What? Dr. Paul Alexander said infants, kids, teens were at such low COVID risk to NOT vaccinate, LEAVE them alone to live NORMAL lives? We CNN, Sanjay Gupta must destroy him! Can't have that, mRNA
shots should not have been brought, POTUS Trump unfortunately believed malfeasants at CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, Bourla, Fauci, Malone, Birx, Sahin etc. & he locked down & allowed the mRNA transfection shots
Dr. Paul Alexander: Former Trump appointee encouraged herd immunity strategy for Covid-19, internal emails reveal | CNN Politics
But I was 100% correct, as much as CNN and moronic idiotic inept fraud Gupta et al. came at me and slandered and smeared me daily, as much as that, I lived to tell, and for those whose parents listened to me and trusted and used their own gut instincts and thinking critically, today, their children did not take the deadly Malone et al. mRNA shot and today their immunities remain the envy of the world! The immune system of the COVID unvaccinated child is the envy and prize.
Listen to these egghead dolts, these CNN non-sensical media idiots smear me yet today who is laughing? We need to find how many who listened to them and got harmtd, died from the vaccines, and then charge these beasts with murder!
It is time POTUS Trump admits how devastatingly wrong he was on OWS and the deadly Malone et al. mRNA transfection vaccine and apologize, mea culpa, and tell Americans how he will dedicate the 2nd term to fixing the wrongs of COVID and get legal accountability and punish all who did wrong, and how he will work to making them whole again including reversing the H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, reversal of LIABILITY PROTECTION under PREP Act that Azar set up in February 2020 or so, and will implement a victim’s compensation fund for all those harmed by the OWS lockdowns and Malone et al. mRNA vaccine.
I was 100% correct then and now!
Nothing about COVID was true, it was a 100% fabricated lie on Trump, on us, from wet market, to lab leak, to gain of function, to lockdowns, to mRNA vaccines…all of it was a lie, and it is the response to it that killed most, the deadly medical system response of abuse, sedation, denial of treatment (e.g. antibiotics), Remdesivir, ventilator etc. Had we done nothing, NOTHING, most would have not died. We created a fear pandemic against NOTHING, there was NOTHING. Nothing to warrant this response. Including a mRNA vaccine to nothing!
We can find not one child, not one healthy US child across 5 years who got severely ill and died from COVID, not one!
There's a reason the FDA is known as the Foolish Drug Addicts. Or the Federal Death Authority.
It IS time for djt to stand up (humble himself??
lol. Is that possible? ) and PROCLAIM to the world that he was WRONG.
And if it's true, that he was NOT a part of them and their scheme ........
that he was misled, failed to realize what they were wanting him to participate in.
All of it was evil, intentionally seeking to inflict harm, even death. And it did, continues to do so, and who knows when it will STOP damaging, harming, maiming, KILLING!!!!
If the dolts and idiots who perpetrated and/or participated in IT continue in the same vein, they have now crossed over to COVER-UP territory.
Keep up the pressure, Paul! Much respect. And by all means, keep safe. The numbers of real true EXPERTS who are pubically vocally speaking out is shamefully tiny.
May God bless and protect you throughout this (physical and spiritual) fight you have taken on! 🤗