There's a reason the FDA is known as the Foolish Drug Addicts. Or the Federal Death Authority.

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Sorry Paul, "you have used all of your allotted "booms" for this month - and therefore must employ the necessary number of "doom n glooms" to bring your perspective back into balance with reality."

You're probably not old enough to remember good ol boy BOZ SCAGGS Paul - although you've surely heard his LOWDOWN masterpiece of reflection pon "THE REALLY REALLY DIRTY LOWDOWN" such as real life presents us.

The repetition of your formula " a lesser evil is always better than a greater evil" ad nauseum, such as you've taken to doing, rather than defend your position with logical argument, reinforces my claim that you are simply turning to 'faith-healing' hocus pocus rather than engaging with the really real dirty lowdown which Donnie 2.0 is gonna prove to be.

You're not dong your "followers" any favors by leading them down that garden path. Best plan is to get grounded, hip to how things really stand.... and then make a plan - whether it be a "last stand" or whatever. You keep telling me to "see your next post" - which turns out to be a repeat of every previous post you've made.

Time to take off the shades and get with the really real dirty lowdown what be creeping up upon ye's day by day. Daddy Drimpf's ass is owned by the puppetmasters who own BIG HARMA. Unless you get to the smelling salts, yours is gonna be too!

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I actually have hope in Trump, trust him...still...he is facing demons...yes lots dont make sense sometimes but here we educated and share...but I am not bailing on him. not now. I saw good things he did term 1.

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I really thought you had woken up, Dr. Paul. I guess I was wrong. Very disappointed in you.

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Do you have a rebuttal, or are you just trying to re-affirm your status as an inconsequential 'hanger on' - make your case, if you can, or cede it. Nonsense replies will be treated as such.

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Nonsense comments will be treated as such, lol.

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When in doubt DO NOT DO IT...or in this case DO NOT SAY IT. DOC is trying to hold the line to do what is right. While I am at it I would address the topic of judging. There is a neighbor here and I asked her what she would think if she saw me in town carrying a scantily clad woman, putting her into my van and taking off.

I expected she would say the woman was probably on a trip and I found her in the homeless section and was taking her away to do bad things with.

She fooled me and said she would think I was in a rush to take her to the hospital because if she was unconscious she would need help.

I told her what I thought she would say. She said she knew me better than to think I would be a pervert.


This morn I was with my two "little babies"as I call them. Took them to Starbucks and there were two lovely women there working. I gave them each a fiver and they were grateful but I did not stop there. I told them "you gals are lovely women" which made them smile and add profuse thank you's to the conversation. They were very open to me, a total stranger looking scruffy now growing a beard. But they were comfie with me. Why? Because I was with two young teens meaning I was not a homeless person or drug addict. But my grand daughters sealed the deal.

But they could have been wrong.

MISjudgements are common!!! The scruffiest man ever could be an undercover RCMP officer.

Why does not everyone STFU when they judge people? Most of the time they are wrong!

A woman working the streets may be a good woman!! She may well have become a prostitute to keep a roof over the head of her children!!!

So here we have a man who demonstrated he was good for the USA beforein his first go around.

This is like the damned pigs, an errant and prejudicial JP, a biased "persecutor, and a woke judge as an example who tried to tar a feather a man with no criminal record with the conspiratorial help of a delusional and criminal lying bureauCRAP who with the illegal help of the OPP pigs criminally harassed two innocent men for over two decades. Do not worry! The bastards will pay in the court of public opinion.

So who has the right to judge? Not some leftist loon witch or a QUID PRO QUO llying fake detective or detachment pig commanders of the OPP. (Ontario Piss Pots)

This happens all the time. It has happened with dozens of innocent men and namely Bruce Montague and Ian Brice all because the woke bastards in the damned CYSTem were hoplophobic bastards.

Yup. Sharon, Donna, Ruth, Tyler, etc and the devil will get his dues even if I have to help him.

