no one is asking the right questions and these people have killed and need to be under oath...

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Malone is vying for rehabilitation, power play, and part of military industrial/intelligence complex.

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no one will touch him...people are not stupid. he is part of the problem...and until he is placed under oath with the others, all of them, and answers questions in a proper court, he is persona non grata...he is only something in his head.

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Agreed, Malone is all over the place. Lots of views for conditioning the sheep.

btw have they found a replacement for Dr. Fauci yet. 😉

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"I leave you with this photo and ask you what is wrong with it?"

Dr. Paul, You say Kory is your friend. Why don't you ask him? Also, you speak with RFK, why not ask him? I sure don't have a clue! And I don't have access to these people to ask them.

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these bitches keep me at bay, we speak in secret...but I CALLING them out...Kory is a good guy, he I actually admire more than most of them COVID doctor frauds...

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RFK Jr. knows Malone is a fraud, he knows the mRNA vaccine killed, he will have to address this, we will not go away. I wont

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RFK Jr. is IMO a good man has a good heart, has his demons he and his family will deal with, I am only concerned with the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine he is now silent on and this is NOT good...I smell a cover up, a silencing...not good...

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Would be good if people would write in from all angles of the SCAMDEMIC SHENANIGANS!? Those that never were taken in-----those that were taken in but have changed thoughts now----those injured but would take another jab-----those injured that would not etc. A kind of world wide debate etc!?

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nice thought...wishful thinking, all just focused on how to get the other dollar from you

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I agree with you on that. Are we not entitled to know?

They study the hell out of everything else, why not this?

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because many of them are complicit...I have a video recent by JJ, he explains it...all of them are complicit in mRNA...all

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Both sides. All of em. Uniparty on this subject.

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I agree; a very strange PARADOX occurs here. Are they all in it?

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and turning...

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soon they ones you heard thrashing mRNA will now say its good for they want to make money...

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always about the money

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Just for the sake of argument, let's concede that Trump was deceived. Okay, fine - DECEPTION!

Now, approaching 5 years later, is Trump *still* "deceived"? If he is, then that makes him as stupid as the day is long. NOTE: I do *NOT* believe that to be the case, i.e., Trump is NO LONGER deceived.

Alright, then why hasn't Trump ***called out the criminals and their crimes***?

That's a hurdle that I cannot get over. If someone screws me over, and by doing so costs the health and lives of millions of innocent victims, then AS SOON AS I come out of the deception/betrayal I'm calling out the culprits, their crimes, and in no uncertain terms I'll assure them that there will be Hell to pay.

So why hasn't Trump done *ANY* of that? Is Trump planning to let all of them keep their filthy loot, obtained at the expense of innocent victims, and to walk away scot-free? Is that the plan?

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interesting Jorge: 'Now, approaching 5 years later, is Trump *still* "deceived"? If he is, then that makes him as stupid as the day is long. NOTE: I do *NOT* believe that to be the case, i.e., Trump is NO LONGER deceived.'

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a very important statement. you made

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what you asked is the plan, I am concerned, especially as RFK Jr. got near the campaign and now AWOL on OWS and Malone mRNA vaccine....I was denied to speak at RNC as they feared just having me on stage would invoke anti OWS and vaccine...RNC nor DNC touched the fraud failed COVID..I LOVE TRUMP, HE IS THE ONLY OPTION...but something stinks...what you stated is 100% correct and also a wall I cannot get over...I can support Trump and doing lots behind the scenes to get him elected but he is wrong to praise OWS or the Malone et al. vaccine...flat wrong I have said that

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We must all be very guarded with excessive praise for Trump. Already he is reluctant to change his opinions regardless of more factual truth science-wise. He is self infatuated with his proud Warp Speed fixations. He's a self admitted Zionist, a proud Chabadnik. Just like traitor marrano Biden. You will never see an honest man running for Presidency again, never. Always we see very compromised sell-outs, this is not new information. Even Woodrow Wilson was obviously blackmailed getting us into WW1, inception of Federal Reserve, income tax, etc. Trump, our guy, is a megalomaniacal blowhard who is clearly manipulated by the Deep State hombres. Yet we apparently adore him. Ugh!

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I'm interested in what Trump will do regarding you and others like you. On that note, I'm working on something that I'll launch after the elections (assuming, of course, that we get there). The next 35 days will be *historic*, I'm sure.

