hnology? You should be the first person to speak up against this & condemn it in absolute entirety, but we haven't heard a peep from you. This isn't MAHA & everyone knows it. Better speak up fast"
no, a mistake IMO, but thank you, huge hugs for being here. you cant be silent for then you are lying about who you really are and your thinking...would it not be best to tell the truth? think about it that way...I dont wish to confirm someone who is deceiving me to get confirmed...look, it cant be good...I think Bobby Jr. has good intent and is playing a game too...but we as the people are being fucked upside down and we are tired of games.
Exactly. If he opens his mouth he'll put his foot in it. Even a broken clock with no moral compass like Sherlock here, that's correct twice per day, almost "gets it," despite his/her/its half smart comment about Paul's stacks. Collins and Murkowski are looking for ammo to use against RFK Jr. The media stories about him being a cocaine dealer and his decades of addiction to shooting up heroin aren't ammo. The foreword he wrote for Malone's book isn't ammo. However, anything else even remotely "antivaxx" is ammo. Trump won the election by championing the shots, not by being against them. RFK Jr,really needs strong backing from Vivek and JD Vance, whose investments in mRNA tech along with JD's connections to his gay mentor, the WEF YGL Peter Theil likely reassure even Sherlock so may likewise reassure Collins and Murkowski.
very well said and troubling at once: "The foreword he wrote for Malone's book isn't ammo. However, anything else even remotely "antivaxx" is ammo. Trump won the election by championing the shots, not by being against them. RFK Jr,really needs strong backing from Vivek and JD Vance, whose investments in mRNA tech along with JD's connections to his gay mentor, the WEF YGL Peter Theil likely reassure even Sherlock so may likewise reassure Collins and Murkowski."
Exactly. These types of substacks serve no purpose. Maybe to get clicks? Increase anxiety needlessly. Get through the confirmation first. As we can see with all the actions from the new admin in just a few days, things are being game planned out with little leakage of the plans ahead of time. I think the same is happening with HHS items. Get through the confirmation and then observe what happens the first month before going alarmist.
then do not read my stack or come here...if you get so much anxiety...folk like you need to get it in your heads to not think for other people...say thank you and thats its. like I say thank you for being here...but do you think it concerns me that you dont like my views? I think silence is wrong you thinks it would he explain his silence? do you think the people are stupid?
Agree totally. Every person with discernment knows in their heart that RFK is for real. He is uncorruptable and honest. He will do anything to prevent the bad guys from having influence. But none of us have any konwledge about the power structures behind the scene. We have no idea who is ruling the world, and what battles are being fought in secret.
I tend to believe in his sincerity. Him staying low-profile now is in his best interest. He's not officially on the team. Trump had many suprises for all: I'm Canadian and we are having a hard time with the new tariff policy, it's very threatening for the very survival of our country. Then the 500 billion investment in this CCP regime (my point of view) he's willing to take from billionnaire investors who will want their share of royalties...
I don't agree. While he's remaining quiet, people are still taking the shots, and still dying from them. That is basically being complicit with MURDER. I'm NOT okay with that.
So tiresome. THEY abandoned the unelectable Cackler and threw their “machine” behind MAGA with no intention of making anything great again. But rather MADA - Make Americans Duped Again.
I think 2.0 is overlooking quite a lot. Operation Sea Spray, Tuskegee, DDT, Thalidomide, I could go on and on… (notice I didn’t mention falsified pretenses for War!)
Ah! Yes. Even that isn’t 2.0. Moderna failed in early trials on cancer. 2014 or is. But that’s trivial stuff. Given all this Trump mania and the Big Pivot I’m curious to see how the Degal Report plays out now.
my impression is that with the “cancer cure” angle this time around they will dupe even more ( than the fake COVID ) into the injections so the scale of participation will probably be unprecedented so Degal is definitely plausible.
Pay better attention. The Psyop reminder is for those that haven't gotten it yet. Trump has it all. Not sure if you noticed how squirmy Larry was, but he knows mRNA is not going to fly. How do we know the "vaccines" are not really therapeutics - which was what was promoted before. Trump has got to get some people removed. Jumping to conclusions this early is futile to any progress.
