Be careful; no doubt there were atrocities but the Propaganda is thick!

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This conflict is brought by the same people who organized plandemic and keep spinning climate scam.

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This entire thread is a perfect example of what happens to humanity when ALL TRUST is lost in Government and especially media. I have believed virtually NOTHING since the day the deep state murdered JFK and I got confirmation that I was right with the Church committee hearings in the 70s. Nobody has the facts as of yet, so STFU !

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Crisis actors caught faking gunshot wounds. See this duping delight - Masonic codes galore. https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/usxrzrGo5x8

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I see, only Israeli children, a few dozen maybe got injured/killed. What about all the Palestinian children that were bombed and maimed. Do you think with Israel drops 1000 of tons of bombs on high rise residential buildings those families and their children don't get beheaded, have limbs torn off, screech in terror and pain if they survive at all? How many years of such non-stop torture and abuse by the Israelis do you think a people will take.

Here is a quote from years ago by Ben Gurion, considered by some as the founding father of Israel stated way before the current State of the Occupation: "I too would be a terrorist if Israel treated me like we treat them". This is a paraphrase to be accurate.

Currently,, here is an article by Gideon Levy a major journalist in Israel who has opposed the Occupation for years:


Paul needs to stop promoting racism and fascism whether it is at home or abroad. Instead how about supporting sanctions against Israel for it criminal behavior and illegal Occupation. How about reading and supporting the group of Rabbis that call for the end of the State of Israel as illegal and immoral. Instead they demand a return of land and resources to the Palestinians from whom it was stolen. And if the Jews wish to remain they need to participate in a real democratic State where Palestinians have power.

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jews own Hollywood, the MSM, 80% of the Biden Administration, and our complete money supply. They have spied on us, bombed and strafed the USS Liberty, and sold our nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union and China. 5 Mossad officers were seen DANCING across the bridge in new Jersey, as our tallest building burned. jews are heavily implicated in the JFK assasination, and own the top spots in the Convid scam. jews are the most expelled people in human history. And, Dr. Paul Alexander astonishingly believes everything they say!

Poor powers of assessment? Or, like Trump, are you just marrying in to the Tribe?

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This global World War is over the Eternal souls of every man, woman and child. It is Biblical end time war. It will not truly end until Jesus, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, returns as King to collect His Bride, His Father's Childrenm and thereby also Redeems all Israel from her collective anti-human and anti-God enemies and saves all the Remnant from certain destruction. Satan, Lucifer and his rebellious bloodless fallen angels and their hybrid chimeric souless, demon possessed bloodthirsty progeny, are the ones being activated in this world war against all races, religions and cultures to kill non-discriminately. This is literally a War of Good versus Evil. Creator Gods Children being attacked by The Serpent's Seed, by Satan's Children. No nation is inherently good. No human is good without God. Jesus was the only perfectly good perfectly sinless human, Jesus was, is and always will be God in the flesh.

There are Saved and Unsaved souls at risk in every nation. Receive Salvation. Only Jesus Saves. Only Yeshua Saves. Jesus is The Only Answer to the world's horrible, sinfilled and endless war situation.

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I am surprised that you are falling for the propaganda. This attack against Israel was instigated by its own gov't. That's the only way it could have happened. And it has been reported on by credible sources. Why ? Look what's going on in the Gaza Strip. They have cut off all water, food, and power, and are bombing it flat. There is no where for the Palestinians to go. They are living underground in concrete basements, where they will be encased. Your knee jerk reaction because of the Hamas attack proves how fallible, even people who should know better, can be. This is all be the design of the NWO-WEF of which the Israeli Gov't is a part. Your righteous indignation is better placed at the source..

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Filth; scourge

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If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fires, then what do freedom fighters fight? They never tell us that part so they? - George Carlin

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Lies. Yes holding the babies, yes, asking for permission to eat a banana from the kitchen, yes. But, Killing babies is just a big fat lie!!

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Psychopaths on XTwitter were actually passing this around saying look how well they take care of the babies and calling this kidnapping cute

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There will be thise, who still say even about Auschwirz, it was a propaganda. Sadly, people are brainwaseh into antisemitism thousends of years, it eas in the antient Egypt already

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Yes they have kidnapped kids. Likely the parents are dead. I hope they find all the little ones.

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Why do we have war at all? Who decides this shit? Nobody wants war or hardly anyone. Why does the minority get its way all the time? NO to war, just plain NO. It doesn't matter if babies heads were cut off, bombing is just as bad. Imagine the horror the child must feel with men around them with guns and balaclavas. I am sick to death of war - it's a mans' game - stop it. Just stop it. No need to argue who's right, Israel of Palestine, Ukraine or Russia, just war itself is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and people need to say this.

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