Rip Richard Lewis .. Parkinson and heart attack .. bring on Nuremberg 2

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Rip Daniel Freeman.. NIH hosp protocols vent. DC 1. Nuremberg was mostly farce. The seriously guilty were brought by the seriously guilty (CIA/US Govt) to the US to be installed to accomplish the Coup we are witnessing now.

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Nuremberg was a huge failure. They went after the leaders and didn't even provide justice while judging just the leaders. The lack of a death sentence for Speer, who was the greatest slave holder in modern history who worked millions of people to their deaths, proves this point.

Additionally, one of the basic proclamations which came from Nuremberg was the claim of Never Again. Despite this claim, in the years during and after the Nuremberg trials, the pogroms against Jews continued in Europe, most notably in Poland. Additionally, the Jews of Arabia were dispossessed of their homes where they had lived, not for generations, but for centuries. Neither in Europe in the aftermath of the Holocaust nor in Arabia were the Jews protected by the Judgements at Nuremberg.

But the most disturbing point about Nuremberg is that it enforced laws at a level above the authority of any state. It prosecuted the villain leadership of Nazi Germany using a legal structure which was greater than any nation. Such transnational legal systems diminish the authority of nation states. It imposes legal penalties on people even as the court has no relevance to the nations or people over whom it judged. The Nazi's should have been tried by local courts in every locality in which their crimes were committed, or they should have been taken out and summarily executed for the crimes to which they were a party.

The use of transnational tribunals provides power to an organization which is unconnected to the people over whom the are judging. Hence, it would be more responsible for these criminals who committed the Covid crimes against the people to be judged by the people for the specific crimes of which they are guilty, in the localities where these crimes were committed, or let them be summarily executed for the slaughter to which they were a party.

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Hear, hear ...

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Been waiting since Reiner promised it was coming in 2020.....still, can hold out for justice as long as it takes

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You may have noticed that Nuremberg one was a farce, a show trial, for the masses, to go back to sleep and let the victors do their thing, yes, yes, The Germans lost, that much is true enough, no worries the 'barbarians' were put in their place, and NEVER AGAIN became the mantra for a while, the rest is history and history is a true mystery. Even the Nuremberg Codex invention and alleged bleuprint for future doctors including FIRST DO NO HARM was a facade to put the masses back to sleep and go on handing over their most precious, their babies, to their white coat overlords and their 'expertise' potions of experimenting with nature, ah they studied so they must know what is good hey? Oh boy a Nuremberg two won't do as the first one didn't do fook all for humanity either, the wars went on and on and on, first more outwards and now the wars are going inwards, into the bodies of man, the next frontier some say, modern medicine is always at war with one cell or another, oh well where will they go after that they are truly sorcerers of adventure it seems albeit also always adventures of destruction from my viewpoint and it is just a point of view ofcourse, Grüß Gott.

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I tried posting this on effbook and "against community standards" --- f(ckerberg & friends are SO complicit

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I just got mine deleted by metals gestapo for saying all these ppl involved in the plandemic need to be tried and hanged.. it goes against the C standards because it can instill violence. Yet you have Maxine Waters and Pelosi calling for violence against conservatives and Alex Soros saying Trump needs to be assassinated. 2 tier justice system...fk Meta.

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Dr A you’re dreaming- Nuremberg was a sham. Most of the perpetrators were taken to the US and used in the pharma chemical and nuclear programs. That’s why we’re still not the situation we’re in today. Operation paperclip!

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True.. But I have faith Someone will start the domino like the royals are falling now

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Hanging…all fair and good. But a critical component to that MUST be the forfeiture and redistribution of the wealth and enrichment acquired at the cost and misery of millions of lives. And let it be the forfeiture of GENERATIONAL wealth (are you listening, Soros and Gates?) These miserable fucks need to pay with more than just their worthless lives!

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and the financial fraud that went along with it all. government. federal. state. county. city. a whole lot of people crowded around the covid slop trough. may as well have been fraud. and the federal government set it all up. hold em responsible. hold those who fraudulently stole tax dollars accountable.

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Yes, hanging is the appropriate punishment for everyone who mandated the toxic mRNA injections, but even more important is trying and hanging Pfauci and everyone else involved with the creation of the virus

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Once judged let’s start from the top (the very top)and work downwards to the puppets / politicians/ medical fake professionals and finish with the conspiring propagandists and media

And publicly hang them all high

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While I agree justice must be served, being on the edge of a WHO/un global tyranny, the last thing we need is a supranational elites court with life and death powers. Any such court will eventually turn to evil, just like the WHO. It’s Powers will eventually be used to go after the vaccine hesitant.

If you ever have such a court, a new Nuremberg that doesn’t include Trump is a shame.

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Shame on the judicial system and they haven’t done anything about changing it

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lol ... tried to post this link on my FB page. Of course it is banned.

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Do you really? Most republicans are all talk.

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Not really !!

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Where is the action? Kids are still dying from the vax. I have not met anyone who wants to wants to take action. Am i the only one?

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I second that demand. It’s time for military tribunals

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