This is how it has been recently and huge push back is here. I have heard men and women who hate turdo and some who say they would like to take a bat to his head. F*ck off pigs, you lying murdering, thieving liars and rapists, the Truth will all come out. Fine people these liars in blue. Raping intoxicated women, shooting dead elderly semi retired unarmed gunsmiths, and conspiring with head case bureaucrap bigots.

Fine example the OPP pigs send...the gears turn slowly but they turn. The best is yet to come.

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Fools, dolts and asses? lol

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sure are

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Frantic Drug Aadvarks.

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It IS time for djt to stand up (humble himself??

lol. Is that possible? ) and PROCLAIM to the world that he was WRONG.

And if it's true, that he was NOT a part of them and their scheme ........

that he was misled, failed to realize what they were wanting him to participate in.

All of it was evil, intentionally seeking to inflict harm, even death. And it did, continues to do so, and who knows when it will STOP damaging, harming, maiming, KILLING!!!!

If the dolts and idiots who perpetrated and/or participated in IT continue in the same vein, they have now crossed over to COVER-UP territory.

Keep up the pressure, Paul! Much respect. And by all means, keep safe. The numbers of real true EXPERTS who are pubically vocally speaking out is shamefully tiny.

May God bless and protect you throughout this (physical and spiritual) fight you have taken on! 🤗

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I am sure he is not part of them...his handling of this has been disastrous

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thank you...thank you for the support words and thank you for being here in the breach

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I remember when Yeadon came out and said that the vaccine was NO FOR KIDS! He stated just that!

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boom, Mike is a friend, a great man

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smart man

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This is just out from Dr. Makis. A leftist activist mother lost her baby because she did NOT listen to Dr. Makis. These people are deranged.

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very, in Canada its like insanity

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I remember reading some articles during Covid about some parents could not wait to have their babies immunized (?) with the killer vax, even with Yeadon coming out against any kids taking the shots! I often wondered what happened to those babies with those deranged parents?

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Dr. Alexander --- You know that I've never bought the story that "Trump was lied to", I've never concealed that from you. But just for the sake of argument, let's say that he fell for lies. Okay.

Let me ask: *WHY* did Trump believe the lies, but *YOU* did not? Why did Trump ONLY listen to the likes of Fauci, Birx, and Bourla, yet he totally dismissed people such as yourself and the many others that were yelling, "THIS IS A LIE ... THIS IS FAKE ... THIS IS A CRIME!!!"?

Is Trump totally stupid? I don't buy that for one minute.

Furthermore, why does Trump *CONTINUE* pushing those lies (the "miracle vaccines" ... etc ...)?

One more: why hasn't Trump expressed a single regret, not one mea culpa, not even a small one?

So you see, even **IF** we grant that Trump was "lied" to in 2020, there still remains 2020-2025 to answer for and there does not seem to be *ANY* reasonable explanation that exonerates Trump from being an active and willing participant in the largest crime the world has ever experienced.

But we'll see. Only 23 days remain after which I'm certain that the truth will be revealed very fast.

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I do not think he is stupid...I think he did fall for it...I think he wanted to be famous and get praised for stopping the COVID that was a fraud and that is how they sold it to him. they told him that, he would get a nobel etc.

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this is the key statement Jorge and 100% bang on and you are right, Trump is flat wrong.

"Furthermore, why does Trump *CONTINUE* pushing those lies (the "miracle vaccines" ... etc ...)?"

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agreed "One more: why hasn't Trump expressed a single regret, not one mea culpa, not even a small one"

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Right, that's the question that keeps itching inside my skull: WHY does Trump *CONTINUE* pushing the lies? (by now, *EVERYONE* knows that THEY ARE LIES).

Continuing to push LIES simply doesn't add up, UNLESS a nefarious goal is posited.

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Hmm ... if I were told that I might get a Nobel for doing something, I would ask myself, "Would I do it because I want a Nobel, or because it's the *right* thing to do?"

Regardless, "they sold it to him" because he LISTENED to them - his *critical* mind was turned OFF. Why didn't Trump listen to *YOU* and those that had a different view?

