Re; mRNA it GMOs you.

Not good to be permanently Genetically Modified. You can NEVER go back. For one, someone owns you. Wait until the lemmings figure that out.

Check the Law books. Search Chile Laws for genetically modified people on rumble, bitchute, etc.

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so, the human animal; becomes a different biological being- then he can be considered obsolete and not to be a citizen of this world a fucking chimera--maybe this was part of the globalist plan- it all seems to fit-

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As Todd Calender uncovered

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This may not be a conspiracy theory but a new reality

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You can go back to your normal self after the vax.

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Do your homework. A human's ( or any mammal ) DNA is PERMANENTLY CHANGED , you are genetically modified ( GMO ) human after you take this Bioweapon Counter Measure injection ( it is not a vaccine ). This was all cleared up 3 years ago.

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I have done my homework. Your body is amazing at healing if given the right environment.

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And the correct knowledge and tools. That's what's often difficult to learn and figure out for most people and those that have gotten those shots often do not do proper research. I've seen it over and over again.

Wim Hof, Bruce Lipton, and others have found ways to tell the brain to heal the body. It's fascinating. I think that's a great starting point but one most also take supplements that bind to the toxins from the shots that are in the body such as zeolite powder (which has worked for many). Correct dosing is very important or it's useless and powdered version (not liquid) will only work too. It's not just those who have gotten the shots but the rest who are being shedded upon by the vaxxed (which are all of us even the vaxxed) including all the animals. My theory about the "mysterious illness" that dogs are now getting is that they have been shedded upon. I've known of dogs that have died due to their person being vaxed. Two in one family with heart related conditions "all of a sudden" a year apart. Zeolite powder can be taken by dogs and cats and I believe horses too (zeolitedosing.com). We have our dog on zeolite powder. There are only a select manufacturers (processors) of zeolite powder that are natural and safe. There are many synthetic ones that one should not take.

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Agreed. Thanks for the information on zeolite. Which zeolite product do you recommend?

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Zeolite Pure. The dosing, as I mentioned is critical (zeolitedosing.com - one of Dr. Peiper's website). The manufacturer has to put the lowest dosing on the container. You'd have to call them to ask why. I don't want to mentioned why here. Dr. Howard Peiper, a retired natruopath and an expert on zeolite, has written a book called ZEOLITE: Improve Your Health with Nature's Cleanser and Detoxifier. It's $7 but has a lot of great info. Humic acid is also an incredible supplement and Dr. Peiper has a book on the benefits of that too.

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See below link. You or anyone who took it is by definition a " Mutant ".

No going back.

Sorry Charlie. Think before you leap.

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I thought I would have to go "non censored" web for this but no.

Duck Duck go


Do you know about DNA splicing ? Do you know once you splice in genetic sequencing to permanently change the proteins your body makes and thus your body's actions...it cannot be changed back?

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Chew- the best the vaccinated can hope for is 1. They lucked out and got a placebo shot or 2. They will spend the rest of their lives taking LOTS of supplements to hopefully ameliorate symptoms caused by these bioweapons.

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The issue is WE ALL will have to take detoxing supplements thanks to those that bowed to the nonsense because we're constantly around those that have been vaxxed and we don't know the level of shedding that is occurring so we're all at risk even our beloved animals.

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I think it this will be a great learning experience! Let's use science and prove us wrong. Calling all doctors, let's run a science experiment and see what gets the covid drug out of your system. I propose that the drug is a poison, and you need to first detox from the heavy metals first then work on the spike protein itself.

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Zeolite powder works on both since zeolite is a negatively charged natural crystalline mineral that comes from volcanic ash mixed with sea water, it binds to heavy metals (the heaviest first), lipid nanoparticles, and also glycoproteins (spike proteins) because they are all positively charged. It also causes your body to become alkaline which "invaders" do not like and can't thrive in. For instance, cancer loves acidic environments.

