Yeadon is extremely brilliant, smarter than most hence they do not like him as they hate Vanden Bosshe...well Geert has a unique personality ha ha ha kind of insultive too, but he has the brains to back it up...Yeadon is special...I know him personally, spent time with him in USA and what a genuine good human being, only dog in the fight was to help humanity...you must listen to him from time to time...might learn a thing or two. what Yeadon is saying I believe. 100%. there was no excess mortality until vaccines rolled out. there was no pandemic.

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Funnily enough, I also know Yeadon and worked with him closely for many years at Pfizer, Sandwich. My take is that he is far from special, as demonstrated by the almost total failure of the respiratory portfolio under his leadership. Underlying this was his disastrous target selection - Pfizers respiratory efforts became somewhat of an industry joke and led to the the closure of the department. My former colleagues and I see Mikes current scientifically illiterate theories and new light is shed on our departmental failures

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I was in meetings and on stage today, but Sandwich, I am confident if we knew who you were we can easily say same of you, you hide behind anonymity and smear someone, oh how big and strong you are...moreover, I make this stake open for debate and posting so I ask you to be respectful in the future...this is my stack...also, Mike actually has been one of the more steady informed persons...why don't you explain how his positions re COVID are illiterate...maybe I may see some downstream, I am late. But here is the key, it is not you sought after, it is Mike, and I am sure if you were of acumen, I would know you, we would know you...I know each and every single person in this COVID fight...the idiots, the morons, and the stellar ones like Mike. Your goal here was to slander and smear...why dont you show your face and name...you have no idea what folk like Yeadon and I etc. ad others have faced as we tried to wage the battle to save lives when people like you hid your face, hid away, stayed in the basement and pounded a keyboard...

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My description of the multiple, built in toxicities in the fake vaccines have been confirmed by others including Prof Sucharit Bakdhi of U Mainz.

If you are still at Pfizer, you are at very least complicit in mass murder.

I’m not interested in the weak denials of a criminal incompetent who lacks the courage even to use his own name. If you were legitimate, it would greatly amplify your otherwise low credibility by using your name. Your employer would be pleased that you’re out there, countering misinformation.

So let’s have your name.

By the way, if James Merson is still with the company, please pass on my regards. He knows I am looking forward to criminal trials for whoever was involved, even tangentially.

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By the way. My name is public.

Who are you?

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Looks like he’s from Sandwich, Mike.

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Face, bovvered?

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Let’s enjoy some reminiscences, shall we?

I was the main driver behind the Pfizer / Boehringer collaboration which made a share of $30B in revenue over ten years. I even got an award for my leadership.

I was one of 4-5 people across several departments that convinced management to acquire the inhaler device we had advanced near launch scale when the site closed.

I was one of 2-3 people who pitched out portfolio to a dozen companies. I was the person who pursued the head of business development at Mylan to a meeting in San Francisco and persuaded him to recommend Mylan acquire that portfolio, which was announced shortly after I left.

Mylan formed a new U.K. subsidiary & hired 100 former colleagues, took the inhaler and all inhaled candidates. Years later, Mylan gained regulatory approval for their first drug in that device.

While at Pfizer we had a positive clinical proof of concept for histamine H3 antagonists, but was unable to invent a candidate to exploit this discovery, a first in world.

Also invented the best oral H4 antagonist, which was among s handful of candidates I spun out of Sandwich labs, creating a precedent two other teams followed.

I raised all the $40M equity finance including the seed money used to acquire the patents.

We ran a successful clinical trial in a new disease (in skin) on the basis of which Novartis acquired Ziarco, the company I’d founded and led as CEO,

It’s written up here in Forbes magazine by Dr John LaMattina, former worldwide head of Pfizer R&D and a former Pfizer board member.

It seems your memory has faded somewhat.


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However you may like to spin it, a few business development deals with drugs that preceded your long Pfizer career (Tiotropium), Drugs that subsequently failed (H3/H4 for Ziarco /Novartis) and Inhalation devices / Formulation that you had nothing to do with is an underwhelming return on investment. Added to that is the litany of failed drug programs you chose to pursue (eg PI3k, PDE4, H3, H4 and a few long acting "me toos") and ultimately departmental closure. I fail to recognise the genius described in the associated post. I suppose the test is which NOVEL drug did you and Allergy and Respiratory bring to market?

