Be careful; no doubt there were atrocities but the Propaganda is thick!

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100% agree!

Dr. Alexander and everyone else (To echo and build on Greg’s point) I just want to let everyone know that in time of warfare, images of “babies and women” are the first tools of the wartime propaganda efforts.

Here are a couple of Substacks I read today discussing this:

“You’re being manipulated by atrocity propaganda”


“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government”


Here’s an article I wrote on how “wars are let happen.” We need to remember that the profits from this war are going to be massive:


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Of course they do--atrocity propaganda!

we got the 40 incubator babies thrown on the floor for the first War on Iraq

We got Babies on German bayonettes for WW1

How many millions died for the non-existent Iraq WMDs?

How many millions died for the 9/11 false flag lie?

All wars are based on lies and deceptions

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Not to dispute you but here we are arguing about propaganda and whether the pictures are true or not but we totally overlook the fact that war must NEVER be acceptable. That is what we need to put forward. NEVER is war acceptable. Or that's how it should be if we made enough of a fuss.

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Agree 100%!

War is NEVER acceptable. War is mass murder on an epic scale!!

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Women need to stfu and go back to the kitchen

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I agree with you, and that is why calling out the obvious manipulation via atrocity propaganda in order to manufacture consent for war is so important.

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War is hell killing innocent babies is knuckle dragging brutality goes Neanderthal never acceptable in any society

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Absolutely. It's one thing to be disgusted but if people are still paying their taxes like good little boys and girls, there is no spine behind the disgust.

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6 gorillion jews

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Yes, this below was already exposed as a lie (note Dr. Paul never addresses that this one that he pushed was exposed as a lie, a lie from the Israeli PM's office):

CNN Retracts Hamas Beheading Babies Claim and Apologizes.

Sara Sidner Says It Came From The Israeli PM's Office And Was Originally "Confirmed," But Later Disintegrated Into "Cannot Confirm"

It Should Trouble Everybody Deeply That Israeli PM's Office Mainlined The Most Inflammatory Story Imaginable To The Entire World.

This Alone Could Be A Whole Book


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Unfortunately the story is already out there and few will acknowledge the retraction

The truth is always the first casualty of war

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1000% agree!

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Maybe Dr. P needs a new Mossad case officer? I think his is a bit slow!

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Wowwwewwee thank you for this!

Everyone seemed to gloss over this fact.

Thank you very very much!

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TPTB and propagandists on both sides think the masses are so dumb that they'll uncritically swallow the propaganda. And they're correct.

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Wish I could like 100x!

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This conflict is brought by the same people who organized plandemic and keep spinning climate scam.

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Oct 14, 2023
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This entire thread is a perfect example of what happens to humanity when ALL TRUST is lost in Government and especially media. I have believed virtually NOTHING since the day the deep state murdered JFK and I got confirmation that I was right with the Church committee hearings in the 70s. Nobody has the facts as of yet, so STFU !

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We have been lied to about everything for decades!!

They spend the past few years LYING about everything related to covid, including "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" bioweapon injections!!

The mainstream media is nothing but lies and propaganda--it's the propaganda arm of the ruling elite who want world war 3!!

All Wars Are Bankers Wars

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Good to see you have it figured out. We are not near enough in numbers yet but I am finally seeing progress in the past year after shooting my mouth off for 60+ years! The Globalistas made a mistake with COVID and it's going to cost them.

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I trust NOTHING from governments or the corporate media.

All of the wars have been based on lies!!!

Gulf of Tonkin, never happened--how many millions were slaughtered for that lie? how many US soliders died for that lie?

9/11 false flag to get the global war of terror going- how many died for that lie?

40 incubator babies thrown on the floor for Iraq War 1--how many died for that lie?

Non-existent Iraq WMDs--how many millions died for that lie, how many US soliders died for that lie??

The US sanctions on Iraq pre the first war on Iraq killed 500,000 Iraqi children under 5--does anyone care about that???


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It's always the bankers. Innocent people are just in the way and they want 7 of every 8 of us dead.

However, they have wanted that for a long time and it's not working out for them. We the people will ultimately win.

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Yes, all wars are bankers wars.

And you are 100% correct on the depopulation agenda.

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Yeah and unfortunately Sandra, these damned poison shots were supposed to finish the job. They long ago began poisoning humanity through food, water, air and pharmaceuticals and I don't know if humans are going to survive in the long run because of what they have done. It's truly an open question right now. At least there is a chance with so many people finally waking up from the long national nightmare.

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Yes, totally agree--the poisoning has been going on for decades. I know that Catherine Austin Fitts has spoken about this--it's deliberate.