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Because Vance, Elon & other friends of Trump all have future stake in mRNA products to shill to the sheeple. And the doctors will help do the shilling. Everybody gets a payoff for doing their part. Most future injectables will be made with mRNA technology & they have to deceive the people to get their profits on this huge investment. They will gaslight all of it to gain cooperation of the masses. Further promoting division of families, friends, & communities. The sheeple vs. the awakened ones. It’s a spiritual war as anything. They want to destroy our innate immune systems whilst making a killing. Get it? Pun intended. They’re evil & despicable. mRNA needs to go away.

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"Alright, then why hasn't Trump ***called out the criminals and their crimes***?" Yes, Jorge, that is the cogent question. Absolutely. This, and several other relevant questions need answering such as why the Red Flag laws Trump signed by executive order. Seems to me that's an attack on our Second Amendment, but what the hell do I know? Still, I'm not anti-Trump (yet). With my whole heart I hope he is who we'd all like to think he is. I'd just like to know what the hell is going on, that's all.

The link below is a podcast by Colonel Ricardo Bosi, the ex-Head of Commandos, Australia. It's one of the best summaries of the "White Hats' Plan" that I've heard so far, and for me it's put things into much better perspective. I think it will answer a lot of our questions as to why Trump has done things that don't seem to make sense and cause us to doubt him. It's 35 minutes long. https://rumble.com/v5eboph-the-final-phase-plan-condensed.html

Mike King is another presenter whose rhetoric aligns in most respects to Colonel Bosi's.

King has been interpreting "Q drops" for many years now. (As I've said previously, I have no idea if "Q" is legitimate information source. You can decide that for yourself. But after watching enough of King's podcasts IMO it's a perspective that bears considering.) King focuses on and gives examples of specific events that he says White Hat controlled. He also explains what he feels is the underlying truth or real meaning beneath many of statements by Trump that are different than if taken at face value. He uses Q-drops as supporting evidence and delve deeply into the Q-drops. King's channel is: https://rumble.com/c/MikeKing. Here's one of his videos that has a few examples:


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very nice post equine...balanced...and most are with you.

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thanks for sharing

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my issue are the people who then come on and attack folk like you for asking questions...

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I'll watch it this coming weekend and let you know. Meanwhile ...

Yes, there are many things we do not know. But what we *DO* know does provide clues.

Yes, I also am NOT anti-Trump. But what we've seen - what is undeniably, verifiably true - does paint a picture, and it's not a pretty one. Why doesn't Trump clarify the picture so as to clear up negative impressions and leave no doubt where his true allegiance lies?

In short, Trump doesn't pass even a cursory sniff test. Nonetheless, I retain some 'hope'.

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thank you for having hope...right now its the only option we have...Jorge, let us hold his feet to the fire day one...they will have a midterm and we will punish them electorally if they fail...there is no learning curve here....we want results day 1.

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I also ask why Melania put out her biography book just before the election? In it, she fully supports abortion. This will alienate many pro life Christians who are Trumps base. She should’ve waited till after the election. This wasn’t a good move.

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Dr Paul and Jorge, I've made what I feel are some important edits in the last paragraph of my last post. Please see. Thanks.

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Got it.

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Jorge, for quite some time now I’ve heard there is a “White Hat Plan” that is being carried out and that, despite the very troubling “writing on the wall” based on the extremely destructive agenda that the Deep State has gotten away with all these years up to the present, if something isn’t done to stop them, soon it will be too late and the war will be lost. I edited my previous post and changed the link to a more appropriate Mike King postcast. (I understand your skepticism re the White Hat Plan. I was also very skeptical as well. However, my skepticism lessened considerably after I heard enough of the Wednesday night podcasts of NewTreason.com with Mike King. I'm not saying I'm a total "believer" now, just that I've not totally closed the door to the possibility that a White Hat Plan exists and is being effectively carried out.)

The link below is a podcast by Colonel Ricardo Bosi, the ex-Head of Commandos, Australia. It's one of the best summaries of the "White Hats Plan” that I've heard so far. I think it will answer a lot of our questions as to why Trump has done things that cause us to doubt him. It's 35 minutes long. https://rumble.com/v5eboph-the-final-phase-plan-condensed.html

The Mike KIng video I'd recommend is: https://rumble.com/v5ay8ua-q-news-review-with-mike-king-008.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

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Okay, I watched the Bosi and King videos that you recommended.

