1) No more foreign students

2) no more green cards or work visas for 10 years

3) all foreign students out

4) all illegals out - every law enforcement agency federally mandated to hold for deportation

5) not another dollar for refugees, or migrants and void the non profit status of every organization facilitating this invasion with OUR money

No more foreigners here until the 20-30 million illegals are out!

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boom, could not say it better and I will use your content and style...I love how you stated it...succinct.

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US universities are bought off by foreign governments. Foreign students occupy slots in our universities reducing opportunities for American students. When they get out of school, they get high paying jobs in the tech industries. When the Silicon Valley Bank collapse occurred, the FDIC insurance coverage was extended to everyone no matter the amount deposited because there were so many green card holders who had banked there. We wouldn’t want to offend them by following the rules that govern insurance payout on bank failures. 🙄 Many of these people were educated in the US yet they can’t read the rules. https://www.nytimes.com/article/svb-silicon-valley-bank-explainer.html And, don’t forget the Chinese “investment” in the Penn Biden Center. https://nypost.com/2023/02/03/chinese-money-is-flooding-into-american-higher-education-with-little-transparency/

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10K years, then case by case basis. Tax the shit out of them on Exile.

Death upon return.

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Yea don't we have enough ilegals as it is. Definitely don't agree with him on this or the vaccines he embraced so much

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Or violating the 2nd by making bumpstocks illegal. Fortunately that was overturned.

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Even top ranked US universities like Harvard and Stanford and Yale have given tenure to the likes of Alan Doucheowiz and Elizabeth Warren and have been rocked by plagiarism scandals. The fact that students are prepared to pay top $ to go thto these over-rated US mickey mouse institutions instead of improving their academic performance sufficiently to be able to aspire to be admitted at institutions like Cambridge and Oxford speaks volumes.

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Yale has a huge history of allowing sexual assaults, the likes of the catholic church.

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OMG. Horrible idea! What’s with this? Everyone knows we are being flooded with foreigners and sick to death of it. I want them all out of here, not handing out green cards to “indoctrinated students” majoring in Hamas. Again he appears to be surrounding himself with TERRIBLE ADVISORS and incapable of picking good people.

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Trumps a politician, if his lips are moving, he's lying. Even his clothes are made in other countries. No different than any other.

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He lost my vote for this statement. Corporates outsourced a lots of jobs, leaving American graduates jobless. Mr Trump has the same way of thinking. You won’t make “ America great again” leaving American citizens behind and jobless, or force them to accept low payment to pay their college debt. So disappointing! He should know that most foreign students who come to study here benefitted for free education in their native countries.

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dont lose the vote...I, Bannon, we are working on him to revise this...we dont want it. all you say is right and he will fix that...he needs feedback...he needs us to respond. he is not God or perfect so stand up and tell him when wrong...

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I agree with you, Dr Alexander. He definitely is not God, but lacks common sense with such a statement, insulting the American youth who graduated Universities and some are jobless or low paid with debts. It is common sense, and such statements are shaking our confidence and trust.

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I fully agree Adriana. You are very sensible. The US does not need any more South African or other foreign born Elon Musk types. US youth simply cannot compete. While immigrants represent 13.6% of the U.S. population, it’s estimated that a quarter of America’s entrepreneurs are immigrants. Let these foreign graduates go to Canada or Communist China or Russia or North Korea. Tell Musk to take his billions along with X and Tesla and SpaceX and Neuralink with him

Almost half of Fortune 500 companies were founded by American immigrants or their children


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There are plenty of foreign students who graduated in the US and cannot find jobs in their native countries. So Mr Trump wants to help them, in the detriment of American youth…Just mind blowing.

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His clothes, tie's etc are made in other countries. He's no different than the people he talks about. He also violatrd the 2nd with his bump stock ban for the

fake vegas shooting. Don't vote at all, it's fake. If only every American would wake up and bot show up.

Remember Mark Twain? He said, "If voting made a difference they wouldn't allow us to do it."

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Lockdowns and Project warp speed were biggest mistakes and attacks on humanity made by any President in history…how is that feed back. I wish he would correct them and I can’t trust until he does.

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again, you have a right to be dismayed but we are working on him and 2.0 is going to right these mistakes...he was badly deceived.

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But he doubles down instead of correcting.

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That's because he's a hot air balloon. I'll be writing George Washington on the ballot. I like making a mockery of the politicianns mocking us on that day.

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Yes Doc Alexander I agree with you. The flood of foreigners has crowded out US candidates and brought wages down.

Added comment: About 1/3 of US MDs are foreign born. They are put in deep debt and beholden to banks and big pharma. They are less loyal as Americans and more money centric and less oriented to care for native citizens.

Anyone disagree?

PS the AMA pays med schools to keep enrollments down.

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Yes. As Bannon says, "American CITIZENS first."

