Israel could go after Hamas’ leader sitting safely in Qatar, but they choose not to do that. Instead, they bomb civilians and kill thousands of women and children and claim there are no other choices; we are being conditioned not only to accept this but to defend it. Be on guard lest you lose your humanity in this crazy society of ours. We not only have the right, but also the moral duty, to object to such conduct. If we do not, if we continue to normalize it, or even act like Israel has no other choices, we will pay an even higher price.

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As long as Israel is the victim and sees the need to defend itself, there will be no peace. Just a fact!

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Your thinking is messed up...

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No, yours is.

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Your stupid brain took a left turn into your disaster! That you can’t see it is telling. GTH.

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You can't refute my arguments or offer a better alternative that could increase the security of and reduce the risks to the Jewish people so you have to resort to ad hominems.

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Israel is only bombing the innocent. Hamas isn't above ground. They are in the tunnels and those above ground in the hospitals, churches, and schools are innocent children. Israel has murdered over 2000 innocent children. Israel created Hamas and it's not Hamas that Israel wants to kill. Bibi want the genocide to drive the innocents off their land. It's not about protection. It's about a bloodbath and profits. There is oil under Gaza and thats why Bibi has murdered so many children. There are so many bodies of babies and children in Palesatine being pulled out of the rubble that its heart breaking. Jewish Voice for Peace is standing with Gaza and so is L.A. Jews for Peace as well as the Orthodox Jewish community. It''s not the Jews against the Arabs. It's about a bunch of murdering gangsters against a society that is over 50% children.

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So, the proudly streamed massacre of October 7 should go unanswered? They can just swoop in at any time and kill innocent civilians them run back and hide in their tunnels like roaches knowing full well there are civilians above ground? This doesn’t sound like a liberating army. I think your designation of gangsters is misplaced.

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The Israeli Government orchestrrated that. That was the most secure crossing in the world and the only way that it happened was with the consent and planning of Israel's Government. People in Israel are furious at their goverment and the victims of the massacre blame their own government. Israel did it as an excuse to commit genocide and grab the natural gas they couldn't get without exterminating the Palestinians. Former IDF soliders say it could not have happened without the consent of the Israeli Government.

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You are correct!!

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Why do we always bomb the women and children as punishment?

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Because they represent the hope of the future

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How many Palestinian refugees has Jordan accepted?

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30% of the current population in Jordan are Palestinians that emigrated shortly after the start of the Nakba. During the US led war on Iraq vast numbers of Iraqi refugees moved to Jordan. So far Palestinians from Gaza cannot even get out of the country to live anywhere.

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I agree with you, Dr. P. Evil is evil and must be punished. I don’t think the Palestinian people are on board with the murderous ambitions of Hamas. They are the de-facto hostages of the Islamic movement. What’s the Israeli government to do? They are left with little choice. Defeating and dismantling Hamas is not only necessary, imho, it is a moral imperative. Anything less would guarantee the tragedy of October 7 to be repeated.

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Some IDF pilots with a conscience should drop a 1000 pounder on Netanyahu’s office in order give him a taste of what he has been dishing out on innocent people for all the years he’s been in office.

“The measure of justice you mete out to others will be meted out to you.”

I saw video yesterday of a man carry pieces of his children on plastic garbage bags, ergo, I hope Netanyahu is ripped to shreds and then gathered up the same way.

Netanyahu is an abominable beast. He is a one-man engine of anti-semitism just as anti-Zionist Jews warned that Zionism would become.


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I remember how my late mum would akways say : The world will end whenever there is peace in the middle east . I dont know where she got that from but she surely didnt make it up.

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Oh come on. The bombing didn’t bring the war down. It was going down and the US wanted to try out its new toys. And kill a whole lot of innocent people.

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This is what you espouse when your leader is msnbc.

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Liar. Don't insult our intelligence

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Many researchers indicate that Hamas is a creation of Israel and the intelligence community and that Netanyahu has financed the "political party". It makes no sense to allow probable agents of Israel to be the reason to commit war crimes against civilians. And we know already that Israel seeks the Gaza Strip in its plans to drive all Palestinians out of the original Palestine.

And from the Six Day War of Aggression launched by Israel, we also know that for decades Israel has held long-term plans for regional expansion (Israel had to give back the Sinai to Egypt but kept Jordan's Golan Heights at the end of the Six Day War in 1967) -- so to allow Israel to complete step one -- drive out Palestinians -- that would only mean that step two would go into action with Israel further expanding beyond the original Palestine borders.