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This question I’d like you first to answer & then cite the track record of any of my peers.

I’ll probably not bother to reply again as it’s a waste of my time.

You’re still at very least an accessory after the fact to one of the largest crimes in history.

This is about your criminal conduct.

So get humble or buzz off.

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boom and a coward at it too...Sandwich is.

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Your actions are cowardly. Very suspect.

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Hum. Not making a good case here for Pharma in general. Yeadon saw the light, appears you haven't. Big Harma indeed...

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To be fair, man from Kent, the whole thing is rotten.

Mike was probably pushed into his role.

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Ask your local grave diggers then! The sheer volume of immediate deaths started after the mandated rollout and continued in waves of younger ages following the roll out schedule. And remember 95% are cremated (UK) so ashes from that massive increase are in homes or scattered.

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SandwichMan, You are clearly a coward, hiding, incognito. Mike would love to chat to you, as you state, you were an old work mate….You clearly prefer to slander and lie about him from your anonymous bubble.

Ad homenim comments ,using Paul Alexander’s Substack to spread them, about one of the most qualified accomplished scientists ( also expert toxicologist), brave enough from day 1, to warn us of the toxic Unsafe ,Ineffective,Untested, Unauthorised, MRNA,gene therapy injections. Pfizer now under investigation in the UK…..

Perhaps you would be kind enough, to inform us of your specific qualifications, if not crawl back under that rock….

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Thank you for posting here. I must say that Yeadon chappie had me utterly fooled. I'd bought his line of nonsense hook, line and sinker. Luckily you came along and with your concise, brilliant, logical takedown of his arguments - I mean you literally took them apart point by point and addressed every single argument he has made in a manner that no true scientist could possibly fail to appreciate - you have persuaded me back to the straight and narrow.

Stunning, irrefutable proof that Yeadon got it wrong.

If you wouldn't mind posting your address I will send you a pot of my favourite mustard to properly express my gratitude.

Yrs etc.


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Nothing new to treat or need for early treatment unless we are being poisoned. JJ Couey, Sasha Latapova, Katherine Watt. How hard wouldn’t be to ramp up the already existing depop strategies?

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I think it’s possible in some point locations that “something” was released.

But, and this is key.

The hypothetical something didn’t spread.

It didn’t kill.

That’s what the epidemiological evidence is telling us.

In that case, there is no need for “early treatment”. Because at most, we’re talking point locations of some poison, non lethal & not contagious, to seed the idea of a pandemic.

I am not persuaded that this definitely happened.

But I’m not dogmatically opposed to the possibility.

One of the spooks that lectures new hires talked about how to create a fake pandemic, James Giordano. His method ultimately is 99% psychological, fear based propaganda. From 2min 15s.


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correct...whatever they released was not toxic, non lethal...thank God so they are idiots and inept too...but yes, something was there. I lean to multiple release

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Haslemere being one of those point locations perhaps?

This was originally recorded in 2017 but last aired on the 14th March 2020 . NOTE the location:

Hannah masterminds the experiment and adopts the role of Patient Zero by walking the streets of Haslemere in Surrey.


Then this paper was done in relation to it:


Note this from paragraph 3 of section 5 – “We attempted to make the transmission model as realistic as possible, but due to the programme narrative, some liberties were taken. In particular, we were asked to ensure that the epidemic was seeded in Haslemere.”

Now look at this from 29th Feb 2020:


Note this – “He was a patient at Haslemere Health Centre in Surrey which has been closed for "deep cleaning" since Friday morning”.

The MP for Haslemere at the time, Jeremy Hunt.

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I have long considered Jeremy Hunt to be one of the most senior technical perpetrators in U.K.

I think it’s likely this is a rehearsal event.

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Wellcome Trust, right? I agree that this was/is the dress rehearsal. Next one will being the angel of death to billions of useless eaters.

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I think you are 100% spot on and the one man on the planet we should all heed. Please take care of you. Maybe Ivermectin just happens to help an already sickly biome. So many ill, unhealthy folks, lousy diets, stressed out on drugs. Easy prey to scare.

