Trump must remind the public that 100 people on the terror watch list, terrorists, were stopped at the border and then released into USA...ask yourself why and how...what was the value added of this? how does this benefit Americans?

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Under the Biden-Harris Administration, the Department of Homeland Security has released at least 99 people on the terrorist watchlist who entered the country illegally into American communities.

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I think its important too we always remember, 45 is now 78 to 79, and it is remarkable at his age the stamina and strength he has...I give him huge credit...its as if he is a 50 year old at times...and at times I feel compassion for him as a human being too for the last 10 years it has been through hell with the media etc. who can withstand the venom he has?...my God, look what they did with the trial...a fake fraud trial out of malice...look at the assassination attempt...he is indeed a remarkable human being...his health is blessed....I pray that he is continued the good blessings of health and gets all the graces and support he needs to help us in the battle ahead...

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In all of this, I support Trump fully...they stole his election, gave him a fraud pandemic to topple him, they tried the Russia gate, they impeached him twice, tried to sue him, charge him with 34 fraud indictments and even kill him yet he is still going strong...the insider leftist RINO DC swamp deepstate democrats and republicans heads are exploding trying to figure out what next can they do for nothing they do dislodges him...he he he

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Not a huge fan of Luntz but there is some sage in his words here: 'Republican pollster Frank Luntz suggested that Trump has 'the issues' on his side - but his 'persona' is contributing to the drop in polls.

'If it's about issues, Trump is much more likely to be successful. If it's about attributes, Harris is much more likely to be successful, because quite frankly, people like her more than they like him'

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Kamala Harris has no redeeming qualities. Certain women like her only because they believe she gives them "permission" to kill their inconvenient babies. As if it's Harris' "permission" and absolution to give.

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agree, we dont know her personally but her polices in Cali and as VPOTUS have caused deaths...thats how I make my view and opinions...she let in millions unvetted and she had to know it would cause crime...its as if they were deliberate

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Don't get all worked up about a Frank Luntz opinion on Trump's campaign, but I am surprised that Trump is STILL hiring people from the Bush camp. Maybe Trump deserves to lose, if he is this dumb. All that I want to hear is Trump take culpability for " his" Operation Warp Speed mRNA vaccine.

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agreed, why would he do this? Trump...I even saw rancid penis back in the fold, thats Preibus...someone who damaged him.

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I am not worked up...I am a math statistics scientists medical person...I take massive info to form conclusions...its one data point. not to be discounted...I think Luntxz is insane and a lunatic...does not mean I dont read his shit

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Trump can take culpability after the election. The OWS mRNA injection is his signature achievement. The US has a very low mean IQ compared to many countries and millions of Americans believe his claims that it saved 100s of millions of lives. To claim otherwise now would be disastrous. Americans love clot shots and any suggestion they may not get new boosters would motivate them to vote against Trump.

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I hear you and it is very disturbing that they believe that it worked for it did not and it killed. so in other words, our election and results to shape the next 100 years, even keep the SCOTUS, to stop illegals and this no more raped and killings of our women, depends on people continuing to lie about the mRNA shots, the Malone Bourla vaccine...right?

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is this not Jim Jones shit?

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they are happy to remain ignorant than to realize they are poisoning themselves but I am not cupping balls...so I speak it as I understand it...there is no situation anywhere where any lockdown worked or this Malone Bourla Bancel Pfizer et al. vaccine...NONE...I wont go along with that...I am being asked to stay silent and I cant...by the highest levels...sometimes I think

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a terrible crime has been perpetrated on the world and Americans...it was all a lie.

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so they dont want to believe it will cause harm or they made a mistake...so they go along and are you saying, they are prepared to be deceived, both sides? the democrats did more damage in roll out and deadly mandates

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Unfortunately true for many deluded Americans.

Trump should refrain from discussing the OWS mRNA injection in either a positive or negative way during his campaign. It can only hurt him.

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Trump press conference live now 4:40 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S.)

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Exactly Adam! Perfectly pointed and stated what Trump

“MUST DO” which is come clean about the world / America being attacked with a

“Weapon of Mass Destruction”!

