Look at Asheville North Carolina & you understand how devastated NC is today due to Helene & why they need help now, maybe more than other badly hit states, triage NC needs urgency, bodies in trees
I think what we will see when this is mostly behind us is a picture of neighbors helping neighbors. A lot of prayers and faith. Of course, the captured national media will highlight the federal interventions here. This ain't Katrina and New Orleans. Don't be fooled. The locals and local charities are helping the locals.
excellent sharing Steve, I imagine you are linked in, good to tell us, it looks devastating...I think worse to come as the waters settle...Biden and Harris missed their Obama hug phot op with a Christie...at least Trump understands the politics and photo op
Trump does so much to help in all these tragedies because he cares. He flew in supplies himself because our government has gone to DEI and no one has the skills to know what to do. He gives a lot of money and raises money for these people. went with Franklin Graham.
yes, saw Franklin there...as I said, we need a Trump...we need him in disasters like that...he knows what to do. Obama did too...that Christie hug gave him the win.
Keep pushing for people to give to help these people. These are good people. I live fairly near there, and went to college at ASU in Boone. The entire area is gorgeous. I personally do not believe this event was an act of God, but of man. I Pray I’m wrong, but after Lahaina and Covid , I have lost trust in the government. They are taking us down a dark path. Pray for all the storm victims . I saw a video of what happened in the ocean. There were small square ripples in a large area -if this was accurate. Someone posted.,. Not normal at all. Maybe DEW. ? Thank you for getting the word out for help. We can’t forget these wonderful people.
It’s been this war since the beginning of man, however, it’s “ramped up” to a massive scale recent years. It’s as if satan’s time is running out and he’s grabbing as many souls as possible before going down for good.
Is it crazy to think that Biden is purposely not doing anything much with the hurricane recovery, and the longshoremen strike to torpedo Harris/Walz for the coupe done to him?
You should. It is an open source weapon of war in many law manuals. You can go back to Circa 2025 and read it straight from NASA (2001). Future warfare will be fought with nano, chemical, biological and technological weapons.
No. The strike was orchestrated by the Biden regime. Same as the lack of care and stealing of donations in North Carolina. They weaponized the weather from Texas to NC to move the hurricane where it went. We had heavy cloud manipulation (I have the video) in Oklahoma.
I appreciate what Steve stated, we all forget the human spirit, places devastated and people rise together to help one another, it does not matter, religion, color, politics! It is neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend. The AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE A TREMENDOUS CAPACITY TO HELP OTHERS NO MATTER WHAT! We are not RACIST, NOT BIGOTED, NOT PREJUDICED, WE TRULY LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS AND HELP EACH OTHER. THAT IS SOMETHING I THINK THESE DEMONCRATS FORGOT ABOUT US, WE WILL RISE UP FROM CATASTROPHE TO HELP EACH OTHER!
But you know Doc, these DUMBoCRAPS are merely in office for the $$$. Maxine et al do not care about anything but adding biomass to their fat asses at the cost to the taxpayer. So when people are suffering they do not care. Fakes and phonies, human garbage and fake people.
Jesus had a several fold gospel message. HE taught, healed the sick, preached, delivered from demonic possession, etc but most importantly came as the plan of salvation.
That was His prime objective but He did all these other things including raising from the dead. Now it is scriptural that when conception occurs, a spirit is given by God and at death that spirit separates from the body to go to the spiritual existence.
In order for Him to raise anyone from the dead the reverse process would had to have occurred giving one an idea of His power.
Aside from that He is depicted in pictures as a hippie type with slight build. The Truth is He was in His totality of Perfection the picture of masculinity, musculature, build and appearance flawless the most masculine man who ever walked on this wretched planet.
I reject these false images of Him as a patsy, and in order to have suffered all He did, He had to have been a perfect specimen of physical fitness.
Note He was close friends with a prostitute and appeared after His Glorification to her and the other women there. That was symbolic to me that a woman mistreated and used and abused in the worst possible way could have and would have been an example of how He by his actions, raised her up above many even with her jaded past. There was also a prophet chosen by God who was told to marry a prostitute and I think it might have been Micah. I look at these two examples as among other things that elevated and bespoke by Him and God the Father that women were and are His most beautiful and precious creation.
As such, lessons of this importance need to be embraced and examples made of how men are to treat women. Yes I know there are bad ones BUT I have met none so bad that being respectful of them in an affectionate and respectful way that there cannot be seen glimpses of their infinite worth and abilities to create life, carry and deliver that child, nurture it and shine in their beauty and warmth that I see every Sunday morning with young women all around me looking after and doting on their children. That in itself melts me in its intensity and immensity of sublimity, a sure sign felt within my spirit that the fairer gender was and is the most beautiful creation ever.
