It seems to me that what we are also seeing along with class switching AND thus abnormal IgG4 is also the simultaneous suppression of IgA..

This cannot be good because all immumoglobulin levels have been long assigned in their abundance, role and duties by evolution and their interaction messaging of other biomolecules as well as bridging inate and acquired arms of immunity .

It os OBVIOUS that these death jab of destruction are causing highly abnormal actions on suppressing and upsetting our human immune system .

ANY suppression, class switching, or increase places that person in danger of OTHER adverse effects to pathogens .

Trying to play GOD with human immunity is frankly very very stupid . Vaccines alone take usually a decade of study to ensure desired impact WITH safety .

The historic track record of all vaccines is Frankenstein like.

When President Reagan gave legal impunity he opened a true route to hell for people being brainwashed washed to take vaccines that were outright harmful.

But it gets REALLY REALLY bad because the Warp speed death jab came compete with experimental BRAND NEW technologies including nano particles (one billionth of a meter) encapsulated in VRAND NEW and toxic lipids like PEG for stability .

The payload of mRNA too was outright experimental and yes we know WITHOUT ANY DOUBT that the pharma and governments marketing these experimental products under LIES of safety and efficacy was criminal malfeasance, coercion, and now genocide and torture to those suffering.

It is WELL PAST TIME that doctors, nurses pharmacists, and military and those whom partook in distributing these death jabs TO TAKE THEIR GLOVES OFC and GET REALLY MAD to STOP rhe SHOT and arrest liars like Fauci , Tam and rge politicians who paid them to corrupt medicine.

Because IF DOCTORS do not lead and unite then I predict ALL MEDICINE will soon be dead !

Govt ordered robots and technicians paid under corruptoob will order you to take the purple kool-aid aid .

Humans above all need to get REALLY REALLY REALLY MAD (righteous justice MAD- the good kind) .

We either rise up and STOP this totalitarian takeover of humanity or we will ALL SUCCUMB .

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“Stop calling them va((ine they are gene therapy”

Episode 8 Silenced with Tommy Robinson - Dr David Martin




https://t.me/DrDMartinWorld/31 ➡️❤️➡️

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Immune tolerance

State of unresponsiveness of the immune system to substances or tissue that would otherwise have the capacity to elicit an immune response in a given organism. It is induced by prior exposure to that specific antigen and contrasts with conventional immune-mediated elimination of foreign antigens. Tolerance is classified into central tolerance or peripheral tolerance depending on where the state is originally induced-in the thymus and bone marrow or in other tissues and lymph nodes. The mechanisms by which these forms of tolerance are established are distinct, but the resulting effect is similar. Hide


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The strange clot-like spaghetti being pulled from the blood vessels of over 50% of vaxed corpses by morticians are related to the IgG4 process. They are encapsulated Vax ingredients. Now why would the body do such a thing? It's an effort to survive, akin to how the body will sacrifice extremities to keep its core warm during hypothermia.

While cancers may be growing fast, so are fibrous non-csncerous tumors, also known as cysts. The long, tubular cysts are in the bloodstream because that's where some of the Vax ingredients are circulating. The growth of the cysts are constrained by the vessel walls. But cysts are growing elsewhere, everywhere the Vax permeates. And when the vaxed individual gets boosted, the ingredients immediately add to the pile and get encapsulated and new cysts form because the encapsulation process is ramped up in turbo mode while other immune & allergy responses are exhausted & supporting nutrients are depleted. VAIDS is near.

To clearly see what's going on inside, take a look at encapsulated breast implants (capsular contraction). That's what's going on with Vax ingredients that the body cannot filter, excrete, dissolve, destroy, eject, oxidize or burn out of itself. It encircles the foreign offensive bodies with scar tissue. Society does the same to protect itself from career criminals by encapsulating them inside prison cells.

When cysts form and enlarge inside organs, they compress organ tissues and cut off circulation, causing organs, including the vascular system, to falter and fail. 30% of vaccine ingredients migrate to liver tissues within hours of injection. Which makes sense, because it filters circulating blood. So guess which organ is at high risk?

I sure hope doctors are not trying to shrink cysts with radiation & toxic drugs. Because the body has done the hard work of gathering up all the Vax ingredients and encased them inside trash bags for easy removal by a surgeon. (Unfortunately, those trash bags are often tucked up inside places not accessible without killing the patient).

And guess what happens if a surgeon, or oncologist, breaks open trash bag while it's still inside? Vax ingredients spill out & circulate in the bloodstream, only to be encapsulated quickly into new cysts. Why, it might even appear that cancer has spread after surgery. Same if cysts are removed before the process has cleaned up all the mess inside. More will continue to grow.

I fear that the variety of reactions the vaxed are expressing are merely a prelude to the inevitable, because the cysts & tumors are proof that the body is not able to break down some of the vax ingredients, and thus, they'll be inside them til the end.

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