are let happen.” We need to remember that the profits from this war are going to be massive:


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Of course they do--atrocity propaganda!

we got the 40 incubator babies thrown on the floor for the first War on Iraq

We got Babies on German bayonettes for WW1

How many millions died for the non-existent Iraq WMDs?

How many millions died for the 9/11 false flag lie?

All wars are based on lies and deceptions

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Not to dispute you but here we are arguing about propaganda and whether the pictures are true or not but we totally overlook the fact that war must NEVER be acceptable. That is what we need to put forward. NEVER is war acceptable. Or that's how it should be if we made enough of a fuss.

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Agree 100%!

War is NEVER acceptable. War is mass murder on an epic scale!!

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Women need to stfu and go back to the kitchen

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I agree with you, and that is why calling out the obvious manipulation via atrocity propaganda in order to manufacture consent for war is so important.

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War is hell killing innocent babies is knuckle dragging brutality goes Neanderthal never acceptable in any society

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Absolutely. It's one thing to be disgusted but if people are still paying their taxes like good little boys and girls, there is no spine behind the disgust.

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6 gorillion jews

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Yes, this below was already exposed as a lie (note Dr. Paul never addresses that this one that he pushed was exposed as a lie, a lie from the Israeli PM's office):

CNN Retracts Hamas Beheading Babies Claim and Apologizes.

Sara Sidner Says It Came From The Israeli PM's Office And Was Originally "Confirmed," But Later Disintegrated Into "Cannot Confirm"

It Should Trouble Everybody Deeply That Israeli PM's Office Mainlined The Most Inflammatory Story Imaginable To The Entire World.

This Alone Could Be A Whole Book


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Unfortunately the story is already out there and few will acknowledge the retraction

The truth is always the first casualty of war

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1000% agree!

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Maybe Dr. P needs a new Mossad case officer? I think his is a bit slow!

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Wowwwewwee thank you for this!

Everyone seemed to gloss over this fact.

Thank you very very much!

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TPTB and propagandists on both sides think the masses are so dumb that they'll uncritically swallow the propaganda. And they're correct.

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Wish I could like 100x!

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