Thus flows from within me to the "eighth wonder of the world" admiration and enjoyment of that which He made when He was in earnest.
But it also creates immense hatred in me by the knowledge of how they are abused, by those who in many cases do not deserve to live and this passes hard on a religion that is anything but respectful to the fairer gender.
I was raised by a Salvation Army mother and a Methodist father, and taught to read from the Bible in my learning. Yes they want us dead, but our duty is to fight for we have more of a right to be in a western nation than any of these.
You are patently correct. My fighting has been over decades long on behalf of others vs gubmit bureaucraps and I won every case, even one for my X over 100 grand. This is a scriptural precept to defend those who cannt defend themselves. Yes I am a sh*t disturber and one of the gals who asked me to her friend here (half hour away) I warned that I was that. Her response? "I know" She did not care. Another told me "There is nobody like you Edward." Another told me I was a "terrible" man. Another said "you are sooooooo bad."
But they do not care, they want me in their lives as I agreed and also desired, to be a NON ROMANTIC friend. They have their reasons, I have mine. These are all friendships made in paradise. Union of minds and they all know the crap going on. You do too. As do I. I have a creed, "treat others like others treat me as well as other people. Do not count me an enemy, I am on your side. We fight the same foes.
There are too many people with firearms who will allow this unhindered. National Guard, military, and armed civilian homeowners. When you say "their plan, who do you refer to as "Their?"
You will not die. Full insurrection is not possible.
I am with you relative to the judgments of God in the face of the embrace of apostasy and abominations. In another place here I have explained the capitulation to sins and apostasies and see that as in older days, where God used a "strange and foreign people to execute judgment on HIs people, so it could well be the same thing happening here. Who is the enemy? The rsal enemy. The Father of lies who hates God but by extension His creations.
God and Satan BOTH work through men women and so it is logical to think what I think for there is nothing new under the sun.
We are getting a one-two punch from the Biden/Harris/Obama administration. The lack of a hurricane response and a port strike crippling transportation of goods will destroy our economy like Covid lockdowns did. We need the man who can Get-R-Done. Trump is the man who can make the deals necessary to repair the infrastructure damage and help get families back to normal. He learned from his first administration. Trump can bring the Unions to the bargaining table and negotiate an equitable deal. He is the man to get us back to economic health and prosperity. The Dems, Biden/Harris/Obama, will continue sending money to Ukraine, Gaza and Iran as they “play” war, and as American citizens suffer.
Ryan Hall, YT Weather channel is raising money. He has a 503c charity, they purchased a truck of bottled water and all the star links they could get and are on their way. He is personally matching donations up to 10K.
Yep, typical Biden/ Harris no where to be seen, they would rather support Ukraine, a very corrupt country than help any Americans that are in dire need. She was supposedly on phone with FEMA YET HER EARS WERE NOT PLUGGED INTO PHONE, SO PHONY PHOTO OP! She is such a dishonest person. Of course, Biden needs to be just thrown out of office but like anything else, republicans again not doing their jobs either! We desperately need Trump in as President, that is only way republicans will start taking control and do their damn jobs! Harris/ Biden are awful, useless garbage, they have done NOTHING TO HELP AMERICA, ALL THEY DO IS PULL US DOWN! PEOPLE WAKE UP, DO NOT VOTE FOR 4 more years of NO SUPPORT FOR OUR PEOPLE. SHE JUST WANTS MORE ILLEGALS SWIFTLY MADE CITIZENS SO DEMONCRATS KEEP WINNING ELECTIONS. REMEMBER SHE IS A COMMUNIST!
All to support the graft, money laundering, the CIA, and the Biolabs, nothing to do with the Ukrainians! All those funds and Zelenzky wants more, his pockets are overflowing, but it’s never enough! .
You realize Bush Jr., hates Americans, the Constitution and humanity, right? He did not care how serious it was. He deliberately allowed it to go to shit.
I read a substack or substack comment that it appears as an engineered hurricane. It was an unusual pathway. Satellite pics show unusual flashes of blue colored lightning. The supposition is it was seeded with electromagnetic charges. But I am not a scientist and I cannot find the comments and pics to repost for you. Is there anybody that can expand on this theory? Thanks.
I think what we will see when this is mostly behind us is a picture of neighbors helping neighbors. A lot of prayers and faith. Of course, the captured national media will highlight the federal interventions here. This ain't Katrina and New Orleans. Don't be fooled. The locals and local charities are helping the locals.
excellent sharing Steve, I imagine you are linked in, good to tell us, it looks devastating...I think worse to come as the waters settle...Biden and Harris missed their Obama hug phot op with a Christie...at least Trump understands the politics and photo op
Trump does so much to help in all these tragedies because he cares. He flew in supplies himself because our government has gone to DEI and no one has the skills to know what to do. He gives a lot of money and raises money for these people. went with Franklin Graham.
yes he does care...many care but sit back and defer...and twiddle...he knows its beyond that, we get up...big props for that
yes, saw Franklin there...as I said, we need a Trump...we need him in disasters like that...he knows what to do. Obama did too...that Christie hug gave him the win.
