Read what Trump said about both RFK, Jr, and her. She is far more leftist and radical than him, and she has connections to the WEF and Soros.

The good thing is it will only take votes from Biden.

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'Ms. Shanahan is likely many good things.....'🤡 A good communist, elite, smug, tyrannical, global warmer, anti gun, ...........

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ha ha ha...look, we do not want to disrespect people but Kennedy Jr. has now put this lady out there and I do not think she knows what he own left media will do to her...she will now experience what some of us do. I simply do not want to talk about her outside of the politics of VP and she is not qualified. Thats all. Bad move. called an unforced error

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What a terrible choice. Any former trump supporters who had moved to RFK Jr. should be jumping back on the Trump train and certainly anyone on the fence between the two. At least I’m no longer on the fence. I can stop mulling it over. This action determined who will get my vote.

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I will definitely vote for trump if he picks Tulsi. I really thought RFK Jr was going to pick her since she at least has governing experience but since he made such a poor choice on this very important issue, I really can’t have any faith on any other choices he will make. If trump picks badly for his VP candidate, I probably will just stay home. Won’t be able to vote for any of them!

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this is why I wrote Kennedy I think showed he is not running for POTUS...

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People who don't vote to save America from this tyranny (it is happening at every turn), the country is screwed. You want more of this illegal immigration let alone the destruction to the energy infrastructure, the weaponizing of the judicial system, etc? We can't afford any more of this. If America loving citizens don't win this election, it is over and your vote will never again count. This isn't hyperbole.

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I like everything Tulsi says... but she is a WEF member. Controlled opposition/ Trojan horse ?

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Mar 27
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yes MAGA

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I had high hopes with RFK Jr.

He might as well have picked Melinda Gates or that MSNBC biatch.

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correct. this person seems even left of occational cortex oh I meant occasio cortez and Rashid Taliban

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Occasional Cortex. She will say something compelling occasionally.......maybe. 😂🤡

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I always saw it as akin to placing high hopes with Obama. RFK Jr was, from the beginning for me, in the "fool me once shame on you" category.

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Kennedy is a liberal.

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Kennedy is a climate fanatic. So is Shanahan. Climate science is complete pseudoscience. That's all we need to know.

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climate science is crock crap fraud...not real. man-made math models...what I put in, I can get out...people must study us Vostok ice core samples to see how over 400 to 500,000 years, it is temp that goes up then CO2

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IMO Malone has a point - RFK Jr. is preparing for 2028 on the basis of a reformed demonrat party à la ‘good ol’ Camelot’ days. To be bought primarily with Shanahan’s money, with her tech and climate hoax fanaticism thrown in for good measure as extra appeal to the other dem fanatics and 0bama’s ‘civil’ armies BLM & Antifa. Not a very trustworthy collusion.

Against such ambitions, I hope and expect that the American people have been ‘immunized’ against anything to do with the demonrat communists during the current regime’s tyranny.

I also hope that Trump goes with his own judgment and not that of his so-called advisors, many of them inept. Serious times require serious people.

Just my two cents…

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agreed Penny, but if 45 plays his hand well, and gets the right VP, that person will be POTUS after Kennedy is in his 80s...

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Mar 29
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All of Malone is stupid. I don’t trust him one bit.

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I was hoping Bobby would have picked Tulsi 😪, his VP pick of Nichole has changed how I feel about his campaign

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yes, I think Tulsi would have balanced him out and given him a more potent possibility...Tulsi too is left but she has softened and her views of late bring a smile...though I watch each liberal with one eye open, one closed.

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I have a hard time with Trumps Covid response. Yes he was deceived, but he should acknowledge that, and tell us he won’t do it again!

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But Kennedy is not Conservative and his pick is dangerous. End of the day, who

Overall will have best policies overall and who has odds of winning.

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He did say no mandates and do not comply.

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Hmm, I must have missed that, last I heard he was congratulating himself for warp speed

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And singing praises of J and J and then Pfizer and getting his boosters even though he had natural

Infection ?!! and then there’s the Sept 2019 executive order .

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No mandates ever, he said. He pushed for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. He never wore a mask, neither did Melania. But he was played, not realizing how evil the Medikill Industry had become. Which none of us knew. I knew it was 90% wrong about everything. But I never thought it was evil. I do now.

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If only.

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Mar 27
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He had a LOT of people on the right fooled.

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well...she won't support the clot shot like POTUS Trump!

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for the jugular...I see

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Dr. Alexander,

The clot shot killedmany worldwide. It is our biggest public health disaster. You know the numbers. POTUS Trump either recants or...get out of our way. Miseld? Yep. But, he was still the boss. His lack of leadership during that time--allowing himself to be led by beurocrats (who were supposed to be working for him) was pathetic.

He seems to love his clot shot still today! That alone makes him unfit for office. His hands are very dirty here. Put him on the Horsemen list until he gives a full mea culpa--and, i am not even sure that is enough. He had his four years and failed miserably during this crises.