I agree. Sasha Latypova put out a Substack today about the link between Polio and DDT (insecticide). I wrote here on that just a short while ago. There's a lot of evidence to support that Polio was caused by DDT, and NOT a virus. Here is the link to Sasha's Substack post. It's a really interesting read.
Here's a fun fact. RFK Jr. did a lot of research on this a long time ago when he was researching the childhood vaccines. His Children's Health Defense team has been putting out articles also about the link to insecticides, especially every time our public health officials get the MSM to push the narrative polio (virus) is cropping up again. I get their newsletter so have read most of them, but here's a list from searching their site.
Yes, I remember reading Jim West's article and it explained this well. And I remember seeing this YT in another article I can't find anymore, but here's the short...
DDT was outlawed by the EPA in 1972, so that's why they say it's not linked with Polio. But, there never was a virus ;). So, in a time when a vaccine cures "everything" this needs to be shared with people who think vaccines are necessary to begin with.
By "THEY" you are talking about the Dems and they never threw their "machine" behind MAGA. Still haven't. But, DS oh yeah they definitely would like to dupe us again. Not happening unless WE quit. Probably our last chance and I'm not giving up!
Who forced you to take a covid jab? These conspiracy theories are not even intelligent, at this point. Save the condescending suggestions that either Trump or the people who voted for him lack the intellectual and moral discernment to tell when we've been *duped*.
Correction. To be clear, I am not talking about the Dems. Dem = politicians or advocates for an ideology. Those people are puppets. Shills. When I say THEY I am referring to the Banking Cartel. And if you haven’t read “Creature From Jekyll Island” that’s a good place to start. And then “Committee of 300.” This IS NOT A DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN thing. It is a Globalist thing. We have to be smarter.
Didn't I say DS?? I am very well aware of THEM all - up to the families. Thought we were smarter by getting President Trump in. But, to your point that THEY got behind MAGA, I disagree. They are still fighting US through their puppets. And WE know it, and THEY know WE know it, and WE know that THEY know WE know it. We need to keep the heat up, not give up.
We have a President that is taking them on, his DAVOS speech and response to their questions today told them where they stand. Either we back that or we go crawl in a hole and wait to die and that should not be an option.
This continual lashing against people who aren't even in yet is futile and hurts our cause. If we just gave it a minute for things to come together, get the whole picture, we will be better off in the end. Forcing responses NOW will not help. This is a war and you don't give up your position in all things to your enemy for good reason.
I will eat my words if our efforts turn out to be a complete psyop, but I have faith God is in this with us. So I will not take on a negative attitude about Trump or who he's chosen until they prove me wrong. No one else will. Keeping our sovereignty, life, liberty and happiness is up to us and we have made our choices in this time, but aren't giving it time?
It appears that to some folks, being negative and pessimistic and sardonic, somehow makes them feel that they have the intellectual prowess that we *sheeple* are lacking in. It's tiresome, isn't it? They are so downright eager to see defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
Ummm, RFK Jr. hasn't even been before the committee for consideration of being approved. So, we're just going to have to be patient - for now. So, anything he says between now and then can be used against him. If Congress delays it further we can SHOUT foul. But, it's not a Trump admin foul - more like DS foul.
I've said before, this was a webbed weaved for a very long time and people are still coming around to it. In the meantime, the DS still has control. President Trump is doing some amazing things, some that on the surface don't look to be, but I really feel like anyone Trump is dealing with has been given ultimatum's. And I'm pretty sure all his nominees are read into that. I remain confident it's all good. OR he's outing them so he can move forward with the good. God is moving in this also, so in His time people. This is not going to happen overnight and Trump is moving faster than we could have imagined, so let's give him time to work ALL the problem(s).
Oh and btw, I think the 15 days for the report from past regime occupants report about release of the JFK files is timed that way for a reason also ;).