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Does he having clothing line being manufactured in foreign countries like trump does?

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I'm not advocating for who to vote for come November; however, I will be voting for the best candidate for the job. I do not agree with anyone 100% nor am I 100% happy with the character of any of the candidates. If I find I am 80% okay with their platform and character, it will be enough.

A lot of people will say the election or voting doesn't matter, and while I was seriously disheartened with how the 2020 election went, I will vote because if we do not have voting, we will have absolutely no representation. I will at least try and pray my vote gets counted and not cancelled out through invalid counts.

I am an immigrant who started out with a green card as a child as my parents were both granted green cards for nursing. I studied for the naturalization test, was interviewed to assess my character, and paid the application fee. I followed all the rules and happy to call the U.S. my home. I have relatives that waited over ten years before they could immigrate to the U.S. following the rules. Even one who was married to a U.S. Citizen had to wait. It infuriates me that people are allowed into the country with their first step on the ground as breaking the law. No. Follow the rules. Wait in line without sneaking in. Do not give green cards just because someone has graduated from college. I once worked as an online tutor, there were many college students wanting to pay tutors to do their assignments or complete their class projects and even thesis work! Reality is a college degree can be bought alone. I decided to only tutor working professionals but eventually quit tutoring because of being blackmailed by a college student wanting me to complete their thesis project or else they would leave a bad review.

Agree ... debate the issues and decide on who is the best and not perfect person for president because there is none and all those who are level-headed and pure from head to toe will likely get railroaded in the process. Pray common sense and integrity will overcome. Pray to be the Constitutional Republic that we should be. Pray that our borders will be protected in the same vein that we protect our own households and we respect our neighbors boundaries. Pray for the ones who recognize that it is Boundaries that allow for variation and preservation of culture, different priorities, lines of thoughts, and helps keep peace and out of war ... and NOT the naivete of all being under the total control of a One World Government.

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It's all fake. Mark Twain said, " If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it.


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Chinese students cannot be allowed to come here by the CCP unless they agree to espionage when requested. Schools here admit them preferentially because they pay full tuition. So, in addition to admitting spies, Trump wants to offer them automatic green cards? I used to think he believed in America first. I don’t know what he believes in now.

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boom...he is America first...this is a policy mis-statement...theoretically it may make sense but realistically bad idea as Americans first...it must not happen...

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Could not agree more!!! Going to his X, hopefully he’ll see people responding

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thanks for that...hugs

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Correct you are. One thing to note is how Trump's "good idea" is **aligned** with the Globalist agenda. How can Trump or anyone who claims to be "America first" propose such an idea? I mean, did Trump not stop to think for even a minute about what his idea means ... is he stupid?

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Nor do I agree w/giving green cards out Willy nilly, kudos to you! Eff ‘em

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100% Dr A!! Very good advice for people to hold his feet to the fire. The nation needs 45 to be 47 but he cannot be allowed to continue with these truly stupid unforced errors. Another good example is his denial from a day or so ago about Washington owning slaves! NO FOUNDER left a larger personal library than Washington and there is much to know about the Father of the country and slavery but to even suggest that he and Martha didn't own slaves shows either forgetfulness or ignorance, neither of which is particularly helpful in a run for the highest political office in the land.

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There is a reason the U.S. IT industry was gutted of American workers and replaced primarily with Indian wotkers: green cards. As someone who climbed the ranks in IT, there is no secret sauce that Indians have that kids in the U.S. don't have. And for the ones who are here [not talking the consultants based overseas], they are not cheaper. What the influx of green cards allowed was for a secondary industry of jobs of people who get paid to oversee the green cards here, so the total per hour rate charged for these coders and testers isn't cheaper than an American worker. I see the rates charged. So dont let hack Chamber of Commerce types and Silicon Valley types convince you otherwise. Within 18 months, we could scale up American workers to obviate the need for 90%+ of the IT green cards here.

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Not a word on the biggest current story of Julian Assange's liberation from prison after a 19 year legal odyssey, Paul.

Just banging on about Trump.

If you're really interested in that elusive concept called "justice" you'd write something about Assange.



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The whole assange thing is a psy op. No more worth writing about than trump, who is not worth writing about at all.

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You talk horseshit.

Read his 66 page leave to appeal London High Court judgment, and tell me where exactly the psyop comes in.

Only comment once you've read it.

Here's the link to the pdf file:


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I agree with you, Dr. Paul Alexander.

What is he turning into another Biden just for votes? NO, NO!NO!

He also needs to make clear he wasn’t behind all this vaccine damage. He was tricked or blind-sided! Fear if he didn’t do something, but he was behind all these ventilators that killed people.

Trump needs to take the low road and stop boasting! Be humble! God gives grace to the humble. 🙏🏻🙏🏻. He has accomplished a lot, but time to be humble.

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