To align with a country that commits war crimes against civilians at every opportunity -- even when children throw rocks -- is to align with war criminals. Not a good choice. It is an atrocious choice.

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Harvey, Zionism is the greatest enemy of the Jews because it makes the world think all Jews are immoral, murderous, racist psychopaths. But not all of them are.

Israel IS committing war crimes:


This text applies more today than when it was first written:

"...The charge that criticism of Israel is implicitly anti-Semitic -- is regarded in Israel and the United States as Israel's trump card. If it has been played more insistently and aggressively in recent years, that is because it is now the only card left. The habit of tarring any foreign criticism with the brush of anti-Semitism is deeply ingrained in Israeli political instincts: Ariel Sharon used it with characteristic excess but he was only the latest in a long line of Israeli leaders to exploit the claim. David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir did no different. But Jews outside of Israel pay a high price for this tactic. Not only does it inhibit their own criticisms of Israel for fear of appearing to associate with bad company, but it encourages others to look upon Jews everywhere as de facto collaborators in Israel's misbehavior. When Israel breaks international law in the occupied territories, when Israel publicly humiliates the subject populations whose land it has seized -- but then responds to its critics with loud cries of "anti-Semitism" -- it is in effect saying that these acts are not Israeli acts, they are Jewish acts: The occupation is not an Israeli occupation, it is a Jewish occupation, and if you don't like these things it is because you don't like Jews. In many parts of the world this is in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling assertion: Israel's reckless behavior and insistent identification of all criticism with anti-Semitism is now the leading source of anti-Jewish sentiment in Western Europe and much of Asia..."

--excerpted from the article

"The Country that Wouldn't Grow Up"

by Tony Judt

Ha'aretz, www.haaretz.com, 5/5/06

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Plus the way this term "anti-Semitism" was fashioned and used is purely propagandistic.

Semite is a descriptor of many peoples of the region including the people of Palestine and other Muslim people of the region!

The Israelis have highjacked the word Semite to apply only to themselves. It is illogical from all perspectives save those who need words for the purposes of PROPAGANDA, and those who need to change definitions for the purposes of deceit.

By hijacking the word Semite, the Israeli Zionists seem to desire to have the rest of the peoples of the region to be invisible and relegated only to a category of ENEMY which exists only in the war-minded aggressor and propagandist.

Take back the word Semite. It applies to a lot of people, not just the Israeli Zionists or Jews. If someone is anti-Semitic it should relate to a prejudice against all Semites not just descendants of the Holocaust.

Creating new meanings for words is a technique of obfuscation which makes communication and discussion and debate a big mess. Clean up the language, throw out the terms of Propagandists, and people will be able to communicate again.

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Fred! I know how to trigger you! Excellent!

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Fred, sounds like you really care about the Jews. You’re like a snake in the grass. Go watch CNN some more, you filthy bastard.

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If a killer brutally murders an innocent person, who can disagree that this person is morally bankrupt and must be punished? But what if this person was hired by a wealthy person, who paid this person well for their crime? Are they any less immoral, or less deserving of punishment? Who is the more evil one, the one committing the murder act, or the one who quietly hides in the shadows, trying to escape responsibility? I don't think there are any answers, but these are questions that are worth asking.

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The questions are worth asking.

No stand down order, no breaches of the fence. No breaches of the fence, no dead Israeli citizens. No dead Israeli citizens, no justification for yet another murderous rampage.

Ergo, Israel willfully sacrificed a thousand people so that they could FALSELY CLAIM their premeditated slaughter of Palestinians is done in self-defense.

If Hamas was created by Israel, consider the possibility Hamas was created to misrepresent Gazans, and to act in ways that give Israel the pretenses to destroy and plunder Gaza.

Is there evidence Israel has done such things? Yes, plenty. Books on Israeli terrorism: these books establish the pattern.

Rise & Kill First

Ronen Bergman

Israels Sacred Terrorism

Livia Rokach

Hidden History of Zionism

Ralph Schoenman

Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews

Naeim Giladi

State of Terror

Thom Suarez

The IDF's fence was more instrumented, monitored and patrolled than probably any other concentration camp anywhere, ever. FIFTEEN breeches, explosives, trucks driving through... On every other day, if a dog touched the fence snipers would be alerted and jeeps dispatched.

The IDF stood down for seven hours. Israeli's who served that duty, securing the concentration camp barrier, are objecting and concluding there must have been a stand down order:


Consider a previous example of remarkable timing.