You are kidding right?? NO cabinet nominees speak or speak up on any topic except in their senate hearing until AFTER they are confirmed. It would be absolutely INSANE to do otherwise! Especially for such a controversial figure!
These thoughts align with the growing suspicion devious entities are very possibly implementing a game plan intended to neutralize or capture even a “maverick” politician like Donald Trump.
Many contrarians believe sophisticated “3-D” psy-ops exist, programs which effectively capture and control movements that would be perceived as a severe threat to the defenders of the Status Quo.
Indeed, writers like Debbie Lerman are developing the thesis that deadly and dangerous mRNA vaccines are being scrubbed from public conversations and future debates.
More specifically, the concern of writers like Ms. Lerman (and Jenna McCarthy) is that crimes against humanity will be ignored while Team Trump focusses instead on its Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) agenda - an agenda that does not identify mRNA vaccines as the world’s largest loaded machine gun.
If this narrative-manipulation project succeeds, Big Pharma and Big Medicine will have neutralized the greatest threat to their continued existence.
I'm waiting until after Bobby's confirmation before judging his current silence about the mRNA nightmare. It wouldn't be smart for him to beat that drum right now.
We're all chomping at the bit because we've been tethered to the gate for so long. But even though we can't push the river, the river is still flowing... Patience is hard and we're hungry, but we can't stick a fork in this yet!
(From Ninsuna's College of Wisdom and Knowledge. For more edification, see "Every cloud has a silver lining" and "Don't put all your eggs in one basket.".)
Needless to say - but let's say it anyway - it's **NOT** looking good, and the picture gets darker with each passing day.
I've already written about it: yes, Trump is doing some "good" things - yes. But for the most part, the "good" things are low-hanging fruit, trivial, or easily reversed. Where are the **BIG** ticket items? Where are the prison sentences? Why is not a word said about the largest, most evil crime in all human history (the Covid Crime)? Where's the beef?
Oh, please just stop this. He hasn't been in office for even a week yet, but *He's a loser and the sky is falling!!!OMG!!!*. And the USA and western civilization can not be held hostage to covid as the sole issue of importance.
Covid was the largest, most evil crime in all history, without anything else even close. BILLIONS of people were adversely impacted - essentially every living person on the planet.
I personally had friends and family injured and died. And you want our government to bury this event because "there are other important things" to do? Really? What kind of person are you? Are you, by chance, related to Tony Fauci, Clinton, Obama, or Pelosi?
If we have a government - it doesn't matter who it is - that won't take the Covid criminal event head-on, seeking justice above all else, then what can we hope for in the future?
Speaking for myself, it's a government that I want NOTHING to do with! They spend a ton of time on TikTok, but sweep under the rug the MILLIONS of Americans that were injured or died. Then they let the criminal perpetrators get away scot-free with all the ill-gotten loot. You don't see anything wrong with that picture? Huh???
Staying silent is his best option. He must not be too happy with the "firing" of 2 reliable persons he had chosen for the task. This said, don't you think it's somewhat hypocrite to exit (or pause, or whatever) the WHO and create your own organisation instead, but with more nefarious implications? (AI for surveillance + more and faster mRNA technology- all for our own good of course...). And then, why would you need CIA for suveillance/compliance and all other intelligence entities? why would you need your Gain of function reaserch abroad when you have this facility at hand and camouflaged under an AI/health technology icing? Wait... isnt't that CCP's ultimate dream?
If you listened and read the transcript, what Trump is doing is PREVENTING A1 from being captured into government control. The mRNA speculations are just that, spitballing by a guy who hopes to see a cure for cancer. How the heel, people have glommed onto a hyperventilating creative interpretation of what was actually spoken about, is astounding. The overarching reason for Stargate is a PUSHBACK to tyrannical govt control, as the Biden regime was planning.