In any event, I'm sure we'll soon have answers to those and other questions.

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The whole question is now moot, and stupid, and a waste of time debating Paul.

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I agree with you 100%.

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Jorge, apparently you and some others still do not understand what Trump was up against, and how he was forced to handle this. The deep state globalist death squads had planned on America and the world being locked down for TEN YEARS or more, while the ignorant people believed their lies and waited for a "vaccine". Trump had to call their bluff or it would have spelled the END of America, and society as we know it, forever. That's what Fauci and the evil satanists WANTED, the end of civilized society.

That did NOT happen. Justice is often not swift, but it comes.

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IOW, you're one of the group that excuse Trump for nearly everything he did and did not do **regardless** of all counter-evidence and logical arguments. Okay ... I got it.

I shan't argue the matter here. I'll just say that in 22 days (if we make it), Trump will be back at the helm. I retain (a bit of) hope that Trump is the "real deal". However, I wouldn't bet on it - not in light of what's been happening since early November.

Observe closely what Trump does and fails to do after January 20. I am certain that in very short order the masks will be off and the truth shall be revealed.

Let me repeat, I HOPE for the best from T47. I'd have to be a lunatic to want to be right above wanting for T47 to be the "real deal". Why? Obviously, because I'm in the same soup as everyone. If Trump is actually WITH the Globalists (as I've theorized) then I too will be on the receiving end of what's coming - evil tyranny in many forms. So I VERY MUCH want for Trump to be one of the good guys and to have huge success. Clear enough?

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Dungeons and Dragons toxic overload syndrome.

Nobody cared enough to take the little guys gamebox away. Pity.

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So, what seems to be lost in all the buzz about the future, away from traditional vaccines to the mRNA kill shots courtesy the medical overlords of public health is this….

Going forward, what, if any, recourse is there for those of us already in healthcare when we simply refuse their new and improved annual mRNA flu jab, now required (exemptions were eliminated years ago) let alone any other inoculation. ??

To me, it’s another repeat of 2020…stand up alone, risking your livelihood as did the wife and I. Ostracized….OR, as most my co-workers did…simply comply.

I’m sick of waiting 4 years now for the hammer to drop on the bureaucrats (local, State, Federal) here responsible for millions of deaths because of draconian measures that were not warranted to begin with.

Honestly, there will be no punishment for the likes of Fauci, Birx, Baric….they’ll continue to collect their millions, laughing all the way to the bank. Meanwhile, healthcare workers across the board will be mandated to comply with new gene therapy “vaccination” requirements. All in the name of public safety of course.

It’s a hot button political issue that allows politicians to get elected or re-elected, but to the rest of us in healthcare? It’s comply or face financial ruin and possible death via an untested gene therapy and its effects on humans.

So, Dr Paul Alexander. I have no faith whatsoever in Trump 2.0 or RFK, Jr to stop all mRNA “experimental biological agents”. Let alone stopping mandatory flu shots (not even 20% efficacy) for healthcare workers, professionals these days.

Someone with deep pockets will bribe or make a political deal to thwart any chance at doing the right thing for the American public.

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Health care workers must stand up UNITED against their administrators and say, "NO! We will not comply with vaccine mandates to continue our work." Patients are longing for nurses and doctors to exercise their power as medical professionals to contradict the lies about "safe and effective." To tell the truth about mRNA gene therapy and all the horrific outcomes, including death.

You have been very outspoken on this substack, DS. I suggest you consider yourself a leader of your colleagues in organizing a protest, walk-out, or strike to call attention to this travesty. The press coverage would be an opportunity for getting the message to a wider audience. Those injured by the injections can tell their stories. I would expect public support. YOU can make an impact.

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such an informative post, well said

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Thank you!

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Your suggestion is good Kathleen but it would take guts and real ethics to do what you suggest Kathleen and if it was going to happen in this virtue signaller's case it would already have happened and anyone with guts and ethics who was not simply a pious virtue signaller would, instead of just whining, have already done it and would not need to be encouraged and in fact if you look at healthcare workers in other jurisdictions around the world outside the US such as in Canada and elsewhere, many in fact have done what you said and in doing so have put the best interests of their patients first and they deserve high praise.