Netanyahu threatens France because they were considering recognition of Palestinian statehood.


Then, look at the tsunami of terrorism that began in France immediately after his threat:


Ronen Bergman’s book Rise & Kill First documents Israeli covert control over nominally Arab or Lebanese Terrorist groups in Lebanon. Bergman claims these groups were committing so many terrorists acts that they were a large fraction of planetary terrorism.

And Ostrovsky, in By Way of Deception, claims Israel was running the terrorist group that hijacked the Achille Lauro and killed Leon Klinghoffer.

With this as background, and with knowledge of Israel’s creation of and support for Hamas, is there a chance Israel pulled the strings on this Hamas attack? After all, wasn’t Israel always doing these remote control, false-flag, terrorist operations for political gain, to discredit Israel’s victims, to turn those victims into (apparent but not real) aggressors and thereby give Israel pretense to commit more massacres and more ethnic cleansings and more unrestrained violence all the while pretending to be victims?

If you own and control enough media, you can easily deceive the western world and have them clamoring, as after 9/11, for brutal vengeance against countries actually innocent of the accusations. And if there is no hell, they will get cleanly away with it because brainwashed people think they are acting justly and righteously when they are actually murdering innocents while serving masterful liars.

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Agreed! The fact that Israel waited many hours (hours!) to respond to this incursion, when they normally have the border hermetically sealed and respond to the slightest anomaly because of total surveillance says that they must have known ahead of time. Not only this, but that they were in on the scheme.

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The IDF didn't show up for 6 and a half to eight hours after the "attack".

One person said it was enough time for Israelis to get out of their Hamas costumes and get back into IDF uniforms....

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Historically there have been American or Middle Eastern leaders who have helped resolve tensions, helped foster peace. Elections have consequences, we are looking at one of the saddest and worst of these now. But, it is no surprise. While America continues to give money away that it does not have, allow red lines crossed to be ignored, help terrorist countries grow their military power by giving them back “their money”, the list of intentional decisions made by the “forces behind the curtain is endless”! Wake up America, this has been intentionally planned for years. That is why the next election is crucial for those that want to change America and actually the world forever, it’s now or never and they appear to be winning. I am not sure it is possible to overcome this. They have been very strategic, touching every measure of the American fabric, none of it has been an accident - not the riots that were overlooked, not the pandemic, not the shutting down of schools and church’s, not the Russian collusion, not the arms for money, not the “wait till after the election is over”, not the Ukraine war, not the shipping crisis, not the gain of function research, not the end to fossil fuel, not the climate crisis, not the transgender debate, not the train collisions, not the Canadian boarder trucking crisis, not the January 6th fiasco, not the incentivizing hospitals to be rewarded for COVId deaths, allowing people to die alone in hospitals without those that loved them around them, not the change in laws that penalize schools for reprimanding students who misbehave or mistreat teachers or other students in the classroom - causing chaos - causing teachers to quit in record numbers, not the selective manipulation of college admissions to deny those that deserve an opportunity to attend school denial because they are not the correct race, not the white supremacy doctrine being systematically created in educational, artistic, governmental and business administrations, not the intrusion of purposeful changes in the choices made when picking “the best” in art or entertainment, not the unacceptable changes placed in public television to make explicit sex scenes that previously would have been considered pornography common everyday visual choices accessible to anyone, not the overlooking of certain political officials “making bad decisions” but not being held accountable while others are endlessly pursued for their decisions that seemingly cannot be overlooked, not the ESG doctrine being quietly infused into major corporations and honestly the list can go on and on. The point is, all of this is intentional, and Americans continue to sit around watching people discuss and debate these and other created dilemmas while the real consequences are continuing to erode and ruin the fabric! Wake up America, I pray we stop acting as though none of this is connected. This could be our last chance to upright the ship. I don’t have the answers but I do know I refuse to act as though none of it is intentional, I refuse to act as though I am unaware that the current President is not calling the shots. I will not sit around and watch those that never ask the important questions but feel they can inform others about what is happening speak to me, just turn it off, dont listen, kill the source - no money to be made if no one is watching. I pray we make it through this but unlike Israel, Americans currently have the luxury of watching from afar, our young people are not required to place their lives on the line, they are only asked to volunteer if they are so inclined. In that regard, I don’t feel I even have the right to speak. I pray also for Israel and all those in harm’s way! The force needed to correct all of these assaults on mankind is large, I pray a much needed correction is made soon!

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