Well, let me be clear Sophie that I would not call myself a fan of Robert Malone and if I was RFK Jr I wouldn't have written the foreword for one of Malone's books like RFK Jr actually did but I like to know what Malone is up to so occasionally read his stack. Now, as I'm fond of saying, even a broken clock is right twice per day and Malone got something right recently. As Dr. Hubris posted recently on Canadian LawyerLisa's stack, and as I posted in reply to Dr. Hubris:
Dr. Hubris
The name is "CPC" and yeah - totally unlike in the "Western Democracies" :P... It is not like in the global West you can go to jail for a meme... or a political comment that doesn't align with the governmental views... Oh, wait, YOU CAN!
As Robert Malone pointed out on his stack recently, he had a conversation with a former Soviet bloc resident who was insistent that the USA was the most communistic regime in history, far surpassing China where the spirit of entrepreneurship is thriving, in contrast to the USA. USA and its vassal countries already have China's social credit system. Many Westerners of free market orientation prefer to live in Hong Kong or mainland China to get away, to some extent, from the heavy hand of Western totalitarian government overreach, overregulation and surveillance.
I still have to do a lot of waking up. It's pretty abrupt. Just trying to connect the dots it this absurd story (it's absurd to me but very clear to "them")... Democracy has become a good looking hoar with soft speaking glossy lips but is really a communist brute in disguise...
Well yes, a good looking ho, well said. And they call it "democracy" but it's anything but. Voting every 4 years or every 2 years for some asshole to "represent" us and vote further "on our behalf" has nothing in common with what the ancient Greeks who invented "democracy" meant by "democracy."
That's because the USA is NOT a "democracy". It's a Constitutional Republic. We have "representatives" to vote for us, who we ELECT. If we don't like them, then we vote them out. In a real "democracy" MOB rules. That's not exactly in the best interest of the little guy, or in the best interest of the more lightly populated areas. The heavily populated areas, which are the worst, would control everything. The Electoral system equalizes that. That's why the Dems want to get rid of it. It stops them from pushing their weight around on us all.
Let’s see , if he speaks up before he is confirmed then he shoot’s himself in the foot and won’t be confirmed. If he’s smart he will stay quiet till after he’s confirmed. Then do what he has to do to get things done to help protect Americans . Or he could be just another lying rich politician. I hope for the best cause I like RFK jr. but in my opinion, I’m thinking all the rich people are against us. It’s one big group left and right they are all the same playing us all. I feel like it was good cop bad cop routine. You know out of chaos comes order (NWO). One side creates the chaos and the other side creates the order and takes our rights away.
I think RFK Jr is a distraction, I think he's known all along about this and thats why he's said nothing. If he were to speak out they would kill him, Big Pharma would take him out like a bug.
Praying your right about JFK. Perhaps he can save us from this evil agenda of Larry Ellison & others Apparently he is a super wealthy billionaire & highly regarded by some.
Patience. Confirmation first. Consider everything else you see and hear to be chaff. Nothing happens in politics by accident, not even a President being embarrassed by a Presbyterian Priestess.
I think RFK staying quiet until after his confirmation is the prudent thing to do.
no, a mistake IMO, but thank you, huge hugs for being here. you cant be silent for then you are lying about who you really are and your thinking...would it not be best to tell the truth? think about it that way...I dont wish to confirm someone who is deceiving me to get confirmed...look, it cant be good...I think Bobby Jr. has good intent and is playing a game too...but we as the people are being fucked upside down and we are tired of games.
I will wait to criticize him for not addressing these issues if he fails to do so once he is confirmed.
Well said, Doc, and I totally agree.
Agree, don't give up your hand before being in position. They already know what they oppose and that's enough.
