My new bumper sticker says: "I'm voting for the Outlaw and the Hillbilly"

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

“I’m voting for the man willing to die for the country, not the party trying to kill the country.”

Trump/Vance 2024

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My biggest fear is that Trump won't break the evil. A lot of people need to go to jail, in fact some of them like Fauci and his band of evil misfits deserve the electric chair. This is a civil war, unlike anything we'd thought we ever see.

This 20 year old was "assisted" in some way. Some dipshit 20 year old living at home, working a low paying job, no future/no life outside of likely excessive masturbation didn't pull this off. Someone was playing him like a puppet.

This all stinks to high heaven is comical when you compare it to the murder of JFK, 9/11 and COVID hysteria-all con jobs.

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J6 Unselect Committee Benny Thompson's staffer posted "don't miss next time." The kid was likely masturbatory to fantasies of Adam Kinzinger and Paul Ryan. His father and sister were registered Republicans who probably voted for Nikki Haley in the primary. He was likely radicalized by the J6 Unselect Committee. Trump needs to round up Kinzerger, Cheney, Paul Ryan et al.

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They are not sure who to fill Biden with all of waiting in wings are losers...Whitmer loser; Newsom loser; Kamal ha ha ha ha

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Its going to be Hillary Lol

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The kid on the roof had a registered Republican father with 20 rifles and registered Republican sister and a Dem mother. A neighbor said that they had MAGA paraphernalia until suddenly they didn't. It is likely that the kid was radicalized by the LIzard Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Benny Thompson J6 unselect committee of Never Trump RINOs and Dems.

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I agree. Inside job!

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Wait A Minute

We’re All Supposed To Be Injected

And Synched To Biden’s Teleprompter

By Now.

They’re So Fucked.


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I appreciate your passion, BUT .......

The actions you would have DJT take (if he makes it back in) would involve powers that would be farrrrrr wider than the powers designated to him as POTUS. And for him to do so would be acting like the other side, trampling on all that we hold dear.

We do not want a KING, as you yourself said in an earlier write up you did. We left good ol' George behind a long time ago.

We have a monstrosity of a government (bureaucracy plus deep state) to contend with. I don't think there are any easy answers on this (maybe Chevron will assist here).

And all this as we are on the brink of so many bubbles waiting to pop that will bring on a financial collapse the likes of which has never been seen before.

Thanks for your work, Dr. Paul!

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Thanks for a lot of good info you put out. I'm sorry bud,but King Trump really? Man that's political idolatry,stop believing the fake left right paradimn,what a great deception, delusion and division in an age of mass deception. Trump and the Republicans have a militant abortionist and satanist speak at the RNC,so character or integrity,what a disappointment,Trump on national television at debate says it's ok to murder precious innocent defenseless human beings babies,promotes and hosts lgbt and Peter Tiel etc,totally against Conservative values of life and family,sad. Take the guns first and do the due process later he says as President and bans bump stocks,but he's for our God given 2 A rights right? He calls people non-essential who aren't billionaires,but he's for the people right?

He shuts down church in America along with Democrats and Republicans in government but they are for our 1A rights right? Doctors are sensored like crazy and Trump is banned from social media as President and He and Republicans do absolutely nothing to stop this madness. He tells his MAGA cult to follow Him to the Capitol,and they are thrown in Jail with no due process and unfair treatment and charges for many who were not violent and he does nothing for them as president and nothing for them with his billions and neither do Republicans in government,but he and the party care right?

These people had their lives ruined and many are still locked up,very sad. He pushed the Warped Trump Juice that has injured millions and killed millions as Fauci ran the country and is proud of the death shots the father of the vaccine,he surrrounds himself with awful picks,but hes for us right,he did nothing for Snowden and Assange as President,this guy is totally deceived and incompetent or controlled and compromised like most corupt politicians. The Answer and Hope is Found in Jesus Christ the Lamb of God the Lion of Judah the King 👑 of Kings Lord of Lords the Lord of Glory our Great God and Savior the Eternal 👑 not Trump or any other politicians, Jesus is Faithful and True not Government. Jesus is the only one who can change hearts and minds and give rest for your soul,do not be deceived folks. There is no hope in DC sespool only in the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 wings on the same bird,2 sides of the same coin,a tag team wrestling match, political theatre and circus,2 bozos Biden or Trump out of 330 million Americans the best we can do,how about a man of faith, character, integrity,one who Loves God,Life,Liberty Freedom,Family the Constitution,who does not compromise or cower. God Bless there's only one King the Alpha and Omega Lord of All His Name is Jesus Christ TITUS 2 13 John 3 16 John 5 24 John 14 6 John 8 24 John 20 28 Acts 5 29 Acts 10 36 Acts 16:30-31 Romans 5:1 Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:5 Revelation 17:14 19:16 Psalm 2 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 33 12 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17 5,put you trust in Jesus Christ he will never let you down or disappoint,not in man or politicians. Blessings,think it's not illegal yet.

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Me, Me, Me. Me. Me

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The picture reminds me of POTUS storming Iwo Jima Mt.. Suribachi!

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Or what? Reps won't do anything really except vote for Trump in the election.

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Need a vacuum the size of a c130

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I believe that photo will live on like Iwo Jima’s raising the flag! Long live our true PRESIDENT!

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That's given to vote for TRUMP

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A historian-journalist based in Montreal also has a good explanation for this:


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No doubt he'll step down from the race but we're likely still stuck with him until January 2025. Or is he going to hand over to Kamala now?

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