There are many RNs and odoctors and other healthcare workers on these pages who are decent, deicated people but this dude you are replying to is not one of them.

Unfortunately, as we have seen from repeated scandals in VA over the years, there are, in addition to the good ones, too many healthcare workers who have no guts or ethics and think only of themselves.

Indeed, and sorry to bring up dark tetrad traits again but that is what the problem is here. Just as a military and law enforcement background is overrepresented among serial killers, so is a healthcare worker background.

Criminologists have studied this topic extensively and healthcare workers in the US are overrepresented among serial killers, which, Shipman in the UK notwithstanding, the US is a world leader in producing.

By the way, I have replied further to your comments on my remarks about the dark tetrad and Elon Musk and about Frank Tipler on physics and Christianity but you might not have seen my reply so I am just letting you know,

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ok ANW, great response and I am hoping you and DS can collaborate and get past this. I do like your wit. I like your smarts and I 'get' what you are saying. I think brilliant. This forum is for you, DS, for all. DS has valuable things to say and is welcomed. I think you both in different ways are outstanding, needed in leadership roles in USA.

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so we have to focus on who the enemy is. thank you for responding politely and I am thanking DS too...to keep it civil, we can have serious contention but polite. civil.

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Oh, thank you for letting me know, ANW! I'll be sure to read and respond after breakfast.

I am just getting back to checking in as usual on substack after a hectic day yesterday.

It's irritating that substack no longer notifies by e-mail of Replies (only of 'Likes'). I must have missed others and wonder if anyone missed mine as a result of this change in notification policy -- I have one particular message in mind that I'll resend later -- if I can find it : )

I must remember to check my "Activity" folder regularly.

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Ah, Doc. I’ll listen and read your posts and respect YOUR opinion(s). Your buddy Woke? Not a chance. He’s a fucking loon. He hates America, hates anything about our system of government and when he is actually pushed to challenge his ridiculous bullshit comments? He resorts to name calling and random bs arguments.

I won’t ever share this person’s viewpoints. He’s a fucking Communist sympathizer who loves Putin, pro Russia/China, loves the traitorous so-called reporter/journalist and propagandist Tucker Carlson and constantly spews anti American vitriol in every post of yours.

You keep praising him. I’ll keep dogging his ass for the propaganda he spews daily.

For all the disinformation you put up with Covid, I would have thought you’d recognize the same disinformation this guy blasts on every one of your posts. You’re blind or just choose to ignore and give him “high fives” for his idiocy. Which is it?

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You ever hear of "projection"? You're an obsessed stalker. GFY!

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Mmmm, 2020, I tried to share, encourage coworkers that we should stand together to refuse mandatory inoculations. They all complied. Except me. I’m outspoken about a lot of things near and dear. I am not afraid to stand against the status quo on issues I am convicted to act. But…I have learned the hard way that most folks just will not stand for anything, easier to let someone else fight the battle, or speak up against issues that they themselves potentially benefit from with no effort.

That’s why I’m such a dick to someone on this thread like Woke. Keyboard warriors with no skin in the game so to speak. Always the smartest person in the room and no action. BUT Dr Paul Alexander loves his “wit”.

What a fucking joke.

I have thick skin. I will still voice my opinions here, unpopular as they may be, but ultimately I will take care of me and mine. Fuck the rest.

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I've seen signs in the past little while of Mr Amok getting 'grounded' DS, perhaps in response to the clear signals coming outta Donnie's netherparts that his "second coming" is gonna be simply "finishing off" the job he started with OWS Phase One.

If Amok can make a tiny leap towards sanity - something Paulie apparently cannot - you'd best cut him some slack lad - and refocus your guns on "the main enemy."

Just a suggestion - I fully hear and sympathize with the story you've relayed about the grim realities of being a REAL rather than PRETEND oppositionalist.