I do not agree as stated up top...I am very grateful you are here
Exactly. If he opens his mouth he'll put his foot in it. Even a broken clock with no moral compass like Sherlock here, that's correct twice per day, almost "gets it," despite his/her/its half smart comment about Paul's stacks. Collins and Murkowski are looking for ammo to use against RFK Jr. The media stories about him being a cocaine dealer and his decades of addiction to shooting up heroin aren't ammo. The foreword he wrote for Malone's book isn't ammo. However, anything else even remotely "antivaxx" is ammo. Trump won the election by championing the shots, not by being against them. RFK Jr,really needs strong backing from Vivek and JD Vance, whose investments in mRNA tech along with JD's connections to his gay mentor, the WEF YGL Peter Theil likely reassure even Sherlock so may likewise reassure Collins and Murkowski.
very well said and troubling at once: "The foreword he wrote for Malone's book isn't ammo. However, anything else even remotely "antivaxx" is ammo. Trump won the election by championing the shots, not by being against them. RFK Jr,really needs strong backing from Vivek and JD Vance, whose investments in mRNA tech along with JD's connections to his gay mentor, the WEF YGL Peter Theil likely reassure even Sherlock so may likewise reassure Collins and Murkowski."
Huh? How and where did he 'champion' the shots? And he certainly didn't win on that statement.
Exactly. These types of substacks serve no purpose. Maybe to get clicks? Increase anxiety needlessly. Get through the confirmation first. As we can see with all the actions from the new admin in just a few days, things are being game planned out with little leakage of the plans ahead of time. I think the same is happening with HHS items. Get through the confirmation and then observe what happens the first month before going alarmist.
then do not read my stack or come here...if you get so much anxiety...folk like you need to get it in your heads to not think for other people...say thank you and thats its. like I say thank you for being here...but do you think it concerns me that you dont like my views? I think silence is wrong you thinks it would he explain his silence? do you think the people are stupid?
Well said, Doc. Took the words right out of my mouth.
Agree totally. Every person with discernment knows in their heart that RFK is for real. He is uncorruptable and honest. He will do anything to prevent the bad guys from having influence. But none of us have any konwledge about the power structures behind the scene. We have no idea who is ruling the world, and what battles are being fought in secret.
I tend to believe in his sincerity. Him staying low-profile now is in his best interest. He's not officially on the team. Trump had many suprises for all: I'm Canadian and we are having a hard time with the new tariff policy, it's very threatening for the very survival of our country. Then the 500 billion investment in this CCP regime (my point of view) he's willing to take from billionnaire investors who will want their share of royalties...
I don't agree. While he's remaining quiet, people are still taking the shots, and still dying from them. That is basically being complicit with MURDER. I'm NOT okay with that.
So tiresome. THEY abandoned the unelectable Cackler and threw their “machine” behind MAGA with no intention of making anything great again. But rather MADA - Make Americans Duped Again.
fascinating quote....very interesting, and good
or Make Americans Dead Again (2.0)
Let this be our dearest consolation: they can only kill us once.
agree, however you could make a case for the second way they “kill” by preventing reproduction
I think 2.0 is overlooking quite a lot. Operation Sea Spray, Tuskegee, DDT, Thalidomide, I could go on and on… (notice I didn’t mention falsified pretenses for War!)
mRNA 2.0
Ah! Yes. Even that isn’t 2.0. Moderna failed in early trials on cancer. 2014 or is. But that’s trivial stuff. Given all this Trump mania and the Big Pivot I’m curious to see how the Degal Report plays out now.
my impression is that with the “cancer cure” angle this time around they will dupe even more ( than the fake COVID ) into the injections so the scale of participation will probably be unprecedented so Degal is definitely plausible.
Pay better attention. The Psyop reminder is for those that haven't gotten it yet. Trump has it all. Not sure if you noticed how squirmy Larry was, but he knows mRNA is not going to fly. How do we know the "vaccines" are not really therapeutics - which was what was promoted before. Trump has got to get some people removed. Jumping to conclusions this early is futile to any progress.
Be nice
I agree. Sasha Latypova put out a Substack today about the link between Polio and DDT (insecticide). I wrote here on that just a short while ago. There's a lot of evidence to support that Polio was caused by DDT, and NOT a virus. Here is the link to Sasha's Substack post. It's a really interesting read.
Here's a fun fact. RFK Jr. did a lot of research on this a long time ago when he was researching the childhood vaccines. His Children's Health Defense team has been putting out articles also about the link to insecticides, especially every time our public health officials get the MSM to push the narrative polio (virus) is cropping up again. I get their newsletter so have read most of them, but here's a list from searching their site.