I am so sick and tired of hearing Trump this Kamala that! Reality is, there’s a “Worldwide Coup” of sorts hellbent on collapsing America and the free world by the most “narcissistic evilest psychopaths” Obama’s on the top of the list! Along with Klaus Schwab, Yuval Hariri, the WHO, NATO the UN, Harris and Walz, the list is seemingly endless Adam!

All our government agencies have been infiltrated with “Communist Loyalists” following the orders of the above list! This is insane! Yet Trump won’t say nothing about this

“Bioweapon Injection” which was forced on individuals or lose your damn job! AYFKM? Where’s Trump? That’s my number one question for him, what the hell is happening with you Mr One Time President Trump? What’s the problem Sir?

I am 100% convinced if Trump wins if we have an election or if he loses if we have an election, “We the People” lose! Either way we lose! So what’s the point?

Does anyone honestly believe Trump can fix what’s so badly broken? Really? Because if people think he’s going to, I have a nice piece of ocean front property for sale! The amount of damage already inflicted on America is staggering! We might know about a quarter of what’s been inflicted. It will take decades to undo the damage and that’s if these

“Communist Loyalists” have a change of heart and see the ills of their ideological self inflicted destruction! I highly doubt they will!

So don’t hold your breath Adam, Trump won’t come clean about OWS / these “killer shots”, not in my lifetime will he!

I appreciate your posting Adam, one thing is clear, America is teetering on the brink of collapse! Don’t be fooled by the ongoing, continuous gaslighting we’ve been wading through with neck high waders! It’s that deep!


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boom AJR exceptional post "So don’t hold your breath Adam, Trump won’t come clean about OWS / these “killer shots”, not in my lifetime will he!

I appreciate your posting Adam, one thing is clear, America is teetering on the brink of collapse! Don’t be fooled by the ongoing, continuous gaslighting we’ve been wading through with neck high waders! It’s that deep!"

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Once again Dr Alexander, I thank you Sir!

So many lives were taken, because of so many

“ROTTEN EVIL PEOPLE”! Forget the greed component for a second, we’re talking about human beings murdered!

Still, silence is deafening, for a common house fly makes more noise in the kitchen, buzzing around than the noise we should be hearing! Yes, Donald J. Trump wants our support correct?


Americans and people around the world deserve answers! Truthful answers! Not lip service, not cover up talking points, the damn TRUTH!

I guarantee you if a million people refused to vote for Trump, we’d be hearing loudly about the forced OWS “CLOT SHOTS”! Whatever you want to call them we were attacked with a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”!

Thank you again Dr! Please forgive me for being angered! Someone needs to tell the world the TRUTH! Why can’t Donald J Trump be that someone? Why?


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AJR, I agree we lose either way, stunning synopsis by you but I think you are on the money...

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Thank you Dr Alexander. I don’t want to be anywhere close to “on the money” as you’ve said. Unfortunately when I simply deduce all the variables, God Dr, what’s happening in the world is quite alarming!

Yes this is not about America specifically. The “Floating Marble” called earth is at stake!

“Evil will not prevail”! God wins every time!

Thank you very much Dr.


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You have to tell him to fire incompetency?

Yet another signal that Trump does not know how to surround himself with the right people.

Looks like a repeat of his first term. Learns nothing.

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he did not know the first term and made bad mistakes...lets hope not same now but signs are snakes and crooks are around him again...look, its the way, everyone looking for a job...its putrid

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no one really seeks the best interest of Americans

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You are SO out of touch with the reality of the past 8 years at least.

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The media is pretending that Harris is a strong candidate. She is horrible. The two choices now really are Trump and RFK Jr.

MSM is committing suicide with this Harris bullshit.

The focus now should be on fake news and not reacting to fake news as if it isn't fake.

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I agree with you 💯 about the MSM propaganda machine. To me, it’s clear

that that the Dems intend lie, to cheat like hell, and pull her over the Finish line.

