Regardless of what Putin says, the named culprits in particular and many others in the US government generally, have made enormous strides in destroying any remaining moral authority that this once great country earned and enjoyed.

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Yep! The Clintons…wonder what was on the server and blackberries?!

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Right. So now, when the proof is uncovered in the US, the guilty will claim “that’s all Russian propaganda”.

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I realize that there are more than a few NADs* of Trump on this comments section — who believe that Trump is guiltless in the rollout of the murderous and maiming injections — but it’s not the truth. If you doubt it, pay attention to Trump’s own words (before he started flip flopping). The campaign commercial is priceless. https://www.bitchute.com/video/lNtsILbZOnK9/

And David Knight is no supporter of the deep state or the Democrats.

Trump/MAGA and the GOP and the Dems are a very superficial layer of the psychopathic and psychotic and deranged and sociopathic and (malignantly) narcissistic ruling class.

If interested, see also https://markoshinskie8de.substack.com/p/trumps-corona-clown-show?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web


*NADs: North American Devotees

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Although what you say about the GOP and the Dems being a very superficial layer of the psychopathic and psychotic and deranged and sociopathic and (malignantly) narcissistic ruling class is true, Trump is guiltless in the rollout of the murderous and maiming injections.

It wasn't until April 19, 2021 that all U.S. states had started rolling out clot shots to residents aged 16 and over. That's on Biden. By that time Trump had not been in office for three months. It was Biden's job to ensure that Trump had not been sold dud jabs that were unsafe and ineffective.

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Both Trump and Biden were telling people to get vaccinated and that the vaccines were safe and effective. It was the only thing that the two of them agreed on and said publicly that they agreed on.

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By the way, if you are open minded enough to change your mind about Trump’s guilt, you really ought to watch the David Knight video I linked. Judge for yourself by listening to Trump’s own words.

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I have said from day one a bad flu that was grabbed hold of and used for an evil agenda----control people with fear mongering---murder elderly---introduce poison jabs--build back better and net zero crap etc!?

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Francis Boyle, Ph.D., a Harvard educated lawyer and bioweapons expert with a Ph.D. in political science, was interviewed recently about the

Bio-Labs in Ukraine, which Russia claims are engaged in U.S.-funded bioweapons research.

As noted by Shroyer, the official narrative surrounding the Ukraine biolabs has undergone multiple iterations over the past few weeks. It began

with a flat denial of there being U.S. biolabs in Ukraine.

But within days, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland blew a hole in that denial by admitting before Congress that

“biological research laboratories” in Ukraine have been funded and operated under the direction of the U.S., and that she was “very concerned”

about the contents of those labs being used as bioweapons by the Russians.

Despite Nuland’s concern about the pathogens being used in warfare, the Western media have tried to claim the labs were set up to destroy

bioweapons from the Soviet era, or to “secure” old Soviet bioweapons, or that they’re diagnostic labs, “health labs,” biodefense laboratories, or

that they’re used for vaccine development. The story changes depending on who’s telling it.

Boyle doesn’t buy any of it. According to Boyle, the U.S. government and Pentagon have had a “comprehensive policy” in place for quite some time to

“surround Russia with biological warfare laboratories” and “preposition biological weapons” there for use against Russia. The U.S. also has these

kinds of labs in Central Asia, he says.



Page 1: The United States, through BTRP, has invested approximately $200 million in Ukraine

since 2005, supporting 46 Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and diagnostic sites.


The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be

used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens.

Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials. Lugar and

Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S and Ukrainian researchers that year in an effort to study and help prevent avian flu.

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Very interesting that these bio labs were not the subject of the recent Tucker Carlson/Putin interview. I wonder why not...

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2,000 pages…. There ought to be a whole lot more than this.

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Let's not forger about Bill Gates and his GAV,I and his billions to corrupt everybody who is making crucial government decisions. Hang them high!

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And Boy oh boy Steve, are you so right! “Destroying any remaining moral authority”, IMO is an understatement! I agree wholeheartedly with you, now what is my main concern? Now what?


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And then we have Justin Trudeau and our Winnipeg Lab!

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And Bill Gates with the WHO. Don’t forget his evil ass!

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Sorry but I'm having trouble finding a link to the 2,000 page document referred to. Be grateful if anyone can assist.

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Knowing these devils, it’s no wonder the whole thing was SO STUPID!!!

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