Yes, I remember reading Jim West's article and it explained this well. And I remember seeing this YT in another article I can't find anymore, but here's the short...
DDT was outlawed by the EPA in 1972, so that's why they say it's not linked with Polio. But, there never was a virus ;). So, in a time when a vaccine cures "everything" this needs to be shared with people who think vaccines are necessary to begin with.
I had never heard of that before. That is very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Yep, that too.
By "THEY" you are talking about the Dems and they never threw their "machine" behind MAGA. Still haven't. But, DS oh yeah they definitely would like to dupe us again. Not happening unless WE quit. Probably our last chance and I'm not giving up!
Who forced you to take a covid jab? These conspiracy theories are not even intelligent, at this point. Save the condescending suggestions that either Trump or the people who voted for him lack the intellectual and moral discernment to tell when we've been *duped*.
Americans do not want to change.
Why would they when they're God's chosen people? When you know you're perfect you don't need to change.
Qr MAFA - Fooled
Correction. To be clear, I am not talking about the Dems. Dem = politicians or advocates for an ideology. Those people are puppets. Shills. When I say THEY I am referring to the Banking Cartel. And if you haven’t read “Creature From Jekyll Island” that’s a good place to start. And then “Committee of 300.” This IS NOT A DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN thing. It is a Globalist thing. We have to be smarter.
Didn't I say DS?? I am very well aware of THEM all - up to the families. Thought we were smarter by getting President Trump in. But, to your point that THEY got behind MAGA, I disagree. They are still fighting US through their puppets. And WE know it, and THEY know WE know it, and WE know that THEY know WE know it. We need to keep the heat up, not give up.
We have a President that is taking them on, his DAVOS speech and response to their questions today told them where they stand. Either we back that or we go crawl in a hole and wait to die and that should not be an option.
This continual lashing against people who aren't even in yet is futile and hurts our cause. If we just gave it a minute for things to come together, get the whole picture, we will be better off in the end. Forcing responses NOW will not help. This is a war and you don't give up your position in all things to your enemy for good reason.
I will eat my words if our efforts turn out to be a complete psyop, but I have faith God is in this with us. So I will not take on a negative attitude about Trump or who he's chosen until they prove me wrong. No one else will. Keeping our sovereignty, life, liberty and happiness is up to us and we have made our choices in this time, but aren't giving it time?
It appears that to some folks, being negative and pessimistic and sardonic, somehow makes them feel that they have the intellectual prowess that we *sheeple* are lacking in. It's tiresome, isn't it? They are so downright eager to see defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
Ummm, RFK Jr. hasn't even been before the committee for consideration of being approved. So, we're just going to have to be patient - for now. So, anything he says between now and then can be used against him. If Congress delays it further we can SHOUT foul. But, it's not a Trump admin foul - more like DS foul.
I've said before, this was a webbed weaved for a very long time and people are still coming around to it. In the meantime, the DS still has control. President Trump is doing some amazing things, some that on the surface don't look to be, but I really feel like anyone Trump is dealing with has been given ultimatum's. And I'm pretty sure all his nominees are read into that. I remain confident it's all good. OR he's outing them so he can move forward with the good. God is moving in this also, so in His time people. This is not going to happen overnight and Trump is moving faster than we could have imagined, so let's give him time to work ALL the problem(s).
Oh and btw, I think the 15 days for the report from past regime occupants report about release of the JFK files is timed that way for a reason also ;).
You are kidding right?? NO cabinet nominees speak or speak up on any topic except in their senate hearing until AFTER they are confirmed. It would be absolutely INSANE to do otherwise! Especially for such a controversial figure!
These thoughts align with the growing suspicion devious entities are very possibly implementing a game plan intended to neutralize or capture even a “maverick” politician like Donald Trump.
Many contrarians believe sophisticated “3-D” psy-ops exist, programs which effectively capture and control movements that would be perceived as a severe threat to the defenders of the Status Quo.
