i am not so sure that the US CIA had no involvement in this most recent terrorist attack in Russia where 60 people were killed- (The US tried to warn Russia about forthcoming attacks in Russia-

highly suspicious - as we have here a perfect storm brewing since the US ( Biden and that Cunt Nuland were responsible for the blowing up of the Nordstream pipeline costing Russia 15 billions,-

This is indicative as well of another possibility IMO there would be every reason for Ukraine to have

done this ( leaving CIA fingerprints ,so as to actively provoke Russia to take issue directly with the US

like accusing it of the attack thus driving the 2 parties closer to war, ( which Biden would love as that

would lead the “Empire” to declare martial law and thus set aside the election ( so Trump would be denied the presidency-_ I smell something cooking “as the Rock would say"

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This was a classic false flag operation. Done on 3/22 = 322 = Skull and Bones Day.

ISIS was created by CIA and Mossad. Do more research. Putin will find a way to get even, count on it.

You are correct. Only a matter of time before they strike here, too.

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Get your water supplies together there is critical infrastructure being threatened as we speak. 1 gallon per day per person just for drinking. You’re gonna need more than that! Get ready.

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Start policing what your military does overseas. Terror breeds terror.

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Those two liberal traitor shitbags deserve the DEATH PENALTY for Crimes Against Humanity and more. Deliver both to the International Criminal Court for processing.

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Al Qaeda/ISIS started off, and remains, a CIA project. If you are looking for which deep state operatives and neo-con traitors are involved, start with (((Victoria Nuland))).

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WARNING. Trump is a Jews - and made it official when he joined the Lubavitcher - and they intend to behead all Christians. Take it seriously.

Look into the information about Trump being Jewish at Trunews. It really is so - but I have always known this. It is so obvious!

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I truly believe that.

Please be ready to defend yourself & family

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deletedMar 24
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