Bottom Line: Many truths were spoken and on the surface there are many positive claims. If they came to pass we'd be on our way. And therein lies the rub.

I must reiterate my earlier comment: Starting in 2016, and then increasing, a *TON* of material was put out on the general topic of "White Hats", "Q", Follow the Plan", "Stick with the Plan", "Trust the Plan", "Trump is playing chess - they are playing checkers", "Trump is playing 4-dimensional chess", and similar.

It didn't take me long to realize that the main reason why they had to keep putting out that type of material was because people were becoming more and more disillusioned with the fact that while much was promised, little-to-nothing was being delivered. BTW, this was NOT due to impatience.

People aren't blind. When people saw months and then years go by without a SINGLE Fat Rat criminal being taken down, they begin to ask, "Where is the draining of the swamp? Where are the substantial ACTIONS?"

As you may guess, at the time I was focused on the events. I watched as Trump was relentlessly attacked (Russia-Russia-Russia!!). I wrote to Trump and said, "It's obvious who the culprits are. Why aren't you going on offense and take them down?" Trump NEVER lifted a finger against ANY of them. Trump's actions were mostly to TWEET complaints. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing.

To end: I'm watching very closely what IS happening, and what is NOT happening; what Trump is saying versus what he is doing ... what he is doing and what he is not doing. As you know, I have a 'theory' (that Trump is actually with *them*, not with us).

As a prediction of that theory I had stated that Trump will be facing all manner of attacks (legal, financial, even physical (e.g., assassination attempts), but in the end he would emerge unscathed, would win the election, and would sit in the White House again. In less than 3 months that prediction will be confirmed, which would support my theory, or it will be refuted, which would invalidate the theory. We'll see.

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Okay, noted.

About "White Hat Plans", I've been reading on that since 2016. Remember "Q" and "Follow the Plan"? It all amounted to *NOTHING*! I stopped believing in the validity of those "plans" sometime in 2017. I took hell for saying so.

We'll see. I'll watch the Mike King video this weekend and comment.

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That's my take of it too, Jorge (at least so far).

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He never locked her up either.

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Correct, but few people want to talk about that.

Did Trump do some good things? Yes, of course.

But the really, *REALLY* important things, such as "locking her up" -- along with hundreds of other Fat Rat criminals in high places that had done tremendous harm to the USA for their own gain -- were left undone. Now those *very same* Fat Rat criminals are doing all they can to finish the job.

I had predicted that Trump's failure would bring about a DARK period for the United States and its people - likely its END. Well, here we are - smack in the middle of a DARK period!

The US may (MAY!!) have a chance, but it's a slim one, and getting slimmer by the day. If this ship doesn't get turned around in less than a year, then it's going the way of the Titanic.

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yes, and now I must flip the lever because the alternative is so much worse…

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It is explained in Dr. Kory's book "War on Ivermectin ". Apparently Dr. Malone invited Dr. Kory to publish in a special issue of some journal he was editing on covid treatments. So they got off on a good foot. Real life is paradoxical. The main problem with Dr. Malone is that he sued the Breggins. Big problem.

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he sued many people, hurt many people....your statement here Ele is not reflective of Malone. ask McCullough why he will not be 1000 feet from Malone nor ever go on a stage with him.

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My statement here is re the fact that at some point Dr. Kory felt that Malone helped him, and there is something to be said about loyalty. Same reason why our loyalty to all the people hurt by Malone places him on our "brown" list. Malone's motivations for why he does what he does came in question for me when he started suimg people on our side that have been at it for far longer. I suspect the Breggins basically sniffed him out and by poling him, he revealed something of his true side to us. They did us a big favor. Kory's motivation is easier to understand. He sees vaccine injuried patients every day, he is a very emotional guy, and he's had enough of it and being vocal about it.

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Oct 4Edited

I think Kory in the beginning of the covidian fraud was working in hospitals and Remedesivired to death many patients before he figured out that Remedesivir was killing them. How many patients died at his hands till he put it all together. I don't blame him too much for this. It was the protocol at the time. Though even google was saying there was a high rate of kidney failure with Remdesivir in the Ebola trial. The info was there if you looked. There were mixed messages in the beginning.