Indeed, writers like Debbie Lerman are developing the thesis that deadly and dangerous mRNA vaccines are being scrubbed from public conversations and future debates.
More specifically, the concern of writers like Ms. Lerman (and Jenna McCarthy) is that crimes against humanity will be ignored while Team Trump focusses instead on its Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) agenda - an agenda that does not identify mRNA vaccines as the world’s largest loaded machine gun.
If this narrative-manipulation project succeeds, Big Pharma and Big Medicine will have neutralized the greatest threat to their continued existence.
Is it RFK Jr. sent in to neutralize POTUS TRUMP? And the Means team, biff and baff?
I'm waiting until after Bobby's confirmation before judging his current silence about the mRNA nightmare. It wouldn't be smart for him to beat that drum right now.
We're all chomping at the bit because we've been tethered to the gate for so long. But even though we can't push the river, the river is still flowing... Patience is hard and we're hungry, but we can't stick a fork in this yet!
(From Ninsuna's College of Wisdom and Knowledge. For more edification, see "Every cloud has a silver lining" and "Don't put all your eggs in one basket.".)
Needless to say - but let's say it anyway - it's **NOT** looking good, and the picture gets darker with each passing day.
I've already written about it: yes, Trump is doing some "good" things - yes. But for the most part, the "good" things are low-hanging fruit, trivial, or easily reversed. Where are the **BIG** ticket items? Where are the prison sentences? Why is not a word said about the largest, most evil crime in all human history (the Covid Crime)? Where's the beef?
Oh, please just stop this. He hasn't been in office for even a week yet, but *He's a loser and the sky is falling!!!OMG!!!*. And the USA and western civilization can not be held hostage to covid as the sole issue of importance.
No, *YOU* stop and think for a minute.
Covid was the largest, most evil crime in all history, without anything else even close. BILLIONS of people were adversely impacted - essentially every living person on the planet.
I personally had friends and family injured and died. And you want our government to bury this event because "there are other important things" to do? Really? What kind of person are you? Are you, by chance, related to Tony Fauci, Clinton, Obama, or Pelosi?
If we have a government - it doesn't matter who it is - that won't take the Covid criminal event head-on, seeking justice above all else, then what can we hope for in the future?
Speaking for myself, it's a government that I want NOTHING to do with! They spend a ton of time on TikTok, but sweep under the rug the MILLIONS of Americans that were injured or died. Then they let the criminal perpetrators get away scot-free with all the ill-gotten loot. You don't see anything wrong with that picture? Huh???
Staying silent is his best option. He must not be too happy with the "firing" of 2 reliable persons he had chosen for the task. This said, don't you think it's somewhat hypocrite to exit (or pause, or whatever) the WHO and create your own organisation instead, but with more nefarious implications? (AI for surveillance + more and faster mRNA technology- all for our own good of course...). And then, why would you need CIA for suveillance/compliance and all other intelligence entities? why would you need your Gain of function reaserch abroad when you have this facility at hand and camouflaged under an AI/health technology icing? Wait... isnt't that CCP's ultimate dream?
If you listened and read the transcript, what Trump is doing is PREVENTING A1 from being captured into government control. The mRNA speculations are just that, spitballing by a guy who hopes to see a cure for cancer. How the heel, people have glommed onto a hyperventilating creative interpretation of what was actually spoken about, is astounding. The overarching reason for Stargate is a PUSHBACK to tyrannical govt control, as the Biden regime was planning.
Very good points, Sophie. I've been asking the same questions.
Well, let me be clear Sophie that I would not call myself a fan of Robert Malone and if I was RFK Jr I wouldn't have written the foreword for one of Malone's books like RFK Jr actually did but I like to know what Malone is up to so occasionally read his stack. Now, as I'm fond of saying, even a broken clock is right twice per day and Malone got something right recently. As Dr. Hubris posted recently on Canadian LawyerLisa's stack, and as I posted in reply to Dr. Hubris:
Dr. Hubris
The name is "CPC" and yeah - totally unlike in the "Western Democracies" :P... It is not like in the global West you can go to jail for a meme... or a political comment that doesn't align with the governmental views... Oh, wait, YOU CAN!