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very nice post

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I tend to agree Cynthia...no one is saying there was not a place for early treatment, but in time we will define it was for a specialized high risk class, very early on in the sequelae, and via the initial legacy iteration of whatever this was

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Untreated Influenzas but especially pneumonias may lead to serious complications and death. If health officials tell everyone with flu like symptoms to stay home (because those must be caused by covid-19) until your O2 saturation drops below 75 or lower, or you turn blue, it is inevitable there will be excess deaths and doctors, like Dr. Kory, will see patients admitted directly to ICU (instead of seeing their family doctor first) with advanced pneumonias, cytokines storm and thrombosis. In some parts of the world the use of antibiotics during covid-19 dropped by 50-90%, as reported by Denis Rancourt. This false approach could have created a pandemic of misguided and delayed treatment protocols. No new or more severe pathogen needed.

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There were some hotspots in key cities around the world, but not in Toronto. I was there watching all the time. Out of 4 hospitals I was affiliated with at least one closed the step down unit from ICU to ACU. If anything was released it didn’t get to Toronto Unity Health downtown 4 hospitals.

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Interesting again.

Whatever happened, it did not trouble the epidemiological evidence.

Nothing happened prior to the pandemic declaration.

Worth pointing out that we would expect clusters every year.

That’s just the way these things happen.

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we only see marked excess mortality after the vaccine roll-out, not before, across all highly vaccinated nations...nothing in 2020 which was the HOT year

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In some territories, for example U.K., we saw a huge pulse of deaths, I believe mostly in care homes but also in hospitals. I’m not sure about deaths in the community ie at home.

The key points though are entirely consistent with your / my thesis.

1. No pandemic or public health emergency.

(2. Changes in medical protocols resulting in caused deaths via (A) inappropriate ventilation & starvation, sometimes augmented by lethal drug administration; (B) excessive use of injections of midazolam & morphine in he elderly in care homes under protocol NG163, terminal palliative care, wholly inappropriate in those not imminently expected to die & (C) failure to prescribe oral antibiotics for incipient pneumonia in the community. Important to note this started only AFTER the fake pandemic was called. There was no sign of excess illness or deaths other than through Iatrogenecide.

3. Mass rollout of the intentionally toxic “vaccines”, followed by death in approximately 1:2000 to 1:1000 people injected. SAE rate & deaths varied enormously batch to batch and also was proportional to age. These patterns made it harder to demonstrate the correlation between vaccine rollout and SAEs including deaths, but we’ve no doubt about it in U.K.

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Mike, I agree that “something” may have been released, or alternatively, a seasonal flu variant was highjacked for the purpose of a 'pandemic'. Either way I've always been a little confused as to what exactly Ivermectin was so effective at saving people against. Again, either way, the growing publicity around this drug was a great threat against the emergency use of the 'one fix for all' lethal injection against a pandemic that has still to be shown ever existed.

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We don’t know that it was effective.

The best leading indicator of the person who was a candidate to receive IVM was that they were not hospitalised.

That avoidance of being murdered in hospital probably accounts for the bulk if the claimed efficacy.

Note that patients in just about every hospital weren’t allowed IVM, HCQ etc

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I think people need to step back and think about what Yeadon is saying...there is SAGE in it...

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In his famous paper on ivermectin:

“Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19”

dr. Kory and his colleagues clearly state that Ivermectin, among others, has been used successfully in treatment of influenza. Also, preclinical studies of ivermectin's have shown its anti-inflammatory properties.

“Since 2012, a growing number of cellular studies have demonstrated that ivermectin has antiviral properties against an increasing number of RNA viruses, including influenza, Zika, HIV, Dengue, and most importantly, SARS-CoV-2.9–17’


Simply put, with misguided protocols by health officials to stay home with flu like symptoms until turned blue and no early treatment with antibiotics for bacterial infections and pneumonias, there is no need for new or more severe pathogens to have clusters of respiratory infections that can overwhelm some ICUs.

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Ivermectin’s anti-inflammatory properties and therapeutic effects on hypercytokinemia - commonly seen in influenza patients and after the disappearances of influenzas, in covid-19 patients - were well recognized before covid-19.

