Listen to all of Dr. Ardis's talks on venoms. You need to get caught up. And Jonathan Otto's series on right now includes Dr. Ardis. It seems that the venom issue is no joke. And Dr. Tau Braun. Dr. Ardis explains how venoms can attach to the nicotine acetyl choline receptors on nerves, intestines, testes, ovaries, heart, and I think one more is kidneys. Working from memory here. If they attach to those receptors on the brainstem then that paralyzes the diaphragm to inhibit breathing. That could explain why what we were told and appeared to be a respiratory lung condition was not at all.

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To continue briefly Dr. Ardis also uncovered that certain bacteria and yeast and animal cells can be trained to produce venoms after being exposed. Then it is a self-propetuating production process from within the person.

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Maybe he just really really likes snake venom, the way Mike Tyson likes toad Venom.


Snake Bite Drug Addiction: Can You Get High on Snake Venom?


Psychedelic Toad Venom Is The New Trendy Hallucinogen


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Maybe we should chew some nicotine gum?

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I think the first time I heard about Dr. Ardis and the venom theory was last year in June on my way to Ottawa. I thought the person telling me about it was a bit "nuts" and I didn't look into it any further. Listening to Dr. Ardis on Tuesday night was amazing though. His presentation had all the receipts for everything he said. Please, Dr. Alexander, if possible, make all the presentations and video footage available to everyone from this event in Surrey.

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I won't accuse the guy of being a snake oil salesman, since I don't want to get sued.

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The snake venom ingredient was quite the stir when it came out but was shhhht quickly

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I think Dr Ardis is great, and he is absolutely right in my opinion about the venom and all the rest! Jonathan Otto’s documentaries are amazingly helpful and have introduced some truly dedicated doctors, scientists, and truth tellers to get the word out and offer solutions!!!

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I hope you have time for your family because you are so busy - I don't know how you do it but I am grateful. Didn't someone do a documentary on snake venom and it was laughed at?

Anyway, a quick search pulled up year-old research from Brazilian scientists that venom might slow down Covid. https://youtu.be/A7l6G-Cotvg. If bee stings can help with arthritis, why can't other toxins be used for good? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18807725/

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023





Dr Philip Mc Millan

“Basically we have here a virus that can infect the human and bacteria at the same time and clearly probably animals. Clearly something I don’t think we have seen before with a virus.

So in affect the virus is able to enter bacteria cells and change how it functions and potentially replicate within them, that is UNBELIEVABLE.

Even though COVID is a lung disease in its presentation it may primarily be a GUT disease, it might even be a gut virus.”

Oral faecal transmission has been known for a long time.

“prolonged faecal shedding from the intestine can occur for up to 210 days”

“SARS-COV-2 has the ability to replicate in human cells and bacteria in faeces. It’s a virus that infects bacteria.”

“It’s already been identified that the biofilm or dental plaque harbours SC2. To this is added the tonsils and adenoids, the oral cavity is a potential reservoir also.”

In some the virus instructs you gut to produce toxins, venom like toxins, trashes gut, leaky gut, translocates into blood stream.

Etc etc

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They've actually found amazing treatments with certain venoms, Gila monsters and Alzheimer's treatment is one off the top of my head, a scorpion from the Middle East is another.

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Nothing like a tall cold glass of snake venom in the mornin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,plop

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In third slide (with resultant undesirable side affects) 🤬

1996 😱

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Way, way before Ardis, Anthony Patch blew the lid of venom peptides in the virus AND the vax.

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I do bv indeed remember dr ardis and his snake venom. He appears to be on the money here

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I do bv indeed remember dr ardis and his snake venom. He appears to be on the money here

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