Who knows what's in the kill shots and what the heck they are spraying us with.

We are being set up for absolute destruction.

The central banker's debt-based fiat ponzi scheme is headed for collapse and that's when they will try to force the CBDCs on us.

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Absolutely no doubt!!

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The bankers are jews. The Satanists are jews. The zionists are jews. The international merchant is the jew. The jew owned the slaveships. The jew crucified the Son of God. It's the jew.

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Evil is everywhere. What about the Jesuits? The Freemasons? Fabian Society? Are they all different components of the same thing? There is a lot of evil in this place. Are all of these things also jewish? These people apparently run this world. Since probably everything we have ever been told by them is a lie, we need to do a lot of work to find out the truth. We don’t even know our true history on earth. Our future is in peril. And we are running out of time 🙏

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All bankers are jews. Jews have profited from every war

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Something called free speech in our country even if it hurts

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I'm all for free speech, provided the speaker has some actual evidence or facts about the topic. Trying to judge either side this soon is dangerous as hell. That was really my point, NOT that anyone should give up any rights.

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Crisis actors caught faking gunshot wounds. See this duping delight - Masonic codes galore. https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/usxrzrGo5x8

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Good catch!

And we also know that they lied about the rape stories--the LA Times has retracted the story. But of course, all the retractions get ignored by the blood thirsty psychopaths who want to genocide the Palestinians.

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I see, only Israeli children, a few dozen maybe got injured/killed. What about all the Palestinian children that were bombed and maimed. Do you think with Israel drops 1000 of tons of bombs on high rise residential buildings those families and their children don't get beheaded, have limbs torn off, screech in terror and pain if they survive at all? How many years of such non-stop torture and abuse by the Israelis do you think a people will take.

Here is a quote from years ago by Ben Gurion, considered by some as the founding father of Israel stated way before the current State of the Occupation: "I too would be a terrorist if Israel treated me like we treat them". This is a paraphrase to be accurate.

Currently,, here is an article by Gideon Levy a major journalist in Israel who has opposed the Occupation for years:


Paul needs to stop promoting racism and fascism whether it is at home or abroad. Instead how about supporting sanctions against Israel for it criminal behavior and illegal Occupation. How about reading and supporting the group of Rabbis that call for the end of the State of Israel as illegal and immoral. Instead they demand a return of land and resources to the Palestinians from whom it was stolen. And if the Jews wish to remain they need to participate in a real democratic State where Palestinians have power.

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75 years of torture, murder and threats. Apartheid on steroids. How can ANYONE defend this???

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They have been raping and killing palestinian casualties since 1948- when they colonized them.

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jews own Hollywood, the MSM, 80% of the Biden Administration, and our complete money supply. They have spied on us, bombed and strafed the USS Liberty, and sold our nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union and China. 5 Mossad officers were seen DANCING across the bridge in new Jersey, as our tallest building burned. jews are heavily implicated in the JFK assasination, and own the top spots in the Convid scam. jews are the most expelled people in human history. And, Dr. Paul Alexander astonishingly believes everything they say!

Poor powers of assessment? Or, like Trump, are you just marrying in to the Tribe?

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This global World War is over the Eternal souls of every man, woman and child. It is Biblical end time war. It will not truly end until Jesus, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, returns as King to collect His Bride, His Father's Childrenm and thereby also Redeems all Israel from her collective anti-human and anti-God enemies and saves all the Remnant from certain destruction. Satan, Lucifer and his rebellious bloodless fallen angels and their hybrid chimeric souless, demon possessed bloodthirsty progeny, are the ones being activated in this world war against all races, religions and cultures to kill non-discriminately. This is literally a War of Good versus Evil. Creator Gods Children being attacked by The Serpent's Seed, by Satan's Children. No nation is inherently good. No human is good without God. Jesus was the only perfectly good perfectly sinless human, Jesus was, is and always will be God in the flesh.

There are Saved and Unsaved souls at risk in every nation. Receive Salvation. Only Jesus Saves. Only Yeshua Saves. Jesus is The Only Answer to the world's horrible, sinfilled and endless war situation.

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I am surprised that you are falling for the propaganda. This attack against Israel was instigated by its own gov't. That's the only way it could have happened. And it has been reported on by credible sources. Why ? Look what's going on in the Gaza Strip. They have cut off all water, food, and power, and are bombing it flat. There is no where for the Palestinians to go. They are living underground in concrete basements, where they will be encased. Your knee jerk reaction because of the Hamas attack proves how fallible, even people who should know better, can be. This is all be the design of the NWO-WEF of which the Israeli Gov't is a part. Your righteous indignation is better placed at the source..