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General Mike Flynn said on “Redacted”with Clayton Morris the following: 8/14/24

I’m not a bullshitter, I’m gonna be matter of fact and here’s what we’re facing, I’m all for Trump and I’m going to go out there like I’ve been doing around this country and explain,

Donald Trump Right Now is our Savior!

“If we don’t get him in office we’re gonna become a “communist” country here, damn near overnight”!

I’ve followed General Flynn for some time. IMO, he loves America. His 48 minute explanation last night speaks volumes about what has happened, what is happening and what will happen to America if, Trump isn’t successful.

IMO, whether Trump fires whoever whenever is irrelevant.

I am convinced what we saw in 2020 we will see happen again in 2024. I’ve never been any kind of conspiracy theorist, simply look at what’s happening, what’s happened to our Great Nation since Biden was “PLACED” in power!

As General Flynn explained, COVID was used to introduce new and illegal voting rights or lack there of. Corrupt the voting system further! And it was done specifically to not allow Trump a second term.

Look, Obama has never left Washington, in fact he’s the only ex president to buy a house in Washington and he lives there! Obama has infiltrated every government agency, federal and state, with highly questionable people, people’s whose mistakes or deliberate and whose goals are ideologically aligned with communism! These infiltrators despise America! Would love nothing more than to watch America burn to the ground!

Which is where America is headed! I don’t believe Trump will win if we have an election and if we do and if Trump wins, they’ll still burn America to the ground! They meaning those same people who’ve pushed America teeter tottering off the “proverbial cliff” of no return!

Recently Biden made it clear, how surprising, there won’t be a peaceful “transition of power” if Trump wins! Why? Why would Biden say anything other than a peaceful transition of power? Think about everything since covid lockdowns through today and ask yourself this question,

“Has those in power / control peacefully done anything they want to own”?

There’s little doubt what’s happening and what will happen either way. A perfect storm of sorts or an

“alignment of the stars” where all the stars are the most evil, most corrupt, most narcissistic psychopaths the world has ever known, all in lockstep!

I pray I’m wrong, I also pray bloodshed is minimal, there will be bloodshed! It’s impossible to avoid with such bad actors seeking complete destruction!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Great words AJR!

I need to find that video!

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Thanks TexBritta. I appreciate your feedback.


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Am I getting too old to watch the political scene after doing so for the past 60+yrs? Sometimes I think I am either going senile or watching a totally different movie than everyone else. This country is in a full fledged Constitutional crisis and every SOB and his family and friends had better get off their asses and vote for Trump regardless of who ends up on the ticket because we're going to need every vote for the challenges that a boatload of us intend to file. The left and the RINOS stole the 2020 election and they have made it clear that they are going to steal 24 as well. If they can't kill Trump and he wins in a landslide too big for the steal then they have said that they will not allow Trump to be seated as President and they'll go to civil war if necessary! That's council member Raskin declaring that the election is over. This deep state ruling council has run this country for 60yrs and they are not going to relinquish power now that they have it. They are in control of virtually every facet of government but we have one great advantage and that's our numbers. We have the numbers if traditional conservatives get out the vote and then we have to challenge everything so that these thieves and thugs are not able to certify another FRAUD. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, WE EITHER WIN THIS ELECTION OR PREPARE TO FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! If we don't have the stones for the fight then we best be ready to Join Bannon in jail. If they defeat Trump, you are next on the list.

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You have been suckered by the Kelley Ann Conway faction of donors who wanted a VP pick who would be pushing for a strong presence in Ukraine ($$$$$$).

Vance wants to exercise caution with that. The donors are pissed that this would cut them off of some very lucrative business dealings over there.

The news you think you are hearing about Trump being dissatisfied about Vance and those campaign managers is reported to be complete bullshit from certain people who know folks very high up in the campaign and who A. has been aware of this sabotage from the very start, B. has a lot more to disclose about it, and C. has just been giving it some time to see if it would solve itself as most physical conditions do with time.

But since it’s not, he decided to blow this thing up and will reveal more in the coming days if those assholes don’t get their shit together and knock it the fuck off. Oh, yeah, and by the way, he has been the principal source of all major whistleblower leaks in the Secret Service from the earliest moments following the attempt on Trump’s life.