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I've seen signs of you being full of shit, with your "incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim." The fallacy in what you say is that the peril is not equally great. Perhaps try to be less of a black and white thinker. I agree with probably 90% of what you say. Your writing is very good. You are nothing like this turkey "DS." And I know what Trump is. I have little doubt that he will bend over for the pharmaceutical industry. I don'tblike that he's going to keepmrolling out the shots, albeit probably "new and improved" ones. I know the peril is close to equally great, but anyone who is hated by the likes of Romney, Bolton, Vindman and Cheney et al has to have some redeeming features. Western civilization is under less threat from Putin, and Trump, than it is from those who push the values of child transgenderism etc, among whom are many supporters of Zelenskyy. When you purport that a greater evil is no worse than a lesser evil, you remind me a little of Malcolm Muggeridge, the British convert to Christianity who could not differentiate between the evil of an axe murderer and the "evil" of someone telling a lie to protect the murderer's victim. Two sins have been committed if you lie and he catches her and kills her anyway, said Muggeridge. It's in the nature of moral dilemmas that you're faced with a choice between unpalatable alternatives. The solution is not in being sucked into "the fallacy of the excluded middle" in your reasoning. There are shades of Gray. Think in percentages, not in absolutes. I have no respect for "DS. However, you are on the money with much of what you say. I have a grudging respect for you. I would recommend your substack.

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The feeling is mutual troll. I have no respect whatsoever for your bullshit opinion, lies.

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Hey stalker, I don't need or want your respect.

You are a lying POS who got caught out in a lie and I called you out on it. You can't handle the truth. You have to resort to lies and sophistry and then you accuse others of lying.

Your defence of pedos made me want to vomit.

You call yourself a healthcare worker. If by that you mean as in "United Healthcare" it's a shame you weren't the CEO. you could have made the world a better place.

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This fucker has no respect whatsoever for any…any foundations of our country, much less our government in any capacity. That’s why I believe he’s simply a Russian troll who has entrenched himself long before the election, maybe during Covid…on Doc’s Substack to “seed” propaganda (all the while befriending a few folks here, of course). Blend in so to speak.

Obvious he has a lot of fans here, including Paul Alexander.

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"I believe ..." said every deluded asshole ever. Check yourself for "narcissistic epistemology." You won't know what that means so look it up.

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While clearly you two need to "get a room," the interchange is valuable at least insofar as it reinforces the point that Paul is ultimately the only guy who can end the divisiveness here which "the main enemy" delights in seeing and maintaining.

I've completely given up on the rest of substack - which has become a home for myriad wayward whiners looking for 'followers' to join them in their 'safe spaces' - so as to circle jerk the final moment of 'freedom' away.

But Paulie has my (lol!) "grudging respect" too - for having stayed in the ring longer than might be reasonably expected. He's in grave danger of being targeted for elimination now - I can see that - and hope others can too. Best way to avoid that is to 'come together' as he is pleading... and in return, maybe Paul will at last 'get real' the to really real dirty lowdown occurring right now - livetime.

Memo to Paul - drop the hero worship - find your own 'inner hero' and give your fans a reason to stay the course!

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" ...ultimately I will take care of me and mine. Fuck the rest." Yes that's a big part of the problem. At best, you don't give a shit about patients. It's fuckers like you in VA who are fucking over vets. You fucking virtue signaller. Your post is all about you and how good you think you are.. There's no indication of any concern for the patients you are meant to serve. And you've previously tried to justify pedophilia. Imagine a female vet, victim of sexual misconduct in the military, traumatized, having to be attended by someone like you.

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Ahhh, the troll graces us with his presence! VA? Who said anything about the VA, clown shoes? 😂

You are such a fucking moron. Again, you know nothing about me except what I say here and my avatar. So, read this very slowly you fucking clown.


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Argument by mere assertion you Clown. Your patient clearly comes last. Your own words are evidence.