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Oct 15, 2023
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Learn history. Israel isn't a real nation. They were planted in Palestine in 1948.

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Filth; scourge

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Do not believe this.

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Thousands of years, nothing new. Filth. STFU bro, this is spiritual

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Finding documents in their pockets!!@

You should be stupid to believe that

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Yes, just like the mysterious passport that turned up on the pile of rubble after 9/11!!!


But most are completely brainwashed and haven't learned from the 9/11 false flag and the Iraq WMD lies.

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I thought that exactly

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Yes, so many tricks to get the global war of terror going.

They can pretty much fake anything these days with CGI and deep fakes. We can't trust anything,

We know that are dark evil forces trying to get WW3 going--perfect for the depopulation agenda!

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Trust history, thousands of years......

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What about the Lusitania? Pearl Harbor? Who owned the newspapers? Who owns Facebook? Who controls the narrative?

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Lies. Yes holding the babies, yes, asking for permission to eat a banana from the kitchen, yes. But, Killing babies is just a big fat lie!!

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Psychopaths on XTwitter were actually passing this around saying look how well they take care of the babies and calling this kidnapping cute

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They did not take babies

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Oh so the video has been debunked somehow?

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There will be thise, who still say even about Auschwirz, it was a propaganda. Sadly, people are brainwaseh into antisemitism thousends of years, it eas in the antient Egypt already

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Gas chamber with wooden doors? 6M? Keep lying shlomo

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Yes they have kidnapped kids. Likely the parents are dead. I hope they find all the little ones.

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Why do we have war at all? Who decides this shit? Nobody wants war or hardly anyone. Why does the minority get its way all the time? NO to war, just plain NO. It doesn't matter if babies heads were cut off, bombing is just as bad. Imagine the horror the child must feel with men around them with guns and balaclavas. I am sick to death of war - it's a mans' game - stop it. Just stop it. No need to argue who's right, Israel of Palestine, Ukraine or Russia, just war itself is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and people need to say this.

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This is the kind of cunt who controls the "democracy" of the United States. Repeal the 19th amendment NOW

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Why do we let women vote ?

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Watch Corbett Report flashback to babies on bayonets.. oldest propaganda ever!

Iraq war had Congress fraud of incubator babies.. doubt all claims & attributions.


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To all of you deniers on this substack....I wonder what makes you tick. You're just stupid people ... I bet all of you have taken the Jab and wonder why you still get sick. Hamas's tactics are no different than ISIS...to think differently is, again, just stupid. Even if these pictures are dated... there will be (have been) atrocities done by Hamas that no one will be able to deny. What amazes me is how you people are able to navigate throughout the day....no really. All of you useful idiots pushing every conspiracy known to man are just pathetic. What is even more concerning is how if this conflict goes regional...the major powers (with nukes) will become involved. Again, you dopes will be debating non-issues to support your team. Hamas and the other islamo-nazi organizations must be eliminated if the world is to be safe. Prove me wrong. Everyone who is not an islamist is a target...is this how you want to live? You foolish, wicked people.

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Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas


Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the Archive.org website.

During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)


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And your point is? It is not about Netanyahu.... he's on borrowed time...we nonetheless have been left with a serious mess. It doesn't change what is currently going on and how it has to be solved.

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So, you are suggesting the death of those that want to destroy you. Perhaps Israel should not be in Palestine. But you would rather kill those around you who oppose your existence there. Something much larger is now going on. Israel is going to help issue in the New World Order, not one of peace and prosperity and freedom for mankind, but a totalitarian hightech nightmare that will enslave mankind and rule every aspect of life on the planet. That, my friend, is rooted in Satan or Lucifer if you will, and is not worthy of Israel or any freedom loving people, let alone the people of God.

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Kind of simplistic clap-trap. First if you want to go the religious rabbit hole...Israel and the region belongs to Catholics. With Christ dying for our sins reclaimed the region for the people of the new covenant. See how this works and can really go afield? Israel’s actions are not issuing the NWO per se but is the reflection of failed policies and those who are powerful who want to remain in power. This is done behind the backdrop of failure perpetrated by these same powerful elites. When all else fails they take you to war...SOP. Israel created Hamas to offset the PLO ... the plan backfired and now Hamas is inflicting pain because Iran doesn’t want the Abraham Accord. Iran subscribed to the A Dugin approach to regional autonomy in which there will be spheres of power controlled by a one nationality. It’s a real mess and is only going to get worse. With any luck there won’t be a nuclear exchange.