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nice post

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I found it so odd in the beginning when I saw what was happening due to "covid" because I never believed any of it from day one. Where did the flu go I asked, crickets from them. When you know the entire thing was a lie, it's really strange to watch the liars trip over each other to tell the biggest one. My husband and I never skipped a beat, he continued to work every day and I continued to go out. I laughed at how empty the streets were because people fell for all of it. Once the poison pokes were released it wasn't funny then, I saw people dying and being maimed, I just couldn't understand how I could know the truth while millions or billions around the globe couldn't see it. I pray the people who did these monstrous things will be held to account, I believe God will see to it.

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Omg. I felt just like you! I’m still in awe at the number of people who ran to get those shots , my whole family included.

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Me too. I had 9 family members 5 of them under 19 get it. I continued on with my big Thanksgivings and Christmas parties with my family. My parents were living with me in their 80’s they had no clue what the fuss was about because we behaved NORMAL!

My nurse co workers were giddy with getting the shot and I looked at them and said “ I hope your life insurance is up to date “.

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Thank you, Mike Yeadon is an honourable man speaking truth from his heart. He has had a challenging journey. I appreciate you for standing up for the true voices and us all Paul 😊🙏

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thank you

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I echo that, to you, Paul. It’s been a hell of a journey. And it’s not over. God loves you.

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Just saw the post saying God loves you to Dr Paul Alexander and had to come over to say YES!!!! God loves you both because you are on team humanity doing God's work. Blessings to you both Dr Alexander and Dr. Yeadon. Get ready, buckle up - the hell of a journey is ramping up and just beginning - should get interesting! We do expect to win in the end (and so must you both to be so bold). Keep going! Do not join them! EXPOSE them! Together we got this!

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Paul thanks for amplifying dr. mike's message as you have over these past four years. appreciate you being willing to tread on dangerous ground

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we have to...and we must be brave to have serious debate...we could be wrong, ill informed, misguided, but we all learn by sharing and be open minded...and not disrespectful. I love learning.

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Yeadon is very smart, smarter than most

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I always admired Yeadon for coming out early to say that these injections are bioweapons DESIGNED to sicken and kill

Many people in the 'Medical Freedom Movement' still deny this and attribute it all to incompetence and corporate greed

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Indeed. It’s not enjoyable being Jeremiah.

It’s even worse watching my colleagues who have not even attempted to rebut anything I’ve said about the designed in toxicities or to even mention them themselves.

I understand it’s so shocking that they may subconsciously dismiss it in the vain hope it’ll go away.

But doing that renders my highly qualified opinion marginal and easy for the mainstream to dismiss.

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I agree wholeheartedly with what you say about Dr. Yeadon. Unlike most of the not a freedom movement, he’s pretty scathing about the existence of any virus called Covid. And others like the Baileys are pretty skeptical of viruses in general. But given what you’ve said, isn’t Dr. McCullough a little bit too close to the Maloney point of view?

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I think you meant baloney. 😉

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I remember you in the beginning of all this mess…..can’t say exactly where…..maybe a tweet. Weren’t you saying there was testing of sewer samples way before this became a “Plandemic”?

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Dr. Paul IS ON IT!

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New information out of Germany. Is the lid finally coming off?


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Yeah, they can do that now because they are moving on to locking us down for KLIMATE. Kovid not really needed any more.

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Excellent! Thanks for sharing. 💯🎯

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Exact same thing happened in America and all over the world. One big fraud!

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Time for Congress to investigate the true causes of "COVID" deaths in hospitals.

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All institutions are long ago captured.

No one but the public is going to investigate anything.

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What I would like to know……..What were the HHS hospital treatment protocols in August of 2019? In March of 2020 per Katherine Watt there were blanket waivers which allowed barbaric practices without liability due to the “Pandemic Emergency”.

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I won’t hold my breath.

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This is the time of The Great Reset and those at the top regard us as Human Rubbish and they are disposing of us in the same way that we might dispose of rubbish, though not Human. Well by US Law 2013 the ModRNA DNA vaccines are created in a Laboratory and are not naturally occurring in nature, so they have been patented, which means that everyone vaccinated with ModRNA DNA is no longer Human after 6 hours from injection, they are a new species with zero Human rights, or any Rights at all by Law, so they can be disposed of like rubbish as quickly and conveniently as possible and that is what is happening, by Cancers and other things too - I've outlined my overview of that on my substack, my last post.