Biden-Trump? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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I sincerely could not trust Tulsi Gabbard a heartbeat away from the presidency and am very doubtful she and Trump would hit it off as a team.

I'm pretty confident a man with the same scant qualifications as Tulsi Gabbard would get a strong "no" from the same sources considering her now.

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RFK jr picking Shanahan is fine -- it entices otherwise Dem votes and is more accurately reflective of who RFKjr is anyway. That helps Trump as the nominee, so thanks be for that.

Trump will be 78, is medically obese and should not be trying to offer someone a heartbeat away as anything other than in line with his policies (some of which I disagree with but which Gabbord is not the remedy). She is inherently a bigger spender and doubtful as to the courts. Culturally she is bad news unless anyone can show me her learned (as compared to political double-talk) changes. On the border which also impacts culture she makes some tough sounds but where would she be on mass deportation, amnesty, etc. Definitive information.

Her congressional track record is largely horrible. I suspect a woman might be helpful on the ticket because of who Trump is but there are more solid choices.

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Again, who ever wrote this did not listen to her speech. When she referred to land she was talking about our soil “land” being sick. Our soil and food supply is sick and that is a big contributor to our unhealthy population. When referring to our country she almost cried while talking about her love for our country that has given her so much.

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It was her billionaire ex-husband who has "given her so much" (money). She's a phony.

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thats the key...we dont know who she is...or what she stands for

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Tulsi Gabbard was a democrat. Leopards don’t change their spots - ergo she is not to be trusted, IMO. The hope expressed in comments here, that RFK Jr would choose her, testifies to that.

There’s no need for President Trump to choose a woman for VP just because Kennedy does - how dumb is that, when he has so many choices? Noem has been mentioned, but a review of her past actions as Governor is not reassuring. Nunes, Gaetz, Vance (at a stretch - another former dem) or someone who would blow up demonrat and RINO heads: Ken Paxton, a proven patriot.

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I thought that way too, but read an interesting article about her father and how he ran as Dem

Because as someone quoted “that’s how you can win in Hawaii “. Seems she came from a relatively conservative family and I don’t know if at the end of the day she can be put into a box. And both parties have shifted from their usual stereotypes. Yesterdays Blue Dog Democrat is todays Republican. I feel we are getting to a point of beggars can’t be choosers. Tulsi is a strong Female pick. Can hold her own and likely avoid the Palin treatment. Sad about Kennedy. So much respect for his work on Pharma and Vax.

But a completely Godless elitist unqualified pick. Shows he can be bought IMO.

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I sincerely could not trust Tulsi Gabbard a heartbeat away from the presidency and am very doubtful she and Trump would hit it off as a team.

I'm pretty confident a man with the same scant qualifications as Tulsi Gabbard would get a strong "no" from the same sources considering her now.

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Agree it’s a shame about Kennedy. Absolutely respect his stance on vaxxes and pharma but that VP choice seems to be all about the money. He was a write off anyway with his belief in the climate stupidity.

Thanks for the perspective on Gabbard, will look a bit deeper. Still think there’s no need for Trump to go with a woman. We don’t exactly have a stellar record!!

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People were so easily sucked in by him. Right on vaxes. Wrong on everything else. He is as Red as John Kerry.

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Agree on the no “need” tp go with a woman. Although if the others have women VP picks, strategically, going with one who draws from both camps …in the spirit of “game theory”, Tulsi is a good direction.

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I think the priority has to be the fitness of a VP who can transition to President in 2028. Vance may be the one who can do that. Who the others choose is irrelevant re the male/female aspect - or should be, and I hope Trump gets that.

Drawing from both camps is probably anathema considering the appalling tyranny of the communists these past three+ years.

Had another look at Tulsi Gabbard, and not impressed - former Vice Chair of the DNC, a reservist in the United States Army Civil Affairs and PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS Command. Please excuse the caps, but really, people think this resume and no executive experience makes Tulsi a valid VP nominee for a Republican President? And a mere two years since defecting from the party that’s had her allegiance for over twenty years, even to the point of running in 2020 for the democrat presidential nomination? Give me a break! Interesting timing though, for a defection, to be sure. Red flags all the way. A harder pass than ever.

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Excellent post, Penny.

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Good very valid points . Thanks for sharing

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The real logical choice. Ron DeSantis. Hispanic. Executive experience. Second in the GOP in popularity. Could actually take over.

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Owned by the globalist oligarchs. Entrenched establishment stooge.

In no way fit for the Presidency: lack of experience, got lambasted on his epic fail in the UK and Europe tours.

Disloyal ingrate who’s word has no value.

Shot any potential for high office in 2024 and 2028 after a lackluster campaign fraught with mis-steps and wasteful misuse of state and campaign funds.

Hispanic - say what?! He isn’t. Not that a candidate’s ethnic origin is indicative of merit or capability. So sick of people following the divisive Dem/Marxist line on the ‘need’ for a woman, or ‘skin colour of the moment’ candidate to be VP.

Finally, DeSantis has no chance of being VP, not least because of his hostility towards President Trump, who knows very well that he’s neither trustworthy nor capable. Big difference between being the big fish of a state and walking the world’s stage.