Keep pushing for people to give to help these people. These are good people. I live fairly near there, and went to college at ASU in Boone. The entire area is gorgeous. I personally do not believe this event was an act of God, but of man. I Pray I’m wrong, but after Lahaina and Covid , I have lost trust in the government. They are taking us down a dark path. Pray for all the storm victims . I saw a video of what happened in the ocean. There were small square ripples in a large area -if this was accurate. Someone posted.,. Not normal at all. Maybe DEW. ? Thank you for getting the word out for help. We can’t forget these wonderful people.
Which is why I am starting to believe that they are weaponizing weather.
As you know, we are at war against Satan. It is a good vs evil war.
It’s been this war since the beginning of man, however, it’s “ramped up” to a massive scale recent years. It’s as if satan’s time is running out and he’s grabbing as many souls as possible before going down for good.
All true, Dr. Paul.
The feds have done all they will. It’s up to the Body of Christ to BE the Body of Christ and start doing what the feds have been doing for years. 🙏🏼✝️
The Left do not care about your suffering (especially if you live in a Red state)....they're all about power and the grift.
Is it crazy to think that Biden is purposely not doing anything much with the hurricane recovery, and the longshoremen strike to torpedo Harris/Walz for the coupe done to him?
hhhmmm, is this payback to Harris?
I am starting to believe that they are weaponizing weather. As crazy as that may sound, I am beginning to believe it.
You should. It is an open source weapon of war in many law manuals. You can go back to Circa 2025 and read it straight from NASA (2001). Future warfare will be fought with nano, chemical, biological and technological weapons.
No. The strike was orchestrated by the Biden regime. Same as the lack of care and stealing of donations in North Carolina. They weaponized the weather from Texas to NC to move the hurricane where it went. We had heavy cloud manipulation (I have the video) in Oklahoma.
I appreciate what Steve stated, we all forget the human spirit, places devastated and people rise together to help one another, it does not matter, religion, color, politics! It is neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend. The AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE A TREMENDOUS CAPACITY TO HELP OTHERS NO MATTER WHAT! We are not RACIST, NOT BIGOTED, NOT PREJUDICED, WE TRULY LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS AND HELP EACH OTHER. THAT IS SOMETHING I THINK THESE DEMONCRATS FORGOT ABOUT US, WE WILL RISE UP FROM CATASTROPHE TO HELP EACH OTHER!
I remember these events all to well.
yes, painful
By the way, Luc,our port strike just turned violent 😳
But you know Doc, these DUMBoCRAPS are merely in office for the $$$. Maxine et al do not care about anything but adding biomass to their fat asses at the cost to the taxpayer. So when people are suffering they do not care. Fakes and phonies, human garbage and fake people.
very on the money and its so correct and sad and painful all at once
The Truth almost always hurts but it will also set one free.
preach my brother Edward
Jesus had a several fold gospel message. HE taught, healed the sick, preached, delivered from demonic possession, etc but most importantly came as the plan of salvation.
That was His prime objective but He did all these other things including raising from the dead. Now it is scriptural that when conception occurs, a spirit is given by God and at death that spirit separates from the body to go to the spiritual existence.
In order for Him to raise anyone from the dead the reverse process would had to have occurred giving one an idea of His power.
Aside from that He is depicted in pictures as a hippie type with slight build. The Truth is He was in His totality of Perfection the picture of masculinity, musculature, build and appearance flawless the most masculine man who ever walked on this wretched planet.
I reject these false images of Him as a patsy, and in order to have suffered all He did, He had to have been a perfect specimen of physical fitness.
Note He was close friends with a prostitute and appeared after His Glorification to her and the other women there. That was symbolic to me that a woman mistreated and used and abused in the worst possible way could have and would have been an example of how He by his actions, raised her up above many even with her jaded past. There was also a prophet chosen by God who was told to marry a prostitute and I think it might have been Micah. I look at these two examples as among other things that elevated and bespoke by Him and God the Father that women were and are His most beautiful and precious creation.
As such, lessons of this importance need to be embraced and examples made of how men are to treat women. Yes I know there are bad ones BUT I have met none so bad that being respectful of them in an affectionate and respectful way that there cannot be seen glimpses of their infinite worth and abilities to create life, carry and deliver that child, nurture it and shine in their beauty and warmth that I see every Sunday morning with young women all around me looking after and doting on their children. That in itself melts me in its intensity and immensity of sublimity, a sure sign felt within my spirit that the fairer gender was and is the most beautiful creation ever.