I've tried to get my head around what is happening and the nearest theoretical idea is wartime. People are "Called Up" by surname and initial and they go off and get killed and those who control, without going to the war front, don't see those people as anything other than names of no significance or concern and they don't care how many get killed, to get their job done, whatever that final result might be and same again now - the volunteers did volunteer, so what did they expect would happen to them, sort of thinking. What we need to do is work out who those at the very top of our political systems are and help them along, in just the same ways they are us., but sooner rather than later

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Thanks to Dr Yeadon, we now know that there never was any Covid Pandemic - that was just the seasonal Flu and nothing else and that The WHO and our governments dressed it up as a Covid Pandemic to scare as many people into getting vaccinated as possible, so everyone in the know, knew that the Covid Pandemic was a fake.

Download PDF version here: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/api/v1/file/f52e8eaa-0f43-4f6f-9f5b-b8f82729c31b.pdf

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Government invented a nasty new flu & in 2019 they released it. Then they mandated their worthless vaccine, which killed people and made them sick. There was never any pandemic, except a pandemic of ongoing medical fraud.

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What will you all do about it? Millions have died. Millions more will die if you all do not take action.

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Write your representatives and demand they investigate the true causes of "COVID" deaths in hospitalized patients.

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Hahahaha. Cute. You think writing to the people who are trying to kill you will help?

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Unfortunately they’re all captured, no politician Beyond the odd one or two is going to do anything.

I believe they’ve been told not a lot beyond you’ll get rewards if you follow orders and destroyed in every way if you don’t.

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Thank you for laying it all out there in layman's terms. This information is shareable, to both those who truly believe Covid was an illness and those who do not. What you say about the "pandemic" rings as true, and these days it is so very important to listen to your gut above all else. (Not very scientific, I know...!)

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Please please tell me why in 2020 Ivermectin was so important or Hydroxychloraquine and Zinc to pish Zinc into cells to stop Cytokine storms of Spike proteins. Didn't a group of Indian scientists study the virus sequence provided to them and determine some segments had markers of HIV? All this before the fake bio-vax? What about Dr. Zelenko, didn't he save so many? Wasn't there a Novel Virus, perhaps not new but already spreading as a Bio-Weapon gain of function that they called new? What about Virologist Gert talking about this before the fake vax came out. I know once the fake bio-vax came out he said don't vax into a Pandemic everyone. But wasn't there something there beforehand? How about Dr. Bryan Ardis learning and teaching that the sequences discovered by I think Japanese scientists that these things were modeled after Cobra and other venoms. Did you watch September 2023 Ardis' the ANTIDOTE which focused a lot on the bio-vax but also mentioned that this was spread somehow in the environment and the bad stuff clung to the predominant Nicotine receptors of the body? And by taking Nicotine which is 10 times more effective and grabbing hold of the receptors the poisons get released from the body. And didn't Karen Kingston talk about how hydrogels and nanobots where also part of being introduced in 2020 in the environment as well 2021 and beyong through the bio-vax? I want to believe Mike Yeadon but I think it is a combination of deceit. What say you? I've not seen you comment on Dr. Ardis' work yet Dr. Paul.

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It would be great to see a panel discussion / debate that brought Mike Yeadon, Karen Kingston, Geert Vanden Bossche, Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and others together to compare views on the whole Covid event. What would they agree on?

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I’d agree to debate. Because I’ve no angle, no narrative to push.

I change my mind if the evidence changes, old fashioned I know.

I’ve very consciously made no money at all for four years and declined kind offers of help, either money or in kind.

I’m fortunate to be able to do this.

I do it so that my claim that I’m only interested in the best approximation of the truth. Nothing else influences anything I say or do.

So I’ll debate. I doubt many others will. I don’t mind being wrong, either,

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Try watching some older Gigaohmbiological JJ Couey. Easy to seed, aerosolized Bioweapons all over the planet.

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Apr 6
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Oh much more additives then gene editing IMO. Hydrogels, Graphene Hydroxide, nanobots and gene editing mRNA.

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Releasing pathogens through HVAC systems in grocery or department stores and hospitals would be a good way to distribute said pathogen.

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hmm judges admit that j6 had ten FBI informants for every Trump lemming that the FBI was under orders by Trump to root out anti ZOG sentiment in DC


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