As Robert Malone pointed out on his stack recently, he had a conversation with a former Soviet bloc resident who was insistent that the USA was the most communistic regime in history, far surpassing China where the spirit of entrepreneurship is thriving, in contrast to the USA. USA and its vassal countries already have China's social credit system. Many Westerners of free market orientation prefer to live in Hong Kong or mainland China to get away, to some extent, from the heavy hand of Western totalitarian government overreach, overregulation and surveillance.
I still have to do a lot of waking up. It's pretty abrupt. Just trying to connect the dots it this absurd story (it's absurd to me but very clear to "them")... Democracy has become a good looking hoar with soft speaking glossy lips but is really a communist brute in disguise...
Well yes, a good looking ho, well said. And they call it "democracy" but it's anything but. Voting every 4 years or every 2 years for some asshole to "represent" us and vote further "on our behalf" has nothing in common with what the ancient Greeks who invented "democracy" meant by "democracy."
That's because the USA is NOT a "democracy". It's a Constitutional Republic. We have "representatives" to vote for us, who we ELECT. If we don't like them, then we vote them out. In a real "democracy" MOB rules. That's not exactly in the best interest of the little guy, or in the best interest of the more lightly populated areas. The heavily populated areas, which are the worst, would control everything. The Electoral system equalizes that. That's why the Dems want to get rid of it. It stops them from pushing their weight around on us all.
He is not even in office, yet. But who is? Trump. Has Trump publicly said anything bad about the Mrna drug? Nope.
Let’s see , if he speaks up before he is confirmed then he shoot’s himself in the foot and won’t be confirmed. If he’s smart he will stay quiet till after he’s confirmed. Then do what he has to do to get things done to help protect Americans . Or he could be just another lying rich politician. I hope for the best cause I like RFK jr. but in my opinion, I’m thinking all the rich people are against us. It’s one big group left and right they are all the same playing us all. I feel like it was good cop bad cop routine. You know out of chaos comes order (NWO). One side creates the chaos and the other side creates the order and takes our rights away.
I think RFK Jr is a distraction, I think he's known all along about this and thats why he's said nothing. If he were to speak out they would kill him, Big Pharma would take him out like a bug.
Problem is, you can run, but you can't hide - at least, not forever.
They will continue searching for, and will eventually find, an "effective" (from THEIR point of view) delivery mechanism.
....' I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord....'
Where are you RFK Jr.?
Where is anyone who has to clout to call out “mRNA?”
When a nation is riddled with injustices, sometimes those injustices can be dealt with.
When a nation is mandated by manipulation, with more than one million deaths resulting, God knows how many disabled individuals, this equates to:
“Democide is the intentional killing of people by a government. It includes genocide, politicide, and mass murder!”
Was this Intentional? Absolutely, positively, unequivocally,
The answer is YES!
“Silence Echoes”
And “Silence Echoes”
All “Washington” walls,
The great and powerful,
Yes a “Global-Cabal”
Mandated the greatest,
Perhaps fraud upon all,
Killed the old while young fall,
Fundamentally Transformed,
Under guise of construction,
Bioweapon inject, some call, Weapons of mass destruction,
Can mankind survive,
Asked a close friend,
The only answer I had,
Never before, Never again!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
We will find out a lot more after next week. Bobby will testify to be confirmed on the 29th and 30th if needed.
He has many enemies. Some want him dead (like Trump).
Hopefully his current silence is because he is SMART and playing the long game until AFTER he is at the helm of HHS
Time and history will tell.
Praying your right about JFK. Perhaps he can save us from this evil agenda of Larry Ellison & others Apparently he is a super wealthy billionaire & highly regarded by some.
Patience. Confirmation first. Consider everything else you see and hear to be chaff. Nothing happens in politics by accident, not even a President being embarrassed by a Presbyterian Priestess.