I think that is how they get people corrupted in the end. Make them part of the crime even if they were innocently made to be part of the crime in the beginning. Now they have blood on their hands too so they better not speak up about it, as things can turn against them too.

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My recollection is that he realized the need for blood thinning medicines and steroids before remdesivir was rolled out. I should have saved their monthly protocol documents, for historical purposes, but didn't, but I don't recall seeing remdesivir listed there at any point in time.

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He may have very well realized that early on and not been permitted to use those medicines.

The deadly protocol may have slightly varied in different countries. For example I think Remedisivir was used in the United States more than in UK. I think the UK used more midazolam. Both meds can easily harm patients.

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I thought the same regarding the Breggins. Is he the new Fauci?

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I wouldn't be surprised if he wants Fauci's job, but Fauci is less competent and more evil, IMO.

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they all are

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Fauci has been there all is life. Imagine the huge money he was responsible for. The possibilities…

Fauci decided who got the money and what for. The temptation would be beyond imagination.

I wonder if Fauci is a Christian. 🙂

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for the last time, Malone DID NOT create the mRNA shots. he was one of many who worked on incremental aspects of the technology which eventually led to the shots and he holds a patent on the lipid nanoparticles. blaming him for the devastation caused by these shots is like blaming the cave man who first came up with the idea of the wheel for every car accident.


we are NEVER going to defeat the forces aligned against us if we call everyone who isn't us a psy-op. this is a form of cancel culture- no one is pure enough. since you and Kory are friends, why don't you sit down with him and ask him why he sees Malone as an ally- because he obviously does.

some people believed in the vaccines at the start and later came to see that they were dangerous. shall we cast out those people and refuse their help in the battle? some people still believe that the vaccines saved some lives but came to understand that they shouldn't have been mandated to everyone. do we toss them aside?

PLEASE, this vendetta against Malone hurts your credibility. he is himself vaccine injured and he has most certainly hurt his career prospects by taking a very public stand against the vaccines, the mandates, the covid policies and the censorship. you should be his ally, grateful for his work on your common cause.

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Fauci lies about everything, why does one commiserate with his, quite possibly feigned, Covid injuries????

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yes, fauci DOES lie about everything. however, we weren't talking about fauci; we were talking about Malone. fauci has never claimed to have a covid or a covid vaccine injury as far as i know. i don't understand your comment.

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Then when I think, Dr.Kory lost many important things in his life, bc of Ivermectin, for CV19….. I do not think Dr. Kory is truly blinded by anything. Bc he is in a photo with Malone, does not make him guilty

of anything, IMO only.

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I like Pierre...I did not say guilty...I want him to hold Malone stones to the fire, legal fire

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You sure that Fauci is telling the truth when he says he never had a vaccine injury? You've admitted he is mendacious, why not regarding his Covid enigma? Is he suddenly telling the truth?

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Yes, Malone did early work on mRNA technology.

What exactly did he do from that time, specifically what and when, that attaches covid vaccine deaths to his soul?

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The answer is that these pharma companies all plan to heavily invest in mRNA “vaccine” technology products into the future. They want to replace regular meds with injections of mRNA witches brew for all conditions. They want to fast track all their concoctions without proper testing or safety protocols, as they’ve been doing, except now, they won’t hide it. It’ll just be normalized. And the doctors plan to continue gaslighting their patients & coerce them to take these “experimental” injections to treat all conditions, universally. They want to repurpose products that ultimately fail, but can be reused for another condition. They want to keep making defective & dangerous products for children & keep their immunity status from liability. All this will be ramped up. Companies big and small. All they see is huge profits. Except for us pesky people who’re “vaccine hesitant”. Hm-m, now how do they solve that little problem? Maybe, a nice big shift to digital id’s/digital currency outta do the trick. These parasitic bastards are on both sides. Both parties are into this shit. That’s what’s up. And they know it.

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When considering Malone's character, I keep going back to the interview he did with Doc Malik who treated Malone genially and respectfully. In return, Malone was self-important, moody, critical, imperious, deceptive, angry, and dismissive.

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Dr. Moloney was the first person I heard say that the shots must be stopped

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does the fact that Pfizer formerly domiciled in the USA the one under Canada since the 1800 make them any less responsible ??

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Why is Malone standing there, solemnly, staring off into space with a cell phone in the palm of his hand. Very weird.

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