I recognized this for being yet another in the series of similar stuff from 2016 (such as Jeb Bush bullshit) and 2020. It has all the same phenotypes.

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I want US out of the Ukraine lie...I want that crap ended, too many lost lives for neocons and neolibs pockets.

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Who has been the source of major whistleblower leaks in the Secret Service?

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Dan Bongino because of his contacts in the SS from his years in the agency both as instructor in the SS academy and on both GW Bush and Obama presidential protection details.

He also uncovered much of what was going on in Ukraine years ago.

It doesn’t hurt him to have worked criminal investigations in different capacities.

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Oh OK. Can you tell me why Kellyanne Conway has become a registered

lobbyist for Ukraine. Now, she doesn't work for the Trump campaign.

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I didn’t say she was a registered lobbyist for Ukraine. I said she had contact with Republic donors who had financial interest in Ukraine. And there are plenty of people who do not work ON Trump’s campaign who try to influence what’s going on behalf of others. Just go to Dan Bongino’s podcast today and listen for yourself.

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I'm not saying that you said it. I read it on: www.theconservativetreehouse.com

OK....Thanks...I'll check it out :-)

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And he ALWAYS brings the receipts.

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Check out today’s podcast. Folks connected with those people have tried to threaten Dan Bongino over this. The result? He’s unloading even more.

Kelly Ann Conway is a lobbyist ($50K/month up to November) for a guy named Victor Pinchuk (sp) who is involved with George Soros and who was a very large donor to the Clintons and is involved with both Ukraine and Iran.

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OK...I'll check it out....Thanks What drives someone like Kellyanne Conway to do these things. The almighty dollar?

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Let RFK debate.

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Nah. He's toast now that he's off the NYS ballot for fraud. He should finally get on the Trump bandwagon if he wants any credibility now.

RFK Jr acknowledges he approached the Harris campaign asking to be named to Harris' cabinet in exchange for his endorsement of her presidency. See link below:


When he was rejected, he said he'll make the same offer to the Trump campaign.

It's clear RFK Jr is only interested in his own power regardless of who he aligns himself with.

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That Fing sucks cause I was willing to at least fight for him being on the ticket…even tho I would not vote for him. I just don’t think it’s been fair for the guy because he definitely has a fan base on ss! Cackles only has what the MSM give us….LIES about her polls. I don’t know anyone supporting this witch except the establishment. I know thousands that support Kennedy which makes it totally unfair. We know why they want him off so they can steal his votes.

I thought he would have at least been an honest man and not be power hungry and resort to one for a job then the other😳 What a liar! What a fraud. He is no different than Birney who got paid off for taking it from him!

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Is there any avenue for you to talk to President Trump❓I agree with a lot of what you are pointing out. The media and big tech has been in lockstep with the progressives for a long time. Trump can’t afford ANY missteps‼️

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Why are you becoming so unhinged? Why wouldn't Trump get rid of Wiles and LaCivita, if they

were that bad? Why prolong the situation? Trump isn't going to take out JD Vance.

For some reason, you just don't like him. It seems like you are working with both sides.

You know way too much before it happens. I know JEB! is behind the scenes against

Trump. He will never get over the way Trump annihilated him on the debate stage.

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I do kinda agree with you but I miss a lot on SS. I really do not understand this confusion about Vance.

However, I’ve seen the attacks on Vance from liberals but not from conservatives.

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We can’t judge JD Vance by what MSM says‼️


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Dr. Alexander ~ I had to turn off listening to the speech in N.C. the other day after he would not shut up about the plandemic and instead harped on about providing ventilators to the hospitals, and such. I was hoping he would stop talking about the plandemic psyop/fuxxines/remdesivir, which I still believe was not only to cull a large number of people but to destroy his presidency and campaign, until after he gets elected and then announce that all of the supposed experts that he turned things over to regarding the plandemic and the hospitals who 'followed the protocols' are brought up on charges. Why won't he listen to you and others?!

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