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I didn't say you were in VA. I said "it's fuckers like you in VA." Take a reading comprehension class.

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Hey Troll, curious, besides type on your keyboard, what the fuck have you done to change the direction of the country here (in your own little world)? You ever run for office, sit on a local school board? Run for city Government office? Ever run for state office?

Political activism?

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Are you talking to yourself, troll. You're in the wrong line of work. You're unsuited.

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thank you for this, much respect: 'To me, it’s another repeat of 2020…stand up alone, risking your livelihood as did the wife and I. Ostracized….OR, as most my co-workers did…simply comply.'

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we are working on this part...hopefully we will get a win...seems shaky at present by the landscape "I’m sick of waiting 4 years now for the hammer to drop on the bureaucrats (local, State, Federal) here responsible for millions of deaths because of draconian measures that were not warranted to begin with."

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good sentence: "Honestly, there will be no punishment for the likes of Fauci, Birx, Baric….they’ll continue to collect their millions, laughing all the way to the bank. Meanwhile, healthcare workers across the board will be mandated to comply with new gene therapy “vaccination” requirements. All in the name of public safety of course."

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do not comply

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stand your ground

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help lead the resistance...informative, help educate...stand up with us

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The whole point of the plandemic was to shove the ineffective and unsafe mRNA gene therapy platform through the FDA in order to get most (soon to be all) of the lawsuit proof Childhood Vaccine Schedule shots on the mRNA platform. See also my post on this thread...

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thank you for this post.

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Sorry for the ways this affected you and your wife!

I would guess that it will continue to be as you state. And sadly, they are able to force this STUFF on health care workers , etc .... using the fact that you have contact with others as a justification.

My son is exiting the military and is pursuing a front line health-related career. I've pointed out to him what he will likely face going forward, but he's plowing thru anyway. :/

Those deep pockets are what keeps getting the American people in trouble and quickly destroying our nation.

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Elusive 1 tell your son to stand his ground when he gets in Healthcare. I am an RN I refuse to take flu and gene therapy shots. I tried to inform people during covid some listened but some didn't. Unfortunately my grown children and grandchildren took it but I tried.

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Thank you for being a decent principled RN. My mother was an RN. You are the salt of the earth.

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Thank you for this! I will tell him to do just that. 💟

Similarly as you, my other

offspring took it/them as did her partner and their child. I tried too, but I was not a medical "expert". :/

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Combat Medic Specialists and others who work in healthcare in the military have one of the most difficult and demanding jobs. Your son will be well equipped for the tough role ahead of him going forward and I am sure you would have raised him well.

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Yes, I have a daughter who is halfway through nursing school and I worry about what she faces courtesy these dictatorial medical overlords.

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You "worry" instead of having a simple rational concern? Has it occurred to you that maybe you are unstable? If I was going to "worry," or rather be concerned, I'd be concerned not only about what she faces but about how much you may be just like these dictatorial medical overlords. I'd certainly be very concerned about the poor kid having a parent like me, if "me" was you.

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Yes Dr you were 100% correct! Guess what? You’re still a million times smarter than these “useless idiots!

Yesterday I listened to:

Caren F. Behar, MD · Specialty: Internal Medicine · Treats: Adults · Languages: English, Spanish · Phone: 646-754-3300. Yesterday speak on the radio, what a

complete “Buffoon!”

Not to mention, a liar! Listening to her speaking on a radio program saying,

“The Covid Shots Were The Equalizer!”

I had to change the station. This woman is off her rocker out of her mind, “Bat Poop Insane” speaking the way she spoke!

She mentioned how

“she’s the expert!” and the useless eaters well, we’re simpletons and should only listen to her and the experts!

BS! This woman is part of the problem! She’s is still pushing these shots and I’m curious how many patients she’s killed?

Thank you Dr Alexander. You’re a “Godsend!” From one “simpleton to a true doctor” you are a “Tremendous Advocate” for human life, for the truth and spot on your convictions!

Thank you Thank you.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


PS: I listed her name and number a second time below in case anyone dares / cares to call her. Good luck.