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Where have you been the past 4 years? All the freedom fighters in the world have not succeeded in demanding what you suggest and much more. So thank you for getting onto your feet to show them. Here is a hint: ‘science’ has been mutilated into a ‘belief’ system’ - a cult - by the Parasitic Public-Private Partnership while you haven’t been watching. Here is a helpful summary to start your journey off on https://www.bitchute.com/video/MMXfRHgFybqK/https://www.bitchute.com/video/MMXfRHgFybqK/

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There's absolutely no reason to allow yourself to be injected with anything man has created. Virology and vaccines are all a big fraud, a scheme to sell the population something it does not need. Modern snake oil.orevlike snake venom since it's is injected. Run away fast and far from any scientist or doctor that claims they have it all figured out, that they know Mother Nature better than she knows herself, that their laboratory concoction will protect you better that a hundred million plus years of evolution of mammals.

The only thing we need to fear is fear itself. That, and whatever snake oil salesmen claim will alleviate your fears and protect you from an invisible non-existent Boogieman that they themselves invented.

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It's not just injections but most drugs in all forms. I just read that 90% don't do anything good for those taking them (perhaps placebo effect in the end - idk) and I was watching a video on how the mind can tell the brain to heal the body. Very interesting stuff. So, maybe people believe the drugs help them sometimes. Again, Idk. The scientist speaking in the video also mentioned that most drugs do not work for the positive. I do know they are often very harmful.

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I am unclear. Maybe someone can clarify for me - Originally, we were told that these were mRNA shots that change the DNA that include lipid nanoparticles containing graphene oxide and other heavy metals, parasites, spike proteins, venom (idk) and other toxic crap that can enter cells and change them to cause them to continuously make spike proteins that end up circulating throughout the body forever (that's another question - how long is forever?). Now, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea is stating it's not mRNA but nanotechnology/quantum dots. Anyone who can clarify, please do. Thanks.

Also, we keep seeing that people unfortunately die within a certain time period of having gotten the shots. So, those that haven't gotten ill or died due to the shots and got the shots a year or two ago are in the clear? Again, would love clarification.

I know of people who have been severely injured by the shots and several that have died but I know a lot more that are still doing very well (thank goodness). It's rather perplexing and difficult to help those that have gotten the shots that don't believe the shots are dangerous since most who have gotten the shots seem fine. I do know there are different lethal levels of the shots. It's all so unclear. Any thoughts...

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I suggest we apprehend and hold over , and charge these madmen, [including the DOD]

and secure all their information in a WORLD COURT , LIKE ANOTHER NURENBURG TRIAL

Some one needs to pay for this inhuman transgression-are we going to sit like lemmings and

allow the Fauci group to live out their lives in wealth based on the dead and dying?

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Yup, this is what the current psyop is pushing: virtuous apathy transcended by love. As asking for accountability and justice becomes a hindrance to ‘developing higher consciousness and the new society we all dream of’.

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Dont mean to fuss, but if this is a dream it’s more like a fucking nightmare!

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It could be that some vials had no, or much reduced, mRNA, which could explain lack of side effects. To say no vials had mRNA does not appear to be true. If it were, how could Pfizer use its (useless) endpoint of antibody levels? Antibodies are only made in response to epitopes, in this case to the spike protein. Further, insane amounts of spike were measured in the bloodstreams of the newly 'vaxxed' in all cases:


How could this be, if there were no mRNA in the shots?

And this could also help to partly explain differences in adverse events - some people make considerably more than others, even when jabbed from the same batch.

Regardless, even the people who feel fine now have been damaged. There is no way round this, unless they took a placebo.

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Agree to that, MD here, I have cried my own tears in silence when my daughter told us she got her first dose...just because back then her boyffriend was in the states and she was hoping to visit him there...later on mi wife told me she had gone through several tachicardia crisis just after receiving the shot, but they spared me the info so not to make me worry. Thank God She refused to get any more shots.

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So sorry. There are ways to detox and heal from the shots.

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Thank you. Very interesting article. I just started reading it from the top. I've known about much of what they wrote about but not some of the whys. Some things in the article are not quite correct regarding supplementation from my experience and research, such as, taking minerals, iodine, etc. Supplementation is a very individualized thing and one needs to test for their deficiencies before taking these minerals, iodine, etc. There is also a balance between minerals that needs to be met for health. It's a tricky balance since toxins interfere including stress.

