I warn again, Obama & Biden have opened America raw, American people are now open to massive serious terror attacks with massive deaths; what happened in Russia WILL happen in USA shortly
Biden and Obama (for Obama runs Biden's administration) as they did with Tashfeen et al., (San Bernadino) have now forced you to arm up and prepare to slaughter the jihadist when he comes
Putin must now do unthinkable things to these animals…hunt them, massive…and we must applaud him and push him too…Trump will have to do unthinkable things to these 6th century medieval islamist animals when they kill Americans for they will…this is what Biden has done. This is what Obama has done, it is booked.
But now Americans will have to handle their business and help police. Americans must have no mercy on the islamic follower, the jihadist, the islamist who comes to rape and kill.
i am not so sure that the US CIA had no involvement in this most recent terrorist attack in Russia where 60 people were killed- (The US tried to warn Russia about forthcoming attacks in Russia-
highly suspicious - as we have here a perfect storm brewing since the US ( Biden and that Cunt Nuland were responsible for the blowing up of the Nordstream pipeline costing Russia 15 billions,-
This is indicative as well of another possibility IMO there would be every reason for Ukraine to have
done this ( leaving CIA fingerprints ,so as to actively provoke Russia to take issue directly with the US
like accusing it of the attack thus driving the 2 parties closer to war, ( which Biden would love as that
would lead the “Empire” to declare martial law and thus set aside the election ( so Trump would be denied the presidency-_ I smell something cooking “as the Rock would say"
This was a classic false flag operation. Done on 3/22 = 322 = Skull and Bones Day.
ISIS was created by CIA and Mossad. Do more research. Putin will find a way to get even, count on it.
You are correct. Only a matter of time before they strike here, too.