it is not a vaccine, it is a transfection...Couey deserves super praise for ensuring we knew and explaining

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Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey, find his stunning work, no one deserves to be on platform more than he...


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Jay Couey reminded us the PCR process used in the first 2 years came form China

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Today, February 4, marks the 5-year anniversary of the EUA and PREP Act declarations that initiated the globally coordinated military and intelligence operation known as COVID. Sasha Latypova and Debbie Lerman document the trail of damning evidence in this pivotal document:

• “The COVID Dossier”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/the-covid-dossier

Paul, Sasha and Debbie have asked that dissidents share this on every possible outlet today, February 4, to raise awareness about COVID being a military operation instead of a public health event. We would be grateful if you would help disseminate this document as well.



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excellent, I will...I had it in cue as per James stack but have credited them huge, they are very important. note, I am the only person dissident who was on the inside

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on a daily basis, as I entered HHS and went through the heavy security there was shift changes from overnight and army and navy scientists and doctors entered...with me to go through security on first floor...OS was a 100% military operation. I was there, I interacted, I sat in on some meetings...from August 2020 when they were setting up the distributions...OWS as to vaccine involved form minute one, as Pfizer, Moderna etc. ran their fraud sham trials, the vaccine were produced same day in facilities and same night were placed on trucks to distribution places. each day so that when the nod was given, vaccine would be sitting there outside CVS etc.

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importantly, Trump paid everyone in full tax payer, with the intent being 95% of the vaccine made by all multiple vaccine companies would be destroyed as only a few were being given the nod...chosen ahead of time.

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Awesome and thanks, Paul!

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Great Brain, MAA! Brave girl. Rock on!

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Aww, thank you, Wild Flower! Debbie and Sasha did all the hard work on the dossier—it is simply my honor to publish it and help spread the word about this critical document.

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you do fantastic work, a real warrior

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Aww, that's very kind of you, Paul, thank you 🙏

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51 on the list merit investigation and most of them trial and execution.

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Dr Paul I want to remind you again to include on your 'horsemen' list the slimy Australian Dr Brett Sutton who, during the worst of the covid scam, was the state of Victoria's Chief Health Officer who delighted in getting in front of the TV fear machine cameras to inform the public that "Ivermectin will make you sick!" It's on record.

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I have added him and now it is 119...thank you, I read up on the criminal

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The list is clearly much longer. Say 1,000,000 or so cooperatives required to pull off Crimes Against Humanity such as GoF, Hospital Death Protocols and MANAGEMENT Bioweapons...

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yes it is, do you have additions?

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We need to be patient and trust in Trump to stop the shots. It will happen, any day now. We just need to wait

Baby, I've been waiting - I've been waiting night and day - I didn't see the time - I waited half my life away - There were lots of invitations - And I know you sent Trump some - But I was waiting - For the miracle, for the miracle to come

I know Trump really loves us  But, you see, his hands are tied - I know it must have hurt him - It must have hurt his pride - For you to have to stand beneath his window - With your bugle and your drum - And me, I'm up there waiting - For the miracle, for the miracle to come

The shots are like a symphony - The Maestro says it's Mozart -But it sounds like bubble gum - When you're waiting - For the miracle, for the miracle to come - The sands of time are falling - From his fingers and his thumb - And we are waiting - For the miracle, for the miracle to come

When you've fallen on the highway - And you're lying in the rain - And they ask you how you're doing - Of course you'll say you can't complain - If you're squeezed for information - That's when you've got to play it dumb - You just say you're out there waiting - For the miracle, for the miracle to come

Nothing left to do - When you know that you've been taken - Nothing left to do - When you're begging for a crumb - Nothing left to do - When you've got to go on waiting -

Waiting for the miracle to come

Waiting for the miracle - There's nothing left to do - I haven't been this happy - Since the end of World War II

Leonard Cohen - Waiting for the miracle to come


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this is powerful, grateful for the sharing...thank you for the confidence that daddy T will do something soon.

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From the point of view of the 'narrator' of this song, it seems clear his "miracle" will never come and that the singer's persona in these lyrics is well aware of this. He passively waits for his miracle to present itself (herself) as he rejects successive imperfect candidates or perhaps the same imperfect candidate successively. (Better, I think, to decisively make one's own human-scale "miracles.")

By implication, we can wait forever for Mr. Trump to acknowledge the great harm OWS and mRNA-LNP injections have brought upon the country and the world, as he lets opportunity after opportunity to set things right pass him by. Even though it seems to me history lends itself to his making this acknowledgment without a mea culpa.

Note: I listened to the song a few times and liked the exotic, dreamy quality of the music.

My slight acquaintance with Cohen comes from your occasional references here. (Glad you do that.) Although I was vaguely aware of him before that and for some reason conflated him with Serge Gainsbourg, he seemed remote and somehow threatening. But I happened to see a snippet of an interview where he seemed friendly, kind, open and charming. A reminder to myself not to draw premature conclusions.