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governments and intelligence agencies are behind the terrorist groups--they use them as proxies for foreign policy (starting WAR)

Israel Supports ISIS



Turkey and Israel in Liaison with US-NATO are Supporting the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda Terrorists In Syria By Washington's Blog, 30 September 2014

… that Turkey is sending terrorists into Syria: Opposition Turkish lawmakers say that the government is protecting and cooperating with ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists, and providing free medical care to their leaders. According to a leading Turkish newspaper (Today’s Zaman), Turkish nurses are sick of providing freemedical treatment to ISIS terrorists in Turkish hospitals

More Evidence of Israel’s Dirty Role in the Syrian Proxy War By Steven MacMillan, 18 May 2015

Video footage surfaced last week showing the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) treating a wounded anti-Assad Syrian rebel, following a UN report at the end of last year which found that the IDF and the Syrian rebels (including ISIS) were in regular contact. The Times of Israel reported on this latest video in an article …

Israel Supports ISIS By Stephen Lendman, 2 December 2015

… Israeli borders expanded to incorporate territory of neighboring states. On November 24, The Voltaire Network said journalist Sharri Markson got firsthand accounts from wounded jihadist terrorists receiving treatment at Israel’s Ziv Medical Centre, “specialising in war traumology…government-run and linked to the Israeli Defence Forces.” Their recovery is aided to help them “continue …

Alliance of Convenience: Israel Supports Syria's ISIS Terror Group By Stephen Lendman, 27 April 2017

Washington created and supports ISIS, along with other anti-government terrorists in Syria and elsewhere. NATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other regional rogue states supply them with weapons and other material support. So does Israel. In June 2015, the Times of Israel quoted former Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon, saying “(w)e’ve …

Israel's "Humanitarian Support" of Al Qaeda "Freedom Fighters" in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, 9 December 2015

… avoided. What the London tabloid fails to mention is that the rescue and treatment of terrorists are part of a broader program of military aid channeled by Israel's Defense Force (IDF) to terrorist commandos inside Syria. . In a bitter irony, the report nonetheless acknowledges that Israel is rescuing the same evil terrorists who allegedly …

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People use terms like "denier" when they can't support a position with facts.

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You started your statement with an ad hominem, in this case the word "denier". Ad hominems are defined as;

1. Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or argument.

2. Appealing to the emotions rather than to logic or reason.

What followed your use of "denier" was based on emotions and not logic or facts.

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Actually no. There are situations where the FACTS can not be denied and to do so the term denier is appropriate. For example, do you deny the heinous acts committed by Hamas this week? Where we have verifiable proof? Or are you going to delve into “what-aboutism”?

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I don't deny or believe. So far, most of these "heinous acts" don't seem to have actually happened. I also can't say who was behind these attacks because I wasn't involved, and neither were you. It could have been Hamas or it could have been the IDF or the Mossad posing as Hamas fighters. If it was the former, it's quite possible that the Israeli government knew what was coming and chose to look the other way. If it was the latter, it wouldn't be the first time agents for Israel tried to frame Palestinian Arabs for acts of terrorism that they themselves committed.

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Ohhhh so you’re a conspiracy nutter… got it 👍. Now I could concede that Israel knew what was coming…it’s plausible given the desire to distract people to accomplish something else. Not likely but plausible. To say that we don’t know who committed these acts again goes down the stupid rabbit hole. Captured Hamas fighters were more than eager to boast about what they did. That and a mountain of evidence. Nice try and thanks for playing. 🤦‍♀️

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More ad hominems from you because that's all you have.

Look up the King David Hotel bombing. It was the result of a conspiracy among Zionist nutters, including some Zionists who went on to become Israeli politicians. (One of those nutters, Benjamin Emanuel, is the father of Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff for Obama, former mayor of Chicago and current US ambassador to Japan.)

The King David Hotel is just one example of what I was describing.

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Here’s the thing… there’s no level of proof that will convince you what is plain and obvious. All you have is “what-about-ism” or some ill relevant nonsense. You obviously are wed to a narrative or some sort of belief that prevents you from being honest… so coming full circle…denier is an excellent term. Next you’ll be telling people that the Holocaust didn’t happen and that the US didn’t make it to the moon 🤣🤣🤣

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You didn't offer any proof. You are also accusing me of saying things that I did not say. There was no "what-about-ism" in my comments. Indeed, phrases like "what-about-ism" serves the same purpose as words like "denier"... They provide the user with a rationalization for not considering ideas that may challenge his or her beliefs. And now you've gone from ad hominems to straw men.

What should be plain and obvious to anyone who uses his or her brain for more than filler between the ears is that we don't know what happened because we weren't there.

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