Anything to cover up centuries of criminal coups

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I like Tucker...some of his topics and views I cant get there but he means well, a patriot but not happy with this show...I guess I struggle trying to keep balanced...

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Right on!!!

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Isn't Berenson pro-UkroNazi? F*ck him!

I'd not heard of Darryl Cooper before but I'm glad I have now if there's a cancel culture movement to silence him.

So Cooper claims Winston Churchill was a villain for rejecting Nazi Germany's peace overtures?

He's not allowed to say that?

What would have happened if Churchill had not declared war on Germany?

The answer is that a lot of people who died would still be alive.

A lot!

Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilian fatalities) are estimated at 50–56 million, with an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine.

24 million of those deaths were Russians.

The lives of 50-56 million people who died largely because of Churchill mattered.

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this is always a hot topic. delicate to say the least. I agree with what you said re Churchill. the battle at Stalingrad and Leningrad, the former remains the most brutal and costliest battle in military warfare. it is such a horror at lives lost in war.

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It's my understanding that among the 50-56 million people who died in WW2 were some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, or around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population, who were systematically killed between 1941 and 1945, as Hitler had warned beforehand would happen if world war broke out. Churchill knew when he declared war what Hitler had warned would happen but Churchill went ahead anyway and let it happen.

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Read some / watch David Irving

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Jordan Schachtel banned me for posting something he disagreed with, as a fellow Jew. He cannot tolerate any opinions different from his own. I have lost all respect for him.

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hhhmmm, I did not know this, thanks for sharing. you can post here all the time...I am for all sides and freedom, free debate as long as we dont threaten each other...

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Thanks Dr. Paul. I am glad you feel that way. I feel that way too. I am a health researcher and you can never be sure of anything so you have to welcome points of view that are different from your own, even if “welcome” is not the right word. You must be open minded because you could some day believe what today you disbelieve.

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Watch hellstorm

Watch Europa the last battle

Hansen is utterly full of shit.

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As long as the USA has guns and ownership protected by the constitution you people will remain free.

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Here we have a peckerhead with sh*t for brains and a hatred for conservative real men and women. I am hoping the little twat steps off a curb and gets hit by a runaway Mack truck. I would dance in the streets if that happened.

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