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very superb sharing, I learn lots with things like this

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This (2:38 minutes long) clip is an excerpt from a 1974 documentary that "chronicles a troubled 1972 concert tour of Europe and Israel." "It begins toward the end of the tour in Tel Aviv, and shows Cohen scolding aggressive security guards during a fan riot." The documentary has backstage scenes of him giving interviews and interacting with fans.What do you make of his reaction to the fan in this excerpt?

Leonard Cohen in "Bird on a Wire" (Excerpt)


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Oh, that's a good question!

The strong mutual attraction was palpable. I wish I could have seen his facial expressions in response to her very communicative looks.

I'm a little confused why she brought so many friends with her since her intentions seem clear and she'd have been more successful in her expectations if she'd come alone or, to be less obvious, with a couple who could have invited Cohen to join them at a night spot.

What do I make of his reaction? From a straightforward point of view, I'd say he missed what could have been an unforgettably passionate encounter and that he likely stayed up all night regretting his handling of the situation -- although I don't want to be too critical of his less than masterful handling of her aggressive yet sweetly shy approach. After all, he was not only on camera but being observed by a small crowd. (Who was the dark-haired man at her side?)

He could have asked if she wanted to wait a few minutes while he changed after the show and go for a drink afterward.

I hesitate to say this but that girl looks an awful lot like me, especially her eyes, the way she smiles, and reacts to him. Although I would never present myself so obviously to a total stranger. (The danger! The health considerations!)

It's nicer to be pursued and, I could be wrong of course, maybe more gratifying to the man to do the pursuing once the girl more subtly suggests an interest.

What do you make of his reaction to the fan? How would you have reacted to her?

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That's a good answer to my question.

I don't know who the dark haired man was.

The fan was very pretty and I would have been immediately attracted to her.

Even if I wasn't I would have wanted to be considerate of her.

I would have asked her to excuse me for a moment and I would then have asked the camera operators if they could leave to film something else that was happening somewhere in the vicinity.

I would then have also sought to direct the attention of the crowd elsewhere and would have sought to find somewhere in the vicinity more private where I could speak with her alone.

Because I would have been attracted to her I would have asked if she wanted to wait a few minutes while I changed after the show and to go for a drink afterwards.

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You would have handled that perfectly. She would have been impressed. I know she would have waited for you... She would have been very happy to know you would have been attracted to her.

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For these "118 Horsemen", and hundreds more like them, we are way past the point of "investigating" them. They are *clearly* guilty as sin - history proves it. What ought to be done - what *MUST* be done!! - is to gather the data for prosecuting and sentencing them.

For the longest time I've been saying that as long as filthy entities such as these remain free to operate, 'we the people' are not safe. They simply *must* be removed from our society!

Will Trump 2.0 make that happen -- TAKE THEM OUT!! -- or will he once again "let them be" to take *US* out, as he did during 2017-2021? We'll soon learn the answer to that question.

In the meantime, Trump 2.0 is doing some "good things". However, do *NOT* be fooled. All these "good things" distract people from one clear fact: NOT A SINGLE criminal mega-organization (think Fed, Big Pharma, Big Bank, Wall Street, Big Food, etc.) or FAT RAT criminal (think Clinton, Fauci, Obama, Bush, Pelosi, Jamie Dimon, Ben Bernanke, Jerome Powell, etc ... etc.), or any of their plethora of crimes, is being mentioned as a target to be taken out. IOW, Trump is going after "soft targets" while steering clear of all the HARD targets. Don't be distracted or fooled.

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many are going on the list, not there yet, I depend on folk sending me infor.

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They are *clearly* guilty as sin - history proves it. What ought to be done - what *MUST* be done!! - is to gather the data for prosecuting and sentencing them.

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Will Trump 2.0 make that happen -- TAKE THEM OUT!! -- or will he once again "let them be" to take *US* out, as he did during 2017-2021? We'll soon learn the answer to that question.

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your questions above are critical Jorge, thank you

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exactly "In the meantime, Trump 2.0 is doing some "good things". However, do *NOT* be fooled. All these "good things" distract people from one clear fact: NOT A SINGLE criminal mega-organization (think Fed, Big Pharma, Big Bank, Wall Street, Big Food, etc.) or FAT RAT criminal (think Clinton, Fauci, Obama, Bush, Pelosi, Jamie Dimon, Ben Bernanke, Jerome Powell, etc ... etc.), or any of their plethora of crimes, is being mentioned as a target to be taken out. IOW, Trump is going after "soft targets" while steering clear of all the HARD targets. Don't be distracted or fooled."

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Feb 4Edited

Yes Paul. We must hold them to account.

They coerced, harmed, maimed & killed.

Meet Alex Mitchell. £120K for a leg.

Covid1984 Cost Alex Mitchell A Leg


Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.

Transfection in healthy human beings is criminally negligent.

mRNA cannot pandemic.

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thank you for this... have inserted something you shared "Alex and his friend John Watt https://x.com/BringTheNoise_X have been at the forefront of raising awareness for the transfection injured. While Alex refers to the ‘covid vaccine bereaved and injured’, I have begun using the term transfection after listening to biologist Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey insist upon that being the correct term. Dr. Couey presumably knows a tad more about biology than I do.