Thus flows from within me to the "eighth wonder of the world" admiration and enjoyment of that which He made when He was in earnest.
But it also creates immense hatred in me by the knowledge of how they are abused, by those who in many cases do not deserve to live and this passes hard on a religion that is anything but respectful to the fairer gender.
I was raised by a Salvation Army mother and a Methodist father, and taught to read from the Bible in my learning. Yes they want us dead, but our duty is to fight for we have more of a right to be in a western nation than any of these.
You are patently correct. My fighting has been over decades long on behalf of others vs gubmit bureaucraps and I won every case, even one for my X over 100 grand. This is a scriptural precept to defend those who cannt defend themselves. Yes I am a sh*t disturber and one of the gals who asked me to her friend here (half hour away) I warned that I was that. Her response? "I know" She did not care. Another told me "There is nobody like you Edward." Another told me I was a "terrible" man. Another said "you are sooooooo bad."
But they do not care, they want me in their lives as I agreed and also desired, to be a NON ROMANTIC friend. They have their reasons, I have mine. These are all friendships made in paradise. Union of minds and they all know the crap going on. You do too. As do I. I have a creed, "treat others like others treat me as well as other people. Do not count me an enemy, I am on your side. We fight the same foes.
There are too many people with firearms who will allow this unhindered. National Guard, military, and armed civilian homeowners. When you say "their plan, who do you refer to as "Their?"
You will not die. Full insurrection is not possible.
I am with you relative to the judgments of God in the face of the embrace of apostasy and abominations. In another place here I have explained the capitulation to sins and apostasies and see that as in older days, where God used a "strange and foreign people to execute judgment on HIs people, so it could well be the same thing happening here. Who is the enemy? The rsal enemy. The Father of lies who hates God but by extension His creations.
God and Satan BOTH work through men women and so it is logical to think what I think for there is nothing new under the sun.
We are getting a one-two punch from the Biden/Harris/Obama administration. The lack of a hurricane response and a port strike crippling transportation of goods will destroy our economy like Covid lockdowns did. We need the man who can Get-R-Done. Trump is the man who can make the deals necessary to repair the infrastructure damage and help get families back to normal. He learned from his first administration. Trump can bring the Unions to the bargaining table and negotiate an equitable deal. He is the man to get us back to economic health and prosperity. The Dems, Biden/Harris/Obama, will continue sending money to Ukraine, Gaza and Iran as they “play” war, and as American citizens suffer.
All true,c.
If you look at how the bad guys are acting now,while the shelves are full and they have plenty of money, just see what happens when there is no food.
Ryan Hall, YT Weather channel is raising money. He has a 503c charity, they purchased a truck of bottled water and all the star links they could get and are on their way. He is personally matching donations up to 10K.
Yep, typical Biden/ Harris no where to be seen, they would rather support Ukraine, a very corrupt country than help any Americans that are in dire need. She was supposedly on phone with FEMA YET HER EARS WERE NOT PLUGGED INTO PHONE, SO PHONY PHOTO OP! She is such a dishonest person. Of course, Biden needs to be just thrown out of office but like anything else, republicans again not doing their jobs either! We desperately need Trump in as President, that is only way republicans will start taking control and do their damn jobs! Harris/ Biden are awful, useless garbage, they have done NOTHING TO HELP AMERICA, ALL THEY DO IS PULL US DOWN! PEOPLE WAKE UP, DO NOT VOTE FOR 4 more years of NO SUPPORT FOR OUR PEOPLE. SHE JUST WANTS MORE ILLEGALS SWIFTLY MADE CITIZENS SO DEMONCRATS KEEP WINNING ELECTIONS. REMEMBER SHE IS A COMMUNIST!
thank you for linking to Ukraine, that is so very wrong...we have no role there...
all is a fraud
Dr Alexander, you should warn people to stock up. The port strike is gonna go violent.
I'm talking about crazy apeshit violent
They have to hide the evidence. They won’t stop until they can never be linked to the plandemic, and the cia all over Russia’s border.
All to support the graft, money laundering, the CIA, and the Biolabs, nothing to do with the Ukrainians! All those funds and Zelenzky wants more, his pockets are overflowing, but it’s never enough! .
You really need to simmer down. Find a good commentary on the Holy Bible and read it comparably to what you say.
You realize Bush Jr., hates Americans, the Constitution and humanity, right? He did not care how serious it was. He deliberately allowed it to go to shit.
I read a substack or substack comment that it appears as an engineered hurricane. It was an unusual pathway. Satellite pics show unusual flashes of blue colored lightning. The supposition is it was seeded with electromagnetic charges. But I am not a scientist and I cannot find the comments and pics to repost for you. Is there anybody that can expand on this theory? Thanks.
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