Caren F. Behar, MD · Specialty: Internal Medicine · Treats: Adults · Languages: English, Spanish · Phone: 646-754-3300.

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No expert a devil!

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You got that right Ann. I was completely infuriated by what she was saying on air!

It’s quite concerning when a Doctor, calling herself an expert, can live with herself.

Maybe I have too much faith in mankind or such people like this Doctor, should even have a degree, it’s very disturbing.

Thank you Ann.


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It is very disturbing!!

I listen to several radio stations broadcasting out of Chicago.

One of them has a quack from a huge hospital system there as a guest, for updates, Q & A, etc ....all "covid," jab related and the tall tales and whoppers that come out of his mouth are mind- boggling and disgusting!!!

Where do they breed these creatures??

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I’m not sure if these people are actually bread, or if they crawled out from under a rock.

Whatever the case Elusive 1, there’s more of us than there is of them.

When will we call out the constant lying? They’re certainly not going away anytime soon, that’s for certain.

Thank you Elusive 1.


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Youre welcome AJR!

And , LOL. Probably some of both!

Radio stations have a loyal following and this particular one has one that is hypnotized. One can tell by the concerns or questions they call in with.

I called in to the station I referred to a few years back (2021?), was asked my question, put on hold till it was "my turn" and they never came bk for me to put me on air.. Then the dr/quack's segment was over.

They didn't want to air my question. It didn't support their narrative. In a way of looking at it, I was censored.

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CNN remains the enemy of the truth and the American people.

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"HHS spokesperson told CNN in a statement that Alexander’s emails 'absolutely did not shape department strategy'.”

they always go after you when you're over the target

nice to see you left a paper trail Paul

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According to 2022 NCES statidtics there were about 32.5 million kids enrolled K through 8th grade...


Up until 8th grade each kid should, according to current CDC guidelines, should get a total of about 47 shots (assuming age in 8th grade is 13-14yrs)



47 shots...

sooo... with back of napkin math 32.5million x 47 = 1,527,500,000

1.527 billion shots over 9 years... all the ROI is 100% immune from any litigation.

Here is the price list for the shots if someone is interested in doing the ROI math...


Now you see what the issue is with respect to vaccines. Its not about the science. Rather its about protecting the 1.527 billion shots x price per shot litigation proof ROI.

If the science is solid then the legal immunity is not required.

Any questions?

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Thanks, I don't trust Malone, but there was good content in his post from Toby Rogers and the debate between Jack Kruse and Calley Means.

Toby pointed out that 47 is behind the wall of silence on the death jab and mRNA death jabs.

That is keeping Bobby and others silenced.

So many twists and turns, we must not forget that the puppet masters will not put their own necks in the hangman's noose, that is up to us.

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we will see how he handles to new plandemic they are pushing right freaking now. bird flu is now on every fkn news channel in some sort.

there is no more regular flu. no more seasonal cold allergys ect.

the party wants another feardemic. its the only way they can keep their power

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Hey Paul.

If natural immunity isnt biologically superior to any vaccine then the Feds and fucktards at the WHO would not have changed the definition of vaccine "immunity" and natural immunity.

You 100% correct with your ascertions regarding natural immunity.

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The world does not need to consider their definition about immunity. One is a fact, others are words/speculation. Who is fooling whom? Besides, we as humans are here now because of natural immunity and may perish due to the vaccine cult, a fat money making dangerous product what has NOTHING to do with immunity. A product endorsed by politicians, business people, investors and those who get paid endorsing it 🤣

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Their risk from DYING from Covid-19 is extremely low, something like 0.0005%. Their risk of something or other happening from the viral mRNA is almost 100%.

What’s that ratio of risk? Something like 2,000,000 to 1.

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Wish I could smash the like button one hundred million times. We wait and see what Trump does after his inauguration…praying for a miracle.

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I'm not holding my breath.

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People need to stand up 'or else' and 'or else' is a world where experimental jabs are given to newborns...

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