Biologist or not, it seems clear the injection was neither safe nor effective."

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Glad to contribute.

Keep up the good work.

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Edit this last sentence. Good report.

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You mean that?


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You need to organize the list into Tier 1, 2, and 3 where Tier 1 is "Must Have" investigation in 2025. Tier 2 could be people associated to Tier 1, but not the "big fish'. Tier 3 would be others who in the pursuit of 1 and 2 may be useful to turn state's evidence. As it is the list is not workable for rallying and focusing people in the administration and those of us who would rally.

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Sorry to be a party pooper, but as I've been posting on your substack regularly, we need to focus on the FACT that the entire k0v!d1984 operation was [a MILITARY] one.

As Sasha Latypova points out, focusing on the HEALTH officials RE-ENFORCES the ongoing lie that the k0v!d1984 measures were a Health Response Measures and Fauci & so on are to blame. See and listen to the video here > https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-covid-dossier-a-record-of-military

So although your Horsemen list is relevant, imo, it should be put on ice and FOCUS should shift to those who are REALLY IN CHARGE.

Latypova concludes :

"Most journalists in both corporate and alternative spaces are either unaware or unwilling to cover the military/intelligence/biodefense/global coordination aspects of Covid. We need to change that.

Please help us shift the conversation to focus on the true nature of the Covid response and the existential questions raised by it."

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yes military

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I have it in cue

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I never in my wildest dreams thought I would see the day there are murderers everywhere LEGITIMIZED by the damned CYSTem!!!!!!!

18000 people murdered by MAID last year and God does not need me to judge but turdo is responsible for that. Abortion/torture and murder of innocent unborn children!!! Live sacrifices for organ salvation of dying people!!!!!! Mandated jabs of an experimental fake jab has killed millions worldwide.

TURDO IS IN ON ALL THESE ABOMINATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! And most of the bastards in his ASSministration. He is PERSECUTING pro life organizations and Crisis Pregnancy Centers who support pregnant women.

What is your destiny trudope? Would it be fitting for you to get payback by getting terminal cancer, or dementia, (many think you got it now you lying pos babyaphobe and elderaphobe!)

If we had a national day of prayer to pray for his death, to save thousands murdered by this lying spawn of a commie father and a hippie witch mother, would God accommodate? Impossible though! Many fools do not believe in God, many more do not know how to pray, many more are graduating so called higher education mentally unsound "destitutions" as practicing atheists, weed addicts, and infidels etc etc etc

I hesitate to petition God because He allows this and He is running the show. "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." "There are none righteous, no not one."

But I cannot help wanting to see turdo dead by some natural means for the murders he is enabling of innocent babies, children, elderly, and a generation that has lost its way. I dare say that I will not judge as I have no right BUT SCRIPTURES SAY ALL MURDERERS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. So that is the "Word" and not me judging, but Jesus Christ unto whom all power has been given.

Roman Catholics are good people largely in the fore front of fighting abortion and many are pro life, yet it is written "There is no intercessor between God and man save the Lord Jesus Christ." PERIOD! None can forgive sins but HIM. No ruler, no magistrate, no preacher, no priest, NOBODY BUT JESUS. Beware! Understand that! If there is any other way planned, run run run. The hope of mankind is only to be found by and through HIM and if HE accepted me then HE can and will save anyone. But trudope might be damned because he is filled with pride and it will damn him because one must embrace humility and confess their need of a Savior. If that is not done then hell will enlarge itself again to accommodate you.

It is a simple process. Be aware "Those who will live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." He said, "The servant is not above the Master" I think you get it. If it was good enough for Him to be tortured, and all the Apostles but one died as martyrs, we better be prepared and willing to do so. He says in scriptures, "Wait a little bit longer and I will give you a "Crown of Life" which in that context according to the Word is an exalted place under the floor of the Great Throne Room that is such pure gold you can see through it. God lives there and those who die as martyrs have the exalted privilege to converse with the Father.

Fairy tales? Not to me nor to the other disciples save one who died as martyrs for their belief in Him. Time and life passes fast and old age brings with it one emotion above all others. REGRET!

Tell me it "ain't " so, but it is. The biggest regret after that would be at the moment of death, "ere the solver cord be broken" when one realizes by what is around him, that there is spiritually conscious life after death. It is true. But each of us has the right which way to choose. My father looked forward to dying. No tears. He knew where he was going, a very humble and ordered man. I watched him die and I listened to mother telling me she was not afraid of dying and I also saw her die in a moment.

To me it is a "no brainer." Yet I have fake relatives raised well who are in bondage to the love of money "which is the root of all evil." They lie and deceive and defraud and steal. But their choice.

As it is mine, and yours. One of two destinies alone based on your decision. Understand God loves gratitude, praise and acknowledgement.

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excellent sharing Edward, let us re-read this.

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And lets' not forget the horses they rode in on too.

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