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Hi, William -- I'm curious about your post identifying Ron DeSantis as Hispanic. Wikipedia states: "All of DeSantis's great-grandparents immigrated from Southern Italy during the first Italian diaspora. His parents and all of his grandparents were born and grew up in Western Pennsylvania and Northeast Ohio."

Granted, Wikipedia is not the greatest authority -- but I wonder what your source for DeSantis' heritage might be?

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Canadian news. I had always read he was Hispanic. Cuban originally is what I reads. But you’re saying he is Italian? You’re probably right.

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I personally couldn't guess DeSantis' heritage but I think one of his supporters would have corrected the Wikipedia page if the account of all his great-grandparents being Italian is wrong.

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I didn't even consider Paxton, excellent choice!

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A lot of young people start left and move right. Almost all my conservative friends were left in their 20s.

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Idealism strikes many of us in our teens and twenties. It’s only when the policies induced by the political pretenders to that same idealism have wreaked enough damage to their prospects, that many of them wake up.

Unfortunately, until that awakening, they’ve voted for the agenda of those pretenders, which advances another step forward incrementally with each election. And we eventually find ourselves where we are today. Educational indoctrination has been a key enabler of this sad state of affairs, along with the denigration of the family and religion.

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There is another factor. Every child is raised in a socialist environment. Someone works. Everyone enjoys the fruits according to their needs. Families are mini socialist societies. People not trained differently hit adulthood and go ‘whoa! Now I am the one working and paying! That sucks. Why doesn’t a rich guy pay me some of his money?’ If he wasn’t trained properly it would be often a logical next step.

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RFK. Jr is surrounded by Hollywood liberals so what can we expect, really.

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Dr Alexander, Someone needs to get to Trump and Suggest Dr. Caroline Swain. She is incredibly intelligent, Loves America, and is a black woman. She would destroy anyone on the debate stage, especially the other two in this race. He's not looking hard enough.

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I disagree. President Trump should NOT be backed into a corner to select as running mate a "woman" or a "black" just to check a box for a certain population demographic. That's nonsense.

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You missed the point completely. Maybe you do not know who she is, or don't know enough about her but she is absolutely brilliant. I can't think of one person who could out debate her, certainly from anyone the Dems would have on stage, and probably any other Republican. The fast that she is black or a woman is NOT the reason to choose her. That would be an insult to her. Considering her for her brilliance as well as her ability to speak well on many topics is NOT being backed into a corner. To say that is to not know her very well. My point was she is totally MAGA, a supporter of Trump when few were, she is highly intelligent and well versed in just about any topic she would need to address. The only point I was making about her being a black woman, was that is would completely neuter the left in trying to attack her. That's a strategic advantage that comes along with her impeccable pedigree and knowledge. I would be the first to never want someone for their gender or the ethnicity. That's how we got Jackson, as you say, as well as Kamala. She was a Princeton Professor and was extremely well liked as an educator. The basic fact is she is brilliant and a discerning decision maker. She could fill the shoes of President if need be, better than anyone else he is considering. I know JD Vance is now being discussed, and I would support that. But frankly I think he will do a better service to the country in the Senate for the next 4 years and probably another term, before he thinks about the WH.

Tell me who you think would be better than her purely on the merits. Frankly, the people being discussed outside of JD Vance are woefully inadequate. He needs to think broader.

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I have no doubt President Trump IS "looking hard enough" for an appropriate running mate, despite your accusation to the contrary.

And I trust he will select a "brilliant" individual younger than Swain's 70 years to balance his ticket.

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Let's hope so, this time is supposed to be different in personnel choices and I hope this happens. So are you saying that age now is a prerequisite for you? That's inconsistent with your earlier comment about being backed into a corner to "check a box" regarding a demographic. And I for one would take brilliance over age, gender or ethnicity. I thought that is where you stood as well?

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I'm in agreement with those who believe President Trump is keeping in mind the strategy to select a VP candidate who can carry on the MAGA legacy for the eight years following the end of his second term. Age is a critically important matter to take into consideration.

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Got it. I respect that strategy. I just think when it comes to real candidates that can fill those shoes, very few come to mind. JD Vance would be the only one I can think of. Hey, I will never argue with an ardent Trump supporter. Was just trying to understand your view. We have to stick together to take these criminals out!!

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Mar 28
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I didn't know you were the gatekeeper of discourse on this thread, Jim.

I was responding to the person who claimed Trump "is not looking hard enough." I disagree with him.

And I also absolutely believe President Trump SHOULD NOT BE BACKED INTO A CORNER by anyone who insists he has to select a "woman" or a "black." Conservatives base their decisions on MERIT.

Recall that Joe Biden announced he would only consider a black women for his appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. We got Ketanji Brown Jackson.

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Agree 100%.

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Mar 28
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You were the one criticizing me, Jim.

I was merely defending myself.

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revolver.news has a great piece on JD Vance as VP

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thank you for sharing

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