I'll be passing the link to those on my email list. Unfortunately, very few are listening that they are in danger and need to detox and heal their cells. It's unfortunate. I think we all have to do it and keep doing it. The shedding is part of the problem, too.

I saw there were references made to Richard M Felming, MD. Do you know what happened to him? He's one of the first that helped me understand what the vials had in them (well, the number of spike proteins, etc) and how damaging they are. He seems to have stopped being interviewed and the posts on his website are old.

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You will find Dr Fleming at his website Flemingmethod.com. There you can’t miss his links to his presentations explaining his view.

Here is something that may spark interest and debate: https://www.bitchute.com/video/WS6rqBvFQ7pb/

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Thank you. Yes, I know his website. I've watched him but haven't seen anything recent from him. That was my concern.

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Yes, you are quite correct. In the case of iodine, most are deficient (compared to the Japanese). Potassium, likewise, especially since so many have highly skewed Na:k ratios. Sulphur is also missing from many peoples' diets - it is also usually very safe, and impossible to overdose on. Otherwise, I would think, that a natural organic diet should give us the amounts of minerals and other nutraceuticals, that we need to live healthily.

I do not know; I hope he's ok. It's not impossible to think he's been threatened, he would hardly be the first.

Btw. many thanks for including this in your e-mail list.

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Thank you for sharing this Dr Alexander. A lot of people still don’t know that mRNA stands for Modified DNA. It is permanent.

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Sorry. Modified RNA. Unable to edit. But it still does modify your DNA in the end!

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mRNA stands for Messenger RNA. It is NOT DNA!

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Inquiring minds want to know

.did keiko and whathisname the Nobrl prizewinner get the jabs?

My betting is NO

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Do not comply with your executioners.

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Inquiring minds want to know

.did keiko and whathisname the Nobrl prizewinner get the jabs?

My betting is NO

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Dr. Paul, all great questions and so many more about the original release of whatever the hell it was that they released.

Never had I heard of a respiratory illness causing micro blood clots in the lungs that mimiced psytocine storm.

Are we all permanently changed/injured regardless of jab or not? I think so.

We are all changed because these monsters crossed the line.

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If any respiratory pathogen is allowed to get into the lungs, it can destroy lung tissue, but little else. Respiratory pathogens are not bloodstream pathogens, and therefore cannot travel so far. Destroyed lung tissue can easily be repaired, given the right tools. The LNP packaging of the mRNA in the shots is a different matter; giving 40 trillion (Mod) of these molecules to a body consisting of around 4 trillion nucleated cells ensures they get everywhere:


Famously, to the heart and brain, the cells of which cannot regenerate.

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Bad? The drug is very good. The drug was never meant to treat covid. The purpose of the drug was to maim, kill, and control the people.

I say the drug did an excellent job.

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From the murderers’ perspective. It worked well.

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Agreed. That is one of the main points of the drug

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If is not a drug. You made that up.

It is a " Bioweapon Countermeasure " per the Pfizer and DOD Contract.

Read it. It is available.

Who are you and why are you putting out all this bad ( incorrect ) information out on this site?

It is 9-5 pm on a weekday so you are probably a paid gov agency hack.

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The purpose of the drug was to maim, kill, and control the people.

Would a gov. hack write that?

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Arguing with the sheep is pointless

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The perfect poison. It kills in so many ways over so much time that it's impossible to draw lines back to the killer/killers.

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If i have understood the medical analysis, am i to believe that the damage done by the Mrna protein spike is forever and keeps recirculating a mutated version of the original sampling-this is why Pfzizer

was so hot to trot with G.O.,F. studies as it would provide an endless group of patients constantly because in essense the lab work is bullshit none of the jabs can work because the sizes of the tires constantly change what a fucking big pharma has given the world-- i say we OFF them!

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"...and although there are no adverse outcomes reported from mistranslation of mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in humans, these data highlight potential off-target effects for future mRNA-based therapeutics "

There we go Nature...saying one thing and the other, it seems you learnt the lesson with your "natural origin of SarsCov2" paper

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